Xalan-C++ API Reference  1.12.0
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xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault Class Reference

#include <xalanc/XSLT/StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault:
Collaboration diagram for xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault:


class  DefaultCollationCompareFunctor
class  FormatNumberFunctor
class  XalanNumberFormatFactory
class  XPathCacheReturnFunctor

Public Types

typedef std::clock_t ClockType
typedef XalanVector< FormatterListener * > FormatterListenerVectorType
typedef XalanVector< PrintWriter * > PrintWriterVectorType
typedef XalanVector< XalanOutputStream * > OutputStreamVectorType
typedef XalanVector< const ElemTemplateElement * > ElementTemplateElementStackType
typedef std::pair< const XPath *, ClockTypeXPathCacheEntry
typedef XalanMap< XalanDOMString, XPathCacheEntryXPathCacheMapType
typedef XalanVector< const ElemTemplate * > CurrentTemplateStackType
typedef Stylesheet::KeyTablesTableType KeyTablesTableType
typedef ParamsVectorTypeDecl ParamsVectorType
typedef XalanCollationServices::CollationCompareFunctor CollationCompareFunctor
- Public Types inherited from xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext
enum  eDummy { eDefaultXMLIndentAmount = 0, eDefaultHTMLIndentAmount = 0 }
enum  eEscapeURLs { eEscapeURLsDefault, eEscapeURLsNo, eEscapeURLsYes }
 Enums to determine whether or not run-time escaping of URLs has been set. More...
enum  eOmitMETATag { eOmitMETATagDefault, eOmitMETATagNo, eOmitMETATagYes }
 Enums to determine whether or not run-time omission of the META tag has been set. More...
typedef XalanSize_t tl_size_type
typedef FormatterListener::size_type fl_size_type
typedef std::ostream StreamType
typedef XalanVector< TopLevelArgParamVectorType
typedef XalanMemMgrAutoPtr< XalanNumberFormatXalanNumberFormatAutoPtr
- Public Types inherited from xalanc::XPathExecutionContext
typedef XalanVector< XObjectPtrXObjectArgVectorType
typedef NodeRefListBase::size_type size_type
typedef GetCachedNodeList BorrowReturnMutableNodeRefList
typedef GetCachedString GetAndReleaseCachedString
- Public Types inherited from xalanc::ProblemListenerBase
enum  eSource {
  eXMLPARSER = 0, eXMLParser = 0, eXSLPROCESSOR = 1, eXSLTProcessor = 1,
  eXPATH = 2, eXPath = 2, eSourceCount
enum  eClassification {
  eMESSAGE = 0, eMessage = 0, eWARNING = 1, eWarning = 1,
  eERROR = 2, eError = 2, eClassificationCount
typedef eSource eProblemSource

