| FormatterToHTML (Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &encoding=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &mediaType=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypeSystem=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypePublic=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool doIndent=true, int indent=eDefaultIndentAmount, bool escapeURLs=true, bool omitMetaTag=false, MemoryManager &theManager XALAN_DEFAULT_MEMMGR) |
| Constructor for customized encoding and doctype. More...
virtual | ~FormatterToHTML () |
virtual void | startDocument () |
virtual void | endDocument () |
virtual void | startElement (const XMLCh *const name, AttributeListType &attrs) |
virtual void | endElement (const XMLCh *const name) |
virtual void | characters (const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length) |
virtual bool | accumDefaultEntity (XalanDOMChar ch, bool escLF) |
| Handle one of the default entities, return false if it is not a default entity. More...
virtual void | entityReference (const XMLCh *const name) |
| Receive notification of a entityReference. More...
virtual void | cdata (const XMLCh *const ch, const size_type length) |
virtual void | processingInstruction (const XMLCh *const target, const XMLCh *const data) |
bool | getEscapeURLs () const |
void | setEscapeURLs (bool flag) |
| FormatterToXML (Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &version=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool doIndent=false, int indent=eDefaultIndentAmount, const XalanDOMString &encoding=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &mediaType=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypeSystem=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypePublic=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool xmlDecl=true, const XalanDOMString &standalone=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), eFormat format=OUTPUT_METHOD_XML, bool fBufferData=true, MemoryManager &theManager XALAN_DEFAULT_MEMMGR) |
| Constructor for customized encoding and doctype. More...
virtual | ~FormatterToXML () |
MemoryManager & | getMemoryManager () |
virtual void | setDocumentLocator (const Locator *const locator) |
virtual void | charactersRaw (const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length) |
virtual void | ignorableWhitespace (const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length) |
virtual void | resetDocument () |
virtual void | comment (const XMLCh *const data) |
| Called when a Comment is to be constructed. More...
virtual Writer * | getWriter () const |
virtual const XalanDOMString & | getDoctypeSystem () const |
virtual const XalanDOMString & | getDoctypePublic () const |
virtual const XalanDOMString & | getEncoding () const |
virtual const XalanDOMString & | getMediaType () const |
virtual int | getIndent () const |
const XalanDOMString & | getVersion () const |
const XalanDOMString & | getStandalone () const |
bool | getShouldWriteXMLHeader () const |
void | setShouldWriteXMLHeader (bool b) |
bool | getStripCData () const |
void | setStripCData (bool b) |
bool | getEscapeCData () const |
void | setEscapeCData (bool b) |
bool | getDoIndent () const |
void | setDoIndent (bool value) |
void | setIndent (int value) |
| FormatterListener (eFormat theFormat) |
virtual | ~FormatterListener () |
eFormat | getOutputFormat () const |
| Get the output format for the instance. More...
eXMLVersion | getXMLVersion () const |
| Get the version of XML the FormatterListener is generating. More...
bool | isXML1_1Version () const |
| Determine if the version of XML output is 1.1. More...
const PrefixResolver * | getPrefixResolver () const |
| Get the PrefixResolver for the FormatterListener. More...
void | setPrefixResolver (const PrefixResolver *thePrefixResolver) |
| Set the PrefixResolver for the FormatterListener. More...
virtual void | charactersRaw (const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length)=0 |
| Receive notification of character data. More...
virtual void | cdata (const XMLCh *const ch, const size_type length)=0 |
| Receive notification of cdata. More...
virtual void | characters (const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length)=0 |
virtual void | ignorableWhitespace (const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length)=0 |
virtual void | startElement (const XMLCh *const name, AttributeList &attrs)=0 |
virtual void | writeAttrString (const XalanDOMChar *theString, size_type theStringLength) |
| Write an attribute string. More...
virtual void | accumCommentData (const XalanDOMChar *data) |
| Write the data for a comment. More...
void | writeCharacters (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
void | writeCharacters (const XalanDOMChar *theString, size_type theLength) |
void | outputLineSep () |
| Output a line break. More...
void | accumName (XalanDOMChar ch) |
| Append a wide character to the buffer. More...
void | accumContent (XalanDOMChar ch) |
| Append a wide character to the buffer. More...
void | accumName (const XalanDOMChar *chars) |
| Append a null-terminated array of wide characters to the buffer. More...
void | accumContent (const XalanDOMChar *chars) |
| Append a null-terminated array of wide characters to the buffer. More...
void | accumName (const XalanDOMChar chars[], size_type start, size_type length) |
| Append an array of wide character to the buffer. More...
void | accumContent (const XalanDOMChar chars[], size_type start, size_type length) |
| Append an array of wide character to the buffer. More...
