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xalanc::StylesheetRoot Class Reference

This acts as the stylesheet root of the stylesheet tree, and holds values that are shared by all stylesheets in the tree. More...

#include <xalanc/XSLT/StylesheetRoot.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for xalanc::StylesheetRoot:
Collaboration diagram for xalanc::StylesheetRoot:

Public Types

typedef XalanVector< const XalanQName * > XalanQNameVectorType
typedef AttributeSetVectorTypeDecl AttributeSetVectorType
typedef XalanMap< const XalanQName *, AttributeSetVectorTypeAttributeSetMapType
- Public Types inherited from xalanc::Stylesheet
typedef StylesheetExecutionContext::ParamVectorType ParamVectorType
typedef XalanQName::NamespaceVectorType NamespaceVectorType
typedef XalanQName::NamespacesStackType NamespacesStackType
typedef XalanVector< ElemVariable * > ElemVariableVectorType
typedef XalanVector< KeyDeclarationKeyDeclarationVectorType
typedef XalanVector< Stylesheet * > StylesheetVectorType
typedef XalanVector< XalanDOMStringURLStackType
typedef XalanVector< ElemDecimalFormat * > ElemDecimalFormatVectorType
typedef XalanVector< XalanSpaceNodeTesterWhitespaceElementsVectorType
typedef PatternTableVectorTypeDecl PatternTableVectorType
typedef XalanMap< XalanDOMString, ExtensionNSHandler * > ExtensionNamespacesMapType
typedef XalanMap< XalanQNameByReference, const ElemTemplate * > ElemTemplateMapType
typedef XalanMap< const XalanNode *, KeyTable * > KeyTablesTableType
typedef XalanMap< XalanDOMString, PatternTableVectorTypePatternTableMapType
typedef StylesheetConstructionContext::GetCachedString GetCachedString