Public Member Functions

 StylesheetExecutionContextDefault (MemoryManager &theManager, XSLTEngineImpl &xsltProcessor, XPathEnvSupport &theXPathEnvSupport, DOMSupport &theDOMSupport, XObjectFactory &theXObjectFactory, XalanNode *theCurrentNode=0, const NodeRefListBase *theContextNodeList=0, const PrefixResolver *thePrefixResolver=0)
 Construct a StylesheetExecutionContextDefault object. More...
 StylesheetExecutionContextDefault (MemoryManager &theManager, XalanNode *theCurrentNode=0, const NodeRefListBase *theContextNodeList=0, const PrefixResolver *thePrefixResolver=0)
 Construct a StylesheetExecutionContextDefault object. More...
virtual ~StylesheetExecutionContextDefault ()
void setXPathEnvSupport (XPathEnvSupport *theSupport)
 Set the XPathEnvSupport instance. More...
void setDOMSupport (DOMSupport *theDOMSupport)
 Set the DOMSupport instance. More...
void setXObjectFactory (XObjectFactory *theXObjectFactory)
 Set the XObjectFactory instance. More...
void setXSLTProcessor (XSLTEngineImpl *theProcessor)
 Set the DOMSupport instance. More...
bool getUsePerInstanceDocumentFactory () const
void setUsePerInstanceDocumentFactory (bool fValue)
virtual bool getQuietConflictWarnings () const
 Determine whether conflicts should be reported. More...
virtual bool getCopyTextNodesOnly () const
 If this function returns true, only text nodes can be copied to the result tree. More...
virtual void pushCopyTextNodesOnly (bool copyTextNodesOnly)
 Set the flag that determines if only text nodes can be copied to the result tree. More...
virtual bool popCopyTextNodesOnly ()
 Pop the last flag setting that determines if only text nodes can be copied to the result tree. More...
virtual void pushProcessCurrentAttribute (bool processAttribute)
 Set the flag that determines if the current attribute should be executed. More...
virtual bool popProcessCurrentAttribute ()
 Pops the last flag setting that determines if the current attribute should be executed. More...
virtual void pushSkipElementAttributes (bool skipAttributes)
 Set the flag that determines if an element's attributes should be skipped. More...
virtual bool getSkipElementAttributes () const
 Get the last flag setting that determines if an element's attributes should be skipped. More...
virtual bool popSkipElementAttributes ()
 Pops the last flag setting that determines if an element's attributes should be skipped. More...
virtual void pushExecuteIf (bool executeIf)
 Set flag that determines if the if test was true. More...
virtual bool popExecuteIf ()
 Pop the flag that determines if the if test was true. More...
virtual XalanNodegetRootDocument () const
 Retrieve root document for stylesheet. More...
virtual void setRootDocument (XalanNode *theDocument)
 Set root document for stylesheet. More...
virtual void setStylesheetRoot (const StylesheetRoot *theStylesheet)
 Set root stylesheet for stylesheet. More...
virtual const XalanQNamegetCurrentMode () const
 Retrieve the current mode. More...
virtual void pushCurrentMode (const XalanQName *theMode)
 Set the current mode. More...
virtual void popCurrentMode ()
 Pop the current mode. More...
virtual const ElemTemplategetCurrentTemplate () const
 Retrieve the current template. More...
virtual void pushCurrentTemplate (const ElemTemplate *theTemplate)
 Set the current template. More...
virtual void popCurrentTemplate ()
virtual bool isElementPending () const
 See if there is an element pending. More...
virtual void replacePendingAttribute (const XalanDOMChar *theName, const XalanDOMChar *theNewType, const XalanDOMChar *theNewValue)
 Replace the contents of a pending attribute. More...
virtual void pushOutputContext (FormatterListener *flistener=0)
virtual void popOutputContext ()
virtual void addResultAttribute (const XalanDOMString &aname, const XalanDOMString &value)
 Add a result attribute to the list of pending attributes. More...
virtual void addResultAttribute (const XalanDOMString &aname, const XalanDOMChar *value)
 Add a result attribute to the list of pending attributes. More...
virtual void copyNamespaceAttributes (const XalanNode &src)
 Add namespace attributes for a node to the list of pending attributes. More...
virtual const XalanDOMStringgetResultPrefixForNamespace (const XalanDOMString &theNamespace) const
 Retrieve the result prefix corresponding to a namespace. More...
virtual const XalanDOMStringgetResultNamespaceForPrefix (const XalanDOMString &thePrefix) const
 Retrieve the result namespace corresponding to a prefix. More...
virtual bool isPendingResultPrefix (const XalanDOMString &thePrefix)
 Determine whether or not a prefix is in use on the pending element or the pending attributes. More...
virtual void getUniqueNamespaceValue (XalanDOMString &theValue) const
 Generate a random namespace prefix guaranteed to be unique. More...
virtual FormatterListenergetFormatterListener () const
 Get the current formatter listener. More...
virtual void setFormatterListener (FormatterListener *flistener)
 Set the current formatter listener. More...
virtual int getIndent () const
 Retrieve the current number of spaces to indent. More...
virtual void setIndent (int indentAmount)
 Set the current number of spaces to indent. More...
virtual const XPathcreateMatchPattern (const XalanDOMString &str, const PrefixResolver &resolver)
 Create and initialize an xpath and return it. More...
virtual void returnXPath (const XPath *xpath)
 Return the XPath created by createMatchPattern(). More...
virtual void pushTopLevelVariables (const ParamVectorType &topLevelParams)
 Set a list of top level variables in the specified execution context stylesheet. More...
virtual const XObjectPtr createVariable (const XPath &xpath, XalanNode *contextNode, const PrefixResolver &resolver)
 Execute the supplied XPath and and create a variable in the current context. More...
virtual void pushVariable (const XalanQName &name, const ElemTemplateElement *element, const XalanDOMString &str, XalanNode *contextNode, const PrefixResolver &resolver)
 Execute an XPath using the provided expression, and push the result as a variable in the context of the supplied element. More...
virtual void pushVariable (const XalanQName &name, const XObjectPtr val, const ElemTemplateElement *element)
 Push a named variable onto the variables stack. More...
virtual void pushVariable (const XalanQName &name, const ElemVariable *var, const ElemTemplateElement *element)
 Push a named variable onto the processor variable stack The variable will be evaluated when first referenced. More...
virtual void pushVariable (const XalanQName &name, const ElemTemplateElement *element, const XPath &xpath, XalanNode *contextNode, const PrefixResolver &resolver)
 Execute the supplied XPath and push the result as a variable in the current context. More...
virtual void pushContextMarker ()
 Push a context marker onto the stack to let us know when to stop searching for a var. More...
virtual void popContextMarker ()
 Pop the current context from the current context stack. More...
virtual void resolveTopLevelParams ()
 Resolve the params that were pushed by the caller. More...
virtual void clearTopLevelParams ()
 Reset the vector of top level parameters. More...
virtual void beginParams ()
 Initiate context to accept a new set of parameters. More...
virtual void endParams ()
 Indicate parameter set is complete. More...
virtual void pushParam (const XalanQName &qName, const XObjectPtr &theValue)
 Push a single paramter onto the latest initialized paramter set. More...
virtual const XObjectPtr getParamVariable (const XalanQName &theName)
 Given a name, return a string representing the value, but don't look in the global space. More...
virtual void pushElementFrame (const ElemTemplateElement *elem)
 Push a frame marker for an element. More...
virtual void popElementFrame ()
 Pop a frame marker for an element. More...
virtual int getGlobalStackFrameIndex () const
 Get the top of the global stack frame. More...
virtual int getCurrentStackFrameIndex () const
 Get the top of the stack frame from where a search for a variable or param should take place. More...
virtual void pushCurrentStackFrameIndex (int currentStackFrameIndex=-1)
 Set the top of the stack frame from where a search for a variable or param should take place. More...
virtual void popCurrentStackFrameIndex ()
 Pop the last stack frame index setting. More...
virtual void startDocument ()
 Receive notification of the beginning of a document. More...
virtual void endDocument ()
 Receive notification of the end of a document. More...
virtual void startElement (const XalanDOMChar *name)
 Receive notification of the beginning of an element. More...
virtual void endElement (const XalanDOMChar *name)
 Receive notification of the end of an element. More...
virtual void characters (const XalanDOMChar *ch, fl_size_type start, fl_size_type length)
 Receive notification of character data. More...
virtual void charactersRaw (const XalanDOMChar *ch, fl_size_type start, fl_size_type length)
 Receive notification of character data. More...
virtual void comment (const XalanDOMChar *data)
 Called when a Comment is to be constructed. More...
virtual void processingInstruction (const XalanDOMChar *target, const XalanDOMChar *data)
 Receive notification of a processing instruction. More...
virtual void flushPending ()
 Flush the pending element. More...
virtual void cloneToResultTree (const XalanNode &node, const Locator *locator)
 Clone a node to the result tree. More...
virtual void cloneToResultTree (const XalanNode &node, XalanNode::NodeType nodeType, bool overrideStrip, bool shouldCloneAttributes, const Locator *locator)
 Clone a node to the result tree. More...
virtual void beginCreateXResultTreeFrag (XalanNode *sourceNode)
 Initiate creation of a result tree fragment. More...
virtual const XObjectPtr endCreateXResultTreeFrag ()
 Indicate sthe completion of result tree fragment. More...
virtual void beginFormatToText (XalanDOMString &theResult)
 Initiate to put execution result in string. More...
virtual void endFormatToText ()
 Indicates the completion of the result string. More...
virtual void outputToResultTree (const XObject &xobj, const Locator *locator)
 Output an object to the result tree by doing the right conversions. More...
virtual void outputResultTreeFragment (const XObject &theTree, const Locator *locator)
 Given a result tree fragment, walk the tree and output it to the result stream. More...
virtual const XalanDOMStringgetXSLNameSpaceURL () const
 Determine the full XSLT Namespace URI. More...
virtual const XalanDOMStringgetXalanXSLNameSpaceURL () const
 Special Xalan namespace for built-in extensions. More...
virtual bool findOnElementRecursionStack (const ElemTemplateElement *theElement) const
 Determine if an element is on the recursion stack. More...
virtual void pushOnElementRecursionStack (const ElemTemplateElement *theElement)
 Push an element onto the recursion stack. More...
virtual const ElemTemplateElementpopElementRecursionStack ()
 Pop an element off the recursion stack. More...
virtual bool returnXResultTreeFrag (XResultTreeFrag *theXResultTreeFrag)
 This is a hook that XResultTreeFrag instances (which are reference counted), can notify the owning StylesheetExecutionContext instance when they are dereferenced and can be cleaned up. More...
virtual eEscapeURLs getEscapeURLs () const
 Get the value for run-time escaping of URLs. More...
virtual void setEscapeURLs (eEscapeURLs value)
virtual eOmitMETATag getOmitMETATag () const
 Get the value for run-time omission of URLs. More...
void setOmitMETATag (eOmitMETATag value)
virtual FormatterListenercreateFormatterToXML (Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &version=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool doIndent=false, int indent=eDefaultXMLIndentAmount, const XalanDOMString &encoding=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &mediaType=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypeSystem=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypePublic=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool xmlDecl=true, const XalanDOMString &standalone=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()))
