►Nxalanc | Simple empty elem to push on the stack when nothing else got pushed, so that pop() works correctly |
CArenaAllocator | |
CArenaBlock | |
CArenaBlockBase | |
CAttributeListImpl | |
CAttributesImpl | |
CAttributeVectorEntry | |
CAttributeVectorEntryExtended | |
CAVT | Class to hold an Attribute Value Template |
CAVTPart | Class to hold a part, either a string or XPath, of an Attribute Value Template |
CAVTPartSimple | Simple string part of a complex AVT |
CAVTPartXPath | Simple string part of a complex AVT |
Cc_wstr_functor | |
CClearCacheResetFunctor | |
CClearFunctor | Functor to call a clear() member function on its argument |
►CCollationCacheStruct | |
CCollatorDeleteFunctor | |
CCollatorFindFunctor | |
CCollectionClearGuard | |
CCollectionDeleteGuard | |
CConstants | Primary constants used in the XSLTProcessor classes |
CConstructValueWithMemoryManager | |
CConstructValueWithNoMemoryManager | |
CConstructWithMemoryManager | |
CConstructWithMemoryManagerTraits | |
CConstructWithNoMemoryManager | |
CConstructWithNoMemoryManagerTraits | |
CCounter | <meta name="usage" content="internal"> A class that does incremental counting for support of xsl:number |
CCountersTable | <meta name="usage" content="internal"> This is a table of counters, keyed by ElemNumber objects, each of which has a list of Counter objects |
►CDecimalFormatCacheStruct | |
CDecimalFormatDeleteFunctor | |
CDecimalFormatFindFunctor | |
CDecimalToRoman | Structure to help in converting integrals to roman numerals |
CDefaultCacheCreateFunctor | |
CDefaultCacheCreateFunctorMemMgr | |
CDefaultCacheResetFunctor | |
CDeleteFunctor | Functor to delete objects, used in STL iteration algorithms |
CDirectoryEnumeratorFunctor | |
CDirectoryFilterPredicate | |
CDOMServices | |
CDOMStringEqualsFunction | Equals functor for DOMStrings |
CDOMStringGreaterThanFunction | Greater than functor for DOMStrings |
CDOMStringGreaterThanOrEqualFunction | Greater than or equal functor for DOMStrings |
CDOMStringHashFunction | Hash functor for DOMStrings |
CDOMStringHelper | |
CDOMStringLessThanFunction | Less than functor for DOMStrings |
CDOMStringLessThanIgnoreCaseASCIIFunction | Less than functor for DOMStrings which ignores case for the characters a-z and A-Z |
CDOMStringLessThanOrEqualFunction | Less than or equal functor for DOMStrings |
CDOMStringNotEqualsFunction | Not equals functor for DOMStrings |
CDOMStringPointerEqualToFunction | Equal to functor for DOMStrings |
CDOMStringPointerHashFunction | Hash functor for DOMStrings |
CDOMStringPointerLessThanFunction | Less than functor for DOMStrings |
CDOMStringPrintWriter | |
CDOMSupport | |
CDOMSupportDefault | |
CDOMSupportException | |
CDOMSupportInit | |
►CDoubleSupport | |
CaddFunction | |
CdivideFunction | |
CequalFunction | |
CgreaterThanFunction | |
CgreaterThanOrEqualFunction | |
ClessThanFunction | |
ClessThanOrEqualFunction | |
CmodulusFunction | |
CmultiplyFunction | |
CnegativeFunction | |
CnotEqualFunction | |
CNumberUnion | |
CsubtractFunction | |
CElemApplyImport | |
CElemApplyTemplates | |
CElemAttribute | |
CElemAttributeSet | |
CElemCallTemplate | |
CElemChoose | |
CElemComment | |
CElemCopy | |
CElemCopyOf | |
CElemDecimalFormat | |
CElemElement | |
CElemEmpty | |
CElementPrefixResolverProxy | |
CElemExtensionCall | |
CElemFallback | |
CElemForEach | |
CElemForwardCompatible | |
CElemIf | |
CElemLiteralResult | |
►CElemMessage | |
CElemMessageTerminateException | |
►CElemNumber | |
CNumberFormatStringTokenizer | This class returns tokens using non-alphanumberic characters as delimiters |
CElemOtherwise | |
CElemParam | |
CElemPI | |
CElemSort | |
CElemTemplate | |
►CElemTemplateElement | |
CLocatorProxy | |
CElemText | This primarily acts as a marker on the element stack to signal that whitespace should be preserved |
CElemTextLiteral | |
CElemUse | |
CElemValueOf | |
CElemVariable | |
CElemWhen | |
CElemWithParam | |
Cequal_null_terminated_arrays | |
CExecutionContext | |
