Xalan-C++ API Reference
This is the complete list of members for xalanc::FormatterToHTML, including all inherited members.
AccumArrayFunctionType typedef | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
AccumCharFunctionType typedef | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
accumCommentData(const XalanDOMChar *data) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | protectedvirtual |
accumContent(XalanDOMChar ch) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inlineprotected |
accumContent(const XalanDOMChar *chars) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inlineprotected |
accumContent(const XalanDOMChar chars[], size_type start, size_type length) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inlineprotected |
accumContent(const XalanDOMString &str) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inlineprotected |
accumDefaultEntity(XalanDOMChar ch, bool escLF) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | virtual |
accumDefaultEscape(XalanDOMChar ch, size_type i, const XalanDOMChar chars[], size_type len, bool escLF) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
AccumDOMStringFunctionType typedef | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
accumName(XalanDOMChar ch) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inlineprotected |
accumName(const XalanDOMChar *chars) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inlineprotected |
accumName(const XalanDOMChar chars[], size_type start, size_type length) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inlineprotected |
accumName(const XalanDOMString &str) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inlineprotected |
AccumStringFunctionType typedef | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
BoolStackType typedef | xalanc::FormatterToXML | |
ByteBufferType typedef | xalanc::FormatterToXML | |
cdata(const XMLCh *const ch, const size_type length) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | virtual |
xalanc::FormatterListener::cdata(const XMLCh *const ch, const size_type length)=0 | xalanc::FormatterListener | pure virtual |
characters(const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | virtual |
xalanc::FormatterListener::characters(const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length)=0 | xalanc::FormatterListener | pure virtual |
charactersRaw(const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | virtual |
xalanc::FormatterListener::charactersRaw(const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length)=0 | xalanc::FormatterListener | pure virtual |
childNodesWereAdded() | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
comment(const XMLCh *const data) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | virtual |
create(MemoryManager &theManager, Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &encoding, const XalanDOMString &mediaType, const XalanDOMString &doctypeSystem, const XalanDOMString &doctypePublic, bool doIndent, int indent, bool escapeURLs, bool omitMetaTag) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | static |
xalanc::FormatterToXML::create(MemoryManager &theManager, Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &version=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool doIndent=false, int indent=eDefaultIndentAmount, const XalanDOMString &encoding=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &mediaType=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypeSystem=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypePublic=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool xmlDecl=true, const XalanDOMString &standalone=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), eFormat format=OUTPUT_METHOD_XML, bool fBufferData=true) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | static |
DOMCharBufferType typedef | xalanc::FormatterToXML | |
eDefaultIndentAmount enum value | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | |
eDummy enum name | xalanc::FormatterToXML | |
eDummyTwo enum name | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
eFormat enum name | xalanc::FormatterListener | |
ElementPropertiesStackType typedef | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | |
endDocument() | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | virtual |
endElement(const XMLCh *const name) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | virtual |
entityReference(const XMLCh *const name) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | virtual |
eXMLVersion enum name | xalanc::FormatterListener | |
flushBytes() | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
flushChars() | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
FlushFunctionType typedef | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
flushWriter() | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
FormatterListener(eFormat theFormat) | xalanc::FormatterListener | |
FormatterToHTML(Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &encoding=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &mediaType=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypeSystem=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypePublic=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool doIndent=true, int indent=eDefaultIndentAmount, bool escapeURLs=true, bool omitMetaTag=false, MemoryManager &theManager XALAN_DEFAULT_MEMMGR) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | |
FormatterToXML(Writer &writer, const XalanDOMString &version=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool doIndent=false, int indent=eDefaultIndentAmount, const XalanDOMString &encoding=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &mediaType=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypeSystem=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), const XalanDOMString &doctypePublic=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), bool xmlDecl=true, const XalanDOMString &standalone=XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()), eFormat format=OUTPUT_METHOD_XML, bool fBufferData=true, MemoryManager &theManager XALAN_DEFAULT_MEMMGR) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | |
getDoctypePublic() const | xalanc::FormatterToXML | virtual |
getDoctypeSystem() const | xalanc::FormatterToXML | virtual |
getDoIndent() const | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inline |
getEncoding() const | xalanc::FormatterToXML | virtual |
getEscapeCData() const | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inline |
getEscapeURLs() const | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | inline |
getIndent() const | xalanc::FormatterToXML | virtual |
