Xalan-C++ API Reference
#include <xalanc/XSLT/StylesheetExecutionContext.hpp>
Classes | |
class | ElementRecursionStackPusher |
Class for keeping track of elements pushed on the element recursion stack. More... | |
class | OutputContextPushPop |
class | SetAndRestoreCopyTextNodesOnly |
class | SetAndRestoreCurrentStackFrameIndex |
struct | UseAttributeSetIndexes |
class | XPathGuard |
Public Member Functions | |
StylesheetExecutionContext (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, XObjectFactory *theXObjectFactory=0) | |
virtual | ~StylesheetExecutionContext () |
virtual bool | getQuietConflictWarnings () const =0 |
Determine whether conflicts should be reported. More... | |
virtual bool | getCopyTextNodesOnly () const =0 |
If this function returns true, only text nodes can be copied to the result tree. More... | |
virtual void | pushCopyTextNodesOnly (bool copyTextNodesOnly)=0 |
Set the flag that determines if only text nodes can be copied to the result tree. More... | |
virtual bool | popCopyTextNodesOnly ()=0 |
Pop the last flag setting that determines if only text nodes can be copied to the result tree. More... | |
virtual void | pushProcessCurrentAttribute (bool processAttribute)=0 |
Set the flag that determines if the current attribute should be executed. More... | |
virtual bool | popProcessCurrentAttribute ()=0 |
Pops the last flag setting that determines if the current attribute should be executed. More... | |
virtual void | pushSkipElementAttributes (bool skipAttributes)=0 |
Set the flag that determines if an element's attributes should be skipped. More... | |
virtual bool | getSkipElementAttributes () const =0 |
Get the last flag setting that determines if an element's attributes should be skipped. More... | |
virtual bool | popSkipElementAttributes ()=0 |
Pops the last flag setting that determines if an element's attributes should be skipped. More... | |
virtual void | pushExecuteIf (bool executeIf)=0 |
Set flag that determines if the if test was true. More... | |
virtual bool | popExecuteIf ()=0 |
Pop the flag that determines if the if test was true. More... | |
virtual XalanNode * | getRootDocument () const =0 |
Retrieve root document for stylesheet. More... | |
virtual void | setRootDocument (XalanNode *theDocument)=0 |
Set root document for stylesheet. More... | |
virtual void | setStylesheetRoot (const StylesheetRoot *theStylesheet)=0 |
Set root stylesheet for stylesheet. More... | |
virtual const XalanQName * | getCurrentMode () const =0 |
Retrieve the current mode. More... | |
virtual void | pushCurrentMode (const XalanQName *theMode)=0 |
Set the current mode. More... | |
virtual void | popCurrentMode ()=0 |
Pop the current mode. More... | |
virtual const ElemTemplate * | getCurrentTemplate () const =0 |
Retrieve the current template. More... | |
virtual void | pushCurrentTemplate (const ElemTemplate *theTemplate)=0 |
Set the current template. More... | |
virtual void | popCurrentTemplate ()=0 |
virtual bool | isElementPending () const =0 |
See if there is an element pending. More... | |
virtual void | replacePendingAttribute (const XalanDOMChar *theName, const XalanDOMChar *theNewType, const XalanDOMChar *theNewValue)=0 |
Replace the contents of a pending attribute. More... | |
virtual FormatterListener * | getFormatterListener () const =0 |
Get the current formatter listener. More... | |
virtual void | setFormatterListener (FormatterListener *flistener)=0 |
Set the current formatter listener. More... | |
virtual void | pushOutputContext (FormatterListener *flistener=0)=0 |
virtual void | popOutputContext ()=0 |
virtual void | addResultAttribute (const XalanDOMString &aname, const XalanDOMString &value)=0 |
Add a result attribute to the list of pending attributes. More... | |
virtual void | addResultAttribute (const XalanDOMString &aname, const XalanDOMChar *value)=0 |
Add a result attribute to the list of pending attributes. More... | |
virtual void | copyNamespaceAttributes (const XalanNode &src)=0 |
Add namespace attributes for a node to the list of pending attributes. More... | |
virtual const XalanDOMString * | getResultPrefixForNamespace (const XalanDOMString &theNamespace) const =0 |
Retrieve the result prefix corresponding to a namespace. More... | |
virtual const XalanDOMString * | getResultNamespaceForPrefix (const XalanDOMString &thePrefix) const =0 |
Retrieve the result namespace corresponding to a prefix. More... | |
virtual bool | isPendingResultPrefix (const XalanDOMString &thePrefix)=0 |
Determine whether or not a prefix is in use on the pending element or the pending attributes. More... | |
virtual void | getUniqueNamespaceValue (XalanDOMString &theValue) const =0 |
Generate a random namespace prefix guaranteed to be unique. More... | |
virtual int | getIndent () const =0 |
Retrieve the current number of spaces to indent. More... | |
virtual void | setIndent (int indentAmount)=0 |
Set the current number of spaces to indent. More... | |
virtual const XPath * | createMatchPattern (const XalanDOMString &str, const PrefixResolver &resolver)=0 |
Create and initialize an xpath and return it. More... | |
virtual void | returnXPath (const XPath *xpath)=0 |
