Enum Class InequalitySearch

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<InequalitySearch>, Constable

public enum InequalitySearch extends Enum<InequalitySearch>
This provides efficient, unique and unambiguous binary searching for inequality comparison criteria for ordered arrays of values that may include duplicate values. The inequality criteria include <, ≤, ==, ≥, >. All the inequality criteria use the same search algorithm. (Although == is not an inequality, it is included for convenience.)

In order to make the searching unique and unambiguous, we modified the traditional binary search algorithm to search for adjacent pairs of values {A, B} in the values array instead of just a single value, where a and b are the array indices of two adjacent values in the array. For all the search criteria, when the algorithm has narrowed the search down to a single value or adjacent pair of values, the resolve() method provides the final result of the search. If there is no valid value in the array that satisfies the search criterion, the algorithm will return -1 to the caller.

Given a sorted array of values arr[] and a search key value v, the algorithms for the searching criteria are given with each enum criterion.

Lee Rhodes
See Also:
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    Given a sorted array of increasing values arr[] and a key value V, this criterion instructs the binary search algorithm to find the adjacent pair of values {A,B} such that A ≤ V ≤ B.
    Given a sorted array of increasing values arr[] and a key value V, this criterion instructs the binary search algorithm to find the lowest adjacent pair of values {A,B} such that A < V ≤ B.
    Let low = index of the lowest value in the range.
    Let high = index of the highest value in the range.
    Given a sorted array of increasing values arr[] and a key value V, this criterion instructs the binary search algorithm to find the lowest adjacent pair of values {A,B} such that A ≤ V < B.
    Let low = index of the lowest value in the range.
    Let high = index of the highest value in the range.
    Given a sorted array of increasing values arr[] and a key value V, this criterion instructs the binary search algorithm to find the highest adjacent pair of values {A,B} such that A ≤ V < B.
    Let low = index of the lowest value in the range.
    Let high = index of the highest value in the range.
    Given a sorted array of increasing values arr[] and a key value v, this criterion instructs the binary search algorithm to find the highest adjacent pair of values {A,B} such that A < v ≤ B.
    Let low = index of the lowest value in the range.
    Let high = index of the highest value in the range.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    abstract String
    desc(double[] arr, int low, int high, double v, int idx)
    Optional call that describes the details of the results of the search.
    abstract String
    desc(float[] arr, int low, int high, float v, int idx)
    Optional call that describes the details of the results of the search.
    abstract String
    desc(long[] arr, int low, int high, double v, int idx)
    Optional call that describes the details of the results of the search.
    abstract String
    desc(long[] arr, int low, int high, long v, int idx)
    Optional call that describes the details of the results of the search.
    static int
    find(double[] arr, int low, int high, double v, InequalitySearch crit)
    Binary Search for the index of the double value in the given search range that satisfies the given InequalitySearch criterion.
    static int
    find(float[] arr, int low, int high, float v, InequalitySearch crit)
    Binary Search for the index of the float value in the given search range that satisfies the given InequalitySearch criterion.
    static int
    find(long[] arr, int low, int high, double v, InequalitySearch crit)
    Binary Search for the index of the double value in the given search range that satisfies the given InequalitySearch criterion.
    static int
    find(long[] arr, int low, int high, long v, InequalitySearch crit)
    Binary Search for the index of the long value in the given search range that satisfies the given InequalitySearch criterion.
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    compareTo, describeConstable, equals, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details

    • LT

      public static final InequalitySearch LT
      Given a sorted array of increasing values arr[] and a key value v, this criterion instructs the binary search algorithm to find the highest adjacent pair of values {A,B} such that A < v ≤ B.
      Let low = index of the lowest value in the range.
      Let high = index of the highest value in the range.

      If v > arr[high], return arr[high].
      If v ≤ arr[low], return -1.
      Else return index of A.

    • LE

      public static final InequalitySearch LE
      Given a sorted array of increasing values arr[] and a key value V, this criterion instructs the binary search algorithm to find the highest adjacent pair of values {A,B} such that A ≤ V < B.
      Let low = index of the lowest value in the range.
      Let high = index of the highest value in the range.

      If v ≥ arr[high], return arr[high].
      If v < arr[low], return -1.
      Else return index of A.

    • EQ

      public static final InequalitySearch EQ
      Given a sorted array of increasing values arr[] and a key value V, this criterion instructs the binary search algorithm to find the adjacent pair of values {A,B} such that A ≤ V ≤ B. The returned value from the binary search algorithm will be the index of A or B, if one of them is equal to V, or -1 if V is not equal to either one.
    • GE

      public static final InequalitySearch GE
      Given a sorted array of increasing values arr[] and a key value V, this criterion instructs the binary search algorithm to find the lowest adjacent pair of values {A,B} such that A < V ≤ B.
      Let low = index of the lowest value in the range.
      Let high = index of the highest value in the range.