void | accumName (const XalanDOMString &str) |
| Append a string to the buffer. More...
void | accumContent (const XalanDOMString &str) |
| Append a string to the buffer. More...
size_type | accumDefaultEscape (XalanDOMChar ch, size_type i, const XalanDOMChar chars[], size_type len, bool escLF) |
| Escape and accum a character. More...
void | initAttrCharsMap () |
| Set the attribute characters what will require special mapping. More...
void | initCharsMap () |
| Set the output characters what will require special mapping. More...
void | flushChars () |
| Flush the char buffer. More...
void | flushBytes () |
| Flush the byte buffer. More...
void | flushWriter () |
void | openElementForChildren () |
bool | childNodesWereAdded () |
bool | shouldIndent () const |
void | writeParentTagEnd () |
| Check to see if a parent's ">" has been written, and, if it has not, write it. More...
void | indent (int n) |
| Prints a newline character and n spaces. More...
virtual void | writeNormalizedChars (const XalanDOMChar ch[], size_type start, size_type length, bool isCData) |
| Write normalized characters to the writer. More...
void | writeNumberedEntityReference (XalanUnicodeChar theNumber) |
| Write a number into the buffer as an entity reference. More...
void | setXMLVersion (eXMLVersion theVersion) |
| Set the output version during serializing. More...
static const XalanDOMChar | s_piTarget [] |
static const XalanDOMChar | s_piData [] |
static const XalanDOMString::size_type | s_piTargetLength |
static const XalanDOMString::size_type | s_piDataLength |
enum | eDummyTwo { SPECIALSSIZE = 256
} |
typedef void(FormatterToXML::* | AccumCharFunctionType) (XalanDOMChar) |
typedef void(FormatterToXML::* | AccumStringFunctionType) (const XalanDOMChar *) |
typedef void(FormatterToXML::* | AccumDOMStringFunctionType) (const XalanDOMString &) |
typedef void(FormatterToXML::* | AccumArrayFunctionType) (const XalanDOMChar[], size_type, size_type) |
typedef void(FormatterToXML::* | FlushFunctionType) () |
static void | throwInvalidUTF16SurrogateException (XalanDOMChar ch, MemoryManager &theManager) |
| Throw an exception when an invalid surrogate is encountered. More...
static void | throwInvalidUTF16SurrogateException (XalanDOMChar ch, XalanDOMChar next, MemoryManager &theManager) |
| Throw an exception when an invalid surrogate is encountered. More...
static void | throwInvalidCharacterException (XalanUnicodeChar ch, MemoryManager &theManager) |
| Throw an exception when an invalid XML character is encountered. More...
static bool | isUTF16Surrogate (XalanDOMChar ch) |
Writer *const | m_writer |
| The writer where the XML will be written. More...
XalanOutputStream *const | m_stream |
| The stream where the XML will be written. More...
XalanDOMChar | m_maxCharacter |
| The maximum character size before we have to resort to escaping. More...
XalanDOMChar | m_attrCharsMap [SPECIALSSIZE] |
XalanDOMChar | m_charsMap [SPECIALSSIZE] |
bool | m_shouldWriteXMLHeader |
| If true, XML header should be written to output. More...
bool | m_ispreserve |
| State flag to tell if preservation of whitespace is important. More...
bool | m_doIndent |
| Flag to tell if indenting (pretty-printing) is on. More...
bool | m_startNewLine |
| Flag to signal that a newline should be added. More...
bool | m_needToOutputDocTypeDecl |
| Flag to tell that we need to add the doctype decl, which we can't do until the first element is encountered. More...
bool | m_isprevtext |
| State flag that tells if the previous node processed was text, so we can tell if we should preserve whitespace. More...
bool | m_stripCData |
| If true, cdata sections are simply stripped of their CDATA brackets, without escaping. More...
bool | m_nextIsRaw |
| Tell if the next text should be raw. More...
bool | m_inCData |
| Tells if we're in CData section. More...
bool | m_encodingIsUTF |
| Flag to quickly tell if the encoding is capable of full Unicode support. More...
const XalanDOMString | m_doctypeSystem |
| The System ID for the doc type. More...
const XalanDOMString | m_doctypePublic |
| The public ID for the doc type. More...
XalanDOMString | m_encoding |
| The character encoding. More...
int | m_currentIndent |
| Flag to keep track of the indent amount. More...
int | m_indent |
| Amount to indent. More...
BoolStackType | m_preserves |
| Stack to keep track of whether or not we need to preserve whitespace. More...
XalanDOMString | m_stringBuffer |
const PrefixResolver * | m_prefixResolver |
static const XalanDOMString | s_emptyString |
FormatterToHTML formats SAX-style events into HTML.
Definition at line 52 of file FormatterToHTML.hpp.