CExplicitMemoryManagedConstructionTraits | |
CExtensionFunctionHandler | Class handling an extension namespace for XPath |
CExtensionNSHandler | |
CFilesOnlyFilterPredicate | |
CFindFileStruct | |
CFormatterListener | A SAX-based formatter interface for the XSL processor |
CFormatterStringLengthCounter | This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and produces counts the characters sent to the characters event |
CFormatterToDeprecatedXercesDOM | This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and adds the result to a document or document fragment |
►CFormatterToHTML | FormatterToHTML formats SAX-style events into HTML |
CEntity | |
CFormatterToNull | This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and produces absolutely nothing |
CFormatterToSourceTree | This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and adds the result to a document or document fragment |
CFormatterToText | This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and produces simple text only |
CFormatterToXercesDOM | This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and adds the result to a document or document fragment |
CFormatterToXML | FormatterToXML formats SAX-style events into XML |
CFormatterToXMLUnicode | FormatterToXMLUnicode formats SAX-style events into XML |
CFormatterTreeWalker | |
CFunction | |
CFunctionConcat | XPath implementation of "concat" function |
CFunctionContains | XPath implementation of "contains" function |
CFunctionCurrent | |
CFunctionDifference | XPath implementation of "difference" function |
CFunctionDistinct | XPath implementation of "difference" function |
CFunctionDocument | |
CFunctionElementAvailable | |
CFunctionEvaluate | XPath implementation of "node-set" function |
CFunctionFormatNumber | |
CFunctionFunctionAvailable | |
CFunctionGenerateID | |
CFunctionHasSameNodes | XPath implementation of "has-same-nodes" function for NodeSets |
CFunctionID | XPath implementation of "id" function |
CFunctionIntersection | XPath implementation of "intersection" function for NodeSets |
CFunctionKey | |
CFunctionLang | XPath implementation of "lang" function |
CFunctionNamespaceURI | XPath implementation of "namespace-uri" function |
CFunctionNodeSet | XPath implementation of "node-set" function |
CFunctionNormalizeSpace | XPath implementation of "normalize-space" function |
CFunctionStartsWith | XPath implementation of "starts-with" function |
CFunctionString | XPath implementation of "string" function |
CFunctionSubstring | XPath implementation of "substring" function |
CFunctionSubstringAfter | XPath implementation of "substring-after" function |
CFunctionSubstringBefore | XPath implementation of "substring-before" function |
CFunctionSystemProperty | |
CFunctionTranslate | XPath implementation of "translate" function |
CFunctionUnparsedEntityURI | |
CGenerateEvent | This is the class for events generated by the XSL processor after it generates a new node in the result tree |
CGuardCachedObject | |
Chash_non_terminated_array | |
Chash_null_terminated_array | |
CICUBridge | |
CICUBridgeCleanup | |
CICUBridgeCollationCompareFunctor | |
CICUBridgeCollationCompareFunctorImpl | |
►CICUFormatNumberFunctor | |
CUnlocalizePatternFunctor | |
CICUResHandler | |
CICUXalanNumberFormatFactory | |
CICUXalanNumberFormatProxy | |
CInMemHandler | |
CKeyDeclaration | Holds the attribute declarations for the "xsl:key" element |
CKeyTable | |
Cless_no_case_ascii_wide_string | This functor is designed to compare 0-terminated wide strings in a case-insensitive manner |
Cless_null_terminated_arrays | This functor is designed to compare 0-terminated arrays |
CMapValueDeleteFunctor | Functor to delete value objects in maps, used in STL iteration algorithms |
CMemoryManagedConstructionTraits | |
►CMsgFileOutputStream | |
COpenException | |
CWriteException | |
►CMutableNodeRefList | Local implementation of MutableNodeRefList |
CaddNodeInDocOrderFunctor | |
CNamedNodeMapAttributeList | |
CNameSpace | A representation of a namespace |