 Create a new FormatterToXML instance. More...
virtual FormatterListenercreateFormatterToHTML (Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &encoding=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &mediaType=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypeSystem=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypePublic=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool doIndent=true, int indent=eDefaultHTMLIndentAmount, bool escapeURLs=true, bool omitMetaTag=false)
 Create a new FormatterToHTML instance. More...
virtual FormatterListenercreateFormatterToText (Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &encoding)
 FormatterToText instance constructor. More...
virtual NodeSortergetNodeSorter ()
 Get node sorter instance. More...
virtual XalanNumberFormatAutoPtr createXalanNumberFormat ()
 Create a new XalanNumberFormat instance. More...
virtual tl_size_type getTraceListeners () const
 Determine the number of trace listeners. More...
virtual void fireGenerateEvent (const GenerateEvent &ge)
 Fire a generate event. More...
virtual void fireTraceEvent (const TracerEvent &te)
 Fire a trace event. More...
virtual void fireSelectEvent (const SelectionEvent &se)
 Fire a selection event. More...
virtual bool getTraceSelects () const
 If this is set to true, simple traces of template calls are made. More...
virtual void traceSelect (const ElemTemplateElement &theStylesheetElement, const NodeRefListBase &nl, const XPath *xpath)
 Compose a diagnostic trace of the current selection. More...
virtual int collationCompare (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS, XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder theCaseOrder=XalanCollationServices::eDefault)
 Compare two strings using the collation of the current locale. More...
virtual int collationCompare (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS, const XalanDOMString &theLocale, XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder theCaseOrder=XalanCollationServices::eDefault)
 Compare two strings using the collation of the supplied locale. More...
virtual int collationCompare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder theCaseOrder=XalanCollationServices::eDefault)
 Compare two strings using the collation of the current locale. More...
virtual int collationCompare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, const XalanDOMChar *theLocale, XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder theCaseOrder=XalanCollationServices::eDefault)
 Compare two strings using the collation of the current locale. More...
const CollationCompareFunctorinstallCollationCompareFunctor (CollationCompareFunctor *theFunctor)
CollationCompareFunctoruninstallCollationCompareFunctor ()
virtual void formatNumber (double number, const XalanDOMString &pattern, XalanDOMString &theResult, const XalanNode *context=0, const Locator *locator=0)
 Formats a number according to the specified pattern. More...
virtual void formatNumber (double number, const XalanDOMString &pattern, const XalanDOMString &dfsName, XalanDOMString &theResult, const XalanNode *context=0, const Locator *locator=0)
 Formats a number according to the specified pattern. More...
const FormatNumberFunctorinstallFormatNumberFunctor (FormatNumberFunctor *formatNumberFunctor)
FormatNumberFunctoruninstallFormatNumberFunctor ()
virtual PrintWritercreatePrintWriter (XalanOutputStream *theTextOutputStream)
 Create a PrintWriter for the provided stream. More...
virtual PrintWritercreatePrintWriter (const XalanDOMString &theFileName, const XalanDOMString &theEncoding)
 Create a PrintWriter. More...
virtual PrintWritercreatePrintWriter (StreamType &theStream)
 Create a PrintWriter using the provided ostream instance. More...
virtual PrintWritercreatePrintWriter (FILE *theStream)
 Create a PrintWriter using the provided FILE instance. More...
virtual CountersTablegetCountersTable ()
 Get the counters table, which is a table of cached results that is used by ElemNumber. More...
virtual void characters (const XalanNode &node)
 Send character data from a node to the result tree. More...
virtual void characters (const XObjectPtr &xobject)
 Send character data from an XObject to the result tree. More...
virtual void charactersRaw (const XalanNode &node)
 Send raw character data from a node to the result tree. More...
virtual void charactersRaw (const XObjectPtr &xobject)
 Send raw character data from an XObject to the result tree. More...
virtual void reset ()
 Reset the instance. More...
virtual XalanNodegetCurrentNode () const
 Retrieve the node currently being executed. More...
virtual void pushCurrentNode (XalanNode *theCurrentNode)
 Change the node currently being executed. More...
virtual void popCurrentNode ()
 Reset the node currently being executed. More...
virtual bool isNodeAfter (const XalanNode &node1, const XalanNode &node2) const
 Determine if a node is after another node, in document order. More...
virtual void pushContextNodeList (const NodeRefListBase &theList)
 Push the node list for current context. More...
virtual void popContextNodeList ()
 Pop the node list for current context. More...
virtual const NodeRefListBasegetContextNodeList () const
 Get the node list for current context. More...
virtual size_type getContextNodeListLength () const
virtual size_type getContextNodeListPosition (const XalanNode &contextNode) const
virtual bool elementAvailable (const XalanQName &theQName) const
 Determine if an external element is available. More...
virtual bool elementAvailable (const XalanDOMString &theName, const Locator *locator) const
 Determine if an external element is available by resolving a string to a QName. More...
virtual bool functionAvailable (const XalanQName &theQName) const
 Determine if a function is available. More...
virtual bool functionAvailable (const XalanDOMString &theName, const Locator *locator) const
 Determine if a function is available. More...
virtual const XObjectPtr extFunction (const XalanDOMString &theNamespace, const XalanDOMString &functionName, XalanNode *context, const XObjectArgVectorType &argVec, const Locator *locator)
 Handle an extension function. More...
virtual XalanDocumentparseXML (MemoryManager &theManager, const XalanDOMString &urlString, const XalanDOMString &base, ErrorHandler *theErrorHandler=0) const
 Provides support for XML parsing service. More...
virtual MutableNodeRefListborrowMutableNodeRefList ()
 Borrow a cached MutableNodeRefList instance. More...
virtual bool returnMutableNodeRefList (MutableNodeRefList *theList)
 Return a previously borrowed MutableNodeRefList instance. More...
virtual MutableNodeRefListcreateMutableNodeRefList (MemoryManager &theManager) const
 Create a MutableNodeRefList with the appropriate context. More...
virtual void createUseAttributeSetIndexesOnStack ()
virtual UseAttributeSetIndexesgetUseAttributeSetIndexes ()
virtual void popUseAttributeSetIndexesFromStack ()
virtual void pushInvoker (const ElemTemplateElement *invoker)
 Push the element that will invoke non children elements (i.e templates, attribute-sets) More...
virtual void popInvoker ()
 Pop the element that invoked non children elements. More...
virtual const ElemTemplateElementgetInvoker () const
 Get the lastest element that has invoked a non-child element. More...
virtual MutableNodeRefListcreateAndPushMutableNodeRefList ()
virtual void releaseAndPopMutableNodeRefList ()
virtual void pushXObjectPtr (const XObjectPtr &xobjectPtr)
virtual void popXObjectPtr ()
virtual void createAndPushNodesToTransformList (const NodeRefListBase *nodeList)
virtual XalanNodegetNextNodeToTransform ()
virtual void popNodesToTransformList ()
virtual XalanDOMStringgetAndPushCachedString ()
 Get a string that is cached on a stack. More...
virtual XalanDOMStringgetLastCachedString ()
 Gets the last string that was cached on the stack. More...
virtual XalanDOMStringgetAndPopCachedString ()
 Gets the last string to be cached on the stack and pops it from the stack. More...
virtual XalanDOMStringgetCachedString ()
 Get a cached string for temporary use. More...
virtual bool releaseCachedString (XalanDOMString &theString)
 Return a cached string. More...
virtual void getNodeSetByKey (XalanNode *context, const XalanQName &qname, const XalanDOMString &ref, const Locator *locator, MutableNodeRefList &nodelist)
 Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list. More...
virtual void getNodeSetByKey (XalanNode *context, const XalanDOMString &name, const XalanDOMString &ref, const Locator *locator, MutableNodeRefList &nodelist)
 Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list. More...
virtual const XObjectPtr getVariable (const XalanQName &name, const Locator *locator=0)
 Given a name, locate a variable in the current context, and return a pointer to the object. More...
virtual const PrefixResolvergetPrefixResolver () const
 Retrieve the resolver for namespaces. More...
virtual void setPrefixResolver (const PrefixResolver *thePrefixResolver)
 Change the resolver for namespaces. More...
virtual const XalanDOMStringgetNamespaceForPrefix (const XalanDOMString &prefix) const
 Retrieve the URI corresponding to a namespace prefix. More...
virtual const XalanDOMStringfindURIFromDoc (const XalanDocument *owner) const
 Given a DOM Document, tell what URI was used to parse it. More...
virtual const XalanDOMStringgetUnparsedEntityURI (const XalanDOMString &theName, const XalanDocument &theDocument) const
 The getUnparsedEntityURI function returns the URI of the unparsed entity with the specified name in the same document as the context node (see [3.3 Unparsed Entities]). More...
virtual bool shouldStripSourceNode (const XalanText &node)
 Determine if a text node should be stripped from the source tree, as if it weren't there. More...
virtual XalanDocumentgetSourceDocument (const XalanDOMString &theURI) const
 Get the document associated with the given URI. More...
virtual void setSourceDocument (const XalanDOMString &theURI, XalanDocument *theDocument)
 Associate a document with a given URI. More...
virtual void problem (eSource source, eClassification classification, const XalanDOMString &msg, const Locator *locator, const XalanNode *sourceNode)
 Function that is called when a problem event occurs. More...
virtual void problem (eSource source, eClassification classification, const XalanDOMString &msg, const XalanNode *sourceNode)
 Function that is called when a problem event occurs. More...
XalanSourceTreeDocumentgetSourceTreeFactory (MemoryManager &theManager) const
 Get a XalanSourceTreeDocument, primarily for creating result tree fragments. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext
 StylesheetExecutionContext (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, XObjectFactory *theXObjectFactory=0)
virtual ~StylesheetExecutionContext ()
virtual void setEscapeURLs (eEscapeURLs value)=0
 Set the value for run-time escaping of URLs. More...
virtual void setOmitMETATag (eOmitMETATag value)=0
 Get the value for run-time omission of URLs. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from xalanc::XPathExecutionContext
 XPathExecutionContext (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, XObjectFactory *theXObjectFactory=0)
virtual ~XPathExecutionContext ()
XObjectFactorygetXObjectFactory () const
 Retrieve the factory object for creating XObjects. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from xalanc::ExecutionContext
 ExecutionContext (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager)
virtual ~ExecutionContext ()
bool hasPreserveOrStripSpaceConditions () const
MemoryManager & getMemoryManager () const
MemoryManager & getExceptionMemoryManager () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from xalanc::ProblemListenerBase
 ProblemListenerBase ()
virtual ~ProblemListenerBase ()

