Xalan-C++ API Reference
Simple empty elem to push on the stack when nothing else got pushed, so that pop() works correctly. More...
Namespaces | |
XalanUnicode | |
Typedefs | |
typedef XalanVector< const XalanNode * > | AttributeVectorTypeDecl |
typedef U_ICU_NAMESPACE::Collator | CollatorType |
typedef StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::FormatNumberFunctor | FormatNumberFunctor |
typedef U_ICU_NAMESPACE::DecimalFormat | DecimalFormatType |
typedef size_t | size_type |
typedef MemoryManager | MemoryManagerType |
typedef xercesc::AttributeList | AttributeListType |
typedef xercesc::Attributes | AttributesType |
typedef xercesc::Locator | LocatorType |
typedef xercesc::XMLURL | XMLURLType |
typedef XalanVector< XalanDOMChar > | XalanDOMCharVectorType |
typedef XalanVector< char > | CharVectorType |
typedef xercesc::ContentHandler | ContentHandlerType |
typedef xercesc::DTDHandler | DTDHandlerType |
typedef xercesc::LexicalHandler | LexicalHandlerType |
typedef xercesc::EntityResolver | EntityResolverType |
typedef xercesc::ErrorHandler | ErrorHandlerType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_Document | DOM_Document_Type |
typedef xercesc::DOMDocument | DOMDocument_Type |
typedef xercesc::DOM_Attr | DOM_AttrType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_CharacterData | DOM_CharacterDataType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_Comment | DOM_CommentType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_CDATASection | DOM_CDATASectionType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_DocumentType | DOM_DocumentType_Type |
typedef xercesc::DOM_DocumentFragment | DOM_DocumentFragmentType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_DOMImplementation | DOM_DOMImplementationType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_Element | DOM_ElementType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_Entity | DOM_EntityType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_EntityReference | DOM_EntityReferenceType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_Node | DOM_NodeType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_Text | DOM_TextType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_NamedNodeMap | DOM_NamedNodeMapType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_NodeList | DOM_NodeListType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_Notation | DOM_NotationType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_ProcessingInstruction | DOM_ProcessingInstructionType |
typedef xercesc::DOM_DOMException | DOM_DOMExceptionType |
typedef xercesc::AttrImpl | AttrImplType |
typedef xercesc::ElementImpl | ElementImplType |
typedef xercesc::NodeImpl | NodeImplType |
typedef xercesc::TextImpl | TextImplType |
typedef xercesc::DOMString | DOMStringType |
typedef xercesc::SAXParseException | SAXParseExceptionType |
typedef xercesc::DOMAttr | DOMAttrType |
typedef xercesc::DOMCharacterData | DOMCharacterDataType |
typedef xercesc::DOMComment | DOMCommentType |
typedef xercesc::DOMCDATASection | DOMCDATASectionType |
typedef xercesc::DOMDocumentType | DOMDocumentType_Type |
typedef xercesc::DOMDocumentFragment | DOMDocumentFragmentType |
typedef xercesc::DOMImplementation | DOMImplementationType |
typedef xercesc::DOMElement | DOMElementType |
typedef xercesc::DOMEntity | DOMEntityType |
typedef xercesc::DOMEntityReference | DOMEntityReferenceType |
typedef xercesc::DOMNode | DOMNodeType |
typedef xercesc::DOMText | DOMTextType |
typedef xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap | DOMNamedNodeMapType |
typedef xercesc::DOMNodeList | DOMNodeListType |
typedef xercesc::DOMNotation | DOMNotationType |
typedef xercesc::DOMProcessingInstruction | DOMProcessingInstructionType |
typedef xercesc::DOMException | DOMExceptionType |
typedef XMLSize_t | XMLSizeType |
typedef xercesc::DocumentHandler | DocumentHandlerType |
typedef xercesc::InputSource | InputSourceType |
typedef XalanMap< XalanDOMString, const Function * > | FunctionTableTypeDefinition |
typedef XalanVector< Counter > | CounterVectorTypeDecl |
typedef XalanVector< CounterVectorTypeDecl > | ElemCounterVectorVectorTypeDecl |
typedef XalanMap< XalanDOMString, MutableNodeRefList > | NodeListMapTypeDefinitions |
Table of element keys, keyed by document node. More... | |
typedef XalanVector< double > | NumberVectorTypeDecl |
typedef XalanVector< XalanDOMString > | StringVectorTypeDecl |
typedef XalanVector< const XalanMatchPatternData * > | PatternTableVectorTypeDecl |
typedef VariablesStack::ParamsVectorType | ParamsVectorTypeDecl |
typedef XalanVector< ElemAttributeSet * > | AttributeSetVectorTypeDecl |
typedef xercesc::BinInputStream | BinInputStreamType |
Functions | |
template<class Type > | |
XalanDestroyFunctor< Type > | makeXalanDestroyFunctor (const Type *) |
template<class MapType > | |
MapValueDeleteFunctor< MapType > | makeMapValueDeleteFunctor (MapType &theMap) |
template<class ScalarType > | |
size_t | XalanScalarHash (ScalarType theValue, size_t theResult) |
template<class Type > | |
void | XalanDestroy (Type &theArg) |
template<class Type > | |
void | XalanDestroy (Type *theArg) |
template<class Type > | |
void | XalanDestroy (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, Type *theArg) |
template<class Type > | |
void | XalanDestroy (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, Type &theArg) |
template<class Type > | |
Type * | XalanConstruct (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, Type *&theInstance) |
template<class Type , class Param1Type > | |
Type * | XalanConstruct (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, Type *&theInstance, const Param1Type &theParam1) |
template<class Type , class Param1Type > | |
Type * | XalanConstruct (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, Type *&theInstance, Param1Type &theParam1) |
template<class Type , class Param1Type , class Param2Type > | |
Type * | XalanConstruct (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, Type *&theInstance, Param1Type &theParam1, const Param2Type &theParam2) |
template<class Type , class Param1Type , class Param2Type , class Param3Type , class Param4Type > | |
Type * | XalanConstruct (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, Type *&theInstance, const Param1Type *theParam1, const Param2Type *theParam2, const Param3Type *theParam3, Param4Type &theParam4) |
template<class Type , class Param1Type , class Param2Type , class Param3Type , class Param4Type , class Param5Type , class Param6Type > | |
Type * | XalanConstruct (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, Type *&theInstance, const Param1Type *theParam1, const Param2Type *theParam2, const Param3Type *theParam3, const Param4Type *theParam4, const Param5Type *theParam5, Param6Type &theParam6) |
template<class Type , class Param1Type , class Param2Type , class Param3Type > | |
Type * | XalanConstruct (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, Type *&theInstance, Param1Type &theParam1, const Param2Type &theParam2, Param3Type &theParam3) |
template<class Type , class Param1Type , class Param2Type , class Param3Type , class Param4Type , class Param5Type > | |
Type * | XalanConstruct (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, Type *&theInstance, Param1Type &theParam1, Param2Type &theParam2, const Param3Type &theParam3, const Param4Type &theParam4, const Param5Type &theParam5) |
template<class Type , class Param1Type , class Param2Type , class Param3Type , class Param4Type , class Param5Type , class Param6Type > | |
Type * | XalanConstruct (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, Type *&theInstance, Param1Type &theParam1, Param2Type &theParam2, const Param3Type &theParam3, const Param4Type &theParam4, const Param5Type &theParam5, const Param6Type &theParam6) |
template<class Type > | |
Type * | XalanCopyConstruct (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, const Type &theSource) |
template<class Type , class Param1Type > | |
Type * | XalanCopyConstruct (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, const Type &theSource, Param1Type &theParam1) |
template<class Type > | |
void | swap (XalanVector< Type > &theLHS, XalanVector< Type > &theRHS) |
template<class Type > | |
bool | operator== (const XalanVector< Type > &theLHS, const XalanVector< Type > &theRHS) |
template<class Type > | |
bool | operator!= (const XalanVector< Type > &theLHS, const XalanVector< Type > &theRHS) |
template<class Type > | |
bool | operator< (const XalanVector< Type > &theLHS, const XalanVector< Type > &theRHS) |
template<class Type > | |
bool | operator<= (const XalanVector< Type > &theLHS, const XalanVector< Type > &theRHS) |
template<class Type > | |
bool | operator> (const XalanVector< Type > &theLHS, const XalanVector< Type > &theRHS) |
template<class Type > | |
bool | operator>= (const XalanVector< Type > &theLHS, const XalanVector< Type > &theRHS) |
template<class OutputIteratorType , class FilterPredicateType , class StringType , class StringConversionFunction > | |
void | EnumerateDirectory (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, const StringType &theFullSearchSpec, OutputIteratorType theOutputIterator, FilterPredicateType theFilterPredicate, StringConversionFunction theConversionFunction, bool fIncludeSelfAndParent=false) |
template<class OutputIteratorType , class FilterPredicateType , class StringType , class StringConversionFunction > | |
void | EnumerateDirectory (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, const StringType &theDirectory, const StringType &theSearchSpec, OutputIteratorType theOutputIterator, FilterPredicateType theFilterPredicate, StringConversionFunction theConversionFunction, bool fIncludeSelfAndParent=false) |
template<class InputIteratorType , class OutputIteratorType > | |
OutputIteratorType | XalanCopy (InputIteratorType begin, InputIteratorType end, OutputIteratorType iterator) |
template<class InputIteratorType , class OutputIteratorType , class UnaryFunction > | |
OutputIteratorType | XalanTransform (InputIteratorType begin, InputIteratorType end, OutputIteratorType iterator, UnaryFunction function) |
const XalanDOMChar * | c_wstr (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
Get the underlying representation of the target XalanDOMString as a null-terminated string. More... | |
const char * | c_str (const CharVectorType &theString) |
Get the underlying representation of the target CharVectorType as a null-terminated string. More... | |
const XalanDOMChar * | c_wstr (const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
Get the underlying representation of the wide string as a UNICODE null-terminated string. More... | |
const XalanDOMChar * | toCharArray (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
Get the underlying representation of the target XalanDOMString as an array of XalanDOMChar, not guaranteed to be null-terminated. More... | |
const XalanDOMChar * | toCharArray (const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
Get the underlying representation of a XalanDOMChar. More... | |
const char * | toCharArray (const CharVectorType &theString) |
Get the underlying representation of the target CharVectorType as a pointer to an array of characters. More... | |
void | reserve (XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theCount) |
Reserve some space in the string for more efficient concatenation... More... | |
XalanDOMString::size_type | length (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
Get the length of a XalanDOMString. More... | |
XalanDOMString::size_type | length (const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
Get the length of a null-terminated string of XalanDOMChar characters. More... | |
XalanDOMString::size_type | length (const char *theString) |
