
Metrics are statistical information exposed by Hadoop daemons, used for monitoring, performance tuning and debug. There are many metrics available by default and they are very useful for troubleshooting. This page shows the details of the available metrics.

Each section describes each context into which metrics are grouped.

The documentation of Metrics 2.0 framework is here.

jvm context


Each metrics record contains tags such as ProcessName, SessionID and Hostname as additional information along with metrics.

Name Description
MemNonHeapUsedM Current non-heap memory used in MB
MemNonHeapCommittedM Current non-heap memory committed in MB
MemNonHeapMaxM Max non-heap memory size in MB
MemHeapUsedM Current heap memory used in MB
MemHeapCommittedM Current heap memory committed in MB
MemHeapMaxM Max heap memory size in MB
MemMaxM Max memory size in MB
ThreadsNew Current number of NEW threads
ThreadsRunnable Current number of RUNNABLE threads
ThreadsBlocked Current number of BLOCKED threads
ThreadsWaiting Current number of WAITING threads
ThreadsTimedWaiting Current number of TIMED_WAITING threads
ThreadsTerminated Current number of TERMINATED threads
GcInfo Total GC count and GC time in msec, grouped by the kind of GC.  ex.) GcCountPS Scavenge=6, GCTimeMillisPS Scavenge=40, GCCountPS MarkSweep=0, GCTimeMillisPS MarkSweep=0
GcCount Total GC count
GcTimeMillis Total GC time in msec
LogFatal Total number of FATAL logs
LogError Total number of ERROR logs
LogWarn Total number of WARN logs
LogInfo Total number of INFO logs
GcNumWarnThresholdExceeded Number of times that the GC warn threshold is exceeded
GcNumInfoThresholdExceeded Number of times that the GC info threshold is exceeded
GcTotalExtraSleepTime Total GC extra sleep time in msec
GcTimePercentage The percentage (0..100) of time that the JVM spent in GC pauses within the observation window if dfs.namenode.gc.time.monitor.enable is set to true. Use dfs.namenode.gc.time.monitor.sleep.interval.ms to specify the sleep interval in msec. Use dfs.namenode.gc.time.monitor.observation.window.ms to specify the observation window in msec.

rpc context


Each metrics record contains tags such as Hostname and port (number to which server is bound) as additional information along with metrics. rpc.metrics.timeunit config can be used to configure timeunit for RPC metrics. The default timeunit used for RPC metrics is milliseconds (as per the below description).

Name Description
ReceivedBytes Total number of received bytes
SentBytes Total number of sent bytes
RpcQueueTimeNumOps Total number of RPC calls
RpcQueueTimeAvgTime Average queue time in milliseconds
RpcLockWaitTimeNumOps Total number of RPC calls (same as RpcQueueTimeNumOps)
RpcLockWaitTimeAvgTime Average time waiting for lock acquisition in milliseconds
RpcProcessingTimeNumOps Total number of RPC calls (same to RpcQueueTimeNumOps)
RpcProcessingAvgTime Average Processing time in milliseconds
DeferredRpcProcessingTimeNumOps Total number of Deferred RPC calls
DeferredRpcProcessingAvgTime Average Deferred Processing time in milliseconds
RpcResponseTimeNumOps Total number of RPC calls (same to RpcQueueTimeNumOps)
RpcResponseAvgTime Average Response time in milliseconds
RpcAuthenticationFailures Total number of authentication failures
RpcAuthenticationSuccesses Total number of authentication successes
RpcAuthorizationFailures Total number of authorization failures
RpcAuthorizationSuccesses Total number of authorization successes
RpcClientBackoff Total number of client backoff requests
RpcClientBackoffDisconnected Total number of client backoff requests that are disconnected. This is a subset of RpcClientBackoff
RpcSlowCalls Total number of slow RPC calls
RpcRequeueCalls Total number of requeue RPC calls
RpcCallsSuccesses Total number of RPC calls that are successfully processed
NumOpenConnections Current number of open connections
NumInProcessHandler Current number of handlers on working
CallQueueLength Current length of the call queue
numDroppedConnections Total number of dropped connections
rpcQueueTimenumsNumOps Shows total number of RPC calls (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcQueueTimenums50thPercentileLatency Shows the 50th percentile of RPC queue time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcQueueTimenums75thPercentileLatency Shows the 75th percentile of RPC queue time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcQueueTimenums90thPercentileLatency Shows the 90th percentile of RPC queue time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcQueueTimenums95thPercentileLatency Shows the 95th percentile of RPC queue time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcQueueTimenums99thPercentileLatency Shows the 99th percentile of RPC queue time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcProcessingTimenumsNumOps Shows total number of RPC calls (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcProcessingTimenums50thPercentileLatency Shows the 50th percentile of RPC processing time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcProcessingTimenums75thPercentileLatency Shows the 75th percentile of RPC processing time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcProcessingTimenums90thPercentileLatency Shows the 90th percentile of RPC processing time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcProcessingTimenums95thPercentileLatency Shows the 95th percentile of RPC processing time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcProcessingTimenums99thPercentileLatency Shows the 99th percentile of RPC processing time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcLockWaitTimenumsNumOps Shows total number of RPC calls (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcLockWaitTimenums50thPercentileLatency Shows the 50th percentile of RPC lock wait time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcLockWaitTimenums75thPercentileLatency Shows the 75th percentile of RPC lock wait time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcLockWaitTimenums90thPercentileLatency Shows the 90th percentile of RPC lock wait time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcLockWaitTimenums95thPercentileLatency Shows the 95th percentile of RPC lock wait time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcLockWaitTimenums99thPercentileLatency Shows the 99th percentile of RPC lock wait time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcResponseTimenumsNumOps Shows total number of RPC calls (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcResponseTimenums50thPercentileLatency Shows the 50th percentile of RPC response time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcResponseTimenums75thPercentileLatency Shows the 75th percentile of RPC response time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcResponseTimenums90thPercentileLatency Shows the 90th percentile of RPC response time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcResponseTimenums95thPercentileLatency Shows the 95th percentile of RPC response time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
rpcResponseTimenums99thPercentileLatency Shows the 99th percentile of RPC response time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
deferredRpcProcessingTimenumsNumOps Shows total number of Deferred RPC calls (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
deferredRpcProcessingTimenums50thPercentileLatency Shows the 50th percentile of Deferred RPC processing time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
deferredRpcProcessingTimenums75thPercentileLatency Shows the 75th percentile of Deferred RPC processing time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
deferredRpcProcessingTimenums90thPercentileLatency Shows the 90th percentile of Deferred RPC processing time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
deferredRpcProcessingTimenums95thPercentileLatency Shows the 95th percentile of Deferred RPC processing time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
deferredRpcProcessingTimenums99thPercentileLatency Shows the 99th percentile of Deferred RPC processing time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity) if rpc.metrics.quantile.enable is set to true. num is specified by rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
TotalRequests Total num of requests served by the RPC server.
TotalRequestsPerSeconds Total num of requests per second served by the RPC server.


