Class LibMatrixCuDNN

  • public class LibMatrixCuDNN
    extends LibMatrixCUDA
    This class contains method that invoke CuDNN operations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LibMatrixCuDNN

        public LibMatrixCuDNN()
    • Method Detail

      • conv2dBiasAdd

        public static void conv2dBiasAdd​(GPUContext gCtx,
                                         String instName,
                                         MatrixObject image,
                                         MatrixObject bias,
                                         MatrixObject filter,
                                         MatrixObject output,
                                         int N,
                                         int C,
                                         int H,
                                         int W,
                                         int K,
                                         int R,
                                         int S,
                                         int pad_h,
                                         int pad_w,
                                         int stride_h,
                                         int stride_w,
                                         int P,
                                         int Q,
                                         double intermediateMemoryBudget)
        Does a 2D convolution followed by a bias_add
        gCtx - a valid GPUContext
        instName - the invoking instruction's name for record Statistics.
        image - input image matrix object
        bias - bias matrix object
        filter - filter matrix object
        output - output matrix object
        N - number of input images
        C - number of channels
        H - height of each image
        W - width of each image
        K - number of output "channels"
        R - height of filter
        S - width of filter
        pad_h - padding height
        pad_w - padding width
        stride_h - stride height
        stride_w - string width
        P - output height
        Q - output width
        intermediateMemoryBudget - intermediate memory budget
      • conv2d

        public static void conv2d​(GPUContext gCtx,
                                  String instName,
                                  MatrixObject image,
                                  MatrixObject filter,
                                  MatrixObject outputBlock,
                                  int N,
                                  int C,
                                  int H,
                                  int W,
                                  int K,
                                  int R,
                                  int S,
                                  int pad_h,
                                  int pad_w,
                                  int stride_h,
                                  int stride_w,
                                  int P,
                                  int Q,
                                  double intermediateMemoryBudget)
        Performs a 2D convolution
        gCtx - a valid GPUContext
        instName - the invoking instruction's name for record Statistics.
        image - input matrix object
        filter - filter matrix object
        outputBlock - output matrix object
        N - number of input images
        C - number of channels
        H - height of each image
        W - width of each image
        K - number of output "channels"
        R - height of filter
        S - width of filter
        pad_h - padding height
        pad_w - padding width
        stride_h - stride height
        stride_w - string width
        P - output height
        Q - output width
        intermediateMemoryBudget - intermediate memory budget
      • softmax

        public static void softmax​(ExecutionContext ec,
                                   GPUContext gCtx,
                                   String instName,
                                   MatrixObject in1,
                                   String outputName)
        Performs an "softmax" operation on a matrix on the GPU
        ec - execution context
        gCtx - a valid GPUContext
        instName - the invoking instruction's name for record Statistics.
        in1 - input matrix
        outputName - output matrix name
      • conv2dBackwardFilter

        public static void conv2dBackwardFilter​(GPUContext gCtx,
                                                String instName,
                                                MatrixObject image,
                                                MatrixObject dout,
                                                MatrixObject outputBlock,
                                                int N,
                                                int C,
                                                int H,
                                                int W,
                                                int K,
                                                int R,
                                                int S,
                                                int pad_h,
                                                int pad_w,
                                                int stride_h,
                                                int stride_w,
                                                int P,
                                                int Q,
                                                double intermediateMemoryBudget)
        This method computes the backpropogation errors for filter of convolution operation
        gCtx - a valid GPUContext
        instName - the invoking instruction's name for record Statistics.
        image - input image
        dout - errors from next layer
        outputBlock - output errors
        N - number of images
        C - number of channels
        H - height
        W - width
        K - number of filters
        R - filter height
        S - filter width
        pad_h - pad height
        pad_w - pad width
        stride_h - stride height
        stride_w - stride width
        P - output activation height
        Q - output activation width
        intermediateMemoryBudget - intermediate memory budget
      • conv2dBackwardData