Public Member Functions

 StylesheetRoot (const XalanDOMString &baseIdentifier, StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext)
 Construct a Stylesheet from a Document. More...
virtual ~StylesheetRoot ()
MemoryManager & getMemoryManager ()
virtual void postConstruction (StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext)
 Called after construction is completed. More...
void process (XalanNode *sourceTree, XSLTResultTarget &outputTarget, StylesheetExecutionContext &executionContext) const
 Transform the source tree to the output in the given result tree target. More...
FormatterListenersetupFormatterListener (XSLTResultTarget &outputTarget, StylesheetExecutionContext &executionContext) const
 Have the stylesheet create the appropriate FormatterListener, based on the XSLTResultTarget provided. More...
FormatterListener::eFormat getOutputMethod () const
 Return the output method that was specified in the stylesheet. More...
bool isOutputMethodSet () const
XalanDOMStringgetOutputVersion (XalanDOMString &theResult) const
 Get the output version string that was specified in the xsl:output element. More...
bool getOutputIndent () const
 Determine if output indenting was specified in the xsl:output element. More...
bool getHTMLOutputIndent () const
 Determine if output indenting should be enabled for HTML output. More...
XalanDOMStringgetOutputEncoding (XalanDOMString &theResult) const
 Get the output encoding string that was specified in the xsl:output element. More...
XalanDOMStringgetOutputMediaType (XalanDOMString &theResult) const
 Get the media-type string that was specified in the xsl:output element. More...
XalanDOMStringgetOutputDoctypeSystem (XalanDOMString &theResult) const
 Get the doctype-system-id string that was specified in the xsl:output element. More...
XalanDOMStringgetOutputDoctypePublic (XalanDOMString &theResult) const
 Get the doctype-public-id string that was specified in the xsl:output element. More...
bool getOmitOutputXMLDecl () const
 Determine whether to output XML declarations. More...
XalanDOMStringgetOutputStandalone (XalanDOMString &theResult) const
 Get the standalone string that was specified in the xsl:output element. More...
ElemTemplateElementgetDefaultTextRule () const
 Get the template representing the default rule for text. More...
ElemTemplateElementgetDefaultRule () const
 Get the template representing the default rule. More...
ElemTemplateElementgetDefaultRootRule () const
 Get the template representing the default root rule. More...
void processOutputSpec (const XalanDOMChar *name, const AttributeListType &atts, StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext)
 Process the "xsl:output" element. More...
URLStackTypegetImportStack ()
 Retrieve the stack of imported stylesheets. More...
const URLStackTypegetImportStack () const
 Retrieve the stack of imported stylesheets. More...
void setIndentResult (bool bIndent)
 Change the value of the flag for indenting results. More...
void setOutputMethod (FormatterListener::eFormat meth)
 Change the value of the output method, one of the FormatterListener::eFormat values. More...
bool hasCDATASectionElements () const
bool isCDATASectionElementName (const XalanQName &theQName) const
 Determine if a QName is in the list of CDATA section element QNames. More...
void getNodeSetByKey (XalanNode *context, const XalanQName &qname, const XalanDOMString &ref, const PrefixResolver &resolver, MutableNodeRefList &nodelist, StylesheetExecutionContext &executionContext, const Locator *locator, KeyTablesTableType &theKeysTable) const
 Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list. More...
unsigned long getNextElemNumberID ()
unsigned long getElemNumberCount () const
bool hasPreserveOrStripSpaceElements () const
bool shouldStripSourceNode (const XalanText &theNode) const
 Check to see if a whitespace text node should be stripped from the source tree. More...
void addAttributeSet (ElemAttributeSet &theAttributeSet)
const ElemAttributeSetgetAttributeSet (StylesheetExecutionContext &theExecutionContext, const XalanQName &theQName, size_type matchingIndex, const Locator *theLocator) const
 Get the nth attribute set with the specified name. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from xalanc::Stylesheet
 Stylesheet (StylesheetRoot &root, const XalanDOMString &baseIdentifier, StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext)
 Constructor for a Stylesheet needs a Document. More...
virtual ~Stylesheet ()
MemoryManager & getMemoryManager ()
double getXSLTVerDeclared () const
 Retrieve XSLT version number. More...
void setXSLTVerDeclared (double ver)
 Set XSLT version number. More...
const StylesheetRootgetStylesheetRoot () const
 Retrieve the root stylesheet object. More...
StylesheetRootgetStylesheetRoot ()
 Retrieve the root stylesheet object. More...
const NamespacesStackTypegetNamespaces () const
 Retrieve the stack of namespace lists. More...
NamespacesStackTypegetNamespaces ()
 Retrieve the stack of namespace lists. More...
const NamespacesHandlergetNamespacesHandler () const
NamespacesHandlergetNamespacesHandler ()
const NamespaceVectorTypegetNamespaceDecls () const
 Retrieve the list of namespace declarations currently in effect. More...
NamespaceVectorTypegetNamespaceDecls ()
 Retrieve the list of namespace declarations currently in effect. More...
void setNamespaceDecls (const NamespaceVectorType &ns)
 Set the list of namespace declarations currently in effect. More...
void pushNamespaces (const AttributeListType &atts)
 Push the namespace declarations from the current attribute list onto the namespace stack. More...
void popNamespaces ()
 Pop a namespace declaration from the namespace stack. More...
