git plugin

git - stage files from a git repository

Host dependencies:

  • git


Note that this plugin will checkout git submodules by default; even if they are not specified in the .bst file.


# Specify the git source kind
kind: git

# Specify the repository url, using an alias defined
# in your project configuration is recommended.
url: upstream:foo.git

# Optionally specify a symbolic tracking branch or tag, this
# will be used to update the 'ref' when refreshing the pipeline.
track: master

# Optionally specify the ref format used for tracking.
# The default is 'sha1' for the raw commit hash.
# If you specify 'git-describe', the commit hash will be prefixed
# with the closest tag.
ref-format: sha1

# Specify the commit ref, this must be specified in order to
# checkout sources and build, but can be automatically updated
# if the 'track' attribute was specified.
ref: d63cbb6fdc0bbdadc4a1b92284826a6d63a7ebcd

# Optionally specify whether submodules should be checked-out.
# This is done recursively, as with `git clone --recurse-submodules`.
# If not set, this will default to 'True'
checkout-submodules: True

# If your repository has submodules, explicitly specifying the
# url from which they are to be fetched allows you to easily
# rebuild the same sources from a different location. This is
# especially handy when used with project defined aliases which
# can be redefined at a later time.
# You may also explicitly specify whether to check out this
# submodule. If 'checkout' is set, it will control whether to
# checkout that submodule and recurse into it. It defaults to the
# value of 'checkout-submodules'.
    url: upstream:bar.git
    checkout: True
    checkout: False
    url: upstream:baz.git
    checkout: False

# Enable tag tracking.
# This causes the `tags` metadata to be populated automatically
# as a result of tracking the git source.
# By default this is 'False'.
track-tags: True

# If the list of tags below is set, then a lightweight dummy
# git repository will be staged along with the content at
# build time.
# This is useful for a growing number of modules which use
# `git describe` at build time in order to determine the version
# which will be encoded into the built software.
# The 'tags' below is considered as a part of the git source
# reference and will be stored in the 'project.refs' file if
# that has been selected as your project's ref-storage.
# Migration notes:
#   If you are upgrading from BuildStream 1.2, which used to
#   stage the entire repository by default, you will notice that
#   some modules which use `git describe` are broken, and will
#   need to enable this feature in order to fix them.
#   If you need to enable this feature without changing the
#   the specific commit that you are building, then we recommend
#   the following migration steps for any git sources where
#   `git describe` is required:
#     o Enable `track-tags` feature
#     o Set the `track` parameter to the desired commit sha which
#       the current `ref` points to
#     o Run `bst source track` for these elements, this will result in
#       populating the `tags` portion of the refs without changing
#       the refs
#     o Restore the `track` parameter to the branches which you have
#       previously been tracking afterwards.
- tag: lightweight-example
  commit: 04ad0dc656cb7cc6feb781aa13bdbf1d67d0af78
  annotated: false
- tag: annotated-example
  commit: 10abe77fe8d77385d86f225b503d9185f4ef7f3a
  annotated: true

See built-in functionality doumentation for details on common configuration options for sources.

Configurable Warnings:

This plugin provides the following configurable warnings:

  • git:inconsistent-submodule - A submodule present in the git repository’s .gitmodules was never added with git submodule add.

  • git:unlisted-submodule - A submodule is present in the git repository but was not specified in the source configuration and was not disabled for checkout.

  • git:invalid-submodule - A submodule is specified in the source configuration but does not exist in the repository.

This plugin also utilises the following configurable core warnings:

  • ref-not-in-track - The provided ref was not found in the provided track in the element’s git repository.