RetryCache metrics is useful to monitor NameNode fail-over. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag.

Name Description
CacheHit Total number of RetryCache hit
CacheCleared Total number of RetryCache cleared
CacheUpdated Total number of RetryCache updated


FairCallQueue metrics will only exist if FairCallQueue is enabled. Each metric exists for each level of priority.

Name Description
FairCallQueueSize_pPriority Current number of calls in priority queue
FairCallQueueOverflowedCalls_pPriority Total number of overflowed calls in priority queue


DecayRpcSchedulerDetailed metrics only exist when DecayRpcScheduler is used (FairCallQueue enabled). It is an addition to FairCallQueue metrics. For each level of priority, rpcqueue and rpcprocessing detailed metrics are exposed.

Name Description
DecayRPCSchedulerPriority.Priority.RpcQueueTime RpcQueueTime metrics for each priority
DecayRPCSchedulerPriority.Priority.RpcProcessingTime RpcProcessingTime metrics for each priority

rpcdetailed context

Metrics of rpcdetailed context are exposed in unified manner by RPC layer. Two metrics are exposed for each RPC based on its name. Metrics named “(RPC method name)NumOps” indicates total number of method calls, and metrics named “(RPC method name)AvgTime” shows average processing time for method calls in milliseconds. Please note that the AvgTime metrics do not include time spent waiting to acquire locks on data structures (see RpcLockWaitTimeAvgTime). Metrics named “Overall(RPC method name)AvgTime” shows the average overall processing time for method calls in milliseconds. It is measured from request arrival to when the response is sent back to the client.


Each metrics record contains tags such as Hostname and port (number to which server is bound) as additional information along with metrics.

The Metrics about RPCs which is not called are not included in metrics record.

Name Description
methodnameNumOps Total number of the times the method is called
methodnameAvgTime Average turn around time of the method in milliseconds

dfs context


Each metrics record contains tags such as ProcessName, SessionId, and Hostname as additional information along with metrics.

Name Description
CreateFileOps Total number of files created
FilesCreated Total number of files and directories created by create or mkdir operations
FilesAppended Total number of files appended
GetBlockLocations Total number of getBlockLocations operations
FilesRenamed Total number of rename operations (NOT number of files/dirs renamed)
GetListingOps Total number of directory listing operations
DeleteFileOps Total number of delete operations
FilesDeleted Total number of files and directories deleted by delete or rename operations
FileInfoOps Total number of getFileInfo and getLinkFileInfo operations
AddBlockOps Total number of addBlock operations succeeded
GetAdditionalDatanodeOps Total number of getAdditionalDatanode operations
CreateSymlinkOps Total number of createSymlink operations
GetLinkTargetOps Total number of getLinkTarget operations
FilesInGetListingOps Total number of files and directories listed by directory listing operations
SuccessfulReReplications Total number of successful block re-replications
NumTimesReReplicationNotScheduled Total number of times that failed to schedule a block re-replication
TimeoutReReplications Total number of timed out block re-replications
AllowSnapshotOps Total number of allowSnapshot operations
DisallowSnapshotOps Total number of disallowSnapshot operations
CreateSnapshotOps Total number of createSnapshot operations
DeleteSnapshotOps Total number of deleteSnapshot operations
RenameSnapshotOps Total number of renameSnapshot operations
ListSnapshottableDirOps Total number of snapshottableDirectoryStatus operations
SnapshotDiffReportOps Total number of getSnapshotDiffReport operations
TransactionsNumOps Total number of Journal transactions
TransactionsAvgTime Average time of Journal transactions in milliseconds
SyncsNumOps Total number of Journal syncs
SyncsAvgTime Average time of Journal syncs in milliseconds
SyncsTimenums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of Journal sync time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
TransactionsBatchedInSync Total number of Journal transactions batched in sync
TransactionsBatchedInSyncnums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileCount The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of number of batched Journal transactions (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
StorageBlockReportNumOps Total number of processing block reports from individual storages in DataNode
StorageBlockReportAvgTime Average time of processing block reports in milliseconds
StorageBlockReportnums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of block report processing time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
CacheReportNumOps Total number of processing cache reports from DataNode
CacheReportAvgTime Average time of processing cache reports in milliseconds
CacheReportnums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of cached report processing time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
SafeModeTime The interval between FSNameSystem starts and the last time safemode leaves in milliseconds.  (sometimes not equal to the time in SafeMode, see HDFS-5156)
FsImageLoadTime Time loading FS Image at startup in milliseconds
GetEditNumOps Total number of edits downloads from SecondaryNameNode
GetEditAvgTime Average edits download time in milliseconds
GetImageNumOps Total number of fsimage downloads from SecondaryNameNode
GetImageAvgTime Average fsimage download time in milliseconds
PutImageNumOps Total number of fsimage uploads to SecondaryNameNode
PutImageAvgTime Average fsimage upload time in milliseconds
TotalFileOps Total number of file operations performed
NNStartedTimeInMillis NameNode start time in milliseconds
GenerateEDEKTimeNumOps Total number of generating EDEK
GenerateEDEKTimeAvgTime Average time of generating EDEK in milliseconds
GenerateEDEKTimenums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of time spent in generating EDEK in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
WarmUpEDEKTimeNumOps Total number of warming up EDEK
WarmUpEDEKTimeAvgTime Average time of warming up EDEK in milliseconds
WarmUpEDEKTimenums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of time spent in warming up EDEK in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
ResourceCheckTimenums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of NameNode resource check latency in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
EditLogTailTimeNumOps Total number of times the standby NameNode tailed the edit log
EditLogTailTimeAvgTime Average time (in milliseconds) spent by standby NameNode in tailing edit log
EditLogTailTimenums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of time spent in tailing edit logs by standby NameNode in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
EditLogFetchTimeNumOps Total number of times the standby NameNode fetched remote edit streams from journal nodes
EditLogFetchTimeAvgTime Average time (in milliseconds) spent by standby NameNode in fetching remote edit streams from journal nodes
EditLogFetchTimenums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of time spent in fetching edit streams from journal nodes by standby NameNode in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
NumEditLogLoadedNumOps Total number of times edits were loaded by standby NameNode
NumEditLogLoadedAvgCount Average number of edits loaded by standby NameNode in each edit log tailing
NumEditLogLoadednums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileCount The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of number of edits loaded by standby NameNode in each edit log tailing (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
EditLogTailIntervalNumOps Total number of intervals between edit log tailings by standby NameNode
EditLogTailIntervalAvgTime Average time of intervals between edit log tailings by standby NameNode in milliseconds
EditLogTailIntervalnums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of time between edit log tailings by standby NameNode in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
PendingEditsCount Current number of pending edits


Each metrics record contains tags such as HAState and Hostname as additional information along with metrics.

