docker plugin

docker - stage files from Docker images


# Specify the docker source kind
kind: docker

# Specify the registry endpoint, defaults to Docker Hub (optional)

# Image path
image: library/alpine

# Alternatively, you can specify a full url, the registry endpoint
# is assumed to be at the root of the domain
# url:

# Image tag to follow (optional)
track: latest

# Specify the digest of the exact image to use (required)
ref: 6c9f6f68a131ec6381da82f2bff978083ed7f4f7991d931bfa767b7965ebc94b

# Some images are built for multiple platforms. When tracking a tag, we
# will choose which image to use based on these settings. Default values
# are chosen based on the output of `uname -m` and `uname -s`, but you
# can override them.
# architecture: arm64
# os: linux
# **Since**: 2.0.1

Note that Docker images may contain device nodes. BuildStream elements cannot contain device nodes so those will be dropped. Any regular files in the /dev directory will also be dropped.

See built-in functionality doumentation for details on common configuration options for sources.