Cxalanc::DoubleSupport::addFunction | |
Cxalanc::MutableNodeRefList::addNodeInDocOrderFunctor | |
Cxalanc::ArenaAllocator< ObjectType, ArenaBlockType > | |
Cxalanc::ArenaAllocator< data_type > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaAllocator< data_type, ReusableArenaBlock< data_type > > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaAllocator< data_type > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaAllocator< nodeset_type, ReusableArenaBlock< nodeset_type > > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaAllocator< nodeset_type > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaAllocator< number_type, ReusableArenaBlock< number_type > > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaAllocator< number_type > | |
Cxalanc::ArenaAllocator< object_type > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaAllocator< object_type, ReusableArenaBlock< object_type > > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaAllocator< object_type > | |
Cxalanc::ArenaAllocator< ObjectType > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaAllocator< ObjectType, ReusableArenaBlock< ObjectType > > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaAllocator< ObjectType > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaAllocator< string_type, ReusableArenaBlock< string_type > > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaAllocator< string_type > | |
Cxalanc::ArenaBlockBase< ObjectType, SizeType > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaBlockBase< data_type, size_t > | |
Cxalanc::ArenaBlock< data_type > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaBlockBase< data_type, unsigned short > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaBlock< data_type > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaBlockBase< nodeset_type, unsigned short > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaBlock< nodeset_type > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaBlockBase< number_type, unsigned short > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaBlock< number_type > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaBlockBase< object_type, size_t > | |
Cxalanc::ArenaBlock< object_type > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaBlockBase< object_type, unsigned short > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaBlock< object_type > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaBlockBase< ObjectType, size_t > | |
Cxalanc::ArenaBlock< ObjectType > | |
Cxalanc::ArenaBlock< ObjectType, SizeType > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaBlockBase< ObjectType, unsigned short > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaBlock< ObjectType > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaBlock< ObjectType, SizeType > | |
►Cxalanc::ArenaBlockBase< string_type, unsigned short > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaBlock< string_type > | |
►CAttributeList | |
Cxalanc::NamedNodeMapAttributeList | |
Cxalanc::XercesNamedNodeMapAttributeList | |
►CAttributeListType | |
Cxalanc::AttributeListImpl | |
►CAttributesType | |
Cxalanc::AttributesImpl | |
►Cxalanc::AttributeVectorEntry | |
Cxalanc::AttributeVectorEntryExtended | |
►CAutoPtrPairType | |
Cxalanc::XalanMemMgrAutoPtr< Type >::MemMgrAutoPtrData | |
Cxalanc::AVT | Class to hold an Attribute Value Template |
►Cxalanc::AVTPart | Class to hold a part, either a string or XPath, of an Attribute Value Template |
Cxalanc::AVTPartSimple | Simple string part of a complex AVT |
Cxalanc::AVTPartXPath | Simple string part of a complex AVT |
►CBinInputStream | |
Cxalanc::StdBinInputStream | |
Cxalanc::c_wstr_functor | |
Cxalanc::XalanXMLSerializerBase::CharFunctor1_0 | |
Cxalanc::XalanXMLSerializerBase::CharFunctor1_1 | |
Cxalanc::ClearCacheResetFunctor< ObjectType > | |
Cxalanc::ClearCacheResetFunctor< MutableNodeRefList > | |
Cxalanc::ClearFunctor< Type > | Functor to call a clear() member function on its argument |
Cxalanc::XalanFileUtility::cmdParams | |
Cxalanc::CollationCacheStruct | |
►Cxalanc::XalanCollationServices::CollationCompareFunctor | |
Cxalanc::ICUBridgeCollationCompareFunctor | |
Cxalanc::ICUBridgeCollationCompareFunctorImpl | |
Cxalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::DefaultCollationCompareFunctor | |
Cxalanc::CollationCacheStruct::CollatorDeleteFunctor | |
Cxalanc::CollationCacheStruct::CollatorFindFunctor | |
Cxalanc::CollectionClearGuard< CollectionType > | |
Cxalanc::CollectionDeleteGuard< CollectionType, DeleteFunctorType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanFormatterWriter::CommonRepresentableCharFunctor | |
Cxalanc::Constants | Primary constants used in the XSLTProcessor classes |
Cxalanc::ConstructValueWithMemoryManager< C > | |
Cxalanc::ConstructValueWithNoMemoryManager< C > | |
Cxalanc::ConstructWithMemoryManager< C > | |
Cxalanc::ConstructWithMemoryManagerTraits< C > | |
Cxalanc::ConstructWithNoMemoryManager< C > | |
Cxalanc::ConstructWithNoMemoryManagerTraits< C > | |
►CContentHandlerType | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeContentHandler | |
Cxalanc::XPathExecutionContextDefault::ContextNodeListPositionCache | |
Cxalanc::XPathExecutionContext::ContextNodeListPushAndPop | |
