Xalan-C++ API Reference
This is the complete list of members for xalanc::XPathExpression::InvalidArgumentCountException, including all inherited members.
defaultFormat(XalanDOMString &theBuffer) const | xalanc::XSLException | |
defaultFormat(const XalanDOMString &theMessage, const XalanDOMString &theURI, XalanFileLoc theLineNumber, XalanFileLoc theColumnNumber, const XalanDOMChar *theType, XalanDOMString &theBuffer) | xalanc::XSLException | inlinestatic |
defaultFormat(const XalanDOMChar *theMessage, const XalanDOMChar *theURI, XalanFileLoc theLineNumber, XalanFileLoc theColumnNumber, const XalanDOMChar *theType, XalanDOMString &theBuffer) | xalanc::XSLException | inlinestatic |
defaultFormat(const XalanDOMChar *theMessage, const XalanDOMString::size_type theMessageLength, const XalanDOMChar *theURI, const XalanDOMString::size_type theURILength, XalanFileLoc theLineNumber, XalanFileLoc theColumnNumber, const XalanDOMChar *theType, const XalanDOMString::size_type theTypeLength, XalanDOMString &theBuffer) | xalanc::XSLException | static |
getColumnNumber() const | xalanc::XSLException | inline |
getLineNumber() const | xalanc::XSLException | inline |
getMemoryManager() const | xalanc::XSLException | inline |
getMemoryManager() | xalanc::XSLException | inline |
getMessage() const | xalanc::XSLException | inline |
getType() const | xalanc::XalanXPathException | virtual |
getURI() const | xalanc::XSLException | inline |
InvalidArgumentCountException(OpCodeMapValueType theOpCode, OpCodeMapValueType theExpectedCount, OpCodeMapValueType theSuppliedCount, XalanDOMString &theBuffer) | xalanc::XPathExpression::InvalidArgumentCountException | |
m_memoryManager | xalanc::XSLException | protected |
XalanXPathException(const XalanDOMString &theMessage, MemoryManager &theManager) | xalanc::XalanXPathException | |
XalanXPathException(const XalanDOMString &theMessage, MemoryManager &theManager, const Locator *theLocator) | xalanc::XalanXPathException | |
XalanXPathException(const XalanXPathException &other) | xalanc::XalanXPathException | |
XPathExpressionException(const XalanDOMString &theMessage, MemoryManager &theManager) | xalanc::XPathExpression::XPathExpressionException | |
XSLException(const XalanDOMString &theMessage, MemoryManager &theManager, const Locator *theLocator) | xalanc::XSLException | |
XSLException(const XalanDOMString &theMessage, MemoryManager &theManager) | xalanc::XSLException | |
XSLException(const XSLException &other) | xalanc::XSLException | |
~ InvalidArgumentCountException() | xalanc::XPathExpression::InvalidArgumentCountException | |
~ XPathExpressionException() | xalanc::XPathExpression::XPathExpressionException | |
~XalanXPathException() | xalanc::XalanXPathException | virtual |
~XSLException() | xalanc::XSLException | virtual |
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Generated on Sun May 31 2020 10:37:41 for Xalan-C++ API Reference by 1.8.17