Get the length of a null-terminated string. More... | |
bool | isEmpty (const XalanDOMString &str) |
Determines if the target string contains any elements. More... | |
XalanDOMString::size_type | indexOf (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMChar theChar) |
Simulates the java String method indexOf(). More... | |
XalanDOMString::size_type | indexOf (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringLength, XalanDOMChar theChar) |
Simulates the java String method indexOf(). More... | |
XalanDOMString::size_type | indexOf (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMChar theChar) |
Simulates the java String method indexOf(). More... | |
indexOf (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringLength, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring, XalanDOMString::size_type theSubstringLength) | |
Simulates the java String method indexOf(). More... | |
XalanDOMString::size_type | indexOf (const XalanDOMChar *theString, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring) |
Simulates the java String method indexOf(). More... | |
indexOf (const XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMString &theSubstring) | |
Simulates the java String method indexOf(). More... | |
lastIndexOf (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMChar theChar) | |
Simulates the java String method lastIndexOf(). More... | |
XalanDOMString::size_type | lastIndexOf (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMChar theChar) |
Simulates the java String method lastIndexOf(). More... | |
startsWith (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringLength, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring, XalanDOMString::size_type theSubstringLength) | |
Simulates the java String method startsWith(). More... | |
bool | startsWith (const XalanDOMChar *theString, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring) |
Simulates the java String method startsWith(). More... | |
bool | startsWith (const XalanDOMChar *theString, const XalanDOMString &theSubstring) |
Simulates the java String method startsWith(). More... | |
bool | startsWith (const XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring) |
Simulates the java String method startsWith(). More... | |
bool | startsWith (const XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring, XalanDOMString::size_type theSubstringLength) |
Simulates the java String method startsWith(). More... | |
bool | startsWith (const XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMString &theSubstring) |
Simulates the java String method startsWith(). More... | |
endsWith (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringLength, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring, XalanDOMString::size_type theSubstringLength) | |
Simulates the java String method endsWith(). More... | |
bool | endsWith (const XalanDOMChar *theString, const XalanDOMChar *theSubstring) |
Simulates the java String method endsWith(). More... | |
bool | endsWith (const XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMString &theSubstring) |
Simulates the java String method endsWith(). More... | |
PointerToDOMString (const void *theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) | |
Converts a pointer into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
NumberToDOMString (double theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) | |
Converts a double value into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
NumberToDOMString (XMLUInt64 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) | |
Converts an 64-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
NumberToDOMString (XMLInt64 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) | |
Converts an 64-bit signed int value into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | NumberToDOMString (XMLUInt32 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
Converts a 32-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | NumberToDOMString (XMLInt32 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
Converts a 32-bit int value into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | NumberToDOMString (XMLUInt16 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
Converts a 16-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | NumberToDOMString (XMLInt16 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
Converts a 16-bit int value into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
NumberToHexDOMString (XMLUInt64 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) | |
Converts an 64-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
NumberToHexDOMString (XMLInt64 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) | |
Converts an 64-bit signed int value into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | NumberToHexDOMString (XMLUInt32 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
Converts a 32-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | NumberToHexDOMString (XMLInt32 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
Converts a 32-bit signed int value into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | NumberToHexDOMString (XMLUInt16 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
Converts a 16-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | NumberToHexDOMString (XMLInt16 theValue, XalanDOMString &theResult) |
Converts a 16-bit signed int value into a XalanDOMString. More... | |
WideStringToInt (const XalanDOMChar *theString) | |
Converts a wide string into an integer value. More... | |
WideStringToLong (const XalanDOMChar *theString) | |
Converts a wide string into a long value. More... | |
WideStringToUnsignedLong (const XalanDOMChar *theString) | |
Converts a wide string into an unsigned long value. More... | |
WideStringToDouble (const XalanDOMChar *theString, MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) | |
Converts a wide string into a double value. More... | |
int | DOMStringToInt (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
Converts a XalanDOMString into an integer value. More... | |
long | DOMStringToLong (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
Converts a XalanDOMString into a long value. More... | |
unsigned long | DOMStringToUnsignedLong (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
Converts a XalanDOMString into a long value. More... | |
double | DOMStringToDouble (const XalanDOMString &theString, MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) |
Converts a XalanDOMString into a double value. More... | |
OutputString (XalanOutputStream &theStream, const CharVectorType &theString) | |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More... | |
OutputString (std::ostream &theStream, const CharVectorType &theString) | |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More... | |
OutputString (XalanOutputStream &theStream, const XalanDOMChar *theString) | |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More... | |
OutputString (std::ostream &theStream, const XalanDOMChar *theString, MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) | |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More... | |
void | OutputString (XalanOutputStream &theStream, const XalanDOMString &theString) |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More... | |
void | OutputString (std::ostream &theStream, const XalanDOMString &theString, MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More... | |
XalanOutputStream & | operator<< (XalanOutputStream &theStream, const CharVectorType &theString) |
Outputs the string to the specified stream. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &theStream, const CharVectorType &theString) |
Outputs the string to the specified stream. More... | |
XalanOutputStream & | operator<< (XalanOutputStream &theStream, const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &theStream, const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More... | |
XalanOutputStream & | operator<< (XalanOutputStream &theStream, const XalanDOMString &theString) |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &theStream, const XalanDOMString &theString) |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &theStream, XalanDOMString &theString) |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream. More... | |
XalanDOMChar | charAt (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theIndex) |
Retrieves a character at a specified index in the target string. More... | |
bool | isXMLWhitespace (XalanDOMChar theChar) |
Determines whether character represents white space. More... | |
bool | isXMLDigit (XalanDOMChar theChar) |
Determines whether character represents a digit. More... | |
bool | isXMLLetterOrDigit (XalanDOMChar theChar) |
Determines whether character represents a letter or digit. More... | |
substring (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString &theSubstring, XalanDOMString::size_type theStartIndex, XalanDOMString::size_type theEndIndex=XalanDOMString::npos) | |
Simulates the java String method substring(). More... | |
substring (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString &theSubstring, XalanDOMString::size_type theStartIndex, XalanDOMString::size_type theEndIndex=XalanDOMString::npos) | |
Simulates the java String method substring(). More... | |
substring (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString::size_type theStartIndex, XalanDOMString &theResult, XalanDOMString::size_type theEndIndex=XalanDOMString::npos) | |
Simulates the java String method substring(). More... | |
XalanDOMChar | toLowerASCII (XalanDOMChar theChar) |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from upper case to lower case. More... | |
XalanDOMChar | toUpperASCII (XalanDOMChar theChar) |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from lower case to upper case. More... | |
XalanDOMChar | flipCaseASCII (XalanDOMChar theChar) |
Flips the case to of the supplied character. More... | |
toLowerCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString &theResult) | |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from upper case to lower case. More... | |
toLowerCaseASCII (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString &theResult) | |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from upper case to lower case. More... | |
toLowerCaseASCII (XalanDOMString &theString) | |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from upper case to lower case. More... | |
toUpperCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theString, XalanDOMString &theResult) | |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from lower case to upper case. More... | |
toUpperCaseASCII (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString &theResult) | |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from lower case to upper case. More... | |
toUpperCaseASCII (XalanDOMString &theString) | |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from lower case to upper case. More... | |
compare (const CharVectorType &theLHS, const CharVectorType &theRHS) | |
Compare the contents of two strings. More... | |
compare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLHSLength, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theRHSLength) | |
Compare the contents of two character arrays. More... | |
int | compare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two null-terminated strings. More... | |
int | compare (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings. More... | |
int | compare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings. More... | |
int | compare (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings. More... | |
compareIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLHSLength, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theRHSLength) | |
Compare the contents of two arrays in a case insensitive manner. More... | |
int | compareIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings, in a case insensitive manner. More... | |
int | compareIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings, in a case insensitive manner. More... | |
int | compareIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings, in a case insensitive manner. More... | |
int | compareIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings, in a case insensitive manner. More... | |
collationCompare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLHSLength, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theRHSLength) | |
Compare the contents of two character arrays. More... | |
collationCompare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) | |
Compare the contents of two strings. More... | |
int | collationCompare (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings. More... | |
int | collationCompare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings. More... | |
int | collationCompare (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings. More... | |
equals (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLength) | |
Compare the contents of two arrays for equality. More... | |
bool | equals (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLHSLength, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theRHSLength) |
Compare the contents of two arrays for equality. More... | |
bool | equals (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality. More... | |
bool | equals (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality. More... | |
bool | equals (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality. More... | |
bool | equals (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality. More... | |
bool | equals (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theRHSLength) |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality. More... | |
equalsIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLength) | |
Compare the contents of two arrays for equality, without regard for case. More... | |
bool | equalsIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theLHSLength, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanDOMString::size_type theRHSLength) |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case. More... | |
bool | equalsIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case. More... | |
bool | equalsIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case Only the characters A-Z and a-z are considered. More... | |
bool | equalsIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case. More... | |
bool | equalsIgnoreCaseASCII (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case. More... | |
bool | operator< (const CharVectorType &theLHS, const CharVectorType &theRHS) |
Implements operator< for CharVectorType. More... | |
bool | operator< (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
Implements operator< for DOMStrings. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | assign (XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMString &theStringToAssign) |
Assign one string to another. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | assign (XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMChar *theStringToAssign, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringToAssignLength=XalanDOMString::npos) |
Assign one string to another. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | append (XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMString &theStringToAppend) |
Concatenate two strings. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | append (XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMChar *theStringToAppend, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringToAppendLength=XalanDOMString::npos) |
Concatenate two strings. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | append (XalanDOMString &theString, const char *theStringToAppend, XalanDOMString::size_type theStringToAppendLength=XalanDOMString::npos) |
Concatenate two strings. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | append (XalanDOMString &theString, const XalanDOMChar theCharToAppend) |
Concatenate a string and a character. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | append (XalanDOMString &theString, char theCharToAppend) |
Concatenate a string and a character. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | insert (XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString::size_type thePosition, const XalanDOMString &theStringToInsert) |
Insert a string into another string. More... | |
XalanDOMString & | insert (XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString::size_type thePosition, const XalanDOMChar *theStringToInsert) |
Insert a string into another string. More... | |
trim (const XalanDOMString &theString, XalanDOMString &theResult) | |
Remove leading and trailing whitespace. More... | |
void | clear (XalanDOMString &theString) |
Remove all elements from target string. More... | |
void | erase (XalanDOMString &theString) |
Remove all elements from target string. More... | |
void | releaseMemory (XalanDOMString &theString, MemoryManager &theManager) |
Remove all elements from target string and frees all allocated memory. More... | |
CopyWideStringToVector (const XalanDOMChar *theString, CharVectorType &theVector) | |
CopyStringToVector (const char *theString, CharVectorType &theVector) | |
MakeXalanDOMCharVector (const char *data, XalanDOMCharVectorType &result, bool fTranscode=true) | |
Utility function to make a null-terminated vector of XMLChs, from a null-terminated array of chars, via transcoding, if requested. More... | |
MakeXalanDOMCharVector (const XalanDOMChar *data, XalanDOMCharVectorType &result) | |
Utility function to make a null-terminated vector of XMLChs, from a null-terminated array of XalanDOMChar. More... | |
XalanDOMCharVectorType & | MakeXalanDOMCharVector (const XalanDOMString &data, XalanDOMCharVectorType &result) |
Utility function to make a null-terminated vector of XMLChs, from a XalanDOMString. More... | |
isXMLWhitespace (const XalanDOMString &string) | |
Determines if the string contains only whitespace. More... | |
isXMLWhitespace (const XalanDOMChar ch[], XalanDOMString::size_type start, XalanDOMString::size_type length) | |
Determines if a range in an array contains only whitespace. More... | |
bool | isXMLWhitespace (const XalanDOMChar *theString) |
Determines if a null-terminated string contains only whitespace. More... | |
bool | operator== (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
bool | operator== (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
bool | operator== (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
bool | operator!= (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
bool | operator!= (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS) |
bool | operator!= (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS) |
TranscodeToLocalCodePage (const XalanDOMChar *theSourceString, XalanDOMString::size_type theSourceStringLength, CharVectorType &targetVector, bool terminate=false) | |
Convert a XalanDOMChar string to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page. More... | |
TranscodeToLocalCodePage (const XalanDOMChar *theSourceString, XalanDOMString::size_type theSourceStringLength, CharVectorType &targetVector, bool terminate, char theSubstitutionChar) | |
Convert a XalanDOMChar string to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page. More... | |
const XalanDOMString | TranscodeFromLocalCodePage (const char *theSourceString, XalanDOMString::size_type theSourceStringLength=XalanDOMString::npos) |
Convert a string to a XalanDOMString, transcoding from the default local code page. More... | |
TranscodeToLocalCodePage (const XalanDOMChar *theSourceString, CharVectorType &targetVector, bool terminate=false) | |
Convert a XalanDOMChar string to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page. More... | |
TranscodeToLocalCodePage (const XalanDOMChar *theSourceString, CharVectorType &targetVector, bool terminate, char theSubstitutionChar) | |
Convert a XalanDOMChar string to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page. More... | |
const CharVectorType | TranscodeToLocalCodePage (const XalanDOMChar *theSourceString) |
Convert XalanDOMString to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page. More... | |
bool | TranscodeToLocalCodePage (const XalanDOMString &theSourceString, CharVectorType &theTargetVector, bool terminate=false) |
Convert XalanDOMString to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page. More... | |
TranscodeToLocalCodePage (const XalanDOMString &theSourceString, CharVectorType &theTargetVector, bool terminate, char theSubstitutionChar) | |
Convert XalanDOMString to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page. More... | |
const CharVectorType | TranscodeToLocalCodePage (const XalanDOMString &theSourceString) |
Convert XalanDOMString to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page. More... | |
const XalanDOMString & | TranscodeFromLocalCodePage (const char *theSourceString, XalanDOMString &theResult, XalanDOMString::size_type theSourceStringLength=XalanDOMString::npos) |
Convert a string to a XalanDOMString, transcoding from the default local code page. More... | |
TranscodeFromLocalCodePage (const char *theSourceString, XalanDOMString::size_type theSourceStringLength, XalanDOMCharVectorType &theTargetVector, bool terminate=false) | |
Convert a string to a C++ standard library vector, transcoding from the default local code page. More... | |
TranscodeFromLocalCodePage (const char *theSourceString, XalanDOMCharVectorType &theTargetVector, bool terminate=false) | |
Convert a string to a C++ standard library vector, transcoding from the default local code page. More... | |
TranscodeFromLocalCodePage (const char *theSourceString, XalanDOMString::size_type theSourceStringLength, bool theSourceStringIsNullTerminated, XalanDOMCharVectorType &theTargetVector, bool terminate=false) | |
Convert a string to a C++ standard library vector, transcoding from the default local code page. More... | |
TranscodeFromLocalCodePage (const CharVectorType &theSourceString, XalanDOMString &theResult) | |
Convert a vector of characters to a XalanDOMString, transcoding from the default local code. More... | |
char | bits19to21 (XalanUnicodeChar theChar) |
char | bits13to18 (XalanUnicodeChar theChar) |
char | bits13to16 (XalanUnicodeChar theChar) |
char | bits7to12 (XalanUnicodeChar theChar) |
char | bits7to11 (XalanUnicodeChar theChar) |
char | bits1to6 (XalanUnicodeChar theChar) |
char | leadingByteOf2 (char theBits) |
char | leadingByteOf3 (char theBits) |
char | leadingByteOf4 (char theBits) |
char | trailingByte (char theBits) |
bool | operator== (const XalanQName &theLHS, const XalanQName &theRHS) |
bool | operator!= (const XalanQName &theLHS, const XalanQName &theRHS) |
bool | operator< (const XalanQName &theLHS, const XalanQName &theRHS) |
bool | operator== (const XObjectPtr &theLHS, const XObjectPtr &theRHS) |
bool | operator!= (const XObjectPtr &theLHS, const XObjectPtr &theRHS) |
bool | operator< (const XObjectPtr &theLHS, const XObjectPtr &theRHS) |
bool | operator== (const ElemAttributeSet &theLHS, const ElemAttributeSet &theRHS) |
bool | operator< (const ElemAttributeSet &theLHS, const ElemAttributeSet &theRHS) |
Simple empty elem to push on the stack when nothing else got pushed, so that pop() works correctly.
typedef xercesc::AttributeList xalanc::AttributeListType |
Definition at line 41 of file AttributeListImpl.hpp.