        public static void conv2dBackwardData​(GPUContext gCtx,
                                              String instName,
                                              MatrixObject filter,
                                              MatrixObject dout,
                                              MatrixObject output,
                                              int N,
                                              int C,
                                              int H,
                                              int W,
                                              int K,
                                              int R,
                                              int S,
                                              int pad_h,
                                              int pad_w,
                                              int stride_h,
                                              int stride_w,
                                              int P,
                                              int Q,
                                              double intermediateMemoryBudget)
        This method computes the backpropogation errors for previous layer of convolution operation
        gCtx - a valid GPUContext
        instName - the invoking instruction's name for record Statistics.
        filter - filter used in conv2d
        dout - errors from next layer
        output - output errors
        N - number of images
        C - number of channels
        H - height
        W - width
        K - number of filters
        R - filter height
        S - filter width
        pad_h - pad height
        pad_w - pad width
        stride_h - stride height
        stride_w - stride width
        P - output activation height
        Q - output activation width
        intermediateMemoryBudget - intermediate memory budget
      • pooling

        public static void pooling​(GPUContext gCtx,
                                   String instName,
                                   MatrixObject image,
                                   MatrixObject outputBlock,
                                   int N,
                                   int C,
                                   int H,
                                   int W,
                                   int K,
                                   int R,
                                   int S,
                                   int pad_h,
                                   int pad_w,
                                   int stride_h,
                                   int stride_w,
                                   int P,
                                   int Q,
                                   LibMatrixDNN.PoolingType poolingType,
                                   double intermediateMemoryBudget)
        performs maxpooling on GPU by exploiting cudnnPoolingForward(...)
        gCtx - a valid GPUContext
        instName - the invoking instruction's name for record Statistics.
        image - image as matrix object
        outputBlock - output matrix
        N - batch size
        C - number of channels
        H - height of image
        W - width of image
        K - number of filters
        R - height of filter
        S - width of filter
        pad_h - vertical padding
        pad_w - horizontal padding
        stride_h - horizontal stride
        stride_w - vertical stride
        P - (H - R + 1 + 2*pad_h)/stride_h
        Q - (W - S + 1 + 2*pad_w)/stride_w
        poolingType - type of pooling
        intermediateMemoryBudget - intermediate memory budget
      • poolingBackward

        public static void poolingBackward​(GPUContext gCtx,
                                           String instName,
                                           MatrixObject image,
                                           MatrixObject dout,
                                           MatrixObject maxpoolOutput,
                                           MatrixObject outputBlock,
                                           int N,
                                           int C,
                                           int H,
                                           int W,
                                           int K,
                                           int R,
                                           int S,
                                           int pad_h,
                                           int pad_w,
                                           int stride_h,
                                           int stride_w,
                                           int P,
                                           int Q,
                                           LibMatrixDNN.PoolingType poolingType,
                                           double intermediateMemoryBudget)
        Performs maxpoolingBackward on GPU by exploiting cudnnPoolingBackward(...) This method computes the backpropogation errors for previous layer of maxpooling operation
        gCtx - a valid GPUContext
        instName - the invoking instruction's name for record Statistics.
        image - image as matrix object
        dout - delta matrix, output of previous layer
        maxpoolOutput - (optional and can be null) output of maxpool forward function
        outputBlock - output matrix
        N - batch size
        C - number of channels
        H - height of image
        W - width of image
        K - number of filters
        R - height of filter
        S - width of filter
        pad_h - vertical padding
        pad_w - horizontal padding
        stride_h - horizontal stride
        stride_w - vertical stride
        P - (H - R + 1 + 2*pad_h)/stride_h
        Q - (W - S + 1 + 2*pad_w)/stride_w
        poolingType - type of pooling
        intermediateMemoryBudget - intermediate memory budget
      • lstm

        public static void lstm​(ExecutionContext ec,
                                GPUContext gCtx,
                                String instName,
                                jcuda.Pointer X,
                                jcuda.Pointer wPointer,
                                jcuda.Pointer out0,
                                jcuda.Pointer c0,
                                boolean return_sequences,
                                String outputName,
                                String cyName,
                                int N,
                                int M,
                                int D,
                                int T)
                         throws DMLRuntimeException
        Computes the forward pass for an LSTM layer with M neurons. The input data has N sequences of T examples, each with D features.
        ec - execution context
        gCtx - gpu context
        instName - name of the instruction
        X - input matrix pointer
        wPointer - weight matrix pointer
        out0 - Outputs from previous timestep
        c0 - Initial cell state
        return_sequences - Whether to return `out` at all timesteps, or just for the final timestep.
        outputName - name of the out variable. If `return_sequences` is True, outputs for all timesteps.
        cyName - name of the output cell state. Cell state for final timestep.
        N - minibatch size
        M - hidden size
        D - number of features
        T - sequence length
        DMLRuntimeException - if error
      • batchNormalizationForwardTraining