►CNamespacesHandler | |
CNamespace | |
CNamespaceExtended | |
CPrefixChecker | |
CNLSHandler | |
CNodeNameTreeWalker | |
CNodeRefList | Local implementation of NodeRefList |
CNodeRefListBase | Local implementation of NodeRefList |
►CNodeSorter | This class can sort vectors of nodes according to a select pattern |
CNodeSortKeyCompare | Return the results of a compare of two nodes |
CVectorEntry | |
CNodeSortKey | Simple data structure class for use by the NodeSorter class |
CNullPrintWriter | |
►COutputContextStack | |
COutputContext | |
CPlatformSupportInit | |
Cpointer_equal | |
Cpointer_equals | |
Cpointer_equals_predicate | |
Cpointer_less | |
CPrefixResolver | This class defines an interface for classes that resolve namespace prefixes to their URIs |
CPrintWriter | |
CProblemListener | This is the abstract class that the XSL processor uses when it has a problem of some kind, that requires a message, an error or a warning |
CProblemListenerBase | This is the abstract class that is used when reporting a problem some kind, that requires a message, an error or a warning |
CProblemListenerDefault | The implementation of the default error handling for Xalan |
CResultNamespacesStack | |
CReusableArenaAllocator | |
►CReusableArenaBlock | |
CNextBlock | |
CSAX2Handler | |
CSelectionEvent | |
CStdBinInputStream | |
CStringTokenizer | |
CStylesheet | This class represents the base stylesheet or an "import" stylesheet |
CStylesheetConstructionContext | |
CStylesheetConstructionContextDefault | An default implementation of an abtract class which provides support for constructing the internal representation of a stylesheet |
►CStylesheetExecutionContext | |
CElementRecursionStackPusher | Class for keeping track of elements pushed on the element recursion stack |
COutputContextPushPop | |
CSetAndRestoreCopyTextNodesOnly | |
CSetAndRestoreCurrentStackFrameIndex | |
CUseAttributeSetIndexes | |
CXPathGuard | |
►CStylesheetExecutionContextDefault | |
CDefaultCollationCompareFunctor | |
CFormatNumberFunctor | |
CXalanNumberFormatFactory | |
CXPathCacheReturnFunctor | |
CStylesheetHandler | This class processes a stylesheet via SAX events, and inits the given stylesheet |
CStylesheetRoot | This acts as the stylesheet root of the stylesheet tree, and holds values that are shared by all stylesheets in the tree |
CTopLevelArg | This class holds an instance of an argument on the stack |
►CTraceListener | |
CTraceListenerGenerateFunctor | |
CTraceListenerSelectFunctor | |
CTraceListenerTraceFunctor | |
CTraceListenerDefault | |
CTracerEvent | This is the parent class of events generated for tracing the progress of the XSL processor |
CTreeWalker | |
►CURISupport | |
CInvalidURIException | Normalizes the string passed in, replacing \ with / |
►CVariablesStack | Defines a class to keep track of a stack for macro arguments |
CInvalidStackContextException | |
CParamsVectorEntry | |
CPushParamFunctor | |
CStackEntry | |
CWriter | |
CXalanAllocationGuard | |
CXalanAllocator | |
CXalanArrayAllocator | |
CXalanArrayAutoPtr | |
CXalanAttr | |
CXalanAutoPtr | |
CXalanAVTAllocator | |
CXalanAVTPartSimpleAllocator | |
CXalanAVTPartXPathAllocator | |
CXalanBitmap | |
CXalanCDATASection | |
CXalanCharacterData | |
►CXalanCollationServices | |
CCollationCompareFunctor | |
CXalanComment | |
CXalanCompiledStylesheet | This is an abstraction of the StylesheetRoot class |
CXalanCompiledStylesheetDefault | |
CXalanDecimalFormatSymbols | |
CXalanDefaultDocumentBuilder | This is class is designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to use a document that is build dynamically by a user |
CXalanDefaultParsedSource | This is designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to reuse a parsed document |
CXalanDefaultParsedSourceDOMSupport | |
CXalanDefaultParsedSourceHelper | |
CXalanDeque | Xalan implementation of deque |
CXalanDequeConstIteratorTraits | |
CXalanDequeIterator | |
CXalanDequeIteratorTraits | |
CXalanDestroyFunctor | |
►CXalanDiagnosticMemoryManager | |
CData | |
CLockException | |
CXalanDocument | |
CXalanDocumentBuilder | This is abstract base class designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to use a document that is build dynamically by a user |
CXalanDocumentFragment | |
CXalanDocumentFragmentNodeRefListBaseProxy | |
►CXalanDocumentPrefixResolver | |
CNamespaceNodesTreeWalker | A utility class to walk the XalanDocument instance and look for attribute nodes that declare namespaces |
CXalanDocumentType | |
CXalanDOMException | |
CXalanDOMImplementation | |
CXalanDOMInit | |
►CXalanDOMString | |
CTranscodingError | |
CXalanDOMStringAllocator | |
►CXalanDOMStringCache | |
CGetAndRelease | |
CXalanDOMStringHashTable | |
CXalanDOMStringPool | |
CXalanDOMStringReusableAllocator | |
CXalanDummyIndentWriter | |
CXalanElemApplyTemplatesAllocator | |
CXalanElemAttributeAllocator | |
CXalanElemAttributeSetAllocator | |
CXalanElemCallTemplateAllocator | |
CXalanElemElementAllocator | |
CXalanElemEmptyAllocator | |
CXalanElement | |
CXalanElemLiteralResultAllocator | |
CXalanElemTemplateAllocator | |
CXalanElemTextAllocator | |
CXalanElemTextLiteralAllocator | |
CXalanElemValueOfAllocator | |
CXalanElemVariableAllocator | |
CXalanEmptyNamedNodeMap | |
CXalanEncodingPropertyCache | |
CXalanEntity | |
CXalanEntityReference | |
CXalanEXSLTCommonFunctionsInstaller | |
CXalanEXSLTDateTimeFunctionsInstaller | |
CXalanEXSLTDynamicFunctionsInstaller | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionAbs | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionAcos | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionAlign | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionAsin | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionAtan | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionAtan2 | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionConcat | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionConstant | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionCos | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionDateTime | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionDecodeURI | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionDifference | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionDistinct | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionEncodeURI | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionEvaluate | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionExp | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionHasSameNode | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionHighest | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionIntersection | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionLeading | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionLog | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionLowest | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionMax | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionMin | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionNodeSet | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionObjectType | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionPadding | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionPower | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionRandom | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionSin | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionSqrt | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionTan | |
CXalanEXSLTFunctionTrailing | |
CXalanEXSLTMathFunctionsInstaller | |
CXalanEXSLTSetFunctionsInstaller | |
CXalanEXSLTStringFunctionsInstaller | |
►CXalanExtensionsInstaller | |
CFunctionTableEntry | |
►CXalanFileOutputStream | |
CXalanFileOutputStreamOpenException | |
CXalanFileOutputStreamWriteException | |
►CXalanFileUtility | |
CcmdParams | |
CreportStruct | |
►CXalanFormatterWriter | |
CCommonRepresentableCharFunctor | |
CNewLineWriterFunctor | |
CWhiteSpaceWriterFunctor | |