Definition at line 52 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.
typedef xercesc::Attributes xalanc::AttributesType |
Definition at line 40 of file AttributesImpl.hpp.
typedef XalanVector<const XalanNode*> xalanc::AttributeVectorTypeDecl |
Definition at line 54 of file XalanDocumentPrefixResolver.hpp.
typedef xercesc::AttrImpl xalanc::AttrImplType |
Definition at line 82 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::BinInputStream xalanc::BinInputStreamType |
Definition at line 52 of file XSLTInputSource.hpp.
typedef XalanVector<char> xalanc::CharVectorType |
Definition at line 1126 of file XalanDOMString.hpp.
typedef U_ICU_NAMESPACE::Collator xalanc::CollatorType |
Definition at line 44 of file ICUBridgeCollationCompareFunctorImpl.hpp.
typedef xercesc::ContentHandler xalanc::ContentHandlerType |
Definition at line 65 of file XalanSourceTreeContentHandler.hpp.
Definition at line 145 of file CountersTable.hpp.
typedef U_ICU_NAMESPACE::DecimalFormat xalanc::DecimalFormatType |
Definition at line 53 of file ICUFormatNumberFunctor.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DocumentHandler xalanc::DocumentHandlerType |
Definition at line 47 of file XMLParserLiaison.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_Attr xalanc::DOM_AttrType |
Definition at line 62 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_CDATASection xalanc::DOM_CDATASectionType |
Definition at line 65 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_CharacterData xalanc::DOM_CharacterDataType |
Definition at line 63 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_Comment xalanc::DOM_CommentType |
Definition at line 64 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_Document xalanc::DOM_Document_Type |
Definition at line 48 of file XercesDOMWrapperParsedSource.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_DocumentFragment xalanc::DOM_DocumentFragmentType |
Definition at line 69 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_DocumentType xalanc::DOM_DocumentType_Type |
Definition at line 67 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_DOMException xalanc::DOM_DOMExceptionType |
Definition at line 81 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_DOMImplementation xalanc::DOM_DOMImplementationType |
Definition at line 70 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_Element xalanc::DOM_ElementType |
Definition at line 71 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_EntityReference xalanc::DOM_EntityReferenceType |
Definition at line 73 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_Entity xalanc::DOM_EntityType |
Definition at line 72 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_NamedNodeMap xalanc::DOM_NamedNodeMapType |
Definition at line 76 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_NodeList xalanc::DOM_NodeListType |
Definition at line 77 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_Node xalanc::DOM_NodeType |
Definition at line 74 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_Notation xalanc::DOM_NotationType |
Definition at line 78 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_ProcessingInstruction xalanc::DOM_ProcessingInstructionType |
Definition at line 79 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOM_Text xalanc::DOM_TextType |
Definition at line 75 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMAttr xalanc::DOMAttrType |
Definition at line 56 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMCDATASection xalanc::DOMCDATASectionType |
Definition at line 59 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMCharacterData xalanc::DOMCharacterDataType |
Definition at line 57 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMComment xalanc::DOMCommentType |
Definition at line 58 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMDocument xalanc::DOMDocument_Type |
Definition at line 49 of file XercesDOMWrapperParsedSource.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMDocumentFragment xalanc::DOMDocumentFragmentType |
Definition at line 63 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMDocumentType xalanc::DOMDocumentType_Type |
Definition at line 61 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMElement xalanc::DOMElementType |
Definition at line 65 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMEntityReference xalanc::DOMEntityReferenceType |
Definition at line 67 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMEntity xalanc::DOMEntityType |
Definition at line 66 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMException xalanc::DOMExceptionType |
Definition at line 75 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMImplementation xalanc::DOMImplementationType |
Definition at line 64 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMNamedNodeMap xalanc::DOMNamedNodeMapType |
Definition at line 70 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMNodeList xalanc::DOMNodeListType |
Definition at line 71 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMNode xalanc::DOMNodeType |
Definition at line 68 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMNotation xalanc::DOMNotationType |
Definition at line 72 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMProcessingInstruction xalanc::DOMProcessingInstructionType |
Definition at line 73 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMString xalanc::DOMStringType |
Definition at line 86 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DOMText xalanc::DOMTextType |
Definition at line 69 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::DTDHandler xalanc::DTDHandlerType |
Definition at line 66 of file XalanSourceTreeContentHandler.hpp.
Definition at line 148 of file CountersTable.hpp.
typedef xercesc::ElementImpl xalanc::ElementImplType |
Definition at line 83 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::EntityResolver xalanc::EntityResolverType |
Definition at line 57 of file XalanCompiledStylesheetDefault.hpp.
typedef xercesc::ErrorHandler xalanc::ErrorHandlerType |
Definition at line 58 of file XalanCompiledStylesheetDefault.hpp.
Definition at line 51 of file ICUFormatNumberFunctor.hpp.
typedef XalanMap<XalanDOMString, const Function*> xalanc::FunctionTableTypeDefinition |
Definition at line 41 of file XPathEnvSupportDefault.hpp.
typedef xercesc::InputSource xalanc::InputSourceType |
Definition at line 50 of file XMLParserLiaison.hpp.
typedef xercesc::LexicalHandler xalanc::LexicalHandlerType |
Definition at line 67 of file XalanSourceTreeContentHandler.hpp.
typedef xercesc::Locator xalanc::LocatorType |
Definition at line 47 of file ExecutionContext.hpp.
typedef MemoryManager xalanc::MemoryManagerType |
Definition at line 43 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
typedef xercesc::NodeImpl xalanc::NodeImplType |
Definition at line 84 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
Table of element keys, keyed by document node.
An instance of this class is keyed by a Document node that should be matched with the root of the current context. It contains a table of name mappings to tables that contain mappings of identifier values to nodes.
Definition at line 56 of file KeyTable.hpp.
typedef XalanVector<double> xalanc::NumberVectorTypeDecl |
Definition at line 49 of file NodeSorter.hpp.
Definition at line 81 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.
typedef XalanVector<const XalanMatchPatternData*> xalanc::PatternTableVectorTypeDecl |
Definition at line 75 of file Stylesheet.hpp.
typedef xercesc::SAXParseException xalanc::SAXParseExceptionType |
Definition at line 68 of file XercesParserLiaison.hpp.
typedef size_t xalanc::size_type |
Definition at line 46 of file XalanMap.hpp.
Definition at line 55 of file NodeSorter.hpp.
typedef xercesc::TextImpl xalanc::TextImplType |
Definition at line 85 of file XercesBridgeTypes.hpp.
typedef XalanVector<XalanDOMChar> xalanc::XalanDOMCharVectorType |
Definition at line 1124 of file XalanDOMString.hpp.
typedef XMLSize_t xalanc::XMLSizeType |
Definition at line 76 of file XercesWrapperTypes.hpp.
typedef xercesc::XMLURL xalanc::XMLURLType |
Definition at line 48 of file URISupport.hpp.
inline |
Concatenate a string and a character.
theString | target string |
theCharToAppend | the character to add to the target |
Definition at line 2395 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
inline |
Concatenate two strings.
theString | target string |
theStringToAppend | string to add to target |
theStringToAppendLength | length of the string (XalanDOMString::npos implies the string is null-terminated) |
Definition at line 2348 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::append(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::getMemoryManager(), and TranscodeFromLocalCodePage().
inline |
Concatenate two strings.
theString | target string |
theStringToAppend | string to add to target |
theStringToAppendLength | length of the string (XalanDOMString::npos implies the string is null-terminated) |
Definition at line 2316 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::append().
inline |
Concatenate a string and a character.
theString | target string |
theCharToAppend | the character to add to the target |
Definition at line 2374 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::append().
inline |
Concatenate two strings.
theString | target string |
theStringToAppend | string to add to target |
Definition at line 2294 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::append().
Referenced by xalanc::XalanDOMString::append(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::assign(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::operator+=(), and xalanc::XalanDOMString::push_back().
inline |
Assign one string to another.
theString | target string |
theStringToAppend | string to assign |
theStringToAppendLength | length of the string (XalanDOMString::npos implies the string is null-terminated) |
Definition at line 2265 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::assign().
inline |
Assign one string to another.
theString | target string |
theStringToAppend | string to assign |
theStringToAppendLength | length of the string (XalanDOMString::npos implies the string is null-terminated) |
Definition at line 2243 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
Referenced by xalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMChar >::assign(), and xalanc::XalanDOMString::operator=().
inline |
Definition at line 47 of file XalanUTF8Writer.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 39 of file XalanUTF8Writer.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 31 of file XalanUTF8Writer.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 71 of file XalanUTF8Writer.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 63 of file XalanUTF8Writer.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 55 of file XalanUTF8Writer.hpp.
inline |
Get the underlying representation of the target CharVectorType as a null-terminated string.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 114 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits >::empty(), and xalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits >::size().
Referenced by xalanc::XalanDOMString::data(), EnumerateDirectory(), and xalanc::XalanDOMString::hash().
inline |
Get the underlying representation of the wide string as a UNICODE null-terminated string.
This is here simply for consistency in the code. On certain platforms, compiler- generated wide strings will not contain Unicode code points. Another macro converts those into XalanDOMStrings, which are then transcoded. In these cases, the previous defined c_sstr() function gets called.
On platforms where the compiler does generate Unicode wide strings, this function will be called instead.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 150 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
inline |
Get the underlying representation of the target XalanDOMString as a null-terminated string.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 99 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str().
inline |
Retrieves a character at a specified index in the target string.
theString | target string |
theIndex | index of character |
Definition at line 1296 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
inline |
Remove all elements from target string.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 2475 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::clear().