Return the XPath created by createMatchPattern(). More... | |
virtual void | pushTopLevelVariables (const ParamVectorType &topLevelParams)=0 |
Set a list of top level variables in the specified execution context stylesheet. More... | |
virtual const XObjectPtr | createVariable (const XPath &xpath, XalanNode *contextNode, const PrefixResolver &resolver)=0 |
Execute the supplied XPath and and create a variable in the current context. More... | |
virtual void | pushVariable (const XalanQName &name, const ElemTemplateElement *element, const XalanDOMString &str, XalanNode *contextNode, const PrefixResolver &resolver)=0 |
Execute an XPath using the provided expression, and push the result as a variable in the context of the supplied element. More... | |
virtual void | pushVariable (const XalanQName &name, const ElemTemplateElement *element, const XPath &xpath, XalanNode *contextNode, const PrefixResolver &resolver)=0 |
Execute the supplied XPath and push the result as a variable in the current context. More... | |
virtual void | pushVariable (const XalanQName &name, const XObjectPtr val, const ElemTemplateElement *element)=0 |
Push a named variable onto the variables stack. More... | |
virtual void | pushVariable (const XalanQName &name, const ElemVariable *var, const ElemTemplateElement *element)=0 |
Push a named variable onto the processor variable stack The variable will be evaluated when first referenced. More... | |
virtual void | pushContextMarker ()=0 |
Push a context marker onto the stack to let us know when to stop searching for a var. More... | |
virtual void | popContextMarker ()=0 |
Pop the current context from the current context stack. More... | |
virtual void | resolveTopLevelParams ()=0 |
Resolve the params that were pushed by the caller. More... | |
virtual void | clearTopLevelParams ()=0 |
Reset the vector of top level parameters. More... | |
virtual void | beginParams ()=0 |
Initiate context to accept a new set of parameters. More... | |
virtual void | endParams ()=0 |
Indicate parameter set is complete. More... | |
virtual void | pushParam (const XalanQName &qName, const XObjectPtr &theValue)=0 |
Push a single paramter onto the latest initialized paramter set. More... | |
virtual const XObjectPtr | getParamVariable (const XalanQName &theName)=0 |
Given a name, return a string representing the value, but don't look in the global space. More... | |
virtual void | pushElementFrame (const ElemTemplateElement *elem)=0 |
Push a frame marker for an element. More... | |
virtual void | popElementFrame ()=0 |
Pop a frame marker for an element. More... | |
virtual int | getGlobalStackFrameIndex () const =0 |
Get the top of the global stack frame. More... | |
virtual int | getCurrentStackFrameIndex () const =0 |
Get the top of the stack frame from where a search for a variable or param should take place. More... | |
virtual void | pushCurrentStackFrameIndex (int currentStackFrameIndex=-1)=0 |
Set the top of the stack frame from where a search for a variable or param should take place. More... | |
virtual void | popCurrentStackFrameIndex ()=0 |
Pop the last stack frame index setting. More... | |
virtual void | startDocument ()=0 |
Receive notification of the beginning of a document. More... | |
virtual void | endDocument ()=0 |
Receive notification of the end of a document. More... | |
virtual void | startElement (const XalanDOMChar *name)=0 |
Receive notification of the beginning of an element. More... | |
virtual void | endElement (const XalanDOMChar *name)=0 |
Receive notification of the end of an element. More... | |
virtual void | characters (const XalanDOMChar *ch, fl_size_type start, fl_size_type length)=0 |
Receive notification of character data. More... | |
virtual void | charactersRaw (const XalanDOMChar *ch, fl_size_type start, fl_size_type length)=0 |
Receive notification of character data. More... | |
virtual void | comment (const XalanDOMChar *data)=0 |
Called when a Comment is to be constructed. More... | |
virtual void | processingInstruction (const XalanDOMChar *target, const XalanDOMChar *data)=0 |
Receive notification of a processing instruction. More... | |
virtual void | flushPending ()=0 |
Flush the pending element. More... | |
virtual void | cloneToResultTree (const XalanNode &node, const Locator *locator)=0 |
Clone a node to the result tree. More... | |
virtual void | cloneToResultTree (const XalanNode &node, XalanNode::NodeType nodeType, bool overrideStrip, bool shouldCloneAttributes, const Locator *locator)=0 |
Clone a node to the result tree. More... | |
virtual void | beginCreateXResultTreeFrag (XalanNode *sourceNode)=0 |
Initiate creation of a result tree fragment. More... | |
virtual const XObjectPtr | endCreateXResultTreeFrag ()=0 |
Indicate sthe completion of result tree fragment. More... | |
virtual void | beginFormatToText (XalanDOMString &theResult)=0 |
Initiate to put execution result in string. More... | |
virtual void | endFormatToText ()=0 |
Indicates the completion of the result string. More... | |
virtual void | outputToResultTree (const XObject &xobj, const Locator *locator)=0 |
Output an object to the result tree by doing the right conversions. More... | |