►CXalanFStreamOutputStream | |
CXalanFStreamOutputStreamWriteException | |
CXalanHasher | |
CXalanHashMemberPointer | |
CXalanHashMemberReference | |
►CXalanHTMLElementsProperties | |
CElementProperties | This class acts as a proxy for an InternalElementProperties instance |
CInternalAttributeProperties | |
CInternalElementProperties | |
CXalanIndentWriter | |
CXalanInMemoryMessageLoader | |
►CXalanList | Xalan implementation of a doubly linked list |
CNode | |
CXalanListConstIteratorTraits | |
CXalanListIteratorBase | |
CXalanListIteratorTraits | |
CXalanLocator | This class defines a base class for Locator derivations in Xalan |
►CXalanMap | Xalan implementation of a hashtable |
CEntry | |
CXalanMapConstIteratorTraits | |
CXalanMapIterator | |
CXalanMapIteratorTraits | |
CXalanMapKeyTraits | |
CXalanMapKeyTraits< const XalanDOMChar * > | |
CXalanMapKeyTraits< const XalanDOMString * > | |
CXalanMapKeyTraits< const XalanQName * > | |
CXalanMapKeyTraits< XalanDOMString * > | |
CXalanMapKeyTraits< XalanDOMString > | |
CXalanMapKeyTraits< XalanQName > | |
CXalanMapKeyTraits< XalanQNameByReference > | |
CXalanMapKeyTraits< XalanQNameByValue > | |
CXalanMatchPatternData | This class contains information concerning a match pattern in a stylesheet |
CXalanMatchPatternDataAllocator | |
►CXalanMemMgrAutoPtr | |
CMemMgrAutoPtrData | |
►CXalanMemMgrAutoPtrArray | |
CMemMgrAutoPtrArrayData | |
CXalanMemMgrs | |
CXalanMemoryManager | |
CXalanMemoryManagerDefault | |
CXalanMemoryManagerObjectCacheDefault | |
►CXalanMessageLoader | |
CXalanMessageLoaderCreateFunct | |
CXalanMessageLoaderDestructFunct | |
CXalanMsgContainer | |
CXalanNamedNodeMap | |
CXalanNamespace | |
►CXalanNamespacesStack | |
CPrefixResolverProxy | |
CXalanNamespacesStackEntry | |
CXalanNode | |
CXalanNodeList | |
CXalanNodeListDummy | |
CXalanNodeListSurrogate | |
CXalanNotation | |
CXalanNullOutputStream | |
CXalanNumberFormat | |
CXalanNumberingResourceBundle | |
CXalanObjectCache | |
CXalanObjectCacheDefault | |
CXalanObjectStackCache | |
CXalanObjectStackCacheDefault | |
►CXalanOtherEncodingWriter | |
CThrowTranscodingException | |
CWriteCharRef | |
►CXalanOutputStream | |
CTranscoderInternalFailureException | |
CTranscodingException | |
CUnsupportedEncodingException | |
CXalanOutputStreamException | |
CXalanOutputStreamPrintWriter | |
CXalanOutputTranscoder | |
CXalanParamHolder | |
CXalanParsedSource | This is abstract base class designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to reuse a parsed document |
CXalanParsedSourceHelper | |
CXalanParsedURI | URI handling (hopefully) according to RFC2396 |
CXalanProcessingInstruction | |
►CXalanQName | Class to represent a qualified name |
CInvalidQNameException | |
CPrefixResolverProxy | |
CXalanQNameByReference | |
CXalanQNameByValue | |
CXalanQNameByValueAllocator | |
CXalanReferenceCountedObject | Class to hold reference count information |
CXalanSet | Xalan set implementation |
CXalanSetIterator | |
CXalanSimplePrefixResolver | |
CXalanSourceTreeAttr | |
CXalanSourceTreeAttributeAllocator | |
CXalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator | |
CXalanSourceTreeAttrNS | |
CXalanSourceTreeComment | |
CXalanSourceTreeCommentAllocator | |
CXalanSourceTreeContentHandler | |
CXalanSourceTreeDocument | |
CXalanSourceTreeDocumentAllocator | |
CXalanSourceTreeDocumentFragment | |
CXalanSourceTreeDocumentFragmentAllocator | |
CXalanSourceTreeDOMSupport | |
CXalanSourceTreeElement | |
CXalanSourceTreeElementA | |
CXalanSourceTreeElementAAllocator | |
CXalanSourceTreeElementANS | |
CXalanSourceTreeElementANSAllocator | |
CXalanSourceTreeElementNA | |
CXalanSourceTreeElementNAAllocator | |
CXalanSourceTreeElementNANS | |
CXalanSourceTreeElementNANSAllocator | |
CXalanSourceTreeHelper | |
CXalanSourceTreeInit | |
CXalanSourceTreeParserLiaison | |
CXalanSourceTreeProcessingInstruction | |
CXalanSourceTreeProcessingInstructionAllocator | |
CXalanSourceTreeText | |
CXalanSourceTreeTextAllocator | |
CXalanSourceTreeTextIWS | |
CXalanSourceTreeTextIWSAllocator | |
CXalanSourceTreeWrapperParsedSource | This is designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to wrap a parsed Xerces document |
CXalanSpaceNodeTester | |
►CXalanStdOutputStream | |
CXalanStdOutputStreamWriteException | |
CXalanText | |
CXalanToXercesTranscoderWrapper | |
►CXalanTranscodingServices | |
CMakeTranscoderException | |
CUnrepresentableCharacterException | |
►CXalanTransformer | This is a simple C++ interface for some common usage patterns |
CEnsureDestroyCompiledStylesheet | |
CEnsureDestroyDocumentBuilder | |
CEnsureDestroyParsedSource | |
CEnsureFunctionsInstallation | |
CXalanTransformerOutputStream | |
CXalanTransformerProblemListener | |
CXalanUTF16Transcoder | |
CXalanUTF16Writer | |
CXalanUTF8Writer | |
CXalanVector | |
CXalanXMLChar | |
CXalanXMLFileReporter | |
►CXalanXMLSerializerBase | XalanXMLSerializerBase serves as a base class for XML serializers based on FormatterListener events |
CCharFunctor1_0 | |
CCharFunctor1_1 | |
CUTF16 | |
CUTF8 | |
CXalanXMLSerializerFactory | A factory class for creating XML serializers |
CXalanXPathException | |
CXBoolean | |
CXercesAttrBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesAttributeBridgeAllocator | This class is deprecated |
CXercesAttrWrapper | |
CXercesAttrWrapperAllocator | |
CXercesBridgeHelper | This class is deprecated |
CXercesBridgeNavigator | This class is deprecated |
CXercesCDATASectionBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesCDATASectionWrapper | |
CXercesCommentBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesCommentWrapper | |
►CXercesDocumentBridge | This class is deprecated |
►CBuildBridgeTreeWalker | |
CNavigatorStackEntryType | |
CXercesDocumentFragmentBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesDocumentTypeBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesDocumentTypeWrapper | |
►CXercesDocumentWrapper | |
►CBuildWrapperTreeWalker | |
CNavigatorStackEntryType | |
CXercesDOM_AttrHack | |
CXercesDOM_ElementHack | |
CXercesDOM_NodeHack | This class is deprecated |
CXercesDOM_TextHack | |
CXercesDOMException | |
CXercesDOMFormatterWalker | |
CXercesDOMImplementationBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesDOMImplementationWrapper | |
CXercesDOMParsedSource | This is designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to reuse a parsed document |
CXercesDOMParsedSourceHelper | |
CXercesDOMSupport | |
CXercesDOMWalker | |
CXercesDOMWrapperException | |
CXercesDOMWrapperParsedSource | This is designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to wrap a parsed Xerces document |
CXercesElementBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesElementBridgeAllocator | This class is deprecated |
CXercesElementWrapper | |
CXercesElementWrapperAllocator | |
CXercesEntityBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesEntityReferenceBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesEntityReferenceWrapper | |
CXercesEntityWrapper | |
CXercesLiaisonXalanDOMStringPool | |
CXercesNamedNodeMapAttributeList | |
CXercesNamedNodeMapBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesNamedNodeMapWrapper | |
CXercesNodeListBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesNodeListWrapper | |
CXercesNotationBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesNotationWrapper | |
►CXercesParserLiaison | |
CDocumentEntry | |
CXercesProcessingInstructionBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesProcessingInstructionWrapper | |
CXercesTextBridge | This class is deprecated |
CXercesTextBridgeAllocator | This class is deprecated |
CXercesTextWrapper | |
CXercesTextWrapperAllocator | |
►CXercesToXalanNodeMap | This class is deprecated |
CNameMapEqualsFunctor | |
CXercesTreeWalker | This class is deprecated |
CXercesWrapperHelper | |
CXercesWrapperNavigator | |
CXercesWrapperNavigatorAllocator | |
CXercesWrapperToXalanNodeMap | |
►CXMLParserLiaison | |
CEnsureDestroyDocument | |