getMediaType() const | xalanc::FormatterToXML | virtual |
getMemoryManager() | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inline |
getOutputFormat() const | xalanc::FormatterListener | inline |
getPrefixResolver() const | xalanc::FormatterListener | inline |
getShouldWriteXMLHeader() const | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inline |
getStandalone() const | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inline |
getStripCData() const | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inline |
getVersion() const | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inline |
getWriter() const | xalanc::FormatterToXML | virtual |
getXMLVersion() const | xalanc::FormatterListener | inline |
ignorableWhitespace(const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | virtual |
xalanc::FormatterListener::ignorableWhitespace(const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length)=0 | xalanc::FormatterListener | pure virtual |
indent(int n) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
isUTF16Surrogate(XalanDOMChar ch) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inlineprotectedstatic |
isXML1_1Version() const | xalanc::FormatterListener | inline |
m_attrCharsMap | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_charsMap | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_currentIndent | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_doctypePublic | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_doctypeSystem | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_doIndent | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_encoding | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_encodingIsUTF | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_inCData | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_indent | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_ispreserve | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_isprevtext | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_maxCharacter | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_needToOutputDocTypeDecl | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_nextIsRaw | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_prefixResolver | xalanc::FormatterListener | protected |
m_preserves | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_shouldWriteXMLHeader | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_startNewLine | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_stream | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_stringBuffer | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_stripCData | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
m_writer | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
openElementForChildren() | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
OUTPUT_METHOD_DOM enum value | xalanc::FormatterListener | |
OUTPUT_METHOD_HTML enum value | xalanc::FormatterListener | |
OUTPUT_METHOD_NONE enum value | xalanc::FormatterListener | |
OUTPUT_METHOD_OTHER enum value | xalanc::FormatterListener | |
OUTPUT_METHOD_TEXT enum value | xalanc::FormatterListener | |
OUTPUT_METHOD_XML enum value | xalanc::FormatterListener | |
outputLineSep() | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
ParentType typedef | xalanc::FormatterListener | |
processingInstruction(const XMLCh *const target, const XMLCh *const data) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | virtual |
resetDocument() | xalanc::FormatterToXML | virtual |
s_piData | xalanc::FormatterListener | static |
s_piDataLength | xalanc::FormatterListener | static |
s_piTarget | xalanc::FormatterListener | static |
s_piTargetLength | xalanc::FormatterListener | static |
setDocumentLocator(const Locator *const locator) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | virtual |
setDoIndent(bool value) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inline |
setEscapeCData(bool b) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inline |
setEscapeURLs(bool flag) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | inline |
setIndent(int value) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inline |
setPrefixResolver(const PrefixResolver *thePrefixResolver) | xalanc::FormatterListener | inline |
setShouldWriteXMLHeader(bool b) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inline |
setStripCData(bool b) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inline |
setXMLVersion(eXMLVersion theVersion) | xalanc::FormatterListener | inlineprotected |
shouldIndent() const | xalanc::FormatterToXML | inlineprotected |
size_type typedef | xalanc::FormatterListener | |
SPECIALSSIZE enum value | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
startDocument() | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | virtual |
startElement(const XMLCh *const name, AttributeListType &attrs) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | virtual |
xalanc::FormatterListener::startElement(const XMLCh *const name, AttributeList &attrs)=0 | xalanc::FormatterListener | pure virtual |
throwInvalidCharacterException(XalanUnicodeChar ch, MemoryManager &theManager) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protectedstatic |
throwInvalidUTF16SurrogateException(XalanDOMChar ch, MemoryManager &theManager) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protectedstatic |
throwInvalidUTF16SurrogateException(XalanDOMChar ch, XalanDOMChar next, MemoryManager &theManager) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protectedstatic |
writeAttrString(const XalanDOMChar *theString, size_type theStringLength) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | protectedvirtual |
writeCharacters(const XalanDOMString &theString) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | protected |
writeCharacters(const XalanDOMChar *theString, size_type theLength) | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | protected |
writeNormalizedChars(const XalanDOMChar ch[], size_type start, size_type length, bool isCData) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protectedvirtual |
writeNumberedEntityReference(XalanUnicodeChar theNumber) | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
writeParentTagEnd() | xalanc::FormatterToXML | protected |
XML_VERSION_1_0 enum value | xalanc::FormatterListener | |
XML_VERSION_1_1 enum value | xalanc::FormatterListener | |
~FormatterListener() | xalanc::FormatterListener | virtual |
~FormatterToHTML() | xalanc::FormatterToHTML | virtual |
~FormatterToXML() | xalanc::FormatterToXML | virtual |
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Generated on Sun May 31 2020 10:37:31 for Xalan-C++ API Reference by