virtual void | outputResultTreeFragment (const XObject &theTree, const Locator *locator)=0 |
Given a result tree fragment, walk the tree and output it to the result stream. More... | |
virtual const XalanDOMString & | getXSLNameSpaceURL () const =0 |
Determine the full XSLT Namespace URI. More... | |
virtual const XalanDOMString & | getXalanXSLNameSpaceURL () const =0 |
Special Xalan namespace for built-in extensions. More... | |
virtual bool | findOnElementRecursionStack (const ElemTemplateElement *theElement) const =0 |
Determine if an element is on the recursion stack. More... | |
virtual void | pushOnElementRecursionStack (const ElemTemplateElement *theElement)=0 |
Push an element onto the recursion stack. More... | |
virtual const ElemTemplateElement * | popElementRecursionStack ()=0 |
Pop an element off the recursion stack. More... | |
virtual bool | returnXResultTreeFrag (XResultTreeFrag *theXResultTreeFrag)=0 |
This is a hook that XResultTreeFrag instances (which are reference counted), can notify the owning StylesheetExecutionContext instance when they are dereferenced and can be cleaned up. More... | |
virtual eEscapeURLs | getEscapeURLs () const =0 |
Get the value for run-time escaping of URLs. More... | |
virtual void | setEscapeURLs (eEscapeURLs value)=0 |
Set the value for run-time escaping of URLs. More... | |
virtual eOmitMETATag | getOmitMETATag () const =0 |
Get the value for run-time omission of URLs. More... | |
virtual void | setOmitMETATag (eOmitMETATag value)=0 |
Get the value for run-time omission of URLs. More... | |
virtual FormatterListener * | createFormatterToXML (Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &version=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool doIndent=false, int indent=eDefaultXMLIndentAmount, const XalanDOMString &encoding=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &mediaType=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypeSystem=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypePublic=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool xmlDecl=true, const XalanDOMString &standalone=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()))=0 |
Create a new FormatterToXML instance. More... | |
virtual FormatterListener * | createFormatterToHTML (Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &encoding=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &mediaType=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypeSystem=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypePublic=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool doIndent=true, int indent=eDefaultHTMLIndentAmount, bool escapeURLs=true, bool omitMetaTag=false)=0 |
Create a new FormatterToHTML instance. More... | |
virtual FormatterListener * | createFormatterToText (Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &encoding)=0 |
FormatterToText instance constructor. More... | |
virtual NodeSorter * | getNodeSorter ()=0 |
Get node sorter instance. More... | |
virtual XalanNumberFormatAutoPtr | createXalanNumberFormat ()=0 |
Create a new XalanNumberFormat instance. More... | |
virtual void | createUseAttributeSetIndexesOnStack ()=0 |
virtual UseAttributeSetIndexes & | getUseAttributeSetIndexes ()=0 |
virtual void | popUseAttributeSetIndexesFromStack ()=0 |
virtual void | pushInvoker (const ElemTemplateElement *invoker)=0 |
Push the element that will invoke non children elements (i.e templates, attribute-sets) More... | |
virtual void | popInvoker ()=0 |
Pop the element that invoked non children elements. More... | |
virtual const ElemTemplateElement * | getInvoker () const =0 |
Get the lastest element that has invoked a non-child element. More... | |
virtual tl_size_type | getTraceListeners () const =0 |
Determine the number of trace listeners. More... | |
virtual void | fireGenerateEvent (const GenerateEvent &ge)=0 |
Fire a generate event. More... | |
virtual void | fireTraceEvent (const TracerEvent &te)=0 |
Fire a trace event. More... | |
virtual void | fireSelectEvent (const SelectionEvent &se)=0 |
Fire a selection event. More... | |
virtual bool | getTraceSelects () const =0 |
If this is set to true, simple traces of template calls are made. More... | |
virtual void | traceSelect (const ElemTemplateElement &theStylesheetElement, const NodeRefListBase &nl, const XPath *xpath)=0 |
Compose a diagnostic trace of the current selection. More... | |
virtual int | collationCompare (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS, XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder theCaseOrder=XalanCollationServices::eDefault)=0 |
Compare two strings using the collation of the current locale. More... | |
virtual int | collationCompare (const XalanDOMString &theLHS, const XalanDOMString &theRHS, const XalanDOMString &theLocale, XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder theCaseOrder=XalanCollationServices::eDefault)=0 |
Compare two strings using the collation of the supplied locale. More... | |
virtual int | collationCompare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder theCaseOrder=XalanCollationServices::eDefault)=0 |
Compare two strings using the collation of the current locale. More... | |