Static Public Member Functions

static StylesheetExecutionContextDefaultcreate (MemoryManager &theManager, XalanNode *theCurrentNode=0, const NodeRefListBase *theContextNodeList=0, const PrefixResolver *thePrefixResolver=0)
static XalanNumberFormatFactorygetDefaultXalanNumberFormatFactory ()
static XalanNumberFormatFactoryinstallXalanNumberFormatFactory (XalanNumberFormatFactory *theFactory)
 Static function to install a new XalanNumberFormatFactory. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from xalanc::ProblemListenerBase
static void defaultFormat (PrintWriter &pw, eSource source, eClassification classification, const XalanDOMString &msg, const Locator *locator, const XalanNode *sourceNode)
 Function to format a problem call to a PrintWriter instance. More...
static void defaultFormat (PrintWriter &pw, eSource source, eClassification classification, const XalanDOMString &msg, const XalanNode *sourceNode)
 Function to format a problem call to a PrintWriter instance. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from xalanc::XPathExecutionContext
- Protected Attributes inherited from xalanc::ExecutionContext
MemoryManager & m_memoryManager
bool m_hasPreserveOrStripConditions
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from xalanc::ProblemListenerBase
static const XalanMessages::Codes s_messageCodes [eSourceCount][eClassificationCount]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 88 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ClockType

Definition at line 92 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ CollationCompareFunctor

Definition at line 670 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ CurrentTemplateStackType

Definition at line 101 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ ElementTemplateElementStackType

Definition at line 98 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ FormatterListenerVectorType

Definition at line 94 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ KeyTablesTableType

Definition at line 103 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ OutputStreamVectorType

Definition at line 96 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ ParamsVectorType

Definition at line 104 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ PrintWriterVectorType

Definition at line 95 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ XPathCacheEntry

Definition at line 99 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ XPathCacheMapType

Definition at line 100 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ StylesheetExecutionContextDefault() [1/2]

xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault ( MemoryManager &  theManager,
XSLTEngineImpl xsltProcessor,
XPathEnvSupport theXPathEnvSupport,
DOMSupport theDOMSupport,
XObjectFactory theXObjectFactory,
XalanNode theCurrentNode = 0,
const NodeRefListBase theContextNodeList = 0,
const PrefixResolver thePrefixResolver = 0 

Construct a StylesheetExecutionContextDefault object.

theXPathEnvSupportXPath environment support class instance
theDOMSupportDOMSupport class instance
theXobjectFactoryfactory class instance for XObjects
theCurrentNodecurrent node in the source tree
theContextNodeListnode list for current context
thePrefixResolverpointer to prefix resolver to use

◆ StylesheetExecutionContextDefault() [2/2]

xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault ( MemoryManager &  theManager,
XalanNode theCurrentNode = 0,
const NodeRefListBase theContextNodeList = 0,
const PrefixResolver thePrefixResolver = 0 

Construct a StylesheetExecutionContextDefault object.

theXPathEnvSupportXPath environment support class instance
theDOMSupportDOMSupport class instance
theXobjectFactoryfactory class instance for XObjects
theCurrentNodecurrent node in the source tree
theContextNodeListnode list for current context
thePrefixResolverpointer to prefix resolver to use

◆ ~StylesheetExecutionContextDefault()

virtual xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::~StylesheetExecutionContextDefault ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addResultAttribute() [1/2]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::addResultAttribute ( const XalanDOMString aname,
const XalanDOMChar *  value 

Add a result attribute to the list of pending attributes.

anamename of attribute
valuevalue of attribute

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ addResultAttribute() [2/2]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::addResultAttribute ( const XalanDOMString aname,
const XalanDOMString value 

Add a result attribute to the list of pending attributes.

anamename of attribute
valuevalue of attribute

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ beginCreateXResultTreeFrag()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::beginCreateXResultTreeFrag ( XalanNode sourceNode)

Initiate creation of a result tree fragment.

sourceNodethe source Node

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ beginFormatToText()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::beginFormatToText ( XalanDOMString theResult)

Initiate to put execution result in string.

theResultthe string to contain the result

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ beginParams()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::beginParams ( )

Initiate context to accept a new set of parameters.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ borrowMutableNodeRefList()

virtual MutableNodeRefList* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::borrowMutableNodeRefList ( )

Borrow a cached MutableNodeRefList instance.

A pointer to the instance.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ characters() [1/3]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::characters ( const XalanDOMChar *  ch,
fl_size_type  start,
fl_size_type  length 

Receive notification of character data.

chpointer to characters from the XML document
startstart position in the array
lengthnumber of characters to read from the array

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ characters() [2/3]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::characters ( const XalanNode node)

Send character data from a node to the result tree.

nodeThe node to send.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ characters() [3/3]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::characters ( const XObjectPtr xobject)

Send character data from an XObject to the result tree.

nodeThe xobject to send.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ charactersRaw() [1/3]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::charactersRaw ( const XalanDOMChar *  ch,
fl_size_type  start,
fl_size_type  length 

Receive notification of character data.

If available, when the disable-output-escaping attribute is used, output raw text without escaping.

chpointer to characters from the XML document
startstart position in the array
lengthnumber of characters to read from the array

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ charactersRaw() [2/3]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::charactersRaw ( const XalanNode node)

Send raw character data from a node to the result tree.

nodeThe node to send.
lengthnumber of characters to read from the array

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ charactersRaw() [3/3]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::charactersRaw ( const XObjectPtr xobject)

Send raw character data from an XObject to the result tree.

nodeThe xobject to send.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ clearTopLevelParams()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::clearTopLevelParams ( )

Reset the vector of top level parameters.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ cloneToResultTree() [1/2]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::cloneToResultTree ( const XalanNode node,
const Locator *  locator 

Clone a node to the result tree.

nodenode to clone
locatorThe Locator, if any

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ cloneToResultTree() [2/2]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::cloneToResultTree ( const XalanNode node,
XalanNode::NodeType  nodeType,
bool  overrideStrip,
bool  shouldCloneAttributes,
const Locator *  locator 

Clone a node to the result tree.

nodenode to clone
nodeTypethe type of the node
overrideStripfalse if white space stripping should be done
shouldCloneAttributestrue if attributes should be cloned
locatorThe Locator, if any

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ collationCompare() [1/4]

virtual int xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::collationCompare ( const XalanDOMChar *  theLHS,
const XalanDOMChar *  theRHS,
const XalanDOMChar *  theLocale,
XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder  theCaseOrder = XalanCollationServices::eDefault 

Compare two strings using the collation of the current locale.

theLHSa string to compare
theRHSa string to compare
theLocala string that specifies the locale
theCaseOrderthe case order for the comparison
< 0 if theLHS is before theRHS, 0 if they are equal, or > 0 if theLHS is after theRHS

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ collationCompare() [2/4]

virtual int xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::collationCompare ( const XalanDOMChar *  theLHS,
const XalanDOMChar *  theRHS,
XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder  theCaseOrder = XalanCollationServices::eDefault 

Compare two strings using the collation of the current locale.

theLHSa string to compare
theRHSa string to compare
theCaseOrderthe case order for the comparison
< 0 if theLHS is before theRHS, 0 if they are equal, or > 0 if theLHS is after theRHS