      If v ≤ arr[low], return arr[low].
      If v > arr[high], return -1.
      Else return index of B.

    • GT

      public static final InequalitySearch GT
      Given a sorted array of increasing values arr[] and a key value V, this criterion instructs the binary search algorithm to find the lowest adjacent pair of values {A,B} such that A ≤ V < B.
      Let low = index of the lowest value in the range.
      Let high = index of the highest value in the range.

      If v < arr[low], return arr[low].
      If v ≥ arr[high], return -1.
      Else return index of B.

  • Method Details

    • values

      public static InequalitySearch[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static InequalitySearch valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • desc

      public abstract String desc(double[] arr, int low, int high, double v, int idx)
      Optional call that describes the details of the results of the search. Used primarily for debugging.
      arr - The underlying sorted array of values
      low - the low index of the range
      high - the high index of the range
      v - the value to search for
      idx - the resolved index from the search
      the descriptive string.
    • desc

      public abstract String desc(float[] arr, int low, int high, float v, int idx)
      Optional call that describes the details of the results of the search. Used primarily for debugging.
      arr - The underlying sorted array of values
      low - the low index of the range
      high - the high index of the range
      v - the value to search for
      idx - the resolved index from the search
      the descriptive string.
    • desc

      public abstract String desc(long[] arr, int low, int high, long v, int idx)
      Optional call that describes the details of the results of the search. Used primarily for debugging.
      arr - The underlying sorted array of values
      low - the low index of the range
      high - the high index of the range
      v - the value to search for
      idx - the resolved index from the search
      the descriptive string.
    • desc

      public abstract String desc(long[] arr, int low, int high, double v, int idx)
      Optional call that describes the details of the results of the search. Used primarily for debugging.
      arr - The underlying sorted array of values
      low - the low index of the range
      high - the high index of the range
      v - the value to search for
      idx - the resolved index from the search
      the descriptive string.
    • find

      public static int find(double[] arr, int low, int high, double v, InequalitySearch crit)
      Binary Search for the index of the double value in the given search range that satisfies the given InequalitySearch criterion. If -1 is returned there are no values in the search range that satisfy the criterion.
      arr - the given array of comparable values that must be sorted with increasing values. The array must not be null and the values of the array must not be NaN in the range [low, high].
      low - the lowest index of the lowest value in the search range, inclusive.
      high - the highest index of the highest value in the search range, inclusive.
      v - the value to search for. It must not be NaN.
      crit - one of the InequalitySearch criteria: LT, LE, EQ, GT, GE. It must not be null.
      the index of the value in the given search range that satisfies the InequalitySearch criterion
    • find

      public static int find(float[] arr, int low, int high, float v, InequalitySearch crit)
      Binary Search for the index of the float value in the given search range that satisfies the given InequalitySearch criterion. If -1 is returned there are no values in the search range that satisfy the criterion.
      arr - the given array that must be sorted. It must not be null and must not contain any NaN values in the range {low, high} inclusive.
      low - the lowest index of the lowest value in the search range, inclusive.
      high - the highest index of the highest value in the search range, inclusive.
      v - the value to search for. It must not be NaN.
      crit - one of LT, LE, EQ, GT, GE
      the index of the value in the given search range that satisfies the criterion
    • find

      public static int find(long[] arr, int low, int high, long v, InequalitySearch crit)
      Binary Search for the index of the long value in the given search range that satisfies the given InequalitySearch criterion. If -1 is returned there are no values in the search range that satisfy the criterion.
      arr - the given array that must be sorted.
      low - the lowest index of the lowest value in the search range, inclusive.
      high - the highest index of the highest value in the search range, inclusive.
      v - the value to search for.
      crit - one of LT, LE, EQ, GT, GE
      the index of the value in the given search range that satisfies the criterion
    • find

      public static int find(long[] arr, int low, int high, double v, InequalitySearch crit)
      Binary Search for the index of the double value in the given search range that satisfies the given InequalitySearch criterion. If -1 is returned there are no values in the search range that satisfy the criterion.
      arr - the given array that must be sorted.
      low - the lowest index of the lowest value in the search range, inclusive.
      high - the highest index of the highest value in the search range, inclusive.
      v - the value to search for.
      crit - one of LT, LE, EQ, GT, GE
      the index of the value in the given search range that satisfies the criterion