virtual int | collationCompare (const XalanDOMChar *theLHS, const XalanDOMChar *theRHS, const XalanDOMChar *theLocale, XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder theCaseOrder=XalanCollationServices::eDefault)=0 |
Compare two strings using the collation of the current locale. More... | |
virtual PrintWriter * | createPrintWriter (XalanOutputStream *theTextOutputStream)=0 |
Create a PrintWriter for the provided stream. More... | |
virtual PrintWriter * | createPrintWriter (const XalanDOMString &theFileName, const XalanDOMString &theEncoding)=0 |
Create a PrintWriter. More... | |
virtual PrintWriter * | createPrintWriter (StreamType &theStream)=0 |
Create a PrintWriter using the provided ostream instance. More... | |
virtual PrintWriter * | createPrintWriter (FILE *theStream)=0 |
Create a PrintWriter using the provided FILE instance. More... | |
virtual CountersTable & | getCountersTable ()=0 |
Get the counters table, which is a table of cached results that is used by ElemNumber. More... | |
virtual void | characters (const XalanNode &node)=0 |
Send character data from a node to the result tree. More... | |
virtual void | characters (const XObjectPtr &xobject)=0 |
Send character data from an XObject to the result tree. More... | |
virtual void | charactersRaw (const XalanNode &node)=0 |
Send raw character data from a node to the result tree. More... | |
virtual void | charactersRaw (const XObjectPtr &xobject)=0 |
Send raw character data from an XObject to the result tree. More... | |
virtual void | reset ()=0 |
Reset the instance. More... | |
virtual XalanNode * | getCurrentNode () const =0 |
Retrieve the node currently being executed. More... | |
virtual void | pushCurrentNode (XalanNode *theCurrentNode)=0 |
Change the node currently being executed. More... | |
virtual void | popCurrentNode ()=0 |
Reset the node currently being executed. More... | |
virtual bool | isNodeAfter (const XalanNode &node1, const XalanNode &node2) const =0 |
Determine if a node is after another node, in document order. More... | |
virtual void | pushContextNodeList (const NodeRefListBase &theList)=0 |
Push the node list for current context. More... | |
virtual void | popContextNodeList ()=0 |
Pop the node list for current context. More... | |
virtual const NodeRefListBase & | getContextNodeList () const =0 |
Get the node list for current context. More... | |
virtual size_type | getContextNodeListLength () const =0 |
virtual size_type | getContextNodeListPosition (const XalanNode &contextNode) const =0 |
virtual bool | elementAvailable (const XalanQName &theQName) const =0 |
Determine if an external element is available. More... | |
virtual bool | elementAvailable (const XalanDOMString &theName, const Locator *locator) const =0 |
Determine if an external element is available by resolving a string to a QName. More... | |
virtual bool | functionAvailable (const XalanQName &theQName) const =0 |
Determine if a function is available. More... | |
virtual bool | functionAvailable (const XalanDOMString &theName, const Locator *locator) const =0 |
Determine if a function is available. More... | |
virtual const XObjectPtr | extFunction (const XalanDOMString &theNamespace, const XalanDOMString &functionName, XalanNode *context, const XObjectArgVectorType &argVec, const Locator *locator)=0 |
Handle an extension function. More... | |
virtual XalanDocument * | parseXML (MemoryManager &theManager, const XalanDOMString &urlString, const XalanDOMString &base, ErrorHandler *theErrorHandler=0) const =0 |
Provides support for XML parsing service. More... | |
virtual MutableNodeRefList * | borrowMutableNodeRefList ()=0 |
Borrow a cached MutableNodeRefList instance. More... | |
virtual bool | returnMutableNodeRefList (MutableNodeRefList *theList)=0 |
Return a previously borrowed MutableNodeRefList instance. More... | |
virtual MutableNodeRefList * | createMutableNodeRefList (MemoryManager &theManager) const =0 |
Create a MutableNodeRefList with the appropriate context. More... | |
virtual MutableNodeRefList & | createAndPushMutableNodeRefList ()=0 |
virtual void | releaseAndPopMutableNodeRefList ()=0 |
virtual void | pushXObjectPtr (const XObjectPtr &xobjectPtr)=0 |
virtual void | popXObjectPtr ()=0 |
virtual void | createAndPushNodesToTransformList (const NodeRefListBase *nodeList)=0 |
virtual XalanNode * | getNextNodeToTransform ()=0 |
virtual void | popNodesToTransformList ()=0 |
virtual XalanDOMString & | getAndPushCachedString ()=0 |
Get a string that is cached on a stack. More... | |
virtual XalanDOMString & | getLastCachedString ()=0 |
Gets the last string that was cached on the stack. More... | |
virtual XalanDOMString & | getAndPopCachedString ()=0 |
Gets the last string to be cached on the stack and pops it from the stack. More... | |
virtual XalanDOMString & | getCachedString ()=0 |
Get a cached string for temporary use. More... | |
virtual bool | releaseCachedString (XalanDOMString &theString)=0 |
Return a cached string. More... | |
virtual void | getNodeSetByKey (XalanNode *context, const XalanQName &qname, const XalanDOMString &ref, const Locator *locator, MutableNodeRefList &nodelist)=0 |
Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list. More... | |