Referenced by xalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMChar >::assign(), xalanc::AttributeVectorEntryExtended::clear(), and xalanc::XalanDeque< XercesBridgeNavigator >::operator=().
xalanc::collationCompare | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theLHS, |
const XalanDOMChar * | theRHS | ||
) |
Compare the contents of two strings.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 1908 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), and collationCompare().
xalanc::collationCompare | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theLHS, |
XalanDOMString::size_type | theLHSLength, | ||
const XalanDOMChar * | theRHS, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | theRHSLength | ||
) |
Compare the contents of two character arrays.
theLHS | first array to compare |
theLHSLength | the length of the first array |
theRHS | second array to compare |
theRHSLength | the length of the second array |
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 1926 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::length(), and length().
Referenced by collationCompare().
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 1890 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), and collationCompare().
xalanc::compare | ( | const CharVectorType & | theLHS, |
const CharVectorType & | theRHS | ||
) |
Compare the contents of two strings.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Referenced by xalanc::XalanDOMString::compare(), and xalanc::NodeSorter::NodeSortKeyCompare::operator()().
inline |
Compare the contents of two null-terminated strings.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 1627 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 1675 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), compare(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::length(), and length().
xalanc::compare | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theLHS, |
XalanDOMString::size_type | theLHSLength, | ||
const XalanDOMChar * | theRHS, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | theRHSLength | ||
) |
Compare the contents of two character arrays.
theLHS | first array to compare |
theLHSLength | the length of the first array |
theRHS | second array to compare |
theRHSLength | the length of the second array |
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 1700 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::length(), and length().
Referenced by compare(), xalanc::DOMStringLessThanOrEqualFunction::operator()(), xalanc::DOMStringGreaterThanFunction::operator()(), xalanc::DOMStringGreaterThanOrEqualFunction::operator()(), and operator<().
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 1650 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), compare(), and xalanc::XalanDOMString::length().
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings, in a case insensitive manner.
Only the characters a-z and A-Z are considered as characters with "case".
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 1751 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References compareIgnoreCaseASCII(), and length().
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings, in a case insensitive manner.
Only the characters a-z and A-Z are considered for the comparison.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 1830 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::length(), and length().
Referenced by compareIgnoreCaseASCII(), xalanc::DOMStringLessThanIgnoreCaseASCIIFunction::operator()(), and xalanc::less_no_case_ascii_wide_string::operator()().
xalanc::compareIgnoreCaseASCII | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theLHS, |
XalanDOMString::size_type | theLHSLength, | ||
const XalanDOMChar * | theRHS, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | theRHSLength | ||
) |
Compare the contents of two arrays in a case insensitive manner.
Only the characters a-z and A-Z are considered as characters with "case".
theLHS | first array to compare |
theLHSLength | the length of the first array |
theRHS | second array to compare |
theRHSLength | the length of the second array |
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings, in a case insensitive manner.
Only the characters a-z and A-Z are considered as characters with "case".
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 1803 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), compareIgnoreCaseASCII(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::length(), and length().
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings, in a case insensitive manner.
Only the characters a-z and A-Z are considered as characters with "case".
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 1776 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), compareIgnoreCaseASCII(), and xalanc::XalanDOMString::length().
xalanc::CopyStringToVector | ( | const char * | theString, |
CharVectorType & | theVector | ||
) |
xalanc::CopyWideStringToVector | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theString, |
CharVectorType & | theVector | ||
) |
inline |
Converts a XalanDOMString into a double value.
theString | target string |
theMemoryManager | The MemoryManager instance to use. |
Definition at line 1025 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), and WideStringToDouble().
inline |
Converts a XalanDOMString into an integer value.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 982 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), and WideStringToInt().
inline |
Converts a XalanDOMString into a long value.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 996 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), and WideStringToLong().
inline |
Converts a XalanDOMString into a long value.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 1010 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), and WideStringToUnsignedLong().
inline |
Simulates the java String method endsWith().
theString | target string to search |
theSubstring | substring searched for |
Definition at line 622 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References endsWith(), and length().
xalanc::endsWith | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theString, |
XalanDOMString::size_type | theStringLength, | ||
const XalanDOMChar * | theSubstring, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | theSubstringLength | ||
) |
Simulates the java String method endsWith().
theString | target string to search |
theSubstring | substring searched for |
inline |
Simulates the java String method endsWith().
theString | target string to search |
theSubstring | substring searched for |
Definition at line 645 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), and xalanc::XalanDOMString::length().
Referenced by endsWith().
void xalanc::EnumerateDirectory | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
const StringType & | theDirectory, | ||
const StringType & | theSearchSpec, | ||
OutputIteratorType | theOutputIterator, | ||
FilterPredicateType | theFilterPredicate, | ||
StringConversionFunction | theConversionFunction, | ||
bool | fIncludeSelfAndParent = false |
) |
Definition at line 406 of file DirectoryEnumerator.hpp.
Referenced by xalanc::DirectoryEnumeratorFunctor< CollectionType, StringType, FilterPredicateType, StringConversionFunction >::operator()().
void xalanc::EnumerateDirectory | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
const StringType & | theFullSearchSpec, | ||
OutputIteratorType | theOutputIterator, | ||
FilterPredicateType | theFilterPredicate, | ||
StringConversionFunction | theConversionFunction, | ||
bool | fIncludeSelfAndParent = false |
) |
Definition at line 231 of file DirectoryEnumerator.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits >::back(), c_str(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::compare(), xalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits >::pop_back(), xalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits >::push_back(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::size(), xalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits >::size(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::substr(), and TranscodeToLocalCodePage().
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 1984 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
xalanc::equals | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theLHS, |
const XalanDOMChar * | theRHS, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | theLength | ||
) |
Compare the contents of two arrays for equality.
theLHS | first array to compare |
theRHS | second array to compare |
theLength | the length of the arrays |
Referenced by xalanc::XalanDOMString::equals(), xalanc::DOMServices::getNameOfNode(), xalanc::DOMServices::isNamespaceDeclaration(), xalanc::CollationCacheStruct::CollatorFindFunctor::operator()(), xalanc::DOMStringEqualsFunction::operator()(), xalanc::DOMStringNotEqualsFunction::operator()(), xalanc::DOMStringPointerEqualToFunction::operator()(), operator<(), xalanc::XalanNumberingResourceBundle::operator==(), xalanc::XalanNamespace::operator==(), xalanc::NameSpace::operator==(), and operator==().
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 2020 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
inline |
Compare the contents of two arrays for equality.
theLHS | first array to compare |
theLHSLength | the length of the theLHS |
theRHS | second array to compare |
theRHSLength | the length of the theRHS |
Definition at line 1965 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References equals().
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 2040 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References equals().
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
theRHSLength | the length of the theRHS |
Definition at line 2057 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), and xalanc::XalanDOMString::length().
Referenced by equals().
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 2003 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case.
Only the characters a-z and A-Z are considered characters with "case".
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 2116 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References equalsIgnoreCaseASCII(), and length().
xalanc::equalsIgnoreCaseASCII | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theLHS, |
const XalanDOMChar * | theRHS, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | theLength | ||
) |
Compare the contents of two arrays for equality, without regard for case.
Only the characters a-z and A-Z are considered characters with "case".
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case.
Only the characters a-z and A-Z are considered characters with "case".
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 2161 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), equalsIgnoreCaseASCII(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::length(), and length().
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case.
Only the characters a-z and A-Z are considered characters with "case".
theLHS | first string to compare |
theLHSLength | the length of the theLHS |
theRHS | second string to compare |
theRHSLength | the length of the theRHS |
Definition at line 2095 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References equalsIgnoreCaseASCII().
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case.
Only the characters A-Z and a-z are considered.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 2185 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
Referenced by equalsIgnoreCaseASCII().
inline |
Compare the contents of two strings for equality, without regard for case Only the characters A-Z and a-z are considered.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 2137 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), equalsIgnoreCaseASCII(), and xalanc::XalanDOMString::length().
inline |
Remove all elements from target string.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 2490 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::erase().
Referenced by xalanc::XalanDOMString::assign(), xalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMChar >::erase(), xalanc::XalanList< ReusableArenaBlock< string_type > * >::pop_back(), and xalanc::XalanList< ReusableArenaBlock< string_type > * >::pop_front().
inline |
Flips the case to of the supplied character.
This function works only with the Unicode characters A-Z and a-z.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 1466 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
inline |
Simulates the java String method indexOf().
theString | string to search |
theSubstring | substring searched for |
Definition at line 406 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
inline |
Simulates the java String method indexOf().
theString | string to search |
theChar | character searched for |
Definition at line 308 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
xalanc::indexOf | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theString, |
XalanDOMString::size_type | theStringLength, | ||
const XalanDOMChar * | theSubstring, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | theSubstringLength | ||
) |
Simulates the java String method indexOf().
theString | string to search |
theStringLength | length of the string to search |
theSubstring | substring searched for |
theSubstringLength | length of the substring searched for |
inline |
Simulates the java String method indexOf().
theString | string to search |
theStringLength | the length of theString |
theChar | character searched for |
Definition at line 337 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
xalanc::indexOf | ( | const XalanDOMString & | theString, |
const XalanDOMString & | theSubstring | ||
) |
inline |
Simulates the java String method indexOf().
theString | string to search |
theChar | character searched for |
Definition at line 367 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), indexOf(), and xalanc::XalanDOMString::length().
inline |
Insert a string into another string.
theString | target string |
thePosition | The position in the target string to insert |
theStringToInsert | The string to insert |
Definition at line 2441 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::insert().
inline |
Insert a string into another string.
theString | target string |
thePosition | The position in the target string to insert |
theStringToInsert | The string to insert |
Definition at line 2418 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::insert().