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ collationCompare() [3/4]

virtual int xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::collationCompare ( const XalanDOMString theLHS,
const XalanDOMString theRHS,
const XalanDOMString theLocale,
XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder  theCaseOrder = XalanCollationServices::eDefault 

Compare two strings using the collation of the supplied locale.

theLHSa string to compare
theRHSa string to compare
theLocala string that specifies the locale
theCaseOrderthe case order for the comparison
< 0 if theLHS is before theRHS, 0 if they are equal, or > 0 if theLHS is after theRHS

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ collationCompare() [4/4]

virtual int xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::collationCompare ( const XalanDOMString theLHS,
const XalanDOMString theRHS,
XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder  theCaseOrder = XalanCollationServices::eDefault 

Compare two strings using the collation of the current locale.

theLHSa string to compare
theRHSa string to compare
theCaseOrderthe case order for the comparison
< 0 if theLHS is before theRHS, 0 if they are equal, or > 0 if theLHS is after theRHS

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ comment()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::comment ( const XalanDOMChar *  data)

Called when a Comment is to be constructed.

datapointer to comment data

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ copyNamespaceAttributes()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::copyNamespaceAttributes ( const XalanNode src)

Add namespace attributes for a node to the list of pending attributes.

srcsource node

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ create()

static StylesheetExecutionContextDefault* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::create ( MemoryManager &  theManager,
XalanNode theCurrentNode = 0,
const NodeRefListBase theContextNodeList = 0,
const PrefixResolver thePrefixResolver = 0 

◆ createAndPushMutableNodeRefList()

virtual MutableNodeRefList& xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createAndPushMutableNodeRefList ( )

◆ createAndPushNodesToTransformList()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createAndPushNodesToTransformList ( const NodeRefListBase nodeList)

◆ createFormatterToHTML()

virtual FormatterListener* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createFormatterToHTML ( Writer writer,
const XalanDOMString encoding = XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()),
const XalanDOMString mediaType = XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()),
const XalanDOMString doctypeSystem = XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()),
const XalanDOMString doctypePublic = XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()),
bool  doIndent = true,
int  indent = eDefaultHTMLIndentAmount,
bool  escapeURLs = true,
bool  omitMetaTag = false 

Create a new FormatterToHTML instance.

The execution context owns the instance and will delete it when reset.

writercharacter output stream to use
encodingcharacter encoding for the writer
mediaTypemedia type (MIME content type) of the data
doctypeSystemsystem identifier to be used in the document type declaration
doctypePublicpublic identifier to be used in the document type declaration
doIndenttrue if output is to be indented
indentnumber of spaces to indent at each nesting level
escapeURLsWhether or not to escape URLs according to the recommendation. The default is true.
omitMetaTagWhether or not to output a META TAG according to the recommendation. The default is false.
a pointer to the new instance.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ createFormatterToText()

virtual FormatterListener* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createFormatterToText ( Writer writer,
const XalanDOMString encoding 

FormatterToText instance constructor.

writerwriter for output
encodingcharacter encoding for the writer

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ createFormatterToXML()

virtual FormatterListener* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createFormatterToXML ( Writer writer,
const XalanDOMString version = XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()),
bool  doIndent = false,
int  indent = eDefaultXMLIndentAmount,
const XalanDOMString encoding = XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()),
const XalanDOMString mediaType = XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()),
const XalanDOMString doctypeSystem = XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()),
const XalanDOMString doctypePublic = XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()),
bool  xmlDecl = true,
const XalanDOMString standalone = XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()) 

Create a new FormatterToXML instance.

The execution context owns the instance and will delete it when reset.

writercharacter output stream to use
versionversion of the output method
doIndenttrue if output is to be indented
indentnumber of spaces to indent at each nesting level
encodingcharacter encoding for the writer
mediaTypemedia type (MIME content type) of the data
doctypeSystemsystem identifier to be used in the document type declaration
doctypePublicpublic identifier to be used in the document type declaration
xmlDecltrue if the XSLT processor should output an XML declaration
standalonetrue if the XSLT processor should output a standalone document declaration
a pointer to the new instance.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ createMatchPattern()

virtual const XPath* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createMatchPattern ( const XalanDOMString str,
const PrefixResolver resolver 

Create and initialize an xpath and return it.

This is to be used to create an XPath that is only used during execution.

strstring expression for XPath evaluation
resolverresolver for namespace resolution
pointer to resulting XPath

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ createMutableNodeRefList()

virtual MutableNodeRefList* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createMutableNodeRefList ( MemoryManager &  theManager) const

Create a MutableNodeRefList with the appropriate context.

pointer to node list created

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ createPrintWriter() [1/4]

virtual PrintWriter* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createPrintWriter ( const XalanDOMString theFileName,
const XalanDOMString theEncoding 

Create a PrintWriter.

Create an appropriate output stream using the provided file name and encoding.

theFileNameThe file name for the output stream
theEncodingThe encoding for the output stream
The new instance.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ createPrintWriter() [2/4]

virtual PrintWriter* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createPrintWriter ( FILE *  theStream)

Create a PrintWriter using the provided FILE instance.

theStreamThe output stream for the PrintWriter.
The new instance.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ createPrintWriter() [3/4]

virtual PrintWriter* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createPrintWriter ( StreamType theStream)

Create a PrintWriter using the provided ostream instance.

theStreamThe output stream for the PrintWriter.
The new instance.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ createPrintWriter() [4/4]

virtual PrintWriter* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createPrintWriter ( XalanOutputStream theTextOutputStream)

Create a PrintWriter for the provided stream.

theTextOutputStreamThe output stream for the PrintWriter.
The new instance.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ createUseAttributeSetIndexesOnStack()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createUseAttributeSetIndexesOnStack ( )

◆ createVariable()

virtual const XObjectPtr xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createVariable ( const XPath xpath,
XalanNode contextNode,
const PrefixResolver resolver 

Execute the supplied XPath and and create a variable in the current context.

strstring expression for XPath evaluation
contextNodecurrent node in the source tree
resolverresolver for namespace resolution
a pointer to the XObject result

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ createXalanNumberFormat()

virtual XalanNumberFormatAutoPtr xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::createXalanNumberFormat ( )

Create a new XalanNumberFormat instance.

an XalanNumberFormatAutoPtr that owns a new XalanNumberFormat instance.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ elementAvailable() [1/2]

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::elementAvailable ( const XalanDOMString theName,
const Locator *  locator 
) const

Determine if an external element is available by resolving a string to a QName.

theNameThe name of the element
locatorA Locator instance for error reporting
whether the given element is available or not

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ elementAvailable() [2/2]

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::elementAvailable ( const XalanQName theQName) const

Determine if an external element is available.

theQNameThe QName of the element
whether the given element is available or not

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ endCreateXResultTreeFrag()

virtual const XObjectPtr xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::endCreateXResultTreeFrag ( )

Indicate sthe completion of result tree fragment.

a pointer to the result tree fragment

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ endDocument()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::endDocument ( )

Receive notification of the end of a document.

The SAX parser will invoke this method only once, and it will be the last method invoked during the parse. The parser shall not invoke this method until it has either abandoned parsing (because of an unrecoverable error) or reached the end of input.


Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ endElement()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::endElement ( const XalanDOMChar *  name)

Receive notification of the end of an element.

nameelement type name

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ endFormatToText()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::endFormatToText ( )

Indicates the completion of the result string.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ endParams()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::endParams ( )

Indicate parameter set is complete.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ extFunction()

virtual const XObjectPtr xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::extFunction ( const XalanDOMString theNamespace,
const XalanDOMString functionName,
XalanNode context,
const XObjectArgVectorType argVec,
const Locator *  locator 

Handle an extension function.

theNamespacenamespace of function
functionNameextension function name
contextThe context node
argVecvector of arguments to function
locatorA Locator instance for error reporting
pointer to XObject result

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ findOnElementRecursionStack()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::findOnElementRecursionStack ( const ElemTemplateElement theElement) const

Determine if an element is on the recursion stack.

true if element on stack

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ findURIFromDoc()

virtual const XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::findURIFromDoc ( const XalanDocument owner) const

Given a DOM Document, tell what URI was used to parse it.

Needed for relative resolution.

ownersource document
document URI

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ fireGenerateEvent()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::fireGenerateEvent ( const GenerateEvent ge)

Fire a generate event.

gegenerate event to fire

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ fireSelectEvent()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::fireSelectEvent ( const SelectionEvent se)

Fire a selection event.

seselection event to fire

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ fireTraceEvent()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::fireTraceEvent ( const TracerEvent te)

Fire a trace event.

tetrace event to fire

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ flushPending()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::flushPending ( )

Flush the pending element.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ formatNumber() [1/2]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::formatNumber ( double  number,
const XalanDOMString pattern,
const XalanDOMString dfsName,
XalanDOMString theResult,
const XalanNode context = 0,
const Locator *  locator = 0 

Formats a number according to the specified pattern.

numberthe number to be formatted
patternthe format pattern
dfsNamethe name of decimal format to use
theResultthe formatted number
contextthe source node
locatorthe locator
a pointer to the functor, 0 if none was found

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ formatNumber() [2/2]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::formatNumber ( double  number,
const XalanDOMString pattern,
XalanDOMString theResult,
const XalanNode context = 0,
const Locator *  locator = 0 

Formats a number according to the specified pattern.

numberthe number to be formatted
patternthe format pattern
theResultthe formatted number
contextthe source node
locatorthe locator

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ functionAvailable() [1/2]

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::functionAvailable ( const XalanDOMString theName,
const Locator *  locator 
) const

Determine if a function is available.

theNameThe name of the function
locatorA Locator instance for error reporting
whether the function is available or not

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ functionAvailable() [2/2]

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::functionAvailable ( const XalanQName theQName) const

Determine if a function is available.

theQNameThe QName of the function
whether the function is available or not

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getAndPopCachedString()

virtual XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getAndPopCachedString ( )

Gets the last string to be cached on the stack and pops it from the stack.

The reference is valid until the next request is made for a cached string

the last string to be cached

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getAndPushCachedString()

virtual XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getAndPushCachedString ( )

Get a string that is cached on a stack.

a cached string

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getCachedString()

virtual XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getCachedString ( )

Get a cached string for temporary use.

A reference to the string

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getContextNodeList()

virtual const NodeRefListBase& xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getContextNodeList ( ) const

Get the node list for current context.

node list

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getContextNodeListLength()

virtual size_type xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getContextNodeListLength ( ) const

◆ getContextNodeListPosition()

virtual size_type xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getContextNodeListPosition ( const XalanNode contextNode) const

◆ getCopyTextNodesOnly()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getCopyTextNodesOnly ( ) const

If this function returns true, only text nodes can be copied to the result tree.

true or false

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getCountersTable()

virtual CountersTable& xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getCountersTable ( )

Get the counters table, which is a table of cached results that is used by ElemNumber.

A reference to the counters table.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getCurrentMode()

virtual const XalanQName* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getCurrentMode ( ) const

Retrieve the current mode.

QName for mode

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getCurrentNode()

virtual XalanNode* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getCurrentNode ( ) const

Retrieve the node currently being executed.

current node

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getCurrentStackFrameIndex()

virtual int xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getCurrentStackFrameIndex ( ) const

Get the top of the stack frame from where a search for a variable or param should take place.

current value of index

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getCurrentTemplate()

virtual const ElemTemplate* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getCurrentTemplate ( ) const

Retrieve the current template.

The current template instance or null if there is no current template

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getDefaultXalanNumberFormatFactory()

static XalanNumberFormatFactory& xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getDefaultXalanNumberFormatFactory ( )

Definition at line 607 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ getEscapeURLs()

virtual eEscapeURLs xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getEscapeURLs ( ) const

Get the value for run-time escaping of URLs.

This can override the property specified by the stylesheet. The default behavior is to honor the property in the stylesheet.

The value of the enum

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getFormatterListener()

virtual FormatterListener* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getFormatterListener ( ) const

Get the current formatter listener.

pointer to formatter listener

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getGlobalStackFrameIndex()

virtual int xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getGlobalStackFrameIndex ( ) const

Get the top of the global stack frame.

current value of index

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getIndent()

virtual int xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getIndent ( ) const

Retrieve the current number of spaces to indent.

number of spaces

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getInvoker()

virtual const ElemTemplateElement* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getInvoker ( ) const

Get the lastest element that has invoked a non-child element.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getLastCachedString()

virtual XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getLastCachedString ( )

Gets the last string that was cached on the stack.

the last string to be cached

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getNamespaceForPrefix()

virtual const XalanDOMString* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getNamespaceForPrefix ( const XalanDOMString prefix) const

Retrieve the URI corresponding to a namespace prefix.

prefixprefix for a namespace
URI corresponding to namespace

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getNextNodeToTransform()

virtual XalanNode* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getNextNodeToTransform ( )

◆ getNodeSetByKey() [1/2]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getNodeSetByKey ( XalanNode context,
const XalanDOMString name,
const XalanDOMString ref,
const Locator *  locator,
MutableNodeRefList nodelist 

Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list.

contextcontext node
namename of the key, which must match the 'name' attribute on xsl:key. Will be resolved to a qname using the provided resolver.
refvalue that must match the value found by the 'match' attribute on xsl:key
locatorThe Locator to use for error reporting. Can be 0.
nodelistA node list to contain the nodes found

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getNodeSetByKey() [2/2]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getNodeSetByKey ( XalanNode context,
const XalanQName qname,
const XalanDOMString ref,
const Locator *  locator,
MutableNodeRefList nodelist 

Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list.

contextcontext node
nameqname of the key, which must match the 'name' attribute on xsl:key
refvalue that must match the value found by the 'match' attribute on xsl:key
locatorThe Locator to use for error reporting. Can be 0.
nodelistA node list to contain the nodes found

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getNodeSorter()

virtual NodeSorter* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getNodeSorter ( )

Get node sorter instance.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getOmitMETATag()

virtual eOmitMETATag xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getOmitMETATag ( ) const

Get the value for run-time omission of URLs.

This can override the property specified by the stylesheet. The default behavior is to honor the property in the stylesheet.

The value of the enum

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getParamVariable()

virtual const XObjectPtr xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getParamVariable ( const XalanQName theName)

Given a name, return a string representing the value, but don't look in the global space.

theNamename of variable
An XObjectPtr instance. Call XObjectPtr::null() on the instance to determine if the variable was found. If XObjectPtr::null() returns true, the variable was not found, and no other operations on the XObject instance are permitted.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getPrefixResolver()

virtual const PrefixResolver* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getPrefixResolver ( ) const

Retrieve the resolver for namespaces.

object for namespace resolution

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getQuietConflictWarnings()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getQuietConflictWarnings ( ) const

Determine whether conflicts should be reported.

true if conflicts should not be warned

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getResultNamespaceForPrefix()

virtual const XalanDOMString* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getResultNamespaceForPrefix ( const XalanDOMString thePrefix) const

Retrieve the result namespace corresponding to a prefix.

thePrefixprefix for namespace
A pointer to a string containing the namespace, or 0 if the prefix is not mapped.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getResultPrefixForNamespace()

virtual const XalanDOMString* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getResultPrefixForNamespace ( const XalanDOMString theNamespace) const

Retrieve the result prefix corresponding to a namespace.

theNamespacenamespace for prefix
A pointer to a string containing the prefix, or 0 if the namespace is not mapped.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getRootDocument()

virtual XalanNode* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getRootDocument ( ) const

Retrieve root document for stylesheet.