virtual void | getNodeSetByKey (XalanNode *context, const XalanDOMString &name, const XalanDOMString &ref, const Locator *locator, MutableNodeRefList &nodelist)=0 |
Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list. More... | |
virtual const XObjectPtr | getVariable (const XalanQName &name, const Locator *locator=0)=0 |
Given a name, locate a variable in the current context, and return a pointer to the object. More... | |
virtual const PrefixResolver * | getPrefixResolver () const =0 |
Retrieve the resolver for namespaces. More... | |
virtual void | setPrefixResolver (const PrefixResolver *thePrefixResolver)=0 |
Change the resolver for namespaces. More... | |
virtual const XalanDOMString * | getNamespaceForPrefix (const XalanDOMString &prefix) const =0 |
Retrieve the URI corresponding to a namespace prefix. More... | |
virtual const XalanDOMString & | findURIFromDoc (const XalanDocument *owner) const =0 |
Given a DOM Document, tell what URI was used to parse it. More... | |
virtual const XalanDOMString & | getUnparsedEntityURI (const XalanDOMString &theName, const XalanDocument &theDocument) const =0 |
The getUnparsedEntityURI function returns the URI of the unparsed entity with the specified name in the same document as the context node (see [3.3 Unparsed Entities]). More... | |
virtual bool | shouldStripSourceNode (const XalanText &node)=0 |
Determine if a text node should be stripped from the source tree, as if it weren't there. More... | |
virtual XalanDocument * | getSourceDocument (const XalanDOMString &theURI) const =0 |
Get the document associated with the given URI. More... | |
virtual void | setSourceDocument (const XalanDOMString &theURI, XalanDocument *theDocument)=0 |
Associate a document with a given URI. More... | |
virtual void | formatNumber (double number, const XalanDOMString &pattern, XalanDOMString &theResult, const XalanNode *context=0, const Locator *locator=0)=0 |
Formats a number according to the specified pattern. More... | |
virtual void | formatNumber (double number, const XalanDOMString &pattern, const XalanDOMString &dfsName, XalanDOMString &theResult, const XalanNode *context=0, const Locator *locator=0)=0 |
Formats a number according to the specified pattern. More... | |
virtual void | problem (eSource source, eClassification classification, const XalanDOMString &msg, const Locator *locator, const XalanNode *sourceNode)=0 |
Function that is called when a problem event occurs. More... | |
virtual void | problem (eSource source, eClassification classification, const XalanDOMString &msg, const XalanNode *sourceNode)=0 |
Function that is called when a problem event occurs. More... | |
![]() | |
XPathExecutionContext (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager, XObjectFactory *theXObjectFactory=0) | |
virtual | ~XPathExecutionContext () |
XObjectFactory & | getXObjectFactory () const |
Retrieve the factory object for creating XObjects. More... | |
![]() | |
ExecutionContext (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) | |
virtual | ~ExecutionContext () |
bool | hasPreserveOrStripSpaceConditions () const |
MemoryManager & | getMemoryManager () const |
MemoryManager & | getExceptionMemoryManager () const |
![]() | |
ProblemListenerBase () | |
virtual | ~ProblemListenerBase () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static void | defaultFormat (PrintWriter &pw, eSource source, eClassification classification, const XalanDOMString &msg, const Locator *locator, const XalanNode *sourceNode) |
Function to format a problem call to a PrintWriter instance. More... | |
static void | defaultFormat (PrintWriter &pw, eSource source, eClassification classification, const XalanDOMString &msg, const XalanNode *sourceNode) |
Function to format a problem call to a PrintWriter instance. More... | |
![]() | |
XObjectFactory * | m_xobjectFactory |
![]() | |
MemoryManager & | m_memoryManager |
bool | m_hasPreserveOrStripConditions |
![]() | |
static const XalanMessages::Codes | s_messageCodes [eSourceCount][eClassificationCount] |
Definition at line 106 of file StylesheetExecutionContext.hpp.
Definition at line 112 of file StylesheetExecutionContext.hpp.
Definition at line 576 of file StylesheetExecutionContext.hpp.
typedef std::ostream xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext::StreamType |
Definition at line 114 of file StylesheetExecutionContext.hpp.
typedef XalanSize_t xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext::tl_size_type |
Definition at line 110 of file StylesheetExecutionContext.hpp.
typedef XalanMemMgrAutoPtr<XalanNumberFormat> xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext::XalanNumberFormatAutoPtr |
Definition at line 1521 of file StylesheetExecutionContext.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eDefaultXMLIndentAmount | |
eDefaultHTMLIndentAmount |
Definition at line 1256 of file StylesheetExecutionContext.hpp.
Enums to determine whether or not run-time escaping of URLs has been set.
Enumerator | |
eEscapeURLsDefault | |
eEscapeURLsNo | |
eEscapeURLsYes |
Definition at line 1265 of file StylesheetExecutionContext.hpp.
Enums to determine whether or not run-time omission of the META tag has been set.