Referenced by xalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMChar >::assign(), xalanc::XalanMap< const XalanDOMChar *, XalanSourceTreeElement * >::insert(), xalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMChar >::insert(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::insert(), xalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMChar >::operator=(), and xalanc::XalanMap< const XalanDOMChar *, XalanSourceTreeElement * >::XalanMap().
inline |
Determines if the target string contains any elements.
str | target string |
Definition at line 291 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::empty().
inline |
Determines whether character represents a digit.
theChar | target character |
Definition at line 1326 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
inline |
Determines whether character represents a letter or digit.
theChar | target character |
Definition at line 1340 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
inline |
Determines if a null-terminated string contains only whitespace.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 2717 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References length().
xalanc::isXMLWhitespace | ( | const XalanDOMChar | ch[], |
XalanDOMString::size_type | start, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | length | ||
) |
Determines if a range in an array contains only whitespace.
ch | target array |
start | starting index to examine |
length | number of characters to examine |
xalanc::isXMLWhitespace | ( | const XalanDOMString & | string | ) |
Determines if the string contains only whitespace.
theString | target string |
inline |
Determines whether character represents white space.
theChar | target character |
Definition at line 1312 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
xalanc::lastIndexOf | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theString, |
XalanDOMChar | theChar | ||
) |
Simulates the java String method lastIndexOf().
theString | string to search |
theChar | character searched for |
inline |
Simulates the java String method lastIndexOf().
theString | string to search |
theChar | character searched for |
Definition at line 460 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str().
inline |
Definition at line 79 of file XalanUTF8Writer.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 87 of file XalanUTF8Writer.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 95 of file XalanUTF8Writer.hpp.
inline |
Get the length of a null-terminated string.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 273 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
Referenced by collationCompare(), compare(), compareIgnoreCaseASCII(), endsWith(), equals(), equalsIgnoreCaseASCII(), indexOf(), isXMLWhitespace(), and startsWith().
inline |
Get the length of a null-terminated string of XalanDOMChar characters.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 250 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
inline |
Get the length of a XalanDOMString.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 235 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::length().
Referenced by xalanc::FormatterToXML::accumContent(), xalanc::FormatterToXML::accumName(), xalanc::ResultNamespacesStack::addDeclaration(), xalanc::XalanNamespacesStack::addDeclaration(), xalanc::XSLTEngineImpl::addResultAttribute(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::append(), xalanc::FormatterToXMLUnicode< UnicodeWriter, ConstantsType, CharPredicate, IndentHandler, XMLVersion >::charactersRaw(), xalanc::XSLException::defaultFormat(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::equals(), xalanc::URISupport::getURLStringFromString(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::hash(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::insert(), xalanc::XalanFormatterWriter::NewLineWriterFunctor< WriterType >::NewLineWriterFunctor(), xalanc::XalanFormatterWriter::NewLineWriterFunctor< WriterType >::operator()(), xalanc::XalanUTF16Writer::outputNewline(), xalanc::XalanOtherEncodingWriter< Predicate, ConstantsType >::outputNewline(), xalanc::XalanUTF8Writer::outputNewline(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::substr(), xalanc::XalanOutputStream::write(), xalanc::XalanUTF16Writer::write(), xalanc::XalanUTF8Writer::write(), xalanc::XalanOtherEncodingWriter< Predicate, ConstantsType >::write(), xalanc::FormatterToXMLUnicode< UnicodeWriter, ConstantsType, CharPredicate, IndentHandler, XMLVersion >::writeCDATA(), xalanc::XalanOtherEncodingWriter< Predicate, ConstantsType >::writeCDATAChar(), xalanc::XalanUTF8Writer::writeCDATAChar(), xalanc::FormatterToXMLUnicode< UnicodeWriter, ConstantsType, CharPredicate, IndentHandler, XMLVersion >::writeCDATAChars(), xalanc::FormatterToXMLUnicode< UnicodeWriter, ConstantsType, CharPredicate, IndentHandler, XMLVersion >::writeCharacters(), xalanc::FormatterToXMLUnicode< UnicodeWriter, ConstantsType, CharPredicate, IndentHandler, XMLVersion >::writeNormalizedCharBig(), and xalanc::XalanFormatterWriter::XalanFormatterWriter().
MapValueDeleteFunctor<MapType> xalanc::makeMapValueDeleteFunctor | ( | MapType & | theMap | ) |
Definition at line 177 of file STLHelper.hpp.
XalanDestroyFunctor<Type> xalanc::makeXalanDestroyFunctor | ( | const Type * | ) |
Definition at line 89 of file STLHelper.hpp.
Referenced by xalanc::DeleteFunctor< FormatterToTextDOMString >::operator()(), and xalanc::MapValueDeleteFunctor< T >::operator()().
xalanc::MakeXalanDOMCharVector | ( | const char * | data, |
XalanDOMCharVectorType & | result, | ||
bool | fTranscode = true |
) |
Utility function to make a null-terminated vector of XMLChs, from a null-terminated array of chars, via transcoding, if requested.
data | array to be converted |
whether | or not to transcode |
xalanc::MakeXalanDOMCharVector | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | data, |
XalanDOMCharVectorType & | result | ||
) |
Utility function to make a null-terminated vector of XMLChs, from a null-terminated array of XalanDOMChar.
data | array to be converted |
inline |
Utility function to make a null-terminated vector of XMLChs, from a XalanDOMString.
data | XalanDOMString to be converted |
Definition at line 2562 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str().
xalanc::NumberToDOMString | ( | double | theValue, |
XalanDOMString & | theResult | ||
) |
Converts a double value into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | number to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
Referenced by xalanc::XObject::string().
inline |
Converts a 16-bit int value into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | number to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
Definition at line 813 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
Referenced by NumberToDOMString().
inline |
Converts a 32-bit int value into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | number to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
Definition at line 775 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References NumberToDOMString().
xalanc::NumberToDOMString | ( | XMLInt64 | theValue, |
XalanDOMString & | theResult | ||
) |
Converts an 64-bit signed int value into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | number to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
inline |
Converts a 16-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | number to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
Definition at line 794 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References NumberToDOMString().
inline |
Converts a 32-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | number to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
Definition at line 756 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References NumberToDOMString().
xalanc::NumberToDOMString | ( | XMLUInt64 | theValue, |
XalanDOMString & | theResult | ||
) |
Converts an 64-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | number to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
inline |
Converts a 16-bit signed int value into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | number to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
Definition at line 917 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
Referenced by NumberToHexDOMString().
inline |
Converts a 32-bit signed int value into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | number to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
Definition at line 879 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References NumberToHexDOMString().
xalanc::NumberToHexDOMString | ( | XMLInt64 | theValue, |
XalanDOMString & | theResult | ||
) |
Converts an 64-bit signed int value into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | number to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
inline |
Converts a 16-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | number to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
Definition at line 898 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References NumberToHexDOMString().
inline |
Converts a 32-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | number to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
Definition at line 860 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References NumberToHexDOMString().
xalanc::NumberToHexDOMString | ( | XMLUInt64 | theValue, |
XalanDOMString & | theResult | ||
) |
Converts an 64-bit unsigned int value into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | number to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
Referenced by xalanc::XalanFormatterWriter::throwInvalidCharacterException(), and xalanc::XalanFormatterWriter::throwInvalidUTF16SurrogateException().
inline |
Definition at line 1035 of file XalanDOMString.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1045 of file XalanDOMString.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1025 of file XalanDOMString.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 408 of file XalanQName.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1140 of file XalanVector.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 996 of file XObject.hpp.
inline |
Implements operator< for CharVectorType.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 2204 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References compare().
inline |
Definition at line 121 of file ElemAttributeSet.hpp.
References xalanc::ElemAttributeSet::getQName().
inline |
Implements operator< for DOMStrings.
theLHS | first string to compare |
theRHS | second string to compare |
Definition at line 2223 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References compare().
inline |
Definition at line 418 of file XalanQName.hpp.
References equals(), xalanc::XalanQName::getLocalPart(), and xalanc::XalanQName::getNamespace().
inline |
Definition at line 1151 of file XalanVector.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits >::begin(), and xalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits >::end().
inline |
Definition at line 1006 of file XObject.hpp.
inline |
Outputs the string to the specified stream.
theStream | output stream |
theString | the string to output |
Definition at line 1166 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References OutputString().
inline |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream.
theStream | output stream |
theString | target string |
Definition at line 1208 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References OutputString().
inline |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream.
theStream | output stream |
theString | target string |
Definition at line 1250 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References OutputString().
inline |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream.
theStream | output stream |
theString | target string |
Definition at line 1272 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::getMemoryManager(), and OutputString().
inline |
Outputs the string to the specified stream.
theStream | output stream |
theString | the string to output |
Definition at line 1145 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References OutputString().
inline |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream.
theStream | output stream |
theString | target string |
Definition at line 1187 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References OutputString().
inline |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream.
theStream | output stream |
theString | target string |
Definition at line 1230 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References OutputString().
inline |
Definition at line 1166 of file XalanVector.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 111 of file ElemAttributeSet.hpp.