void addWhitespaceElement (const XalanSpaceNodeTester &theTester)
bool isAttrOK (const XalanDOMChar *attrName, const AttributeListType &atts, XalanSize_t which, StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext) const
 See if this is a xmlns attribute, and, if so, process it. More...
const XalanDOMStringgetNamespaceFromStack (const XalanDOMString &nodeName, XalanDOMString &theBuffer) const
 Get the namespace from a qualified name. More...
const XalanDOMStringgetNamespaceFromStack (const XalanDOMChar *nodeName, XalanDOMString &theBuffer) const
 Get the namespace from a qualified name. More...
const XalanDOMStringgetNamespaceForPrefixFromStack (const XalanDOMString &prefix) const
 Get the namespace from a prefix by searching the stack of namespace lists. More...
const XalanDOMStringgetNamespaceForPrefixFromStack (const XalanDOMChar *prefix) const
 Get the namespace from a prefix by searching the stack of namespace lists. More...
const XalanDOMStringgetNamespaceForPrefix (const XalanDOMString &prefix, StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext) const
 Get the namespace for a prefix, and report an error if it wasn't found. More...
const XalanDOMStringgetNamespaceForPrefix (const XalanDOMChar *prefix, StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext) const
 Get the namespace for a prefix, and report an error if it wasn't found. More...
void processExcludeResultPrefixes (StylesheetConstructionContext &theConstructionContext, const XalanDOMChar *theValue)
 See if a namespace should be excluded. More...
void addTemplate (ElemTemplate *theTemplate, StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext)
 Add a template to the list of names templates. More...
bool getYesOrNo (const XalanDOMChar *aname, const XalanDOMChar *val, StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext) const
 Process an attribute that has the value of 'yes' or 'no'. More...
const XalanDOMStringgetBaseIdentifier () const
 Retrieve the base identifier with which this stylesheet is associated. More...
const XalanDOMStringgetCurrentIncludeBaseIdentifier () const
 Retrieve the base identifier for the most recently included stylesheet. More...
void processNSAliasElement (const XalanDOMChar *name, const AttributeListType &atts, StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext)
 Process an xsl:namespace-alias element. More...
void processDecimalFormatElement (StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext, const AttributeListType &atts, const Locator *locator=0)
 Process an xsl:decimal-format element. More...
const XalanDecimalFormatSymbolsgetDecimalFormatSymbols (const XalanQName &theQName) const
 Retrieve the XalanDecimalFormatSymbols instance associated with the QName. More...
void addImport (Stylesheet *theStylesheet)
 Add an imported stylesheet. More...
bool isWrapperless () const
 whether there is a wrapper template More...
ElemTemplateElementinitWrapperless (StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext, const Locator *locator)
URLStackTypegetIncludeStack ()
 Retrieve the stack of who's including who. More...
void processKeyElement (const PrefixResolver &nsContext, const AttributeListType &atts, const Locator *locator, StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext)
 Process the xsl:key element. More...
const ElemTemplatefindNamedTemplate (const XalanQName &qname) const
 Locate a template via the "name" attribute. More...
const ElemTemplatefindTemplate (StylesheetExecutionContext &executionContext, XalanNode *targetNode) const
 Given a target element, find the template that best matches in the given XSL document, according to the rules specified in the xsl draft. More...
const ElemTemplatefindTemplate (StylesheetExecutionContext &executionContext, XalanNode *targetNode, XalanNode::NodeType targetNodeType, const XalanQName &mode, bool onlyUseImports) const
 Given a target element, find the template that best matches in the given XSL document, according to the rules specified in the xsl draft. More...
const PatternTableVectorTypelocateElementMatchPatternDataList (const XalanDOMString &theName) const
 Given a name, locate the start of a list of possible templates that match that name. More...
const PatternTableVectorTypelocateAttributeMatchPatternDataList (const XalanDOMString &theName) const
 Given a name, locate the start of a list of possible templates that match that name. More...
const PatternTableVectorTypelocateMatchPatternDataList (const XalanNode &theNode, XalanNode::NodeType targetNodeType) const
 Given a XalanNode, locate the start of a list of possible templates that match it. More...
void processExtensionNamespace (StylesheetConstructionContext &theConstructionContext, const XalanDOMString &uri)
 Add an extension namespace handler. More...
ExtensionNSHandlerlookupExtensionNSHandler (const XalanDOMString &uri) const
 Return the handler for a given extension namespace. More...
void setTopLevelVariable (ElemVariable *var)
 Set a top level variable. More...
void pushTopLevelVariables (StylesheetExecutionContext &executionContext, const ParamVectorType &topLevelParams) const
 Set a list of top level variables in the specified execution context stylesheet. More...
virtual const XalanDOMStringgetNamespaceForPrefix (const XalanDOMString &prefix) const
 Retrieve a namespace corresponding to a prefix. More...
virtual const XalanDOMStringgetURI () const
 Retrieve the base URI for the resolver. More...
const XalanDOMStringgetXSLTNamespaceURI () const
void setXSLTNamespaceURI (const XalanDOMString &theURI)
const ElemTemplategetFirstTemplate () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from xalanc::PrefixResolver
 PrefixResolver ()
 PrefixResolver (const PrefixResolver &)
virtual ~PrefixResolver ()