Enumerator | |
eOmitMETATagDefault | |
eOmitMETATagNo | |
eOmitMETATagYes |
Definition at line 1296 of file StylesheetExecutionContext.hpp.
explicit |
virtual |
pure virtual |
Add a result attribute to the list of pending attributes.
aname | name of attribute |
value | value of attribute |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Add a result attribute to the list of pending attributes.
aname | name of attribute |
value | value of attribute |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Initiate creation of a result tree fragment.
sourceNode | the source Node |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Initiate to put execution result in string.
theResult | the string to contain the result |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Initiate context to accept a new set of parameters.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Borrow a cached MutableNodeRefList instance.
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Receive notification of character data.
ch | pointer to characters from the XML document |
start | start position in the array |
length | number of characters to read from the array |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Send character data from a node to the result tree.
node | The node to send. |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Send character data from an XObject to the result tree.
node | The xobject to send. |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Receive notification of character data.
If available, when the disable-output-escaping attribute is used, output raw text without escaping.
ch | pointer to characters from the XML document |
start | start position in the array |
length | number of characters to read from the array |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Send raw character data from a node to the result tree.
node | The node to send. |
length | number of characters to read from the array |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Send raw character data from an XObject to the result tree.
node | The xobject to send. |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Reset the vector of top level parameters.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Clone a node to the result tree.
node | node to clone |
locator | The Locator, if any |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Clone a node to the result tree.
node | node to clone |
nodeType | the type of the node |
overrideStrip | false if white space stripping should be done |
shouldCloneAttributes | true if attributes should be cloned |
locator | The Locator, if any |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Compare two strings using the collation of the current locale.
theLHS | a string to compare |
theRHS | a string to compare |
theLocal | a string that specifies the locale |
theCaseOrder | the case order for the comparison |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Compare two strings using the collation of the current locale.
theLHS | a string to compare |
theRHS | a string to compare |
theCaseOrder | the case order for the comparison |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Compare two strings using the collation of the supplied locale.
theLHS | a string to compare |
theRHS | a string to compare |
theLocal | a string that specifies the locale |
theCaseOrder | the case order for the comparison |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Compare two strings using the collation of the current locale.
theLHS | a string to compare |
theRHS | a string to compare |
theCaseOrder | the case order for the comparison |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Called when a Comment is to be constructed.
data | pointer to comment data |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Add namespace attributes for a node to the list of pending attributes.
src | source node |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Create a new FormatterToHTML instance.
The execution context owns the instance and will delete it when reset.
writer | character output stream to use |
encoding | character encoding for the writer |
mediaType | media type (MIME content type) of the data |
doctypeSystem | system identifier to be used in the document type declaration |
doctypePublic | public identifier to be used in the document type declaration |
doIndent | true if output is to be indented |
indent | number of spaces to indent at each nesting level |
escapeURLs | Whether or not to escape URLs according to the recommendation. The default is true. |
omitMetaTag | Whether or not to output a META TAG according to the recommendation. The default is false. |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
FormatterToText instance constructor.
writer | writer for output |
encoding | character encoding for the writer |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Create a new FormatterToXML instance.
The execution context owns the instance and will delete it when reset.
writer | character output stream to use |
version | version of the output method |
doIndent | true if output is to be indented |
indent | number of spaces to indent at each nesting level |
encoding | character encoding for the writer |
mediaType | media type (MIME content type) of the data |
doctypeSystem | system identifier to be used in the document type declaration |
doctypePublic | public identifier to be used in the document type declaration |
xmlDecl | true if the XSLT processor should output an XML declaration |
standalone | true if the XSLT processor should output a standalone document declaration |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Create and initialize an xpath and return it.
This is to be used to create an XPath that is only used during execution.
str | string expression for XPath evaluation |
resolver | resolver for namespace resolution |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Create a MutableNodeRefList with the appropriate context.
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Create a PrintWriter.
Create an appropriate output stream using the provided file name and encoding.
theFileName | The file name for the output stream |
theEncoding | The encoding for the output stream |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Create a PrintWriter using the provided FILE instance.
theStream | The output stream for the PrintWriter. |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Create a PrintWriter using the provided ostream instance.
theStream | The output stream for the PrintWriter. |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Create a PrintWriter for the provided stream.
theTextOutputStream | The output stream for the PrintWriter. |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Execute the supplied XPath and and create a variable in the current context.
str | string expression for XPath evaluation |
contextNode | current node in the source tree |
resolver | resolver for namespace resolution |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Create a new XalanNumberFormat instance.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Determine if an external element is available by resolving a string to a QName.
theName | The name of the element |
locator | A Locator instance for error reporting |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Determine if an external element is available.
theQName | The QName of the element |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Indicate sthe completion of result tree fragment.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Receive notification of the end of a document.
The SAX parser will invoke this method only once, and it will be the last method invoked during the parse. The parser shall not invoke this method until it has either abandoned parsing (because of an unrecoverable error) or reached the end of input.
SAXException |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Receive notification of the end of an element.
name | element type name |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Indicates the completion of the result string.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Indicate parameter set is complete.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Handle an extension function.
theNamespace | namespace of function |
functionName | extension function name |
context | The context node |
argVec | vector of arguments to function |
locator | A Locator instance for error reporting |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Determine if an element is on the recursion stack.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Given a DOM Document, tell what URI was used to parse it.