CEnsureResetErrorHandler | |
CXMLSupportException | |
CXMLSupportInit | |
CXNodeSet | Class to hold XPath return types |
CXNodeSetAllocator | |
CXNodeSetBase | Class to hold XPath return types |
►CXNodeSetNodeProxy | Class to hold XPath return types |
CProxy | |
CXNodeSetNodeProxyAllocator | |
CXNodeSetResultTreeFragProxy | |
CXNumber | |
CXNumberAllocator | |
CXNumberBase | |
►CXObject | Class to hold XPath return types |
CXObjectException | |
CXObjectInvalidConversionException | |
►CXObjectFactory | This class handles the creation of XObjects and manages their lifetime |
CDeleteXObjectFunctor | A public functor for use with stl algorithms |
CXObjectFactoryDefault | This class handles the creation of XObjects and manages their lifetime |
CXObjectPtr | Class to hold XObjectPtr return types |
CXObjectResultTreeFragProxy | |
CXObjectResultTreeFragProxyBase | |
CXObjectResultTreeFragProxyText | |
CXObjectTypeCallback | The purpose of this class is to provide a way to get the "preferred" or closest matching type for XObject-derived classes |
►CXPath | |
CNodeTester | |
CTargetData | |
CXPathAllocator | |
►CXPathConstructionContext | |
CGetCachedString | |
CXPathConstructionContextDefault | An default implementation of an abtract class which provides support for constructing the internal representation of an XPath |
CXPathEnvSupport | |
►CXPathEnvSupportDefault | |
CNamespaceFunctionTableDeleteFunctor | |
CXPathEvaluator | |
CXPathExceptionFunctionNotAvailable | Exception class thrown when an unknown function is encountered |
CXPathExceptionFunctionNotSupported | Exception class thrown when an installFunction() is called with a function name that is not supported |
►CXPathExecutionContext | |
CContextNodeListPushAndPop | |
CCurrentNodePushAndPop | |
CGetCachedNodeList | |
CGetCachedString | |
CPrefixResolverSetAndRestore | |
►CXPathExecutionContextDefault | A basic implementation of the class XPathExecutionContext |
CContextNodeListPositionCache | |
►CXPathExpression | |
CInvalidArgumentCountException | Exception class thrown when an invalid number of XPath arguments is encountered |
CInvalidArgumentException | Exception class thrown when an invalid XPath argument is encountered |
CInvalidOpCodeException | Exception class thrown when an invalid XPath operation code is encountered |
CXPathExpressionException | Exception class thrown when an invalid XPath expression is encountered |
►CXPathFactory | |
CDeleteXPathFunctor | A functor for use with stl algorithms |
CXPathFactoryBlock | |
CXPathFactoryDefault | |
►CXPathFunctionTable | Class defines a table of functions that can be called in XPath expresions |
CFunctionNameTableEntry | |
CXPathGuard | Manages the lifetime of an XPath instance |
CXPathInit | |
CXPathParserException | Exception class thrown when a problem parsing an XPath is encountered |
CXPathProcessor | |
CXPathProcessorImpl | Responsibilities include tokenizing and parsing the XPath expression, and acting as a general interface to XPaths |
CXResultTreeFrag | |
CXResultTreeFragAllocator | |
CXSLException | |
►CXSLTEngineImpl | It's the responsibility of the XSLTEngineImpl class, collaborating with the XML parser liaison, the DOM, and the XPath engine, to transform a source tree of nodes into a result tree according to instructions and templates specified by a stylesheet tree |
CFindStringPointerFunctor | |
CLessXalanDOMStringPointers | |
CXSLTInit | |
CXSLTInputSource | |
CXSLTProcessor | This is an interface for an XSLT Processor engine |
CXSLTProcessorEnvSupport | |
CXSLTProcessorEnvSupportDefault | |
CXSLTProcessorException | |
CXSLTResultTarget | |
CXString | |
CXStringAdapter | |
CXStringAdapterAllocator | |
CXStringAllocator | |
CXStringBase | |
CXStringCached | |
CXStringCachedAllocator | |
CXStringReference | |
CXStringReferenceAllocator | |
CXToken | |
CXTokenNumberAdapter | |
CXTokenNumberAdapterAllocator | |
CXTokenStringAdapter | |
CXTokenStringAdapterAllocator | |
CXUnknown | |
CStrX | |