template<class InputIteratorType , class OutputIteratorType > |
OutputIteratorType | xalanc::XalanCopy (InputIteratorType begin, InputIteratorType end, OutputIteratorType iterator) |
template<class InputIteratorType , class OutputIteratorType , class UnaryFunction > |
OutputIteratorType | xalanc::XalanTransform (InputIteratorType begin, InputIteratorType end, OutputIteratorType iterator, UnaryFunction function) |
const XalanDOMChar * | xalanc::c_wstr (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Get the underlying representation of the target XalanDOMString as a null-terminated string. More...
const char * | xalanc::c_str (const CharVectorType &theString) |
| Get the underlying representation of the target CharVectorType as a null-terminated string. More...
const XalanDOMChar * | xalanc::c_wstr (const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
| Get the underlying representation of the wide string as a UNICODE null-terminated string. More...
const XalanDOMChar * | xalanc::toCharArray (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Get the underlying representation of the target XalanDOMString as an array of XalanDOMChar, not guaranteed to be null-terminated. More...
const XalanDOMChar * | xalanc::toCharArray (const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
| Get the underlying representation of a XalanDOMChar. More...
const char * | xalanc::toCharArray (const CharVectorType &theString) |
| Get the underlying representation of the target CharVectorType as a pointer to an array of characters. More...
void | xalanc::reserve (XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theCount) |
| Reserve some space in the string for more efficient concatenation... More...
XalanDOMString::size_type | xalanc::length (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Get the length of a XalanDOMString. More...
XalanDOMString::size_type | xalanc::length (const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
| Get the length of a null-terminated string of XalanDOMChar characters. More...
XalanDOMString::size_type | xalanc::length (const char *theString) |
| Get the length of a null-terminated string. More...
bool | xalanc::isEmpty (const XalanDOMString &str) |
| Determines if the target string contains any elements. More...
XalanDOMString::size_type | xalanc::indexOf (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMChar theChar) |
| Simulates the java String method indexOf(). More...
XalanDOMString::size_type | xalanc::indexOf (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringLength, XalanDOMChar theChar) |
| Simulates the java String method indexOf(). More...
XalanDOMString::size_type | xalanc::indexOf (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMChar theChar) |
| Simulates the java String method indexOf(). More...
| xalanc::indexOf (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringLength, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring, XalanDOMString::size_type theSubstringLength) |
| Simulates the java String method indexOf(). More...
XalanDOMString::size_type | xalanc::indexOf (const XalanDOMChar *theString, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring) |
| Simulates the java String method indexOf(). More...
| xalanc::indexOf (const XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMString &theSubstring) |
| Simulates the java String method indexOf(). More...
| xalanc::lastIndexOf (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMChar theChar) |
| Simulates the java String method lastIndexOf(). More...
XalanDOMString::size_type | xalanc::lastIndexOf (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMChar theChar) |
| Simulates the java String method lastIndexOf(). More...
| xalanc::startsWith (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringLength, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring, XalanDOMString::size_type theSubstringLength) |
| Simulates the java String method startsWith(). More...
bool | xalanc::startsWith (const XalanDOMChar *theString, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring) |
| Simulates the java String method startsWith(). More...
bool | xalanc::startsWith (const XalanDOMChar *theString, const XalanDOMString &theSubstring) |
| Simulates the java String method startsWith(). More...
bool | xalanc::startsWith (const XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring) |
| Simulates the java String method startsWith(). More...
bool | xalanc::startsWith (const XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring, XalanDOMString::size_type theSubstringLength) |
| Simulates the java String method startsWith(). More...
bool | xalanc::startsWith (const XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMString &theSubstring) |
| Simulates the java String method startsWith(). More...
| xalanc::endsWith (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringLength, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring, XalanDOMString::size_type theSubstringLength) |
| Simulates the java String method endsWith(). More...
bool | xalanc::endsWith (const XalanDOMChar *theString, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring) |
| Simulates the java String method endsWith(). More...
bool | xalanc::endsWith (const XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMString &theSubstring) |
| Simulates the java String method endsWith(). More...
| xalanc::PointerToDOMString (const void *theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts a pointer into a XalanDOMString. More...
| xalanc::NumberToDOMString (double theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts a double value into a XalanDOMString. More...
| xalanc::NumberToDOMString (XMLUInt64 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts an 64-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString. More...
| xalanc::NumberToDOMString (XMLInt64 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts an 64-bit signed int value into a XalanDOMString. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::NumberToDOMString (XMLUInt32 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts a 32-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::NumberToDOMString (XMLInt32 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts a 32-bit int value into a XalanDOMString. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::NumberToDOMString (XMLUInt16 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts a 16-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::NumberToDOMString (XMLInt16 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts a 16-bit int value into a XalanDOMString. More...
| xalanc::NumberToHexDOMString (XMLUInt64 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts an 64-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString. More...
| xalanc::NumberToHexDOMString (XMLInt64 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts an 64-bit signed int value into a XalanDOMString. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::NumberToHexDOMString (XMLUInt32 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts a 32-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::NumberToHexDOMString (XMLInt32 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts a 32-bit signed int value into a XalanDOMString. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::NumberToHexDOMString (XMLUInt16 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts a 16-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::NumberToHexDOMString (XMLInt16 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts a 16-bit signed int value into a XalanDOMString. More...
| xalanc::WideStringToInt (const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
| Converts a wide string into an integer value. More...
| xalanc::WideStringToLong (const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
| Converts a wide string into a long value. More...
| xalanc::WideStringToUnsignedLong (const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
| Converts a wide string into an unsigned long value. More...
| xalanc::WideStringToDouble (const XalanDOMChar *theString, MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) |
| Converts a wide string into a double value. More...
int | xalanc::DOMStringToInt (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Converts a XalanDOMString into an integer value. More...
long | xalanc::DOMStringToLong (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Converts a XalanDOMString into a long value. More...
unsigned long | xalanc::DOMStringToUnsignedLong (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Converts a XalanDOMString into a long value. More...
double | xalanc::DOMStringToDouble (const XalanDOMString &theString, MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) |
| Converts a XalanDOMString into a double value. More...
| xalanc::OutputString (XalanOutputStream &theStream, const CharVectorType &theString) |
| Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More...
| xalanc::OutputString (std::ostream &theStream, const CharVectorType &theString) |
| Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More...
| xalanc::OutputString (XalanOutputStream &theStream, const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
| Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More...
| xalanc::OutputString (std::ostream &theStream, const XalanDOMChar *theString, MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) |
| Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More...
void | xalanc::OutputString (XalanOutputStream &theStream, const XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More...
void | xalanc::OutputString (std::ostream &theStream, const XalanDOMString &theString, MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) |
| Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More...
XalanOutputStream & | xalanc::operator<< (XalanOutputStream &theStream, const CharVectorType &theString) |
| Outputs the string to the specified stream. More...
std::ostream & | xalanc::operator<< (std::ostream &theStream, const CharVectorType &theString) |
| Outputs the string to the specified stream. More...
XalanOutputStream & | xalanc::operator<< (XalanOutputStream &theStream, const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
| Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More...
std::ostream & | xalanc::operator<< (std::ostream &theStream, const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
| Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More...
XalanOutputStream & | xalanc::operator<< (XalanOutputStream &theStream, const XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More...
std::ostream & | xalanc::operator<< (std::ostream &theStream, const XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More...
std::ostream & | xalanc::operator<< (std::ostream &theStream, XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More...
XalanDOMChar | xalanc::charAt (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theIndex) |
| Retrieves a character at a specified index in the target string. More...
bool | xalanc::isXMLWhitespace (XalanDOMChar theChar) |
| Determines whether character represents white space. More...
bool | xalanc::isXMLDigit (XalanDOMChar theChar) |
| Determines whether character represents a digit. More...
bool | xalanc::isXMLLetterOrDigit (XalanDOMChar theChar) |
| Determines whether character represents a letter or digit. More...
| xalanc::substring (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString &theSubstring, XalanDOMString::size_type theStartIndex, XalanDOMString::size_type theEndIndex=XalanDOMString::npos) |
| Simulates the java String method substring(). More...
| xalanc::substring (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString &theSubstring, XalanDOMString::size_type theStartIndex, XalanDOMString::size_type theEndIndex=XalanDOMString::npos) |
| Simulates the java String method substring(). More...
| xalanc::substring (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theStartIndex, XalanDOMString &theResult, XalanDOMString::size_type theEndIndex=XalanDOMString::npos) |
| Simulates the java String method substring(). More...
XalanDOMChar | xalanc::toLowerASCII (XalanDOMChar theChar) |
| Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from upper case to lower case. More...
XalanDOMChar | xalanc::toUpperASCII (XalanDOMChar theChar) |
| Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from lower case to upper case. More...
XalanDOMChar | xalanc::flipCaseASCII (XalanDOMChar theChar) |
| Flips the case to of the supplied character. More...
| xalanc::toLowerCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from upper case to lower case. More...
| xalanc::toLowerCaseASCII (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from upper case to lower case. More...
| xalanc::toLowerCaseASCII (XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from upper case to lower case. More...
| xalanc::toUpperCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from lower case to upper case. More...
| xalanc::toUpperCaseASCII (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from lower case to upper case. More...
| xalanc::toUpperCaseASCII (XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from lower case to upper case. More...
| xalanc::compare (const CharVectorType &theLHS, const CharVectorType &theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings. More...
| xalanc::compare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLHSLength, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theRHSLength) |
| Compare the contents of two character arrays. More...
int | xalanc::compare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two null-terminated strings. More...
int | xalanc::compare (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings. More...
int | xalanc::compare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings. More...
int | xalanc::compare (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings. More...
| xalanc::compareIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLHSLength, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theRHSLength) |
| Compare the contents of two arrays in a case insensitive manner. More...
int | xalanc::compareIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings, in a case insensitive manner. More...
int | xalanc::compareIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings, in a case insensitive manner. More...
int | xalanc::compareIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings, in a case insensitive manner. More...
int | xalanc::compareIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings, in a case insensitive manner. More...
| xalanc::collationCompare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLHSLength, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theRHSLength) |
| Compare the contents of two character arrays. More...
| xalanc::collationCompare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings. More...
int | xalanc::collationCompare (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings. More...
int | xalanc::collationCompare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings. More...
int | xalanc::collationCompare (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings. More...
| xalanc::equals (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLength) |
| Compare the contents of two arrays for equality. More...
bool | xalanc::equals (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLHSLength, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theRHSLength) |
| Compare the contents of two arrays for equality. More...
bool | xalanc::equals (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings for equality. More...
bool | xalanc::equals (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings for equality. More...
bool | xalanc::equals (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings for equality. More...
bool | xalanc::equals (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings for equality. More...
bool | xalanc::equals (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theRHSLength) |
| Compare the contents of two strings for equality. More...
| xalanc::equalsIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLength) |
| Compare the contents of two arrays for equality, without regard for case. More...
bool | xalanc::equalsIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLHSLength, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theRHSLength) |
| Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case. More...
bool | xalanc::equalsIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case. More...
bool | xalanc::equalsIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case Only the characters A-Z and a-z are considered. More...
bool | xalanc::equalsIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case. More...
bool | xalanc::equalsIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
| Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case. More...
bool | xalanc::operator< (const CharVectorType &theLHS, const CharVectorType &theRHS) |
| Implements operator< for CharVectorType. More...
bool | xalanc::operator< (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
| Implements operator< for DOMStrings. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::assign (XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMString &theStringToAssign) |
| Assign one string to another. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::assign (XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMChar *theStringToAssign, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringToAssignLength=XalanDOMString::npos) |
| Assign one string to another. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::append (XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMString &theStringToAppend) |
| Concatenate two strings. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::append (XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMChar *theStringToAppend, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringToAppendLength=XalanDOMString::npos) |
| Concatenate two strings. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::append (XalanDOMString &theString, const char *theStringToAppend, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringToAppendLength=XalanDOMString::npos) |
| Concatenate two strings. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::append (XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMChar theCharToAppend) |
| Concatenate a string and a character. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::append (XalanDOMString &theString, char theCharToAppend) |
| Concatenate a string and a character. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::insert (XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString::size_type thePosition, const XalanDOMString &theStringToInsert) |
| Insert a string into another string. More...
XalanDOMString & | xalanc::insert (XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString::size_type thePosition, const XalanDOMChar *theStringToInsert) |
| Insert a string into another string. More...
| xalanc::trim (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
| Remove leading and trailing whitespace. More...
void | xalanc::clear (XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Remove all elements from target string. More...
void | xalanc::erase (XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Remove all elements from target string. More...
void | xalanc::releaseMemory (XalanDOMString &theString, MemoryManager &theManager) |
| Remove all elements from target string and frees all allocated memory. More...
| xalanc::CopyWideStringToVector (const XalanDOMChar *theString, CharVectorType &theVector) |
| xalanc::CopyStringToVector (const char *theString, CharVectorType &theVector) |
| xalanc::MakeXalanDOMCharVector (const char *data, XalanDOMCharVectorType &result, bool fTranscode=true) |
| Utility function to make a null-terminated vector of XMLChs, from a null-terminated array of chars, via transcoding, if requested. More...
| xalanc::MakeXalanDOMCharVector (const XalanDOMChar *data, XalanDOMCharVectorType &result) |
| Utility function to make a null-terminated vector of XMLChs, from a null-terminated array of XalanDOMChar. More...
XalanDOMCharVectorType & | xalanc::MakeXalanDOMCharVector (const XalanDOMString &data, XalanDOMCharVectorType &result) |
| Utility function to make a null-terminated vector of XMLChs, from a XalanDOMString. More...
| xalanc::isXMLWhitespace (const XalanDOMString &string) |
| Determines if the string contains only whitespace. More...
| xalanc::isXMLWhitespace (const XalanDOMChar ch[], XalanDOMString::size_type start, XalanDOMString::size_type length) |
| Determines if a range in an array contains only whitespace. More...
bool | xalanc::isXMLWhitespace (const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
| Determines if a null-terminated string contains only whitespace. More...