Core Library API

The distributedlog core library interacts with namespaces and logs directly. It is written in Java.

Namespace API

A DL namespace is a collection of log streams. Applications could create or delete logs under a DL namespace.

Namespace URI

An URI is used to locate the namespace. The Namespace URI is typically comprised of 3 components:

  • scheme: distributedlog-<backend>. The backend indicates what backend is used to store the log data.
  • domain name: the domain name that used to talk to the backend. In the example as below, the domain name part is zookeeper server, which is used to store log metadata in bookkeeper based backend implementation.
  • path: path points to the location that stores logs. In the example as below, it is a zookeeper path that points to the znode that stores all the logs metadata.

The available backend is only bookkeeper based backend. The default distributedlog scheme is aliased to distributedlog-bk.

Building a Namespace

Once you have the namespace uri, you could build the namespace instance. The namespace instance will be used for operating streams under it.

// DistributedLog Configuration
DistributedLogConfiguration conf = new DistributedLogConfiguration();
// Namespace URI
URI uri = ...; // create the namespace uri
// create a builder to build namespace instances
DistributedLogNamespaceBuilder builder = DistributedLogNamespaceBuilder.newBuilder();
DistributedLogNamespace namespace = builder
    .conf(conf)             // configuration that used by namespace
    .uri(uri)               // namespace uri
    .statsLogger(...)       // stats logger to log stats
    .featureProvider(...)   // feature provider on controlling features

Create a Log

Creating a log is pretty straight forward by calling distributedlognamespace#createlog(logname). it only creates the log under the namespace but doesn't return any handle for operating the log.

DistributedLogNamespace namespace = ...; // namespace
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
    // handling the exception on creating a log

Open a Log

A DistributedLogManager handle will be returned when opening a log by #openLog(logName). The handle could be used for writing data to or reading data from the log. If the log doesn't exist and createStreamIfNotExists is set to true in the configuration, the log will be created automatically when writing first record.

DistributedLogConfiguration conf = new DistributedLogConfiguration();
DistributedLogNamespace namespace = DistributedLogNamespace.newBuilder()
DistributedLogManager logManager = namespace.openLog("test-log");
// use the log manager to open writer to write data or open reader to read data

Sometimes, applications may open a log with different configuration settings. It could be done via a overloaded #openLog method, as below:

DistributedLogConfiguration conf = new DistributedLogConfiguration();
// set the retention period hours to 24 hours.
URI uri = ...;
DistributedLogNamespace namespace = DistributedLogNamespace.newBuilder()

// Per Log Configuration
DistributedLogConfigration logConf = new DistributedLogConfiguration();
// set the retention period hours to 12 hours for a single stream

// open the log with overrided settings
DistributedLogManager logManager = namespace.openLog("test-log",

Delete a Log

DistributedLogNamespace#deleteLog(logName) will deletes the log from the namespace. Deleting a log will attempt acquiring a lock before deletion. If a log is writing by an active writer, the lock would be already acquired by the writer. so the deleting will fail.

DistributedLogNamespace namespace = ...;
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
    // handle the exceptions

Log Existence

Applications could check whether a log exists in a namespace by calling DistributedLogNamespace#logExists(logName).

DistributedLogNamespace namespace = ...;
if (namespace.logExists("test-log")) {
    // actions when log exists
} else {
    // actions when log doesn't exist

Get List of Logs

Applications could list the logs under a namespace by calling DistributedLogNamespace#getLogs().

DistributedLogNamespace namespace = ...;
Iterator<String> logs = namespace.getLogs();
while (logs.hasNext()) {
    String logName =;
    // ... process the log

Writer API

There are two ways to write records into a log stream, one is using 'synchronous' LogWriter, while the other one is using asynchronous AsyncLogWriter.


The first thing to write data into a log stream is to construct the writer instance. Please note that the distributedlog core library enforce single-writer semantic by deploying a zookeeper locking mechanism. If there is only an active writer, the subsequent calls to #startLogSegmentNonPartitioned() will fail with OwnershipAcquireFailedException.

DistributedLogNamespace namespace = ....;
DistributedLogManager dlm = namespace.openLog("test-log");
LogWriter writer = dlm.startLogSegmentNonPartitioned();

Log records are constructed to represent the data written to a log stream. Each log record is associated with application defined transaction id. The transaction id has to be non-decreasing otherwise writing the record will be rejected with TransactionIdOutOfOrderException. Application is allowed to bypass the transaction id sanity checking by setting maxIdSanityCheck to false in configuration. System time and atomic numbers are good candicates used for transaction id.

long txid = 1L;
byte[] data = ...;
LogRecord record = new LogRecord(txid, data);

Application could either add a single record (via #write(LogRecord)) or a bunch of records (via #writeBulk(List<LogRecord>)) into the log stream.

// or
List<LogRecord> records = Lists.newArrayList();

The write calls return immediately after the records are added into the output buffer of writer. So the data isn't guaranteed to be durable until writer explicitly calls #setReadyToFlush() and #flushAndSync(). Those two calls will first transmit buffered data to backend, wait for transmit acknowledges and commit the written data to make them visible to readers.

// flush the records
// commit the records to make them visible to readers

The DL log streams are endless streams unless they are sealed. 'endless' means that writers keep writing records to the log streams, readers could keep tailing reading from the end of the streams and it never stops. Application could seal a log stream by calling #markEndOfStream().

// seal the log stream

The complete example of writing records is showed as below.

DistributedLogNamespace namespace = ....;
DistributedLogManager dlm = namespace.openLog("test-log");

LogWriter writer = dlm.startLogSegmentNonPartitioned();
for (long txid = 1L; txid <= 100L; txid++) {
    byte[] data = ...;
    LogRecord record = new LogRecord(txid, data);
// flush the records
// commit the records to make them visible to readers

// seal the log stream


Constructing an asynchronous AsyncLogWriter is as simple as synchronous LogWriter.

DistributedLogNamespace namespace = ....;
DistributedLogManager dlm = namespace.openLog("test-log");
AsyncLogWriter writer = dlm.startAsyncLogSegmentNonPartitioned();

All the writes to AsyncLogWriter are asynchronous. The futures representing write results are only satisfied when the data are persisted in the stream durably. A DLSN (distributedlog sequence number) will be returned for each write, which is used to represent the position (aka offset) of the record in the log stream. All the records adding in order are guaranteed to be persisted in order.

List<Future<DLSN>> addFutures = Lists.newArrayList();
for (long txid = 1L; txid <= 100L; txid++) {
    byte[] data = ...;
    LogRecord record = new LogRecord(txid, data);
List<DLSN> addResults = Await.result(Future.collect(addFutures));

The AsyncLogWriter also provides the method to truncate a stream to a given DLSN. This is super helpful for building replicated state machines, who need explicit controls on when the data could be deleted.

DLSN truncateDLSN = ...;
Future<DLSN> truncateFuture = writer.truncate(truncateDLSN);
// wait for truncation result

Reader API

Sequence Numbers

A log record is associated with sequence numbers. First of all, application can assign its own sequence number (called TransactionID) to the log record while writing it (see Construct Log Record). Secondly, a log record will be assigned with an unique system generated sequence number DLSN (distributedlog sequence number) when it is written to a log (see Async Write Records). Besides DLSN and TransactionID, a monotonically increasing 64-bits SequenceId is assigned to the record at read time, indicating its position within the log.

Transaction ID:Transaction ID is a positive 64-bits long number that is assigned by the application. Transaction ID is very helpful when application wants to organize the records and position the readers using their own sequencing method. A typical use case of Transaction ID is DistributedLog Write Proxy. The write proxy assigns non-decreasing timestamps to log records, which the timestamps could be used as physical time to implement TTL (Time To Live) feature in a strong consistent database.
DLSN:DLSN (DistributedLog Sequence Number) is the sequence number generated during written time. DLSN is comparable and could be used to figure out the order between records. A DLSN is comprised with 3 components. They are Log Segment Sequence Number, Entry Id and Slot Id. The DLSN is usually used for comparison, positioning and truncation.
Sequence ID:Sequence ID is introduced to address the drawback of DLSN, in favor of answering questions like how many records written between two DLSNs. Sequence ID is a 64-bits monotonic increasing number starting from zero. The sequence ids are computed during reading, and only accessible by readers. That means writers don't know the sequence ids of records at the point they wrote them.

The readers could be positioned to start reading from any positions in the log, by using DLSN or Transaction ID.


LogReader is a 'synchronous' sequential reader reading records from a log stream starting from a given position. The position could be DLSN (via #getInputStream(DLSN)) or Transaction ID (via #getInputStream(long)). After the reader is open, it could call either #readNext(boolean) or #readBulk(boolean, int) to read records out of the log stream sequentially. Closing the reader (via #close()) will release all the resources occupied by this reader instance.

Exceptions could be thrown during reading records due to various issues. Once the exception is thrown, the reader is set to an error state and it isn't usable anymore. It is the application's responsibility to handle the exceptions and re-create readers if necessary.

DistributedLogManager dlm = ...;
long nextTxId = ...;
LogReader reader = dlm.getInputStream(nextTxId);

while (true) { // keep reading & processing records
    LogRecord record;
    try {
        record = reader.readNext(false);
        nextTxId = record.getTransactionId();
        // process the record
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        // handle the exception
        reader = dlm.getInputStream(nextTxId + 1);

Reading records from an endless log stream in synchronous way isn't as trivial as in asynchronous way. Because it lacks of callback mechanism. Instead, LogReader introduces a flag nonBlocking on controlling the waiting behavior on synchronous reads. Blocking (nonBlocking = false) means the reads will wait for records before returning read calls, while NonBlocking (nonBlocking = true) means the reads will only check readahead cache and return whatever records available in readahead cache.

The waiting period varies in blocking mode. If the reader is catching up with writer (there are plenty of records in the log), the read call will wait until records are read and returned. If the reader is already caught up with writer (there are no more records in the log at read time), the read call will wait for a small period of time (defined in DistributedLogConfiguration#getReadAheadWaitTime()) and return whatever records available in readahead cache. In other words, if a reader sees no record on blocking reads, it means the reader is caught-up with the writer.

See examples below on how to read records using LogReader.

// Read individual records

LogReader reader = ...;
// keep reading records in blocking mode until no records available in the log
LogRecord record = reader.readNext(false);
while (null != record) {
    // process the record
    // read next record
    record = reader.readNext(false);

// reader is caught up with writer, doing non-blocking reads to tail the log
while (true) {
    record = reader.readNext(true);
    if (null == record) {
        // no record available yet. backoff ?
    } else {
        // process the new record
// Read records in batch

LogReader reader = ...;
int N = 10;

// keep reading N records in blocking mode until no records available in the log
List<LogRecord> records = reader.readBulk(false, N);
while (!records.isEmpty()) {
    // process the list of records
    if (records.size() < N) { // no more records available in the log
    // read next N records
    records = reader.readBulk(false, N);


// reader is caught up with writer, doing non-blocking reads to tail the log
while (true) {
    records = reader.readBulk(true, N);
    // process the new records


Similar as LogReader, applications could open an AsyncLogReader by positioning to different positions, either DLSN or Transaction ID.

DistributedLogManager dlm = ...;

Future<AsyncLogReader> openFuture;

// position the reader to transaction id `999`
openFuture = dlm.openAsyncLogReader(999L);

// or position the reader to DLSN
DLSN fromDLSN = ...;
openFuture = dlm.openAsyncLogReader(fromDLSN);

AsyncLogReader reader = Await.result(openFuture);

Reading records from an AsyncLogReader is asynchronously. The future returned by #readNext(), #readBulk(int) or #readBulk(int, long, TimeUnit) represents the result of the read operation. The future is only satisfied when there are records available. Application could chain the futures to do sequential reads.

Reading records one by one from an AsyncLogReader.

void readOneRecord(AsyncLogReader reader) {
    reader.readNext().addEventListener(new FutureEventListener<LogRecordWithDLSN>() {
        public void onSuccess(LogRecordWithDLSN record) {
            // process the record
            // read next
        public void onFailure(Throwable cause) {
            // handle errors and re-create reader
            reader = ...;
            // read next

AsyncLogReader reader = ...;

Reading records in batches from an AsyncLogReader.

void readBulk(AsyncLogReader reader, int N) {
    reader.readBulk(N).addEventListener(new FutureEventListener<List<LogRecordWithDLSN>>() {
        public void onSuccess(List<LogRecordWithDLSN> records) {
            // process the records
            // read next
            readBulk(reader, N);
        public void onFailure(Throwable cause) {
            // handle errors and re-create reader
            reader = ...;
            // read next
            readBulk(reader, N);

AsyncLogReader reader = ...;
readBulk(reader, N);