        public static void batchNormalizationForwardTraining​(GPUContext gCtx,
                                                             String instName,
                                                             MatrixObject image,
                                                             MatrixObject scale,
                                                             MatrixObject bias,
                                                             MatrixObject runningMean,
                                                             MatrixObject runningVar,
                                                             MatrixObject ret,
                                                             MatrixObject retRunningMean,
                                                             MatrixObject retRunningVar,
                                                             double epsilon,
                                                             double exponentialAverageFactor,
                                                             MatrixObject resultSaveMean,
                                                             MatrixObject resultSaveInvVariance)
                                                      throws DMLRuntimeException
        Performs the forward BatchNormalization layer computation for training
        gCtx - a valid GPUContext
        instName - name of the instruction
        image - input image
        scale - scale (as per CuDNN) and gamma as per original paper: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        bias - bias (as per CuDNN) and beta as per original paper: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        runningMean - running mean accumulated during training phase: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        runningVar - running variance accumulated during training phase: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        ret - (output) normalized input
        retRunningMean - (output) running mean accumulated during training phase: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        retRunningVar - (output) running variance accumulated during training phase: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        epsilon - epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula
        exponentialAverageFactor - factor used in the moving average computation
        resultSaveMean - (output) running mean accumulated during training phase: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        resultSaveInvVariance - (output) running variance accumulated during training phase: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        DMLRuntimeException - if error occurs
      • batchNormalizationForwardInference

        public static void batchNormalizationForwardInference​(GPUContext gCtx,
                                                              String instName,
                                                              MatrixObject image,
                                                              MatrixObject scale,
                                                              MatrixObject bias,
                                                              MatrixObject runningMean,
                                                              MatrixObject runningVar,
                                                              MatrixObject ret,
                                                              double epsilon)
                                                       throws DMLRuntimeException
        Performs the forward BatchNormalization layer computation for inference
        gCtx - a valid GPUContext
        instName - name of the instruction
        image - input image
        scale - scale (as per CuDNN) and gamma as per original paper: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        bias - bias (as per CuDNN) and beta as per original paper: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        runningMean - running mean accumulated during training phase: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        runningVar - running variance accumulated during training phase: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        ret - normalized input
        epsilon - epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula
        DMLRuntimeException - if error occurs
      • batchNormalizationBackward

        public static void batchNormalizationBackward​(GPUContext gCtx,
                                                      String instName,
                                                      MatrixObject image,
                                                      MatrixObject dout,
                                                      MatrixObject scale,
                                                      MatrixObject dX,
                                                      MatrixObject dScale,
                                                      MatrixObject dBias,
                                                      double epsilon,
                                                      MatrixObject resultSaveMean,
                                                      MatrixObject resultSaveInvVariance)
                                               throws DMLRuntimeException
        This method computes the backpropagation errors for image, scale and bias of batch normalization layer
        gCtx - a valid GPUContext
        instName - name of the instruction
        image - input image
        dout - input errors of shape C, H, W
        scale - scale (as per CuDNN) and gamma as per original paper: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        dX - (output) backpropagation errors for previous layer
        dScale - backpropagation error for scale
        dBias - backpropagation error for bias
        epsilon - epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula
        resultSaveMean - (input) running mean accumulated during training phase: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        resultSaveInvVariance - (input) running variance accumulated during training phase: shape [1, C, 1, 1]
        DMLRuntimeException - if error occurs
      • getDensePointerForCuDNN

        public static jcuda.Pointer getDensePointerForCuDNN​(GPUContext gCtx,
                                                            MatrixObject image,
                                                            String instName,
                                                            int numRows,
                                                            int numCols)
                                                     throws DMLRuntimeException
        Convenience method to get jcudaDenseMatrixPtr. This method explicitly converts sparse to dense format, so use it judiciously.
        gCtx - a valid GPUContext
        image - input matrix object
        instName - name of the instruction
        numRows - expected number of rows
        numCols - expected number of columns
        jcuda pointer
        DMLRuntimeException - if error occurs while sparse to dense conversion