Needed for relative resolution.
owner | source document |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Fire a generate event.
ge | generate event to fire |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Fire a selection event.
se | selection event to fire |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Fire a trace event.
te | trace event to fire |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Flush the pending element.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Formats a number according to the specified pattern.
number | the number to be formatted |
pattern | the format pattern |
dfsName | the name of decimal format to use |
theResult | the formatted number |
context | the source node |
locator | the locator |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Formats a number according to the specified pattern.
number | the number to be formatted |
pattern | the format pattern |
theResult | the formatted number |
context | the source node |
locator | the locator |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Determine if a function is available.
theName | The name of the function |
locator | A Locator instance for error reporting |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Determine if a function is available.
theQName | The QName of the function |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Gets the last string to be cached on the stack and pops it from the stack.
The reference is valid until the next request is made for a cached string
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get a string that is cached on a stack.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get a cached string for temporary use.
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get the node list for current context.
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
If this function returns true, only text nodes can be copied to the result tree.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get the counters table, which is a table of cached results that is used by ElemNumber.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Retrieve the current mode.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Retrieve the node currently being executed.
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get the top of the stack frame from where a search for a variable or param should take place.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Retrieve the current template.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get the value for run-time escaping of URLs.
This can override the property specified by the stylesheet. The default behavior is to honor the property in the stylesheet.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get the current formatter listener.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get the top of the global stack frame.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Retrieve the current number of spaces to indent.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get the lastest element that has invoked a non-child element.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Gets the last string that was cached on the stack.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Retrieve the URI corresponding to a namespace prefix.
prefix | prefix for a namespace |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list.
context | context node |
name | name of the key, which must match the 'name' attribute on xsl:key. Will be resolved to a qname using the provided resolver. |
ref | value that must match the value found by the 'match' attribute on xsl:key |
locator | The Locator to use for error reporting. Can be 0. |
nodelist | A node list to contain the nodes found |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list.
context | context node |
name | qname of the key, which must match the 'name' attribute on xsl:key |
ref | value that must match the value found by the 'match' attribute on xsl:key |
locator | The Locator to use for error reporting. Can be 0. |
nodelist | A node list to contain the nodes found |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get node sorter instance.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get the value for run-time omission of URLs.
This can override the property specified by the stylesheet. The default behavior is to honor the property in the stylesheet.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Given a name, return a string representing the value, but don't look in the global space.
theName | name of variable |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Retrieve the resolver for namespaces.
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Determine whether conflicts should be reported.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Retrieve the result namespace corresponding to a prefix.
thePrefix | prefix for namespace |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Retrieve the result prefix corresponding to a namespace.
theNamespace | namespace for prefix |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Retrieve root document for stylesheet.
Note that this does not have to be a XalanDocument – it can be any node in a document.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get the last flag setting that determines if an element's attributes should be skipped.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get the document associated with the given URI.
theURI | document URI |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Determine the number of trace listeners.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
If this is set to true, simple traces of template calls are made.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Generate a random namespace prefix guaranteed to be unique.
theValue | A string for returning the new prefix |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
The getUnparsedEntityURI function returns the URI of the unparsed entity with the specified name in the same document as the context node (see [3.3 Unparsed Entities]).
It returns the empty string if there is no such entity.
theName | name of entity |
theDocument | document containing entity |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Given a name, locate a variable in the current context, and return a pointer to the object.
theName | name of variable |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Special Xalan namespace for built-in extensions.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Determine the full XSLT Namespace URI.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
See if there is an element pending.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Determine if a node is after another node, in document order.
node1 | The first node |
node2 | The second node |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Determine whether or not a prefix is in use on the pending element or the pending attributes.
thePrefix | prefix for namespace |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Given a result tree fragment, walk the tree and output it to the result stream.
theTree | result tree fragment |
locator | The Locator, if any |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Output an object to the result tree by doing the right conversions.
This is public for access by extensions.
obj | the XObject to output |
locator | The Locator, if any |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Provides support for XML parsing service.
theManager | The MemoryManager instance to use. |
urlString | location of the XML |
base | base location for URI |
theErrorHandler | An optional ErrorHandler instance for error reporting. |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Pop the current context from the current context stack.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Pop the node list for current context.
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Pop the last flag setting that determines if only text nodes can be copied to the result tree.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Pop the current mode.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Reset the node currently being executed.
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Pop the last stack frame index setting.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Pop a frame marker for an element.
elem | the element |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Pop an element off the recursion stack.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Pop the flag that determines if the if test was true.
executeIf | the value of the flag |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Pop the element that invoked non children elements.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Pops the last flag setting that determines if the current attribute should be executed.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Pops the last flag setting that determines if an element's attributes should be skipped.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Function that is called when a problem event occurs.
source | Either eXMLParser, eXSLProcessor, or eXPATH. |
classification | Either eMessage, eWarning, or eError. |
locator | The current Locator instance for the stylesheet. Maybe be a null pointer. |
sourceNode | The current source node, if any. |
msg | The error message. |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Function that is called when a problem event occurs.