References xalanc::ElemAttributeSet::getQName().
inline |
Definition at line 1014 of file XalanDOMString.hpp.
References equals().
inline |
Definition at line 1004 of file XalanDOMString.hpp.
References equals().
inline |
Definition at line 994 of file XalanDOMString.hpp.
References equals().
inline |
Definition at line 398 of file XalanQName.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanQName::equals().
inline |
Definition at line 1118 of file XalanVector.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits >::begin(), xalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits >::end(), and xalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits >::size().
Referenced by xalanc::XalanListIteratorBase< XalanListTraits, Node >::operator!=(), and xalanc::XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::operator!=().
inline |
Definition at line 986 of file XObject.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1177 of file XalanVector.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1188 of file XalanVector.hpp.
xalanc::OutputString | ( | std::ostream & | theStream, |
const CharVectorType & | theString | ||
) |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream.
theStream | output stream |
theString | target string |
xalanc::OutputString | ( | std::ostream & | theStream, |
const XalanDOMChar * | theString, | ||
MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager | ||
) |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream.
theStream | output stream |
theString | target string |
inline |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream.
theStream | output stream |
theString | target string |
theMemoryManager | The MemoryManager instance to use. |
Definition at line 1124 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str().
Referenced by operator<<(), and OutputString().
xalanc::OutputString | ( | XalanOutputStream & | theStream, |
const CharVectorType & | theString | ||
) |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream.
theStream | output stream |
theString | target string |
xalanc::OutputString | ( | XalanOutputStream & | theStream, |
const XalanDOMChar * | theString | ||
) |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream.
theStream | output stream |
theString | target string |
inline |
Outputs the target string to the specified stream.
theStream | output stream |
theString | target string |
Definition at line 1101 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::empty(), and OutputString().
xalanc::PointerToDOMString | ( | const void * | theValue, |
XalanDOMString & | theResult | ||
) |
Converts a pointer into a XalanDOMString.
theValue | pointer to be converted |
theResult | the string to append with the result |
inline |
Remove all elements from target string and frees all allocated memory.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 2504 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::swap().
inline |
Reserve some space in the string for more efficient concatenation...
theString | target string |
theCount | The amount of space to reserve |
Definition at line 217 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::reserve().
Referenced by xalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMChar >::resize().
inline |
Simulates the java String method startsWith().
theDOMString | target string to search |
theSubstring | substring searched for |
Definition at line 495 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References length(), and startsWith().
inline |
Simulates the java String method startsWith().
theDOMString | target string to search |
theSubstring | substring searched for |
Definition at line 514 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::length(), length(), and startsWith().
xalanc::startsWith | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theString, |
XalanDOMString::size_type | theStringLength, | ||
const XalanDOMChar * | theSubstring, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | theSubstringLength | ||
) |
Simulates the java String method startsWith().
theString | target string to search |
theStringLength | the length of theString |
theSubstring | substring searched for |
theSubstringLength | the length of theSubstring |
Referenced by xalanc::DOMServices::getNameOfNode(), and xalanc::DOMServices::isNamespaceDeclaration().
inline |
Simulates the java String method startsWith().
theDOMString | target string to search |
theSubstring | substring searched for |
Definition at line 537 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::length(), length(), and startsWith().
inline |
Simulates the java String method startsWith().
theDOMString | target string to search |
theSubstring | substring searched for |
theSubstringLength | the length of theSubstring |
Definition at line 561 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::length(), and startsWith().
inline |
Simulates the java String method startsWith().
theDOMString | target string to search |
theSubstring | substring searched for |
Definition at line 585 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), and xalanc::XalanDOMString::length().
Referenced by startsWith().
xalanc::substring | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theString, |
XalanDOMString & | theSubstring, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | theStartIndex, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | theEndIndex = XalanDOMString::npos |
) |
Simulates the java String method substring().
Returns a new string that is a substring of this string. The substring begins at the specified theStartIndex and extends to the character at index theEndIndex - 1. Thus the length of the substring is theEndIndex - theStartIndex.
theString | source string |
theSubstring | target string |
theStartIndex | starting index, inclusive |
theEndIndex | ending index, exclusive |
xalanc::substring | ( | const XalanDOMString & | theString, |
XalanDOMString & | theSubstring, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | theStartIndex, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | theEndIndex = XalanDOMString::npos |
) |
Simulates the java String method substring().
Returns a new string that is a substring of this string. The substring begins at the specified theStartIndex and extends to the character at index theEndIndex - 1. Thus the length of the substring is theEndIndex - theStartIndex.
theString | source string |
theSubstring | target string |
theStartIndex | starting index, inclusive |
theEndIndex | ending index, exclusive |
xalanc::substring | ( | const XalanDOMString & | theString, |
XalanDOMString::size_type | theStartIndex, | ||
XalanDOMString & | theResult, | ||
XalanDOMString::size_type | theEndIndex = XalanDOMString::npos |
) |
Simulates the java String method substring().
Returns a new string that is a substring of this string. The substring begins at the specified theStartIndex and extends to the character at index theEndIndex - 1. Thus the length of the substring is theEndIndex-theStartIndex.
theString | source string |
theStartIndex | starting index, inclusive |
theEndIndex | ending index, exclusive |
inline |
Definition at line 1107 of file XalanVector.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits >::swap().
Referenced by xalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMChar >::insert(), xalanc::XalanMap< const XalanDOMChar *, XalanSourceTreeElement * >::operator=(), xalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMChar >::operator=(), xalanc::MutableNodeRefList::swap(), xalanc::XalanDOMString::swap(), xalanc::XalanList< ReusableArenaBlock< string_type > * >::swap(), and xalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMChar >::XalanVector().
inline |
Get the underlying representation of the target CharVectorType as a pointer to an array of characters.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 200 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits >::empty().
inline |
Get the underlying representation of a XalanDOMChar.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 183 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
inline |
Get the underlying representation of the target XalanDOMString as an array of XalanDOMChar, not guaranteed to be null-terminated.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 167 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str().
inline |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from upper case to lower case.
This function works only with the Unicode characters A-Z.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 1421 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
xalanc::toLowerCaseASCII | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theString, |
XalanDOMString & | theResult | ||
) |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from upper case to lower case.
This function works only with the characters a-z and A-Z.
theString | The source string |
theResult | The target string |
xalanc::toLowerCaseASCII | ( | const XalanDOMString & | theString, |
XalanDOMString & | theResult | ||
) |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from upper case to lower case.
This function works only with the characters a-z and A-Z.
theString | The source string |
theResult | The target string |
xalanc::toLowerCaseASCII | ( | XalanDOMString & | theString | ) |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from upper case to lower case.
This function works only with the characters a-z and A-Z.
theString | The string to convert |
inline |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from lower case to upper case.
This function works only with the Unicode characters a-z.
theString | target string |
Definition at line 1444 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
xalanc::toUpperCaseASCII | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theString, |
XalanDOMString & | theResult | ||
) |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from lower case to upper case.
This function works only with the characters a-z and A-Z.
theString | The source string |
theResult | The target string |
xalanc::toUpperCaseASCII | ( | const XalanDOMString & | theString, |
XalanDOMString & | theResult | ||
) |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from lower case to upper case.
This function works only with the characters a-z and A-Z.
theString | The source string |
theResult | The target string |
xalanc::toUpperCaseASCII | ( | XalanDOMString & | theString | ) |
Converts ASCII alphabetic characters from lower case to upper case.
This function works only with the characters a-z and A-Z.
theString | The string to convert |
inline |
Definition at line 103 of file XalanUTF8Writer.hpp.
xalanc::TranscodeFromLocalCodePage | ( | const char * | theSourceString, |
XalanDOMCharVectorType & | theTargetVector, | ||
bool | terminate = false |
) |
Convert a string to a C++ standard library vector, transcoding from the default local code page.
The string must be null-terminated.
sourceString | The source string |
targetVector | The target string |
terminate | If true, the transcoded string will be null-terminated |
inline |
Convert a string to a XalanDOMString, transcoding from the default local code page.
theSourceString | The source string |
theResult | The result. |
theSourceStringLength | The source string length. |
Definition at line 1315 of file XalanDOMString.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::assign().
xalanc::TranscodeFromLocalCodePage | ( | const char * | theSourceString, |
XalanDOMString::size_type | theSourceStringLength, | ||
bool | theSourceStringIsNullTerminated, | ||
XalanDOMCharVectorType & | theTargetVector, | ||
bool | terminate = false |
) |
Convert a string to a C++ standard library vector, transcoding from the default local code page.
theSourceString | The source string |
theSourceStringLength | The source string length. |
theSourceStringIsNullTerminated | true if the source string is null-terminated, otherwise false. |
targetVector | The target string |
terminate | If true, the transcoded string will be null-terminated |
xalanc::TranscodeFromLocalCodePage | ( | const char * | theSourceString, |
XalanDOMString::size_type | theSourceStringLength, | ||
XalanDOMCharVectorType & | theTargetVector, | ||
bool | terminate = false |
) |
Convert a string to a C++ standard library vector, transcoding from the default local code page.
theSourceString | The source string |
theSourceStringLength | The source string length. |
targetVector | The target string |
terminate | If true, the transcoded string will be null-terminated |
inline |
Convert a string to a XalanDOMString, transcoding from the default local code page.
theSourceString | The source string |
theSourceStringLength | The source string length. |
Definition at line 1181 of file XalanDOMString.hpp.
