Class Enumerator

    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_EXECUTORS
        A reasonable upper bound for the possible number of executors is required to set limits for the search space and to avoid evaluating cluster configurations that most probably would have too high distribution overhead
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double COST_DELTA_FRACTION
        Time/Monetary delta for considering optimal solutions as fraction
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • setInstanceTable

        public void setInstanceTable​(HashMap<String,​CloudInstance> inputInstances)
        Setting the available VM instances manually. Meant to be used for testing purposes.
        inputInstances - initialized map of instances
      • loadInstanceTableFile

        public void loadInstanceTableFile​(String path)
                                   throws IOException
        Loads the info table for the available VM instances and filters out the instances that are not contained in the set of allowed instance types and sizes.
        path - csv file with instances' info
        IOException - in case the loading part fails at reading the csv file
      • preprocessing

        public abstract void preprocessing()
        Called once to enumerate the search space for VM instances for driver or executor nodes. These instances are being represented as
      • processing

        public void processing()
        Called once after preprocessing to fill the pool with optimal solutions by parsing the enumerated search space. Within its execution the number of potential executor nodes is being estimated (enumerated) dynamically for each parsed executor instance.
      • postprocessing

        public EnumerationUtils.SolutionPoint postprocessing()
        Deciding in the overall best solution out of the filled pool of potential solutions after processing.
        single optimal cluster configuration
      • evaluateSingleNodeExecution

        public abstract boolean evaluateSingleNodeExecution​(long driverMemory)
      • estimateRangeExecutors

        public abstract ArrayList<Integer> estimateRangeExecutors​(long executorMemory,
                                                                  int executorCores)
        Estimates the minimum and maximum number of executors based on given VM instance characteristics and on the enumeration strategy
        executorMemory - memory of currently considered executor instance
        executorCores - CPU of cores of currently considered executor instance
        - [min, max]