This version assumes location information is already formatted into the message.
source | either eXMLPARSER, eXSLPROCESSOR, or eXPATH |
classification | either eMESSAGE, eERROR or eWARNING |
msg | string message explaining the problem. |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Receive notification of a processing instruction.
target | processing instruction target |
data | processing instruction data, or null if none was supplied |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Push a context marker onto the stack to let us know when to stop searching for a var.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Push the node list for current context.
theList | new node list |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Set the flag that determines if only text nodes can be copied to the result tree.
copyTextNodesOnly | The value of the flag |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
Referenced by xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext::SetAndRestoreCopyTextNodesOnly::SetAndRestoreCopyTextNodesOnly().
pure virtual |
Set the current mode.
theMode | QName for mode |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Change the node currently being executed.
theCurrentNode | new current node |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Set the top of the stack frame from where a search for a variable or param should take place.
currentStackFrameIndex | new value of index |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
Referenced by xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext::SetAndRestoreCurrentStackFrameIndex::SetAndRestoreCurrentStackFrameIndex().
pure virtual |
Set the current template.
theTemplate | The current template instance |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Push a frame marker for an element.
elem | the element |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Set flag that determines if the if test was true.
executeIf | the value of the flag |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Push the element that will invoke non children elements (i.e templates, attribute-sets)
invokers | the element that will invoke non children elements |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Push an element onto the recursion stack.
theElement | pointer to element to push |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Push a single paramter onto the latest initialized paramter set.
qName | the name of the parameter |
theValue | the value of the parameter |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Set the flag that determines if the current attribute should be executed.
processAttribute | the value of the flag |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Set the flag that determines if an element's attributes should be skipped.
skipAttributes | the value of the flag |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Set a list of top level variables in the specified execution context stylesheet.
topLevelParams | list of top level parameters |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Execute an XPath using the provided expression, and push the result as a variable in the context of the supplied element.
name | name of variable |
element | element marker for variable |
str | string expression for XPath evaluation |
contextNode | current node in the source tree |
resolver | resolver for namespace resolution |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Execute the supplied XPath and push the result as a variable in the current context.
name | name of variable |
element | element marker for variable |
str | string expression for XPath evaluation |
contextNode | current node in the source tree |
resolver | resolver for namespace resolution |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Push a named variable onto the processor variable stack The variable will be evaluated when first referenced.
name | name of variable |
var | pointer to ElemVariable instance |
element | element marker for variable |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Push a named variable onto the variables stack.
The variable has already been evaluated.
name | name of variable |
val | pointer to XObject value |
element | element marker for variable |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Return a cached string.
theString | The string to release. |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Replace the contents of a pending attribute.
theName | name of attribute |
theNewType | type of attribute |
theNewValue | new value of attribute |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Reset the instance.
This must be called before another execution is attempted.
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Resolve the params that were pushed by the caller.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Return a previously borrowed MutableNodeRefList instance.
theList | A pointer the to previously borrowed instance. |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Return the XPath created by createMatchPattern().
xpath | The XPath to return. |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
This is a hook that XResultTreeFrag instances (which are reference counted), can notify the owning StylesheetExecutionContext instance when they are dereferenced and can be cleaned up.
theXResultTreeFrag | The instance that is being returned. |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Set the value for run-time escaping of URLs.
This can override the property specified by the stylesheet. The default behavior is to honor the property in the stylesheet.
value | The value of the enum |
pure virtual |
Set the current formatter listener.
flistener | pointer to new formatter listener |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Set the current number of spaces to indent.
indentAmount | The number of spaces to indent. Use -1 for the default amount. |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Get the value for run-time omission of URLs.
This can override the property specified by the stylesheet. The default behavior is to honor the property in the stylesheet.
value | The value of the enum |
pure virtual |
Change the resolver for namespaces.
thePrefixResolver | new object for namespace resolution |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Set root document for stylesheet.
Note that this does not have to be a XalanDocument – it can be any node in a document.
theDocument | root document |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Associate a document with a given URI.
theURI | document URI |
theDocument | source document |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Set root stylesheet for stylesheet.
theStylesheet | root stylesheet |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Determine if a text node should be stripped from the source tree, as if it weren't there.
textNode | text node from the source tree |
Implements xalanc::XPathExecutionContext.
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Receive notification of the beginning of a document.
The SAX parser will invoke this method only once, before any other methods in this interface or in DTDHandler (except for setDocumentLocator).
SAXException |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Receive notification of the beginning of an element.
name | element type name |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
pure virtual |
Compose a diagnostic trace of the current selection.
theStylesheetElement | The executing stylesheet element |
nl | The list of selected nodes |
xpath | A pointer to the XPath which generated the list of nodes, if any. |
Implemented in xalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.
Copyright © 1999-2020 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
Generated on Sun May 31 2020 10:37:33 for Xalan-C++ API Reference by