Class GridBasedEnumerator

  • public class GridBasedEnumerator
    extends Enumerator
    • Constructor Detail

      • GridBasedEnumerator

        public GridBasedEnumerator​(Enumerator.Builder builder,
                                   int stepSizeExecutors,
                                   int expBaseExecutors)
    • Method Detail

      • preprocessing

        public void preprocessing()
        Initializes the pool for driver and executor instances parsed at processing with all the available instances
        Specified by:
        preprocessing in class Enumerator
      • estimateRangeExecutors

        public ArrayList<Integer> estimateRangeExecutors​(long executorMemory,
                                                         int executorCores)
        Description copied from class: Enumerator
        Estimates the minimum and maximum number of executors based on given VM instance characteristics and on the enumeration strategy
        Specified by:
        estimateRangeExecutors in class Enumerator
        executorMemory - memory of currently considered executor instance
        executorCores - CPU of cores of currently considered executor instance
        - [min, max]