Name Description
MissingBlocks Current number of missing blocks
ExpiredHeartbeats Total number of expired heartbeats
TransactionsSinceLastCheckpoint Total number of transactions since last checkpoint
TransactionsSinceLastLogRoll Total number of transactions since last edit log roll
LastWrittenTransactionId Last transaction ID written to the edit log
LastCheckpointTime Time in milliseconds since epoch of last checkpoint
CapacityTotal Current raw capacity of DataNodes in bytes
CapacityTotalGB Current raw capacity of DataNodes in GB
CapacityUsed Current used capacity across all DataNodes in bytes
CapacityUsedGB Current used capacity across all DataNodes in GB
CapacityRemaining Current remaining capacity in bytes
CapacityRemainingGB Current remaining capacity in GB
CapacityUsedNonDFS Current space used by DataNodes for non DFS purposes in bytes
TotalLoad Current number of connections
SnapshottableDirectories Current number of snapshottable directories
Snapshots Current number of snapshots
NumEncryptionZones Current number of encryption zones
BlocksTotal Current number of allocated blocks in the system
FilesTotal Current number of files and directories
PendingReplicationBlocks Current number of blocks pending to be replicated
UnderReplicatedBlocks Current number of blocks under replicated
CorruptBlocks Current number of blocks with corrupt replicas.
ScheduledReplicationBlocks Current number of blocks scheduled for replications
PendingDeletionBlocks Current number of blocks pending deletion
ExcessBlocks Current number of excess blocks
PostponedMisreplicatedBlocks (HA-only) Current number of blocks postponed to replicate
PendingDataNodeMessageCount (HA-only) Current number of pending block-related messages for later processing in the standby NameNode
MillisSinceLastLoadedEdits (HA-only) Time in milliseconds since the last time standby NameNode load edit log. In active NameNode, set to 0
BlockCapacity Current number of block capacity
NumLiveDataNodes Number of datanodes which are currently live
NumDeadDataNodes Number of datanodes which are currently dead
NumDecomLiveDataNodes Number of datanodes which have been decommissioned and are now live
NumDecomDeadDataNodes Number of datanodes which have been decommissioned and are now dead
NumDecommissioningDataNodes Number of datanodes in decommissioning state
VolumeFailuresTotal Total number of volume failures across all Datanodes
EstimatedCapacityLostTotal An estimate of the total capacity lost due to volume failures
StaleDataNodes Current number of DataNodes marked stale due to delayed heartbeat
NumStaleStorages Number of storages marked as content stale (after NameNode restart/failover before first block report is received)
MissingReplOneBlocks Current number of missing blocks with replication factor 1
BadlyDistributedBlocks Current number of blocks that are badly distributed across racks.
HighestPriorityLowRedundancyReplicatedBlocks Current number of non-corrupt, low redundancy replicated blocks with the highest risk of loss (have 0 or 1 replica). Will be recovered with the highest priority.
HighestPriorityLowRedundancyECBlocks Current number of non-corrupt, low redundancy EC blocks with the highest risk of loss. Will be recovered with the highest priority.
NumFilesUnderConstruction Current number of files under construction
NumActiveClients Current number of active clients holding lease
HAState (HA-only) Current state of the NameNode: initializing or active or standby or stopping state
FSState Current state of the file system: Safemode or Operational
LockQueueLength Number of threads waiting to acquire FSNameSystem lock
ReadLockLongHoldCount The number of time the read lock has been held for longer than the threshold
WriteLockLongHoldCount The number of time the write lock has been held for longer than the threshold
TotalSyncCount Total number of sync operations performed by edit log
TotalSyncTimes Total number of milliseconds spent by various edit logs in sync operation
NameDirSize NameNode name directories size in bytes
NumTimedOutPendingReconstructions The number of timed out reconstructions. Not the number of unique blocks that timed out.
NumInMaintenanceLiveDataNodes Number of live Datanodes which are in maintenance state
NumInMaintenanceDeadDataNodes Number of dead Datanodes which are in maintenance state
NumEnteringMaintenanceDataNodes Number of Datanodes that are entering the maintenance state
FSN(Read/Write)LockOperationNameNanosNumOps Total number of acquiring lock by operations
FSN(Read/Write)LockOperationNameNanosAvgTime Average time of holding the lock by operations in nanoseconds
FSN(Read/Write)LockOverallNanosNumOps Total number of acquiring lock by all operations
FSN(Read/Write)LockOverallNanosAvgTime Average time of holding the lock by all operations in nanoseconds
PendingSPSPaths The number of paths to be processed by storage policy satisfier


The metrics present statistics from the BlockManager’s perspective.

Name Description
StorageTypeStats key represents different StorageTypes, and value represents the detailed storage information corresponding to each StorageType.


The server-side metrics for a journal from the JournalNode’s perspective. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag as additional information along with metrics.