Note that this does not have to be a XalanDocument – it can be any node in a document.

root document

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getSkipElementAttributes()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getSkipElementAttributes ( ) const

Get the last flag setting that determines if an element's attributes should be skipped.

the value of the flag

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getSourceDocument()

virtual XalanDocument* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getSourceDocument ( const XalanDOMString theURI) const

Get the document associated with the given URI.

theURIdocument URI
a pointer to the document instance, if any.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getSourceTreeFactory()

XalanSourceTreeDocument* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getSourceTreeFactory ( MemoryManager &  theManager) const

Get a XalanSourceTreeDocument, primarily for creating result tree fragments.

◆ getTraceListeners()

virtual tl_size_type xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getTraceListeners ( ) const

Determine the number of trace listeners.

number of listeners

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getTraceSelects()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getTraceSelects ( ) const

If this is set to true, simple traces of template calls are made.

true if traces made

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getUniqueNamespaceValue()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getUniqueNamespaceValue ( XalanDOMString theValue) const

Generate a random namespace prefix guaranteed to be unique.

theValueA string for returning the new prefix

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getUnparsedEntityURI()

virtual const XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getUnparsedEntityURI ( const XalanDOMString theName,
const XalanDocument theDocument 
) const

The getUnparsedEntityURI function returns the URI of the unparsed entity with the specified name in the same document as the context node (see [3.3 Unparsed Entities]).

It returns the empty string if there is no such entity.

theNamename of entity
theDocumentdocument containing entity
URI for the entity

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getUseAttributeSetIndexes()

virtual UseAttributeSetIndexes& xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getUseAttributeSetIndexes ( )

◆ getUsePerInstanceDocumentFactory()

bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getUsePerInstanceDocumentFactory ( ) const

Definition at line 202 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ getVariable()

virtual const XObjectPtr xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getVariable ( const XalanQName name,
const Locator *  locator = 0 

Given a name, locate a variable in the current context, and return a pointer to the object.

theNamename of variable
An XObjectPtr instance. If the variable is not found, an exception is thrown, or the routine returns an instance of XUnknown.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getXalanXSLNameSpaceURL()

virtual const XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getXalanXSLNameSpaceURL ( ) const

Special Xalan namespace for built-in extensions.

Xalan namespace for extensions

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ getXSLNameSpaceURL()

virtual const XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::getXSLNameSpaceURL ( ) const

Determine the full XSLT Namespace URI.

Xalan namespace URI

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ installCollationCompareFunctor()

const CollationCompareFunctor* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::installCollationCompareFunctor ( CollationCompareFunctor theFunctor)

◆ installFormatNumberFunctor()

const FormatNumberFunctor* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::installFormatNumberFunctor ( FormatNumberFunctor formatNumberFunctor)

◆ installXalanNumberFormatFactory()

static XalanNumberFormatFactory* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::installXalanNumberFormatFactory ( XalanNumberFormatFactory theFactory)

Static function to install a new XalanNumberFormatFactory.

The caller owns the XalanNumberFormatFactory instance.

apointer to the new factory instance to use.
a pointer to the old factory instance.

◆ isElementPending()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::isElementPending ( ) const

See if there is an element pending.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ isNodeAfter()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::isNodeAfter ( const XalanNode node1,
const XalanNode node2 
) const

Determine if a node is after another node, in document order.

node1The first node
node2The second node
true if node1 one is after node2, or false if it is not.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ isPendingResultPrefix()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::isPendingResultPrefix ( const XalanDOMString thePrefix)

Determine whether or not a prefix is in use on the pending element or the pending attributes.

thePrefixprefix for namespace
true if the prefix is in use, false if not.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ outputResultTreeFragment()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::outputResultTreeFragment ( const XObject theTree,
const Locator *  locator 

Given a result tree fragment, walk the tree and output it to the result stream.

theTreeresult tree fragment
locatorThe Locator, if any

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ outputToResultTree()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::outputToResultTree ( const XObject xobj,
const Locator *  locator 

Output an object to the result tree by doing the right conversions.

This is public for access by extensions.

objthe XObject to output
locatorThe Locator, if any

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ parseXML()

virtual XalanDocument* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::parseXML ( MemoryManager &  theManager,
const XalanDOMString urlString,
const XalanDOMString base,
ErrorHandler *  theErrorHandler = 0 
) const

Provides support for XML parsing service.

theManagerThe MemoryManager instance to use.
urlStringlocation of the XML
basebase location for URI
theErrorHandlerAn optional ErrorHandler instance for error reporting.
parsed document

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ popContextMarker()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popContextMarker ( )

Pop the current context from the current context stack.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ popContextNodeList()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popContextNodeList ( )

Pop the node list for current context.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ popCopyTextNodesOnly()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popCopyTextNodesOnly ( )

Pop the last flag setting that determines if only text nodes can be copied to the result tree.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ popCurrentMode()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popCurrentMode ( )

Pop the current mode.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ popCurrentNode()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popCurrentNode ( )

Reset the node currently being executed.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ popCurrentStackFrameIndex()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popCurrentStackFrameIndex ( )

Pop the last stack frame index setting.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ popCurrentTemplate()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popCurrentTemplate ( )

◆ popElementFrame()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popElementFrame ( )

Pop a frame marker for an element.

elemthe element

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ popElementRecursionStack()

virtual const ElemTemplateElement* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popElementRecursionStack ( )

Pop an element off the recursion stack.

pointer to element popped

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ popExecuteIf()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popExecuteIf ( )

Pop the flag that determines if the if test was true.

executeIfthe value of the flag

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ popInvoker()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popInvoker ( )

Pop the element that invoked non children elements.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ popNodesToTransformList()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popNodesToTransformList ( )

◆ popOutputContext()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popOutputContext ( )

◆ popProcessCurrentAttribute()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popProcessCurrentAttribute ( )

Pops the last flag setting that determines if the current attribute should be executed.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ popSkipElementAttributes()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popSkipElementAttributes ( )

Pops the last flag setting that determines if an element's attributes should be skipped.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ popUseAttributeSetIndexesFromStack()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popUseAttributeSetIndexesFromStack ( )

◆ popXObjectPtr()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::popXObjectPtr ( )

◆ problem() [1/2]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::problem ( eSource  source,
eClassification  classification,
const XalanDOMString msg,
const Locator *  locator,
const XalanNode sourceNode 

Function that is called when a problem event occurs.

sourceEither eXMLParser, eXSLProcessor, or eXPATH.
classificationEither eMessage, eWarning, or eError.
locatorThe current Locator instance for the stylesheet. Maybe be a null pointer.
sourceNodeThe current source node, if any.
msgThe error message.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ problem() [2/2]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::problem ( eSource  source,
eClassification  classification,
const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanNode sourceNode 

Function that is called when a problem event occurs.

This version assumes location information is already formatted into the message.

classificationeither eMESSAGE, eERROR or eWARNING
msgstring message explaining the problem.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ processingInstruction()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::processingInstruction ( const XalanDOMChar *  target,
const XalanDOMChar *  data 

Receive notification of a processing instruction.

targetprocessing instruction target
dataprocessing instruction data, or null if none was supplied

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushContextMarker()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushContextMarker ( )

Push a context marker onto the stack to let us know when to stop searching for a var.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushContextNodeList()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushContextNodeList ( const NodeRefListBase theList)

Push the node list for current context.

theListnew node list

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushCopyTextNodesOnly()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushCopyTextNodesOnly ( bool  copyTextNodesOnly)

Set the flag that determines if only text nodes can be copied to the result tree.

copyTextNodesOnlyThe value of the flag

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushCurrentMode()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushCurrentMode ( const XalanQName theMode)

Set the current mode.

theModeQName for mode

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushCurrentNode()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushCurrentNode ( XalanNode theCurrentNode)

Change the node currently being executed.

theCurrentNodenew current node

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushCurrentStackFrameIndex()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushCurrentStackFrameIndex ( int  currentStackFrameIndex = -1)

Set the top of the stack frame from where a search for a variable or param should take place.

currentStackFrameIndexnew value of index

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushCurrentTemplate()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushCurrentTemplate ( const ElemTemplate theTemplate)

