Rewind reading records by time¶
This tutorial shows how to rewind reading data from a stream by time.
Open a distributedlog manager¶
Create distributedlog URI.
String dlUriStr = ...; URI uri = URI.create(dlUriStr);
Create distributedlog configuration.
DistributedLogConfiguration conf = new DistributedLogConfiguration();
Build the distributedlog namespace.
DistributedLogNamespace namespace = DistributedLogNamespaceBuilder.newBuilder() .conf(conf) .uri(uri) .build();
Open the distributedlog manager.
DistributedLogManager dlm = namespace.openLog("basic-stream-10");
Rewind the stream¶
Position the reader using timestamp. Since the records written by write proxy will be assigned System.currentTimeMillis() as the TransactionID. It is straightforward to use TransactionID to rewind reading the records.
int rewindSeconds = 60; // 60 seconds long fromTxID = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(rewindSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); AsyncLogReader reader = FutureUtils.result(dlm.openAsyncLogReader(fromTxID));
Read Records¶
Read the next available record from the stream. The future is satisified when the record is available.
Future<LogRecordWithDLSN> readFuture = reader.readNext();
Register a future listener on read completion.
final FutureEventListener<LogRecordWithDLSN> readListener = new FutureEventListener<LogRecordWithDLSN>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable cause) { // executed when read failed. } @Override public void onSuccess(LogRecordWithDLSN record) { // process the record ... // issue read next reader.readNext().addEventListener(this); } }; reader.readNext().addEventListener(readListener);
Close the reader¶
Close the reader after usage.
Run the example in the following steps:
Start the local bookkeeper cluster. After the bookkeeper cluster is started, you could access it using distributedlog uri distributedlog://
// dlog local ${zk-port} ./distributedlog-core/bin/dlog local 7000
Start the write proxy, listening on port 8000.
// DistributedLogServerApp -p ${service-port} --shard-id ${shard-id} -sp ${stats-port} -u {distributedlog-uri} -mx -c ${conf-file} ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog com.twitter.distributedlog.service.DistributedLogServerApp -p 8000 --shard-id 1 -sp 8001 -u distributedlog:// -mx -c ${distributedlog-repo}/distributedlog-service/conf/distributedlog_proxy.conf
Create the stream under the distributedlog uri.
// Create Stream `basic-stream-10` // dlog tool create -u ${distributedlog-uri} -r ${stream-prefix} -e ${stream-regex} ./distributedlog-core/bin/dlog tool create -u distributedlog:// -r basic-stream- -e 10
Run the RecordGenerator to generate records.
// Write Records into Stream `basic-stream-10` in 1 requests/second // runner run com.twitter.distributedlog.basic.RecordGenerator ${distributedlog-uri} ${stream} ${rate} ./distributedlog-tutorials/distributedlog-basic/bin/runner run com.twitter.distributedlog.basic.RecordGenerator 'inet!' basic-stream-10 1
Rewind the stream using StreamRewinder to read records from 30 seconds ago
// Rewind `basic-stream-10` // runner run com.twitter.distributedlog.basic.StreamRewinder ${distributedlog-uri} ${stream} ${seconds-to-rewind} ./distributedlog-tutorials/distributedlog-basic/bin/runner run com.twitter.distributedlog.basic.StreamRewinder distributedlog:// basic-stream-10 30
Example output from StreamRewinder.
// Output of `StreamRewinder` Opening log stream basic-stream-10 Record records starting from 1462736697481 which is 30 seconds ago Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=264, slotId=0} """ record-1462736697685 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=266, slotId=0} """ record-1462736698684 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=268, slotId=0} """ record-1462736699684 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=270, slotId=0} """ record-1462736700686 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=272, slotId=0} """ record-1462736701685 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=274, slotId=0} """ record-1462736702684 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=276, slotId=0} """ record-1462736703683 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=278, slotId=0} """ record-1462736704685 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=280, slotId=0} """ record-1462736705686 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=282, slotId=0} """ record-1462736706682 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=284, slotId=0} """ record-1462736707685 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=286, slotId=0} """ record-1462736708686 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=288, slotId=0} """ record-1462736709684 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=290, slotId=0} """ record-1462736710684 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=292, slotId=0} """ record-1462736711686 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=294, slotId=0} """ record-1462736712686 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=296, slotId=0} """ record-1462736713684 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=298, slotId=0} """ record-1462736714682 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=300, slotId=0} """ record-1462736715685 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=302, slotId=0} """ record-1462736716684 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=304, slotId=0} """ record-1462736717684 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=306, slotId=0} """ record-1462736718684 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=308, slotId=0} """ record-1462736719685 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=310, slotId=0} """ record-1462736720683 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=312, slotId=0} """ record-1462736721686 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=314, slotId=0} """ record-1462736722685 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=316, slotId=0} """ record-1462736723683 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=318, slotId=0} """ record-1462736724683 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=320, slotId=0} """ record-1462736725685 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=322, slotId=0} """ record-1462736726686 """ Reader caught with latest data Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=324, slotId=0} """ record-1462736727686 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=326, slotId=0} """ record-1462736728684 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=328, slotId=0} """ record-1462736729682 """ Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=330, slotId=0} """ record-1462736730685 """