Name Description
Syncs60sNumOps Number of sync operations (1 minute granularity)
Syncs60s50thPercentileLatencyMicros The 50th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 minute granularity)
Syncs60s75thPercentileLatencyMicros The 75th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 minute granularity)
Syncs60s90thPercentileLatencyMicros The 90th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 minute granularity)
Syncs60s95thPercentileLatencyMicros The 95th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 minute granularity)
Syncs60s99thPercentileLatencyMicros The 99th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 minute granularity)
Syncs300sNumOps Number of sync operations (5 minutes granularity)
Syncs300s50thPercentileLatencyMicros The 50th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (5 minutes granularity)
Syncs300s75thPercentileLatencyMicros The 75th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (5 minutes granularity)
Syncs300s90thPercentileLatencyMicros The 90th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (5 minutes granularity)
Syncs300s95thPercentileLatencyMicros The 95th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (5 minutes granularity)
Syncs300s99thPercentileLatencyMicros The 99th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (5 minutes granularity)
Syncs3600sNumOps Number of sync operations (1 hour granularity)
Syncs3600s50thPercentileLatencyMicros The 50th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 hour granularity)
Syncs3600s75thPercentileLatencyMicros The 75th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 hour granularity)
Syncs3600s90thPercentileLatencyMicros The 90th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 hour granularity)
Syncs3600s95thPercentileLatencyMicros The 95th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 hour granularity)
Syncs3600s99thPercentileLatencyMicros The 99th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 hour granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync60sNumOps Number of times transactions were batched in sync operation (1 minute granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync60s50thPercentileLatencyMicros The 50th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (1 minute granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync60s75thPercentileLatencyMicros The 75th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (1 minute granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync60s90thPercentileLatencyMicros The 90th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (1 minute granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync60s95thPercentileLatencyMicros The 95th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (1 minute granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync60s99thPercentileLatencyMicros The 99th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (1 minute granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync300sNumOps Number of times transactions were batched in sync operation (5 minutes granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync300s50thPercentileLatencyMicros The 50th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (5 minutes granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync300s75thPercentileLatencyMicros The 75th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (5 minutes granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync300s90thPercentileLatencyMicros The 90th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (5 minutes granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync300s95thPercentileLatencyMicros The 95th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (5 minutes granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync300s99thPercentileLatencyMicros The 99th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (5 minutes granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync3600sNumOps Number of times transactions were batched in sync operation (1 hour granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync3600s50thPercentileLatencyMicros The 50th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (1 hour granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync3600s75thPercentileLatencyMicros The 75th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (1 hour granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync3600s90thPercentileLatencyMicros The 90th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (1 hour granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync3600s95thPercentileLatencyMicros The 95th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (1 hour granularity)
NumTransactionsBatchedInSync3600s99thPercentileLatencyMicros The 99th percentile of transactions batched in sync count (1 hour granularity)
BatchesWritten Total number of batches written since startup
TxnsWritten Total number of transactions written since startup
BytesWritten Total number of bytes written since startup
BatchesWrittenWhileLagging Total number of batches written where this node was lagging
LastWriterEpoch Current writer’s epoch number
CurrentLagTxns The number of transactions that this JournalNode is lagging
LastWrittenTxId The highest transaction id stored on this JournalNode
LastPromisedEpoch The last epoch number which this node has promised not to accept any lower epoch, or 0 if no promises have been made
LastJournalTimestamp The timestamp of last successfully written transaction
TxnsServedViaRpc Number of transactions served via the RPC mechanism
BytesServedViaRpc Number of bytes served via the RPC mechanism
RpcRequestCacheMissAmountNumMisses Number of RPC requests which could not be served due to lack of data in the cache
RpcRequestCacheMissAmountAvgTxns The average number of transactions by which a request missed the cache; for example if transaction ID 10 is requested and the cache’s oldest transaction is ID 15, value 5 will be added to this average
RpcEmptyResponses Number of RPC requests with zero edits returned


Each metrics record contains tags such as SessionId and Hostname as additional information along with metrics.