Static Public Member Functions

static StylesheetRootcreate (MemoryManager &theManager, const XalanDOMString &baseIdentifier, StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from xalanc::Stylesheet
static Stylesheetcreate (MemoryManager &theManager, StylesheetRoot &root, const XalanDOMString &baseIdentifier, StylesheetConstructionContext &constructionContext)
static void addObjectIfNotFound (const XalanMatchPatternData *thePattern, PatternTableVectorType &theVector)
 Add object to vector of match patterns if not already there. More...
static void addObjectIfNotFound (const XalanMatchPatternData *thePattern, const XalanMatchPatternData *theArray[], XalanSize_t &theArraySize)
 Add object to array of match patterns if not already there. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from xalanc::Stylesheet
 The root of the stylesheet tree. More...
XalanDOMString m_baseIdent
 The base URL of the XSL document. More...
KeyDeclarationVectorType m_keyDeclarations
 Table of KeyDeclaration objects, which are set by the xsl:key element. More...
WhitespaceElementsVectorType m_whitespaceElements
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from xalanc::Stylesheet
static const XalanQNameByReference s_emptyQName

Detailed Description

This acts as the stylesheet root of the stylesheet tree, and holds values that are shared by all stylesheets in the tree.

Definition at line 63 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AttributeSetMapType

Definition at line 72 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ AttributeSetVectorType

Definition at line 69 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ XalanQNameVectorType

Definition at line 67 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ StylesheetRoot()

xalanc::StylesheetRoot::StylesheetRoot ( const XalanDOMString baseIdentifier,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext 

Construct a Stylesheet from a Document.

baseIdentifierdocument identifier
constructionContextcontext for construction of object

◆ ~StylesheetRoot()

virtual xalanc::StylesheetRoot::~StylesheetRoot ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAttributeSet()

void xalanc::StylesheetRoot::addAttributeSet ( ElemAttributeSet theAttributeSet)

◆ create()

static StylesheetRoot* xalanc::StylesheetRoot::create ( MemoryManager &  theManager,
const XalanDOMString baseIdentifier,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext 

◆ getAttributeSet()

const ElemAttributeSet* xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getAttributeSet ( StylesheetExecutionContext theExecutionContext,
const XalanQName theQName,
size_type  matchingIndex,
const Locator *  theLocator 
) const

Get the nth attribute set with the specified name.

executioncontext for executing this stylesheet
theQNamethe name of the attribute set
matchingIndexindex of the attribute set with the specified name
theLocatorthe locator
a pointer to the attribute, 0 if no matching attribute set

◆ getDefaultRootRule()

ElemTemplateElement* xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getDefaultRootRule ( ) const

Get the template representing the default root rule.

pointer to default root template rule

Definition at line 302 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ getDefaultRule()

ElemTemplateElement* xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getDefaultRule ( ) const

Get the template representing the default rule.

pointer to default template rule

Definition at line 291 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ getDefaultTextRule()

ElemTemplateElement* xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getDefaultTextRule ( ) const

Get the template representing the default rule for text.

pointer to template rule for text

Definition at line 280 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ getElemNumberCount()

unsigned long xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getElemNumberCount ( ) const

Definition at line 415 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ getHTMLOutputIndent()

bool xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getHTMLOutputIndent ( ) const

Determine if output indenting should be enabled for HTML output.

Semantically, this implies the output method is implicit, not explicit, but we don't really check that.

true to indent

Definition at line 188 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ getImportStack() [1/2]

URLStackType& xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getImportStack ( )

Retrieve the stack of imported stylesheets.

stack of URIs for stylesheets

Definition at line 326 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ getImportStack() [2/2]

const URLStackType& xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getImportStack ( ) const

Retrieve the stack of imported stylesheets.

const stack of URIs for stylesheets

Definition at line 337 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ getMemoryManager()

MemoryManager& xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getMemoryManager ( )

Definition at line 94 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ getNextElemNumberID()

unsigned long xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getNextElemNumberID ( )

Definition at line 409 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ getNodeSetByKey()

void xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getNodeSetByKey ( XalanNode context,
const XalanQName qname,
const XalanDOMString ref,
const PrefixResolver resolver,
MutableNodeRefList nodelist,
StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext,
const Locator *  locator,
KeyTablesTableType theKeysTable 
) const

Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list.

contextcontext node
qnameqname of the key, which must match the 'name' attribute on xsl:key
refvalue that must match the value found by the 'match' attribute on xsl:key
resolverresolver for namespace resolution
nodelistA node list to contain the nodes found
executionContextThe current execution context
theKeysTableThe table of keys to search.

◆ getOmitOutputXMLDecl()

bool xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getOmitOutputXMLDecl ( ) const

Determine whether to output XML declarations.

true to output declarations

Definition at line 255 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ getOutputDoctypePublic()

XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getOutputDoctypePublic ( XalanDOMString theResult) const

Get the doctype-public-id string that was specified in the xsl:output element.

document type public id string

Definition at line 242 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

References xalanc::XalanDOMString::assign().