Referenced by append().
xalanc::TranscodeFromLocalCodePage | ( | const CharVectorType & | theSourceString, |
XalanDOMString & | theResult | ||
) |
Convert a vector of characters to a XalanDOMString, transcoding from the default local code.
theSourceString | The source vector. |
theResult | The result. |
inline |
Convert XalanDOMString to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page.
Null-terminate the sttring...
theSourceString | source string |
Definition at line 1232 of file XalanDOMString.hpp.
References TranscodeToLocalCodePage().
xalanc::TranscodeToLocalCodePage | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theSourceString, |
CharVectorType & | targetVector, | ||
bool | terminate, | ||
char | theSubstitutionChar | ||
) |
Convert a XalanDOMChar string to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page.
The string must be null-terminated.
theSourceString | The source string |
targetVector | The target string |
terminate | If true, the transcoded string will be null-terminated |
xalanc::TranscodeToLocalCodePage | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theSourceString, |
CharVectorType & | targetVector, | ||
bool | terminate = false |
) |
Convert a XalanDOMChar string to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page.
The string must be null-terminated.
theSourceString | The source string |
targetVector | The target string |
terminate | If true, the transcoded string will be null-terminated |
xalanc::TranscodeToLocalCodePage | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theSourceString, |
XalanDOMString::size_type | theSourceStringLength, | ||
CharVectorType & | targetVector, | ||
bool | terminate, | ||
char | theSubstitutionChar | ||
) |
Convert a XalanDOMChar string to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page.
If the source string contines code points, that can't be represented in the local code page, the substitution character will be used
sourceString | The source string |
sourceStringLength | The source string length. |
targetVector | The target string |
terminate | If true, the transcoded string will be null-terminated |
theSubstitutionChar | The substitution character for code points that are not presentable in the local page |
xalanc::TranscodeToLocalCodePage | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theSourceString, |
XalanDOMString::size_type | theSourceStringLength, | ||
CharVectorType & | targetVector, | ||
bool | terminate = false |
) |
Convert a XalanDOMChar string to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page.
sourceString | The source string |
sourceStringLength | The source string length. |
targetVector | The target string |
terminate | If true, the transcoded string will be null-terminated |
Referenced by EnumerateDirectory().
inline |
Convert XalanDOMString to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page.
thetheSourceString | source string |
Definition at line 1294 of file XalanDOMString.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str().
Referenced by TranscodeToLocalCodePage().
xalanc::TranscodeToLocalCodePage | ( | const XalanDOMString & | theSourceString, |
CharVectorType & | theTargetVector, | ||
bool | terminate, | ||
char | theSubstitutionChar | ||
) |
Convert XalanDOMString to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page.
theSourceString | The source string |
targetVector | The target string |
terminate | If true, the transcoded string will be null-terminated |
theSubstitutionChar | The substitution character for code points that are not presentable in the local page |
inline |
Convert XalanDOMString to C++ standard library vector, transcoding to the default local code page.
theSourceString | The source string |
theTargetVector | The target string |
Definition at line 1253 of file XalanDOMString.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanDOMString::c_str(), and TranscodeToLocalCodePage().
xalanc::trim | ( | const XalanDOMString & | theString, |
XalanDOMString & | theResult | ||
) |
Remove leading and trailing whitespace.
theString | The string to trim. |
theResult | The result string. |
xalanc::WideStringToDouble | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theString, |
MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager | ||
) |
Converts a wide string into a double value.
theString | target string |
theMemoryManager | The MemoryManager instance to use. |
Referenced by DOMStringToDouble().
xalanc::WideStringToInt | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theString | ) |
Converts a wide string into an integer value.
theString | target string |
Referenced by DOMStringToInt().
xalanc::WideStringToLong | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theString | ) |
Converts a wide string into a long value.
theString | target string |
Referenced by DOMStringToLong().
xalanc::WideStringToUnsignedLong | ( | const XalanDOMChar * | theString | ) |
Converts a wide string into an unsigned long value.
theString | target string |
Referenced by DOMStringToUnsignedLong().
Type* xalanc::XalanConstruct | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
Type *& | theInstance | ||
) |
Definition at line 200 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::get(), and xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::release().
Referenced by xalanc::XalanNumberFormat::create(), xalanc::ArenaBlock< data_type >::create(), xalanc::AttributeVectorEntry::create(), xalanc::AttributeVectorEntryExtended::create(), and xalanc::ReusableArenaBlock< data_type >::create().
Type* xalanc::XalanConstruct | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
Type *& | theInstance, | ||
const Param1Type & | theParam1 | ||
) |
Definition at line 222 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::get(), and xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::release().
Type* xalanc::XalanConstruct | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
Type *& | theInstance, | ||
const Param1Type * | theParam1, | ||
const Param2Type * | theParam2, | ||
const Param3Type * | theParam3, | ||
const Param4Type * | theParam4, | ||
const Param5Type * | theParam5, | ||
Param6Type & | theParam6 | ||
) |
Definition at line 327 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::get(), and xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::release().
Type* xalanc::XalanConstruct | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
Type *& | theInstance, | ||
const Param1Type * | theParam1, | ||
const Param2Type * | theParam2, | ||
const Param3Type * | theParam3, | ||
Param4Type & | theParam4 | ||
) |
Definition at line 296 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::get(), and xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::release().
Type* xalanc::XalanConstruct | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
Type *& | theInstance, | ||
Param1Type & | theParam1 | ||
) |
Definition at line 245 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::get(), and xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::release().
Type* xalanc::XalanConstruct | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
Type *& | theInstance, | ||
Param1Type & | theParam1, | ||
const Param2Type & | theParam2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 269 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::get(), and xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::release().
Type* xalanc::XalanConstruct | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
Type *& | theInstance, | ||
Param1Type & | theParam1, | ||
const Param2Type & | theParam2, | ||
Param3Type & | theParam3 | ||
) |
Definition at line 363 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::get(), and xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::release().
Type* xalanc::XalanConstruct | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
Type *& | theInstance, | ||
Param1Type & | theParam1, | ||
Param2Type & | theParam2, | ||
const Param3Type & | theParam3, | ||
const Param4Type & | theParam4, | ||
const Param5Type & | theParam5 | ||
) |
Definition at line 392 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::get(), and xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::release().
Type* xalanc::XalanConstruct | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
Type *& | theInstance, | ||
Param1Type & | theParam1, | ||
Param2Type & | theParam2, | ||
const Param3Type & | theParam3, | ||
const Param4Type & | theParam4, | ||
const Param5Type & | theParam5, | ||
const Param6Type & | theParam6 | ||
) |
Definition at line 424 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::get(), and xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::release().
inline |
Definition at line 66 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
Type* xalanc::XalanCopyConstruct | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
const Type & | theSource | ||
) |
Definition at line 450 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::get(), and xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::release().
Referenced by xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionNodeSet::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionDifference::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionDateTime::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionAbs::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionAlign::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionEvaluate::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionDistinct::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionRandom::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionConcat::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionHasSameNode::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionAcos::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionPadding::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionIntersection::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionAsin::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionLeading::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionAtan::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionEncodeURI::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionAtan2::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionTrailing::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionDecodeURI::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionConstant::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionCos::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionExp::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionHighest::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionLog::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionLowest::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionMax::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionMin::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionPower::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionSin::clone(), xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionSqrt::clone(), and xalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionTan::clone().
Type* xalanc::XalanCopyConstruct | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
const Type & | theSource, | ||
Param1Type & | theParam1 | ||
) |
Definition at line 472 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
References xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::get(), and xalanc::XalanAllocationGuard::release().
void xalanc::XalanDestroy | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
Type & | theArg | ||
) |
Definition at line 187 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
Referenced by XalanDestroy().
void xalanc::XalanDestroy | ( | MemoryManager & | theMemoryManager, |
Type * | theArg | ||
) |
Definition at line 171 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
References XalanDestroy().
void xalanc::XalanDestroy | ( | Type & | theArg | ) |
Definition at line 150 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
Referenced by xalanc::ReusableArenaBlock< data_type >::destroyObject(), xalanc::XalanMessageLoader::XalanMessageLoaderDestructFunct::operator()(), xalanc::DecimalFormatCacheStruct::DecimalFormatDeleteFunctor::operator()(), and xalanc::ArenaBlock< data_type >::~ArenaBlock().
void xalanc::XalanDestroy | ( | Type * | theArg | ) |
Definition at line 159 of file XalanMemoryManagement.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 272 of file STLHelper.hpp.
Referenced by xalanc::hash_non_terminated_array< T >::operator()(), and xalanc::hash_null_terminated_array< T >::operator()().
inline |
Definition at line 78 of file DOMStringHelper.hpp.
Copyright © 1999-2020 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
Generated on Sun May 31 2020 10:37:29 for Xalan-C++ API Reference by