Name Description
BytesWritten Total number of bytes written to DataNode
BytesRead Total number of bytes read from DataNode
ReadTransferRateNumOps Total number of data read transfers
ReadTransferRateAvgTime Average transfer rate of bytes read from DataNode, measured in bytes per second.
ReadTransferRatenums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileRate The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of the transfer rate of bytes read from DataNode, measured in bytes per second.
BlocksWritten Total number of blocks written to DataNode
BlocksRead Total number of blocks read from DataNode
BlocksReplicated Total number of blocks replicated
BlocksRemoved Total number of blocks removed
BlocksVerified Total number of blocks verified
BlockVerificationFailures Total number of verifications failures
BlocksCached Total number of blocks cached
BlocksUncached Total number of blocks uncached
ReadsFromLocalClient Total number of read operations from local client
ReadsFromRemoteClient Total number of read operations from remote client
WritesFromLocalClient Total number of write operations from local client
WritesFromRemoteClient Total number of write operations from remote client
BlocksGetLocalPathInfo Total number of operations to get local path names of blocks
RamDiskBlocksWrite Total number of blocks written to memory
RamDiskBlocksWriteFallback Total number of blocks written to memory but not satisfied (failed-over to disk)
RamDiskBytesWrite Total number of bytes written to memory
RamDiskBlocksReadHits Total number of times a block in memory was read
RamDiskBlocksEvicted Total number of blocks evicted in memory
RamDiskBlocksEvictedWithoutRead Total number of blocks evicted in memory without ever being read from memory
RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindowMsNumOps Number of blocks evicted in memory
RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindowMsAvgTime Average time of blocks in memory before being evicted in milliseconds
RamDiskBlocksEvictionWindowsnums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of latency between memory write and eviction in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
RamDiskBlocksLazyPersisted Total number of blocks written to disk by lazy writer
RamDiskBlocksDeletedBeforeLazyPersisted Total number of blocks deleted by application before being persisted to disk
RamDiskBytesLazyPersisted Total number of bytes written to disk by lazy writer
RamDiskBlocksLazyPersistWindowMsNumOps Number of blocks written to disk by lazy writer
RamDiskBlocksLazyPersistWindowMsAvgTime Average time of blocks written to disk by lazy writer in milliseconds
RamDiskBlocksLazyPersistWindowsnums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of latency between memory write and disk persist in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
FsyncCount Total number of fsync
VolumeFailures Total number of volume failures occurred
DatanodeNetworkErrors Count of network errors on the datanode
DataNodeActiveXceiversCount Count of active dataNode xceivers
DataNodeReadActiveXceiversCount Count of read active dataNode xceivers
DataNodeWriteActiveXceiversCount Count of write active dataNode xceivers
DataNodePacketResponderCount Count of active DataNode packetResponder
DataNodeBlockRecoveryWorkerCount Count of active DataNode block recovery worker
ReadBlockOpNumOps Total number of read operations
ReadBlockOpAvgTime Average time of read operations in milliseconds
WriteBlockOpNumOps Total number of write operations
WriteBlockOpAvgTime Average time of write operations in milliseconds
BlockChecksumOpNumOps Total number of blockChecksum operations
BlockChecksumOpAvgTime Average time of blockChecksum operations in milliseconds
CopyBlockOpNumOps Total number of block copy operations
CopyBlockOpAvgTime Average time of block copy operations in milliseconds
ReplaceBlockOpNumOps Total number of block replace operations
ReplaceBlockOpAvgTime Average time of block replace operations in milliseconds
HeartbeatsNumOps Total number of heartbeats
HeartbeatsAvgTime Average heartbeat time in milliseconds
HeartbeatsForServiceId-NNIdNumOps Total number of heartbeats to specific serviceId and nnId
HeartbeatsForServiceId-NNIdAvgTime Average heartbeat time in milliseconds to specific serviceId and nnId
HeartbeatsTotalNumOps Total number of heartbeats which is a duplicate of HeartbeatsNumOps
HeartbeatsTotalAvgTime Average total heartbeat time in milliseconds
HeartbeatsTotalForServiceId-NNIdNumOps Total number of heartbeats to specific serviceId and nnId which is a duplicate of HeartbeatsForServiceId-NNIdNumOps
HeartbeatsTotalForServiceId-NNIdAvgTime Average total heartbeat time in milliseconds to specific serviceId and nnId
LifelinesNumOps Total number of lifeline messages
LifelinesAvgTime Average lifeline message processing time in milliseconds
LifelinesForServiceId-NNIdNumOps Total number of lifeline messages to specific serviceId and nnId
LifelinesForServiceId-NNIdAvgTime Average lifeline message processing time to specific serviceId and nnId in milliseconds
BlockReportsNumOps Total number of block report operations
BlockReportsAvgTime Average time of block report operations in milliseconds
BlockReportsServiceId-NNIdNumOps Total number of block report operations to specific serviceId and nnId
BlockReportsServiceId-NNIdAvgTime Average time of block report operations to specific serviceId and nnId in milliseconds
BlockReportsCreateCostMillsNumOps Total number of block report creating operations
BlockReportsCreateCostMillsAvgTime Average time of block report creating operations in milliseconds
IncrementalBlockReportsNumOps Total number of incremental block report operations
IncrementalBlockReportsAvgTime Average time of incremental block report operations in milliseconds
IncrementalBlockReportsServiceId-NNIdNumOps Total number of incremental block report operations to specific serviceId and nnId
IncrementalBlockReportsServiceId-NNIdAvgTime Average time of incremental block report operations to specific serviceId and nnId in milliseconds
CacheReportsNumOps Total number of cache report operations
CacheReportsAvgTime Average time of cache report operations in milliseconds
PacketAckRoundTripTimeNanosNumOps Total number of ack round trip
PacketAckRoundTripTimeNanosAvgTime Average time from ack send to receive minus the downstream ack time in nanoseconds
PacketAckRoundTripTimeNanosnums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile latency from ack send to receive minus the downstream ack time in nanoseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
FlushNanosNumOps Total number of flushes
FlushNanosAvgTime Average flush time in nanoseconds
FlushNanosnums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile flush time in nanoseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
FsyncNanosNumOps Total number of fsync
FsyncNanosAvgTime Average fsync time in nanoseconds
FsyncNanosnums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile fsync time in nanoseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
SendDataPacketBlockedOnNetworkNanosNumOps Total number of sending packets
SendDataPacketBlockedOnNetworkNanosAvgTime Average waiting time of sending packets in nanoseconds
SendDataPacketBlockedOnNetworkNanosnums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile waiting time of sending packets in nanoseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
SendDataPacketTransferNanosNumOps Total number of sending packets
SendDataPacketTransferNanosAvgTime Average transfer time of sending packets in nanoseconds
SendDataPacketTransferNanosnums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile transfer time of sending packets in nanoseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
TotalWriteTime Total number of milliseconds spent on write operation
TotalReadTime Total number of milliseconds spent on read operation
RemoteBytesRead Number of bytes read by remote clients
RemoteBytesWritten Number of bytes written by remote clients
BPServiceActorInfo The information about a block pool service actor
BlocksInPendingIBR Number of blocks in pending incremental block report (IBR)
BlocksReceivingInPendingIBR Number of blocks at receiving status in pending incremental block report (IBR)
BlocksReceivedInPendingIBR Number of blocks at received status in pending incremental block report (IBR)
BlocksDeletedInPendingIBR Number of blocks at deleted status in pending incremental block report (IBR)
EcReconstructionTasks Total number of erasure coding reconstruction tasks
EcFailedReconstructionTasks Total number of erasure coding failed reconstruction tasks
EcInvalidReconstructionTasks Total number of erasure coding invalidated reconstruction tasks
EcDecodingTimeNanos Total number of nanoseconds spent by decoding tasks
EcReconstructionBytesRead Total number of bytes read by erasure coding worker
EcReconstructionBytesWritten Total number of bytes written by erasure coding worker
EcReconstructionRemoteBytesRead Total number of bytes remote read by erasure coding worker
CreateRbwOpNumOps Total number of create rbw operations
CreateRbwOpAvgTime Average time of create rbw operations in milliseconds
RecoverRbwOpNumOps Total number of recovery rbw operations
RecoverRbwOpAvgTime Average time of recovery rbw operations in milliseconds
ConvertTemporaryToRbwOpNumOps Total number of convert temporary to rbw operations
ConvertTemporaryToRbwOpAvgTime Average time of convert temporary to rbw operations in milliseconds
CreateTemporaryOpNumOps Total number of create temporary operations
CreateTemporaryOpAvgTime Average time of create temporary operations in milliseconds
FinalizeBlockOpNumOps Total number of finalize block operations
FinalizeBlockOpAvgTime Average time of finalize block operations in milliseconds
UnfinalizeBlockOpNumOps Total number of un-finalize block operations
UnfinalizeBlockOpAvgTime Average time of un-finalize block operations in milliseconds
CheckAndUpdateOpNumOps Total number of check and update operations
CheckAndUpdateOpAvgTime Average time of check and update operations in milliseconds
UpdateReplicaUnderRecoveryOpNumOps Total number of update replica under recovery operations
UpdateReplicaUnderRecoveryOpAvgTime Average time of update replica under recovery operations in milliseconds
PacketsReceived Total number of packets received by Datanode (excluding heartbeat packet from client)
PacketsSlowWriteToMirror Total number of packets whose write to other Datanodes in the pipeline takes more than a certain time (300ms by default)
PacketsSlowWriteToDisk Total number of packets whose write to disk takes more than a certain time (300ms by default)
PacketsSlowWriteToOsCache Total number of packets whose write to os cache takes more than a certain time (300ms by default)
SlowFlushOrSyncCount Total number of packets whose sync/flush takes more than a certain time (300ms by default)
SlowAckToUpstreamCount Total number of packets whose upstream ack takes more than a certain time (300ms by default)
SumOfActorCommandQueueLength Sum of all BPServiceActors command queue length
NumProcessedCommands Num of processed commands of all BPServiceActors
ProcessedCommandsOpNumOps Total number of processed commands operations
ProcessedCommandsOpAvgTime Average time of processed commands operations in milliseconds
NullStorageBlockReports Number of blocks in IBRs that failed due to null storage
AcquireDatasetReadLockNumOps Total number of acquiring dataset read lock operations
AcquireDatasetReadLockAvgTime Average time of acquiring dataset read lock operations in nanoseconds
AcquireDatasetWriteLockNumOps Total number of acquiring dataset write lock operations
AcquireDatasetWriteLockAvgTime Average time of acquiring dataset write lock operations in nanoseconds


Per-volume metrics contain Datanode Volume IO related statistics. Per-volume metrics are off by default. They can be enabled by setting dfs.datanode .fileio.profiling.percentage.fraction to an integer value between 1 and 100. Setting this value to 0 would mean profiling is not enabled. But enabling per-volume metrics may have a performance impact. Each metrics record contains tags such as Hostname as additional information along with metrics.

Name Description
TotalMetadataOperations Total number (monotonically increasing) of metadata operations. Metadata operations include stat, list, mkdir, delete, move, open and posix_fadvise.
MetadataOperationRateNumOps The number of metadata operations within an interval time of metric
MetadataOperationRateAvgTime Mean time of metadata operations in milliseconds
MetadataOperationLatencynums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of metadata operations latency in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
TotalDataFileIos Total number (monotonically increasing) of data file io operations
DataFileIoRateNumOps The number of data file io operations within an interval time of metric
DataFileIoRateAvgTime Mean time of data file io operations in milliseconds
DataFileIoLatencynums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of data file io operations latency in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
FlushIoRateNumOps The number of file flush io operations within an interval time of metric
FlushIoRateAvgTime Mean time of file flush io operations in milliseconds
FlushIoLatencynums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of file flush io operations latency in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
SyncIoRateNumOps The number of file sync io operations within an interval time of metric
SyncIoRateAvgTime Mean time of file sync io operations in milliseconds
SyncIoLatencynums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of file sync io operations latency in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
ReadIoRateNumOps The number of file read io operations within an interval time of metric
ReadIoRateAvgTime Mean time of file read io operations in milliseconds
ReadIoLatencynums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of file read io operations latency in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
WriteIoRateNumOps The number of file write io operations within an interval time of metric
WriteIoRateAvgTime Mean time of file write io operations in milliseconds
WriteIoLatencynums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of file write io operations latency in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
TransferIoRateNumOps The number of file transfer io operations within an interval time of metric
TransferIoRateAvgTime Mean time of file transfer io operations in milliseconds
TransferIoLatencynums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of file transfer io operations latency in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
NativeCopyIoRateNumOps The number of file nativeCopy io operations within an interval time of metric
NativeCopyIoRateAvgTime Mean time of file nativeCopy io operations in milliseconds
NativeCopyIoLatencynums(50/75/90/95/99)thPercentileLatency The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of file nativeCopy io operations latency in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
TotalFileIoErrors Total number (monotonically increasing) of file io error operations
FileIoErrorRateNumOps The number of file io error operations within an interval time of metric
FileIoErrorRateAvgTime It measures the mean time in milliseconds from the start of an operation to hitting a failure


RBFMetrics shows the metrics which are the aggregated values of sub-clusters’ information in the Router-based federation.

Name Description
NumFiles Current number of files and directories
NumBlocks Current number of allocated blocks
NumOfBlocksPendingReplication Current number of blocks pending to be replicated
NumOfBlocksUnderReplicated Current number of blocks under replicated
NumOfBlocksPendingDeletion Current number of blocks pending deletion
ProvidedSpace The total remote storage capacity mounted in the federated cluster
NumInMaintenanceLiveDataNodes Number of live Datanodes which are in maintenance state
NumInMaintenanceDeadDataNodes Number of dead Datanodes which are in maintenance state
NumEnteringMaintenanceDataNodes Number of Datanodes that are entering the maintenance state
TotalCapacity Current raw capacity of DataNodes in bytes (long primitive, may overflow)
UsedCapacity Current used capacity across all DataNodes in bytes (long primitive, may overflow)
RemainingCapacity Current remaining capacity in bytes (long primitive, may overflow)
TotalCapacityBigInt Current raw capacity of DataNodes in bytes (using BigInteger)
UsedCapacityBigInt Current used capacity across all DataNodes in bytes (using BigInteger)
RemainingCapacityBigInt Current remaining capacity in bytes (using BigInteger)
NumOfMissingBlocks Current number of missing blocks
NumLiveNodes Number of datanodes which are currently live
NumDeadNodes Number of datanodes which are currently dead
NumStaleNodes Current number of DataNodes marked stale due to delayed heartbeat
NumDecomLiveNodes Number of datanodes which have been decommissioned and are now live
NumDecomDeadNodes Number of datanodes which have been decommissioned and are now dead
NumDecommissioningNodes Number of datanodes in decommissioning state
Namenodes Current information about all the namenodes
Nameservices Current information for each registered nameservice
MountTable The mount table for the federated filesystem
Routers Current information about all routers
NumNameservices Number of nameservices
NumNamenodes Number of namenodes
NumExpiredNamenodes Number of expired namenodes
NodeUsage Max, Median, Min and Standard Deviation of DataNodes usage


RouterRPCMetrics shows the statistics of the Router component in Router-based federation.

Name Description
ProcessingOp Number of operations the Router processed internally
ProxyOp Number of operations the Router proxied to a Namenode
ProxyOpFailureStandby Number of operations to hit a standby NN
ProxyOpFailureCommunicate Number of operations to fail to reach NN
ProxyOpNotImplemented Number of operations not implemented
RouterFailureStateStore Number of failed requests due to State Store unavailable
RouterFailureReadOnly Number of failed requests due to read only mount point
RouterFailureLocked Number of failed requests due to locked path
RouterFailureSafemode Number of failed requests due to safe mode
ProcessingNumOps Number of operations the Router processed internally within an interval time of metric
ProcessingAvgTime Average time for the Router to process operations in milliseconds
ProxyNumOps Number of times of that the Router to proxy operations to the Namenodes within an interval time of metric
ProxyAvgTime Average time for the Router to proxy operations to the Namenodes in milliseconds


StateStoreMetrics shows the statistics of the State Store component in Router-based federation.

Name Description
ReadsNumOps Number of GET transactions for State Store within an interval time of metric
ReadsAvgTime Average time of GET transactions for State Store in milliseconds
WritesNumOps Number of PUT transactions for State Store within an interval time of metric
WritesAvgTime Average time of PUT transactions for State Store in milliseconds
RemovesNumOps Number of REMOVE transactions for State Store within an interval time of metric
RemovesAvgTime Average time of REMOVE transactions for State Store in milliseconds
FailuresNumOps Number of failed transactions for State Store within an interval time of metric
FailuresAvgTime Average time of failed transactions for State Store in milliseconds
CacheBaseRecordSize Number of store records to cache in State Store
CacheBaseRecordLoadNumOps Number of times store records are loaded in the State Store Cache from State Store
CacheBaseRecordLoadAvgTime Average time of loading State Store Cache from State Store in milliseconds

yarn context


ClusterMetrics shows the metrics of the YARN cluster from the ResourceManager’s perspective. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag as additional information along with metrics.

Name Description
NumActiveNMs Current number of active NodeManagers
numDecommissioningNMs Current number of NodeManagers being decommissioned
NumDecommissionedNMs Current number of decommissioned NodeManagers
NumShutdownNMs Current number of NodeManagers shut down gracefully. Note that this does not count NodeManagers that are forcefully killed.
NumLostNMs Current number of lost NodeManagers for not sending heartbeats.
NumUnhealthyNMs Current number of unhealthy NodeManagers
NumRebootedNMs Current number of rebooted NodeManagers
AMLaunchDelayNumOps Total number of AMs launched
AMLaunchDelayAvgTime Average time in milliseconds RM spends to launch AM containers after the AM container is allocated
AMRegisterDelayNumOps Total number of AMs registered
AMRegisterDelayAvgTime Average time in milliseconds AM spends to register with RM after the AM container gets launched


QueueMetrics shows an application queue from the ResourceManager’s perspective. Each metrics record shows the statistics of each queue, and contains tags such as queue name and Hostname as additional information along with metrics.

In running_num metrics such as running_0, you can set the property yarn.resourcemanager.metrics.runtime.buckets in yarn-site.xml to change the buckets. The default values is 60,300,1440.

Name Description
running_0 Current number of running applications whose elapsed time are less than 60 minutes
running_60 Current number of running applications whose elapsed time are between 60 and 300 minutes
running_300 Current number of running applications whose elapsed time are between 300 and 1440 minutes
running_1440 Current number of running applications elapsed time are more than 1440 minutes
AppsSubmitted Total number of submitted applications
AppsRunning Current number of running applications
AppsPending Current number of applications that have not yet been assigned by any containers
AppsCompleted Total number of completed applications
AppsKilled Total number of killed applications
AppsFailed Total number of failed applications
AllocatedMB Current allocated memory in MB
AllocatedVCores Current allocated CPU in virtual cores
AllocatedContainers Current number of allocated containers
AggregateContainersAllocated Total number of allocated containers
aggregateNodeLocalContainersAllocated Total number of node local containers allocated
aggregateRackLocalContainersAllocated Total number of rack local containers allocated
aggregateOffSwitchContainersAllocated Total number of off switch containers allocated
AggregateContainersReleased Total number of released containers
AvailableMB Current available memory in MB
AvailableVCores Current available CPU in virtual cores
PendingMB Current memory requests in MB that are pending to be fulfilled by the scheduler
PendingVCores Current CPU requests in virtual cores that are pending to be fulfilled by the scheduler
PendingContainers Current number of containers that are pending to be fulfilled by the scheduler
ReservedMB Current reserved memory in MB
ReservedVCores Current reserved CPU in virtual cores
ReservedContainers Current number of reserved containers
ActiveUsers Current number of active users
ActiveApplications Current number of active applications
AppAttemptFirstContainerAllocationDelayNumOps Total number of first container allocated for all attempts
AppAttemptFirstContainerAllocationDelayAvgTime Average time RM spends to allocate the first container for all attempts. For managed AM, the first container is AM container. So, this indicates the time duration to allocate AM container. For unmanaged AM, this is the time duration to allocate the first container asked by unmanaged AM.
FairShareMB (FairScheduler only) Current fair share of memory in MB
FairShareVCores (FairScheduler only) Current fair share of CPU in virtual cores
MinShareMB (FairScheduler only) Minimum share of memory in MB
MinShareVCores (FairScheduler only) Minimum share of CPU in virtual cores
MaxShareMB (FairScheduler only) Maximum share of memory in MB
MaxShareVCores (FairScheduler only) Maximum share of CPU in virtual cores


NodeManagerMetrics shows the statistics of the containers in the node. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag as additional information along with metrics.

Name Description
containersLaunched Total number of launched containers
containersCompleted Total number of successfully completed containers
containersFailed Total number of failed containers
containersKilled Total number of killed containers
containersIniting Current number of initializing containers
containersRunning Current number of running containers
allocatedContainers Current number of allocated containers
allocatedGB Current allocated memory in GB
availableGB Current available memory in GB
allocatedVcores Current used vcores
availableVcores Current available vcores
containerLaunchDuration Average time duration in milliseconds NM takes to launch a container
badLocalDirs Current number of bad local directories. Currently, a disk that cannot be read/written/executed by NM process or A disk being full is considered as bad.
badLogDirs Current number of bad log directories. Currently, a disk that cannot be read/written/executed by NM process or A disk being full is considered as bad.
goodLocalDirsDiskUtilizationPerc Current disk utilization percentage across all good local directories
goodLogDirsDiskUtilizationPerc Current disk utilization percentage across all good log directories


ContainerMetrics shows the resource utilization statistics of a container. Each metrics record contains tags such as ContainerPid and Hostname as additional information along with metrics.

Name Description
pMemLimitMBs Physical memory limit of the container in MB
vMemLimitMBs Virtual memory limit of the container in MB
vCoreLimit CPU limit of the container in number of vcores
launchDurationMs Container launch duration in msec
localizationDurationMs Container localization duration in msec
StartTime Time in msec when container starts
FinishTime Time in msec when container finishes
ExitCode Container’s exit code
PMemUsageMBsNumUsage Total number of physical memory used metrics
PMemUsageMBsAvgMBs Average physical memory used in MB
PMemUsageMBsStdevMBs Standard deviation of the physical memory used in MB
PMemUsageMBsMinMBs Minimum physical memory used in MB
PMemUsageMBsMaxMBs Maximum physical memory used in MB
PMemUsageMBsIMinMBs Minimum physical memory used in MB of current interval (the time of interval is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms)
PMemUsageMBsIMaxMBs Maximum physical memory used in MB of current interval (the time of interval is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms)
PMemUsageMBsINumUsage Total number of physical memory used metrics in current interval (the time of interval is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms)
PCpuUsagePercentNumUsage Total number of physical CPU cores percent used metrics
PCpuUsagePercentAvgPercents Average physical CPU cores percent used
PCpuUsagePercentStdevPercents Standard deviation of physical CPU cores percent used
PCpuUsagePercentMinPercents Minimum physical CPU cores percent used
PCpuUsagePercentMaxPercents Maximum physical CPU cores percent used
PCpuUsagePercentIMinPercents Minimum physical CPU cores percent used in current interval (the time of interval is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms)
PCpuUsagePercentIMaxPercents Maximum physical CPU cores percent used in current interval (the time of interval is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms)
PCpuUsagePercentINumUsage Total number of physical CPU cores used metrics in current interval (the time of interval is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms)
MilliVcoreUsageNumUsage Total number of vcores used metrics
MilliVcoreUsageAvgMilliVcores 1000 times the average vcores used
MilliVcoreUsageStdevMilliVcores 1000 times the standard deviation of vcores used
MilliVcoreUsageMinMilliVcores 1000 times the minimum vcores used
MilliVcoreUsageMaxMilliVcores 1000 times the maximum vcores used
MilliVcoreUsageIMinMilliVcores 1000 times the average vcores used in current interval (the time of interval is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms)
MilliVcoreUsageIMaxMilliVcores 1000 times the maximum vcores used in current interval (the time of interval is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms)
MilliVcoreUsageINumUsage Total number of vcores used metrics in current interval (the time of interval is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms)
PMemUsageMBHistogramNumUsage Total number of physical memory used metrics (1 second granularity)
PMemUsageMBHistogram50thPercentileMBs The 50th percentile of physical memory used in MB (1 second granularity)
PMemUsageMBHistogram75thPercentileMBs The 75th percentile of physical memory used in MB (1 second granularity)
PMemUsageMBHistogram90thPercentileMBs The 90th percentile of physical memory used in MB (1 second granularity)
PMemUsageMBHistogram95thPercentileMBs The 95th percentile of physical memory used in MB (1 second granularity)
PMemUsageMBHistogram99thPercentileMBs The 99th percentile of physical memory used in MB (1 second granularity)
PCpuUsagePercentHistogramNumUsage Total number of physical CPU cores used metrics (1 second granularity)
PCpuUsagePercentHistogram50thPercentilePercents The 50th percentile of physical CPU cores percent used (1 second granularity)
PCpuUsagePercentHistogram75thPercentilePercents The 75th percentile of physical CPU cores percent used (1 second granularity)
PCpuUsagePercentHistogram90thPercentilePercents The 90th percentile of physical CPU cores percent used (1 second granularity)
PCpuUsagePercentHistogram95thPercentilePercents The 95th percentile of physical CPU cores percent used (1 second granularity)
PCpuUsagePercentHistogram99thPercentilePercents The 99th percentile of physical CPU cores percent used (1 second granularity)

ugi context


UgiMetrics is related to user and group information. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag as additional information along with metrics.

Name Description
LoginSuccessNumOps Total number of successful kerberos logins
LoginSuccessAvgTime Average time for successful kerberos logins in milliseconds
LoginFailureNumOps Total number of failed kerberos logins
LoginFailureAvgTime Average time for failed kerberos logins in milliseconds
getGroupsNumOps Total number of group resolutions
getGroupsAvgTime Average time for group resolution in milliseconds
getGroupsnumsNumOps Total number of group resolutions (num seconds granularity). num is specified by hadoop.user.group.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
getGroupsnums50thPercentileLatency Shows the 50th percentile of group resolution time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). num is specified by hadoop.user.group.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
getGroupsnums75thPercentileLatency Shows the 75th percentile of group resolution time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). num is specified by hadoop.user.group.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
getGroupsnums90thPercentileLatency Shows the 90th percentile of group resolution time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). num is specified by hadoop.user.group.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
getGroupsnums95thPercentileLatency Shows the 95th percentile of group resolution time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). num is specified by hadoop.user.group.metrics.percentiles.intervals.
getGroupsnums99thPercentileLatency Shows the 99th percentile of group resolution time in milliseconds (num seconds granularity). num is specified by hadoop.user.group.metrics.percentiles.intervals.

metricssystem context


MetricsSystem shows the statistics for metrics snapshots and publishes. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag as additional information along with metrics.

Name Description
NumActiveSources Current number of active metrics sources
NumAllSources Total number of metrics sources
NumActiveSinks Current number of active sinks
NumAllSinks Total number of sinks  (BUT usually less than NumActiveSinks, see HADOOP-9946)
SnapshotNumOps Total number of operations to snapshot statistics from a metrics source
SnapshotAvgTime Average time in milliseconds to snapshot statistics from a metrics source
PublishNumOps Total number of operations to publish statistics to a sink
PublishAvgTime Average time in milliseconds to publish statistics to a sink
DroppedPubAll Total number of dropped publishes
Sink_instanceNumOps Total number of sink operations for the instance
Sink_instanceAvgTime Average time in milliseconds of sink operations for the instance
Sink_instanceDropped Total number of dropped sink operations for the instance
Sink_instanceQsize Current queue length of sink operations

default context


StartupProgress metrics shows the statistics of NameNode startup. Four metrics are exposed for each startup phase based on its name. The startup phases are LoadingFsImage, LoadingEdits, SavingCheckpoint, and SafeMode. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag as additional information along with metrics.

Name Description
ElapsedTime Total elapsed time in milliseconds
PercentComplete Current rate completed in NameNode startup progress  (The max value is not 100 but 1.0)
phaseCount Total number of steps completed in the phase
phaseElapsedTime Total elapsed time in the phase in milliseconds
phaseTotal Total number of steps in the phase
phasePercentComplete Current rate completed in the phase  (The max value is not 100 but 1.0)