◆ getOutputDoctypeSystem()

XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getOutputDoctypeSystem ( XalanDOMString theResult) const

Get the doctype-system-id string that was specified in the xsl:output element.

document type string

Definition at line 228 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

References xalanc::XalanDOMString::assign().

◆ getOutputEncoding()

XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getOutputEncoding ( XalanDOMString theResult) const

Get the output encoding string that was specified in the xsl:output element.

encoding string

Definition at line 200 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

References xalanc::XalanDOMString::assign().

◆ getOutputIndent()

bool xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getOutputIndent ( ) const

Determine if output indenting was specified in the xsl:output element.

true to indent

Definition at line 173 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ getOutputMediaType()

XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getOutputMediaType ( XalanDOMString theResult) const

Get the media-type string that was specified in the xsl:output element.

media type string

Definition at line 214 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

References xalanc::XalanDOMString::assign().

◆ getOutputMethod()

FormatterListener::eFormat xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getOutputMethod ( ) const

Return the output method that was specified in the stylesheet.

The returned value is one of FormatterLister::eFormat values.

value of output method

Definition at line 141 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ getOutputStandalone()

XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getOutputStandalone ( XalanDOMString theResult) const

Get the standalone string that was specified in the xsl:output element.

(either "yes" or "no")

standalone string

Definition at line 267 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

References xalanc::XalanDOMString::assign().

◆ getOutputVersion()

XalanDOMString& xalanc::StylesheetRoot::getOutputVersion ( XalanDOMString theResult) const

Get the output version string that was specified in the xsl:output element.

output version string

Definition at line 159 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

References xalanc::XalanDOMString::assign().

◆ hasCDATASectionElements()

bool xalanc::StylesheetRoot::hasCDATASectionElements ( ) const

Definition at line 366 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ hasPreserveOrStripSpaceElements()

bool xalanc::StylesheetRoot::hasPreserveOrStripSpaceElements ( ) const

Definition at line 421 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ isCDATASectionElementName()

bool xalanc::StylesheetRoot::isCDATASectionElementName ( const XalanQName theQName) const

Determine if a QName is in the list of CDATA section element QNames.

theQNameThe QName of the element to check.
true or false

◆ isOutputMethodSet()

bool xalanc::StylesheetRoot::isOutputMethodSet ( ) const

Definition at line 147 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ postConstruction()

virtual void xalanc::StylesheetRoot::postConstruction ( StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext)

Called after construction is completed.

Reimplemented from xalanc::Stylesheet.

◆ process()

void xalanc::StylesheetRoot::process ( XalanNode sourceTree,
XSLTResultTarget outputTarget,
StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext 
) const

Transform the source tree to the output in the given result tree target.

inputSourceThe input source
outputTargetThe output result target
constructionContextcontext for construction of object

◆ processOutputSpec()

void xalanc::StylesheetRoot::processOutputSpec ( const XalanDOMChar *  name,
const AttributeListType atts,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext 

Process the "xsl:output" element.

namename of element
attsattribute list for element
constructionContextcontext for construction of object

◆ setIndentResult()

void xalanc::StylesheetRoot::setIndentResult ( bool  bIndent)

Change the value of the flag for indenting results.

bIndenttrue to indent results

Definition at line 348 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ setOutputMethod()

void xalanc::StylesheetRoot::setOutputMethod ( FormatterListener::eFormat  meth)

Change the value of the output method, one of the FormatterListener::eFormat values.

methnew method number

Definition at line 360 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

◆ setupFormatterListener()

FormatterListener* xalanc::StylesheetRoot::setupFormatterListener ( XSLTResultTarget outputTarget,
StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext 
) const

Have the stylesheet create the appropriate FormatterListener, based on the XSLTResultTarget provided.

setupFormatterListener also calls setFormatterListener() on the execution context instance. setupFormatterListener() is done automatically by process(), but this is provided as an escape, to allow for changing the FormatterListener on-the-fly.

outputTargetThe output source tree
constructionContextcontext for construction of object
a pointer to the new FormatterListener instance.

◆ shouldStripSourceNode()

bool xalanc::StylesheetRoot::shouldStripSourceNode ( const XalanText theNode) const

Check to see if a whitespace text node should be stripped from the source tree.

theNodeThe text node to check.

Definition at line 433 of file StylesheetRoot.hpp.

References xalanc::XalanText::isWhitespace().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: