This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and adds the result to a document or document fragment.
| FormatterToDeprecatedXercesDOM (DOM_Document_Type &doc, DOM_DocumentFragmentType &docFrag, DOM_ElementType ¤tElement) |
| Construct a FormatterToDeprecatedXercesDOM instance. More...
| FormatterToDeprecatedXercesDOM (DOM_Document_Type &doc, DOM_ElementType ¤tElement) |
| Construct a FormatterToDeprecatedXerces DOM instance. More...
| FormatterToDeprecatedXercesDOM (DOM_Document_Type &doc) |
| Construct a FormatterToDeprecatedXercesDOM instance. More...
virtual | ~FormatterToDeprecatedXercesDOM () |
virtual void | charactersRaw (const XMLCh *const chars, const unsigned int length) |
virtual void | comment (const XMLCh *const data) |
| Called when a Comment is to be constructed. More...
virtual void | cdata (const XMLCh *const ch, const unsigned int length) |
virtual void | entityReference (const XMLCh *const name) |
| Receive notification of a entityReference. More...
virtual void | setDocumentLocator (const Locator *const locator) |
virtual void | startDocument () |
virtual void | endDocument () |
virtual void | startElement (const XMLCh *const name, AttributeListType &attrs) |
virtual void | endElement (const XMLCh *const name) |
virtual void | characters (const XMLCh *const chars, const unsigned int length) |
virtual void | ignorableWhitespace (const XMLCh *const chars, const unsigned int length) |
virtual void | processingInstruction (const XMLCh *const target, const XMLCh *const data) |
virtual void | resetDocument () |
DOM_Document_Type | getDocument () const |
void | setDocument (DOM_Document_Type &theDocument) |
DOM_DocumentFragmentType | getDocumentFragment () const |
void | setDocumentFragment (DOM_DocumentFragmentType &theDocumentFragment) |
DOM_ElementType | getCurrentElement () const |
void | setCurrentElement (DOM_ElementType &theElement) |
| FormatterListener (eFormat theFormat) |
virtual | ~FormatterListener () |
eFormat | getOutputFormat () const |
| Get the output format for the instance. More...
eXMLVersion | getXMLVersion () const |
| Get the version of XML the FormatterListener is generating. More...
bool | isXML1_1Version () const |
| Determine if the version of XML output is 1.1. More...
const PrefixResolver * | getPrefixResolver () const |
| Get the PrefixResolver for the FormatterListener. More...
void | setPrefixResolver (const PrefixResolver *thePrefixResolver) |
| Set the PrefixResolver for the FormatterListener. More...
virtual void | charactersRaw (const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length)=0 |
| Receive notification of character data. More...
virtual void | cdata (const XMLCh *const ch, const size_type length)=0 |
| Receive notification of cdata. More...
virtual void | characters (const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length)=0 |
virtual void | ignorableWhitespace (const XMLCh *const chars, const size_type length)=0 |
virtual void | startElement (const XMLCh *const name, AttributeList &attrs)=0 |
virtual Writer * | getWriter () const |
virtual const XalanDOMString & | getDoctypeSystem () const |
virtual const XalanDOMString & | getDoctypePublic () const |
virtual const XalanDOMString & | getEncoding () const |
virtual const XalanDOMString & | getMediaType () const |
virtual int | getIndent () const |
This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and adds the result to a document or document fragment.
It is provided as assist developers transition away from the deprecated DOM.
- Deprecated:
- The Xerces DOM bridge is deprecated.
Definition at line 68 of file FormatterToDeprecatedXercesDOM.hpp.