Class ABooleanArray

    • Method Detail

      • isAllTrue

        public abstract boolean isAllTrue()
      • slice

        public abstract ABooleanArray slice​(int rl,
                                            int ru)
        Description copied from class: Array
        Slice out the sub range and return new array with the specified type. If the conversion fails fallback to normal slice.
        Specified by:
        slice in class Array<Boolean>
        rl - row start
        ru - row end (not included)
        A new array of sub range.
      • clone

        public abstract ABooleanArray clone()
        Description copied from class: Array
        Overwrite of the java internal clone function for arrays, return a clone of underlying data that is mutable, (not immutable data.) Immutable data is dependent on the individual allocated arrays
        Specified by:
        clone in class Array<Boolean>
        A clone
      • select

        public abstract ABooleanArray select​(int[] indices)
        Description copied from class: Array
        Slice out the specified indices and return the sub array.
        Specified by:
        select in class Array<Boolean>
        indices - The indices to slice out
        the sliced out indices in an array format
      • select

        public abstract ABooleanArray select​(boolean[] select,
                                             int nTrue)
        Description copied from class: Array
        Slice out the true indices in the select input and return the sub array.
        Specified by:
        select in class Array<Boolean>
        select - a boolean vector specifying what to select
        nTrue - number of true values inside select
        the sliced out indices in an array format
      • setNullsFromString

        public abstract void setNullsFromString​(int rl,
                                                int ru,
                                                Array<String> value)
        set boolean values in this array depending on null positions in the string array.
        rl - Inclusive lower bound
        ru - Exclusive upper bound
        value - The string array to set from.