| XNumber (double val, MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) |
| Create an XNumber from a number. More...
| XNumber (const XNumber &source, MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) |
virtual | ~XNumber () |
virtual double | num (XPathExecutionContext &executionContext) const |
| Cast result object to a number. More...
virtual double | num () const |
| Cast result object to a number. More...
virtual const XalanDOMString & | str (XPathExecutionContext &executionContext) const |
| Cast result object to a string. More...
virtual const XalanDOMString & | str () const |
| Cast result object to a string. More...
virtual void | str (XPathExecutionContext &executionContext, FormatterListener &formatterListener, MemberFunctionPtr function) const |
| Send the string value to a FormatterListener instance. More...
virtual void | str (FormatterListener &formatterListener, MemberFunctionPtr function) const |
| Send the string value to a FormatterListener instance. More...
virtual void | str (XPathExecutionContext &executionContext, XalanDOMString &theBuffer) const |
| Append the string value directly a string. More...
virtual void | str (XalanDOMString &theBuffer) const |
| Append the string value directly a string. More...
virtual double | stringLength (XPathExecutionContext &executionContext) const |
| Get the length of the string value of the instance. More...
void | set (double theValue) |
| Change the value of an XNumber. More...
| XNumberBase (const XNumberBase &source, MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) |
| Construct an XNumberBase object from another. More...
virtual | ~XNumberBase () |
virtual const XalanDOMString & | getTypeString () const |
| Given a request type, return the equivalent string. More...
virtual bool | boolean (XPathExecutionContext &executionContext) const |
| Cast result object to a boolean. More...
virtual void | ProcessXObjectTypeCallback (XObjectTypeCallback &theCallbackObject) |
| Process a callback request for preferred type information. More...
virtual void | ProcessXObjectTypeCallback (XObjectTypeCallback &theCallbackObject) const |
| Process a callback request for preferred type information. More...
virtual double | num (XPathExecutionContext &executionContext) const |
| Cast result object to a number. More...
virtual double | num () const |
| Cast result object to a number. More...
| XObject (eObjectType theObjectType, MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) |
| Create an XObject. More...
virtual const XalanDocumentFragment & | rtree () const |
| Cast result object to a result tree fragment. More...
virtual const NodeRefListBase & | nodeset () const |
| Cast result object to a nodelist. More...
bool | equals (const XObject &theRHS, XPathExecutionContext &executionContext) const |
| Tell if two objects are functionally equal. More...
bool | notEquals (const XObject &theRHS, XPathExecutionContext &executionContext) const |
| Tell if two objects are functionally not equal. More...
bool | lessThan (const XObject &theRHS, XPathExecutionContext &executionContext) const |
| Tell if one object is less than the other. More...
bool | lessThanOrEquals (const XObject &theRHS, XPathExecutionContext &executionContext) const |
| Tell if one object is less than or equal the other. More...
bool | greaterThan (const XObject &theRHS, XPathExecutionContext &executionContext) const |
| Tell if one object is greater than the other. More...
bool | greaterThanOrEquals (const XObject &theRHS, XPathExecutionContext &executionContext) const |
| Tell if one object is greater than or equal the other. More...
eObjectType | getType () const |
| Tell what kind of class this is. More...
void | setFactory (XObjectFactory *theFactory) |
typedef XObject | ParentType |
enum | eObjectType {
eTypeNull = 0,
eTypeUnknown = 1,
eTypeBoolean = 2,
eTypeNumber = 3,
eTypeString = 4,
eTypeNodeSet = 5,
eTypeResultTreeFrag = 6,
eTypeUserDefined = 7,
eTypeStringReference = 8,
eTypeStringAdapter = 9,
eTypeStringCached = 10,
eTypeXTokenNumberAdapter = 11,
eTypeXTokenStringAdapter = 12,
eTypeNodeSetNodeProxy = 13,
} |
| Enumeration of possible object types. More...
typedef XPathExecutionContext::GetCachedString | GetCachedString |
typedef void(FormatterListener::* | MemberFunctionPtr) (const XMLCh *const, const FormatterListener::size_type) |
static void | initialize (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) |
| Perform static initialization. More...
static void | terminate () |
| Perform static shut down. More...
static bool | boolean (double theNumber) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static bool | boolean (const XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static bool | boolean (const NodeRefListBase &theNodeList) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static const XalanDOMString & | string (bool theBool) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static void | string (bool theBool, XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static void | string (bool theBool, FormatterListener &formatterListener, MemberFunctionPtr function) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static void | string (double theNumber, XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static void | string (double theNumber, FormatterListener &formatterListener, MemberFunctionPtr function) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static void | string (const XalanNode &theNode, XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static void | string (const XalanNode &theNode, FormatterListener &formatterListener, MemberFunctionPtr function) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static void | string (const NodeRefListBase &theNodeList, XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static void | string (const NodeRefListBase &theNodeList, FormatterListener &formatterListener, MemberFunctionPtr function) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static void | string (const XalanNode &theNode, XPathExecutionContext &theExecutionContext, XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static void | string (const XalanNode &theNode, XPathExecutionContext &theExecutionContext, FormatterListener &formatterListener, MemberFunctionPtr function) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static void | string (const NodeRefListBase &theNodeList, XPathExecutionContext &theExecutionContext, XalanDOMString &theString) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static void | string (const NodeRefListBase &theNodeList, XPathExecutionContext &theExecutionContext, FormatterListener &formatterListener, MemberFunctionPtr function) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static void | string (const XalanDOMString &theString, FormatterListener &formatterListener, MemberFunctionPtr function) |
| Calls the supplied FormatterListener member function with the string. More...
static double | number (bool theBoolean) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static double | number (const XalanDOMString &theString, MemoryManager &theManager) |
static double | number (XPathExecutionContext &executionContext, const NodeRefListBase &theNodeList) |
| Static conversion function. More...
static double | number (XPathExecutionContext &executionContext, const XalanNode &theNode) |
| Static conversion function. More...
| XNumberBase (MemoryManager &theMemoryManager) |
| Constructor for derived classes. More...
| XObject (const XObject &) |
| Create an XObject from another XObject. More...
| XObject (const XObject &source, MemoryManager &theManager) |
| Create an XObject from another XObject. More...
MemoryManager & | getMemoryManager () const |
| Get the MemoryManager for this instance. More...
void | throwInvalidConversionException (const XalanDOMString &theTargetType) const |
virtual eObjectType | getRealType () const |
| Tell what kind of class this is. More...
virtual void | referenced () |
virtual void | dereferenced () |
virtual | ~XObject () |
| XalanReferenceCountedObject () |
| Create a XalanReferenceCountedObject. More...
virtual | ~XalanReferenceCountedObject () |
virtual XalanSize_t | getReferenceCount () const |
static void | addReference (XalanReferenceCountedObject *theInstance) |
| Increment reference count. More...
static void | removeReference (XalanReferenceCountedObject *theInstance) |
| Decrement reference count. More...
static const XalanDOMString | s_emptyString |
static const XalanDOMString & | s_booleanString |
static const XalanDOMString & | s_falseString |
static const XalanDOMString & | s_nodesetString |
static const XalanDOMString & | s_numberString |
static const XalanDOMString & | s_resultTreeFragmentString |
static const XalanDOMString & | s_stringString |
static const XalanDOMString & | s_trueString |
Definition at line 41 of file XNumber.hpp.