Set the current template.

theTemplateThe current template instance

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushElementFrame()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushElementFrame ( const ElemTemplateElement elem)

Push a frame marker for an element.

elemthe element

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushExecuteIf()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushExecuteIf ( bool  executeIf)

Set flag that determines if the if test was true.

executeIfthe value of the flag

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushInvoker()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushInvoker ( const ElemTemplateElement invoker)

Push the element that will invoke non children elements (i.e templates, attribute-sets)

invokersthe element that will invoke non children elements

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushOnElementRecursionStack()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushOnElementRecursionStack ( const ElemTemplateElement theElement)

Push an element onto the recursion stack.

theElementpointer to element to push

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushOutputContext()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushOutputContext ( FormatterListener flistener = 0)

◆ pushParam()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushParam ( const XalanQName qName,
const XObjectPtr theValue 

Push a single paramter onto the latest initialized paramter set.

qNamethe name of the parameter
theValuethe value of the parameter

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushProcessCurrentAttribute()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushProcessCurrentAttribute ( bool  processAttribute)

Set the flag that determines if the current attribute should be executed.

processAttributethe value of the flag

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushSkipElementAttributes()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushSkipElementAttributes ( bool  skipAttributes)

Set the flag that determines if an element's attributes should be skipped.

skipAttributesthe value of the flag

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushTopLevelVariables()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushTopLevelVariables ( const ParamVectorType topLevelParams)

Set a list of top level variables in the specified execution context stylesheet.

topLevelParamslist of top level parameters

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushVariable() [1/4]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushVariable ( const XalanQName name,
const ElemTemplateElement element,
const XalanDOMString str,
XalanNode contextNode,
const PrefixResolver resolver 

Execute an XPath using the provided expression, and push the result as a variable in the context of the supplied element.

namename of variable
elementelement marker for variable
strstring expression for XPath evaluation
contextNodecurrent node in the source tree
resolverresolver for namespace resolution

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushVariable() [2/4]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushVariable ( const XalanQName name,
const ElemTemplateElement element,
const XPath xpath,
XalanNode contextNode,
const PrefixResolver resolver 

Execute the supplied XPath and push the result as a variable in the current context.

namename of variable
elementelement marker for variable
strstring expression for XPath evaluation
contextNodecurrent node in the source tree
resolverresolver for namespace resolution

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushVariable() [3/4]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushVariable ( const XalanQName name,
const ElemVariable var,
const ElemTemplateElement element 

Push a named variable onto the processor variable stack The variable will be evaluated when first referenced.

namename of variable
varpointer to ElemVariable instance
elementelement marker for variable

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushVariable() [4/4]

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushVariable ( const XalanQName name,
const XObjectPtr  val,
const ElemTemplateElement element 

Push a named variable onto the variables stack.

The variable has already been evaluated.

namename of variable
valpointer to XObject value
elementelement marker for variable

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ pushXObjectPtr()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::pushXObjectPtr ( const XObjectPtr xobjectPtr)

◆ releaseAndPopMutableNodeRefList()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::releaseAndPopMutableNodeRefList ( )

◆ releaseCachedString()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::releaseCachedString ( XalanDOMString theString)

Return a cached string.

theStringThe string to release.
true if the string was released successfully.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ replacePendingAttribute()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::replacePendingAttribute ( const XalanDOMChar *  theName,
const XalanDOMChar *  theNewType,
const XalanDOMChar *  theNewValue 

Replace the contents of a pending attribute.

theNamename of attribute
theNewTypetype of attribute
theNewValuenew value of attribute

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ reset()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::reset ( )

Reset the instance.

This must be called before another execution is attempted.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ resolveTopLevelParams()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::resolveTopLevelParams ( )

Resolve the params that were pushed by the caller.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ returnMutableNodeRefList()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::returnMutableNodeRefList ( MutableNodeRefList theList)

Return a previously borrowed MutableNodeRefList instance.

theListA pointer the to previously borrowed instance.
true if the list was borrowed (at therefore, destroyed), false if not.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ returnXPath()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::returnXPath ( const XPath xpath)

Return the XPath created by createMatchPattern().

xpathThe XPath to return.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ returnXResultTreeFrag()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::returnXResultTreeFrag ( XResultTreeFrag theXResultTreeFrag)

This is a hook that XResultTreeFrag instances (which are reference counted), can notify the owning StylesheetExecutionContext instance when they are dereferenced and can be cleaned up.

theXResultTreeFragThe instance that is being returned.
true if the XResultTreeFrag instance belongs to the execution context. false if not.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ setDOMSupport()

void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::setDOMSupport ( DOMSupport theDOMSupport)

Set the DOMSupport instance.

theDOMSupporta reference to the instance to use.

Definition at line 171 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ setEscapeURLs()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::setEscapeURLs ( eEscapeURLs  value)

◆ setFormatterListener()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::setFormatterListener ( FormatterListener flistener)

Set the current formatter listener.

flistenerpointer to new formatter listener

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ setIndent()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::setIndent ( int  indentAmount)

Set the current number of spaces to indent.

indentAmountThe number of spaces to indent. Use -1 for the default amount.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ setOmitMETATag()

void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::setOmitMETATag ( eOmitMETATag  value)

◆ setPrefixResolver()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::setPrefixResolver ( const PrefixResolver thePrefixResolver)

Change the resolver for namespaces.

thePrefixResolvernew object for namespace resolution

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ setRootDocument()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::setRootDocument ( XalanNode theDocument)

Set root document for stylesheet.

Note that this does not have to be a XalanDocument – it can be any node in a document.

theDocumentroot document

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ setSourceDocument()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::setSourceDocument ( const XalanDOMString theURI,
XalanDocument theDocument 

Associate a document with a given URI.

theURIdocument URI
theDocumentsource document

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ setStylesheetRoot()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::setStylesheetRoot ( const StylesheetRoot theStylesheet)

Set root stylesheet for stylesheet.

theStylesheetroot stylesheet

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ setUsePerInstanceDocumentFactory()

void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::setUsePerInstanceDocumentFactory ( bool  fValue)

Definition at line 208 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ setXObjectFactory()

void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::setXObjectFactory ( XObjectFactory theXObjectFactory)

Set the XObjectFactory instance.

theFactorya reference to the instance to use.

Definition at line 182 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ setXPathEnvSupport()

void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::setXPathEnvSupport ( XPathEnvSupport theSupport)

Set the XPathEnvSupport instance.

theSupporta reference to the instance to use.

Definition at line 160 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ setXSLTProcessor()

void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::setXSLTProcessor ( XSLTEngineImpl theProcessor)

Set the DOMSupport instance.

theDOMSupporta reference to the instance to use.

Definition at line 196 of file StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.hpp.

◆ shouldStripSourceNode()

virtual bool xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::shouldStripSourceNode ( const XalanText node)

Determine if a text node should be stripped from the source tree, as if it weren't there.

textNodetext node from the source tree
true if the text node should be stripped

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ startDocument()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::startDocument ( )

Receive notification of the beginning of a document.

The SAX parser will invoke this method only once, before any other methods in this interface or in DTDHandler (except for setDocumentLocator).


Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ startElement()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::startElement ( const XalanDOMChar *  name)

Receive notification of the beginning of an element.

nameelement type name

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ traceSelect()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::traceSelect ( const ElemTemplateElement theStylesheetElement,
const NodeRefListBase nl,
const XPath xpath 

Compose a diagnostic trace of the current selection.

theStylesheetElementThe executing stylesheet element
nlThe list of selected nodes
xpathA pointer to the XPath which generated the list of nodes, if any.

Implements xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext.

◆ uninstallCollationCompareFunctor()

CollationCompareFunctor* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::uninstallCollationCompareFunctor ( )

◆ uninstallFormatNumberFunctor()

FormatNumberFunctor* xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::uninstallFormatNumberFunctor ( )

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: