ABFS Driver for Namespace Disabled Accounts (FNS: Flat Namespace)


The ABFS driver is recommended to be used only with HNS Enabled ADLS Gen-2 accounts for big data analytics because of being more performant and scalable.

However, to enable users of legacy WASB Driver to migrate to ABFS driver without needing them to upgrade their general purpose V2 accounts (HNS-Disabled), Support for FNS accounts is being added to ABFS driver. Refer to WASB Deprication for more details.

Azure Service Endpoints Used by ABFS Driver

Azure Services offers two set of endpoints for interacting with storage accounts: 1. Azure Blob Storage referred as Blob Endpoint 2. Azure Data Lake Storage referred as DFS Endpoint

The ABFS Driver by default is designed to work with DFS Endpoint only which primarily supports HNS Enabled Accounts only.

To enable ABFS Driver to work with FNS Accounts, Support for Blob Endpoint is being added. This is because Azure services do not recommend using DFS Endpoint for FNS Accounts. ABFS Driver will only allow FNS Accounts to be accessed using Blob Endpoint. HNS Enabled accounts will still use DFS Endpoint which continues to be the recommended stack based on performance and feature capabilities.

Configuring ABFS Driver for FNS Accounts

Following configurations will be introduced to configure ABFS Driver for FNS Accounts: 1. Account Type: Must be set to false to indicate FNS Account xml <property> <name>fs.azure.account.hns.enabled</name> <value>false</value> </property>

  1. Account Url: It is the URL used to initialize the file system. It is either passed directly to file system or configured as default uri using “fs.DefaultFS” configuration. In both the cases the URL used must be the blob endpoint url of the account.
  2. Service Type for FNS Accounts: This will allow an override to choose service type specially in cases where any local DNS resolution is set for the account and driver is unable to detect the intended endpoint from above configured URL. If this is set to blob for HNS Enabled Accounts, FS init will fail with InvalidConfiguration error.

fs.azure.fns.account.service.type BLOB ```

  1. Service Type for Ingress Operations: This will allow an override to choose service type only for Ingress Related Operations like Create, Append, and Flush. All other operations will still use the configured service type.

fs.azure.ingress.service.type BLOB ```

  1. Auth type supported over FNS Blob: SharedKey, OAuth and fixed SAS.

fs.azure.account.auth.type SharedKey ``` - How to configure Shared Key auth: Shared Key - How to configure OAuth: OAuth - How to configure fixed SAS: Fixed SAS

OAuth is recommended auth type as it is more secure and flexible.

Rename delete configs

The following configs are related to rename and delete operations.

  • fs.azure.blob.copy.progress.wait.millis: Blob copy API is an async API, this configuration defines polling duration for checking copy status. The default value is 1 sec i.e. 1000 ms.

  • fs.azure.blob.copy.max.wait.millis: Maximum time to wait for a blob copy operation to complete. The default value is 5 minutes.

  • fs.azure.blob.atomic.rename.lease.refresh.duration: Blob rename lease refresh duration in milliseconds. This setting ensures that the lease on the blob is periodically refreshed during a rename operation to prevent other operations from interfering. The default value is 60 seconds.

  • fs.azure.blob.dir.list.producer.queue.max.size: Maximum number of blob entries enqueued in memory for rename or delete orchestration. The default value is 2 times the default value of list max results, which is 5000, making the current value 10000.

  • fs.azure.blob.dir.list.consumer.max.lag: It sets a limit on how much blob information can be waiting to be processed (consumer lag) during a blob listing operation. If the amount of unprocessed blob information exceeds this limit, the producer will pause until the consumer catches up and the lag becomes manageable. The default value is equal to the value of default value of list max results which is 5000 currently.

  • fs.azure.blob.dir.rename.max.thread: Maximum number of threads per blob rename orchestration. The default value is 5.

  • fs.azure.blob.dir.delete.max.thread: Maximum number of thread per blob-delete orchestration. The default value currently is 5.

Features currently not supported

  1. User Delegation SAS feature is currently not supported but we plan to bring support for it in the future. Jira to track this workitem : https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-19406.

  2. Context Provider Key (CPK) support is currently not available. It refers to the ability to use a customer-provided encryption key to encrypt and decrypt data in Azure Blob Storage. This feature allows users to manage their own encryption keys, providing an additional layer of security and control over their data.

Ask all about ABFS Driver

For any queries related to onboard to FNS Blob or anything related to ABFS Driver in general, kindly reach out to us at askabfs@microsoft.com.