Cxalanc::Counter | <meta name="usage" content="internal"> A class that does incremental counting for support of xsl:number |
Cxalanc::CountersTable | <meta name="usage" content="internal"> This is a table of counters, keyed by ElemNumber objects, each of which has a list of Counter objects |
Cxalanc::XPathExecutionContext::CurrentNodePushAndPop | |
Cxalanc::XalanDiagnosticMemoryManager::Data | |
Cxalanc::DecimalFormatCacheStruct | |
Cxalanc::DecimalFormatCacheStruct::DecimalFormatDeleteFunctor | |
Cxalanc::DecimalFormatCacheStruct::DecimalFormatFindFunctor | |
Cxalanc::DecimalToRoman | Structure to help in converting integrals to roman numerals |
Cxalanc::DefaultCacheCreateFunctor< ObjectType > | |
Cxalanc::DefaultCacheCreateFunctorMemMgr< ObjectType > | |
Cxalanc::DefaultCacheCreateFunctorMemMgr< FormatterToSourceTree > | |
Cxalanc::DefaultCacheCreateFunctorMemMgr< FormatterToTextDOMString > | |
Cxalanc::DefaultCacheCreateFunctorMemMgr< MutableNodeRefList > | |
Cxalanc::DefaultCacheCreateFunctorMemMgr< XalanDOMString > | |
Cxalanc::DefaultCacheResetFunctor< ObjectType > | |
Cxalanc::DefaultCacheResetFunctor< FormatterToSourceTree > | |
Cxalanc::DefaultCacheResetFunctor< FormatterToTextDOMString > | |
Cxalanc::DefaultCacheResetFunctor< MutableNodeRefList > | |
Cxalanc::DefaultCacheResetFunctor< XalanDOMString > | |
►CDefaultHandler | |
►Cxalanc::SAX2Handler | |
►Cxalanc::ICUResHandler | |
Cxalanc::NLSHandler | |
Cxalanc::InMemHandler | |
Cxalanc::DeleteFunctor< Type > | Functor to delete objects, used in STL iteration algorithms |
Cxalanc::DeleteFunctor< FormatterToSourceTree > | |
Cxalanc::DeleteFunctor< FormatterToTextDOMString > | |
Cxalanc::DeleteFunctor< MutableNodeRefList > | |
Cxalanc::DeleteFunctor< ObjectType > | |
Cxalanc::DeleteFunctor< XalanDOMString > | |
Cxalanc::XObjectFactory::DeleteXObjectFunctor | A public functor for use with stl algorithms |
Cxalanc::XPathFactory::DeleteXPathFunctor | A functor for use with stl algorithms |
Cxalanc::DirectoryEnumeratorFunctor< CollectionType, StringType, FilterPredicateType, StringConversionFunction > | |
Cxalanc::DirectoryFilterPredicate | |
►Cdirent | |
Cxalanc::FindFileStruct | |
Cxalanc::DoubleSupport::divideFunction | |
Cxalanc::XercesParserLiaison::DocumentEntry | |
►CDocumentHandler | |
►Cxalanc::FormatterListener | A SAX-based formatter interface for the XSL processor |
Cxalanc::FormatterStringLengthCounter | This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and produces counts the characters sent to the characters event |
Cxalanc::FormatterToDeprecatedXercesDOM | This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and adds the result to a document or document fragment |
Cxalanc::FormatterToNull | This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and produces absolutely nothing |
Cxalanc::FormatterToSourceTree | This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and adds the result to a document or document fragment |
Cxalanc::FormatterToText | This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and produces simple text only |
Cxalanc::FormatterToXercesDOM | This class takes SAX events (in addition to some extra events that SAX doesn't handle yet) and adds the result to a document or document fragment |
►Cxalanc::FormatterToXML | FormatterToXML formats SAX-style events into XML |
Cxalanc::FormatterToHTML | FormatterToHTML formats SAX-style events into HTML |
Cxalanc::StylesheetHandler | This class processes a stylesheet via SAX events, and inits the given stylesheet |
►Cxalanc::XalanXMLSerializerBase | XalanXMLSerializerBase serves as a base class for XML serializers based on FormatterListener events |
Cxalanc::FormatterToXMLUnicode< UnicodeWriter, ConstantsType, CharPredicate, IndentHandler, XMLVersion > | FormatterToXMLUnicode formats SAX-style events into XML |
►CDOM_Attr | |
Cxalanc::XercesDOM_AttrHack | |
►CDOM_Element | |
Cxalanc::XercesDOM_ElementHack | |
►CDOM_Node | |
Cxalanc::XercesDOM_NodeHack | This class is deprecated |
►CDOM_Text | |
Cxalanc::XercesDOM_TextHack | |
Cxalanc::DOMServices | |
Cxalanc::DOMStringEqualsFunction | Equals functor for DOMStrings |
Cxalanc::DOMStringGreaterThanFunction | Greater than functor for DOMStrings |
Cxalanc::DOMStringGreaterThanOrEqualFunction | Greater than or equal functor for DOMStrings |
Cxalanc::DOMStringHashFunction | Hash functor for DOMStrings |
Cxalanc::DOMStringHelper | |
Cxalanc::DOMStringLessThanFunction | Less than functor for DOMStrings |
Cxalanc::DOMStringLessThanIgnoreCaseASCIIFunction | Less than functor for DOMStrings which ignores case for the characters a-z and A-Z |
Cxalanc::DOMStringLessThanOrEqualFunction | Less than or equal functor for DOMStrings |
Cxalanc::DOMStringNotEqualsFunction | Not equals functor for DOMStrings |
Cxalanc::DOMStringPointerEqualToFunction | Equal to functor for DOMStrings |
Cxalanc::DOMStringPointerHashFunction | Hash functor for DOMStrings |
Cxalanc::DOMStringPointerLessThanFunction | Less than functor for DOMStrings |
►Cxalanc::DOMSupport | |
Cxalanc::DOMSupportDefault | |
►Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeDOMSupport | |
Cxalanc::XalanDefaultParsedSourceDOMSupport | |
Cxalanc::XercesDOMSupport | |
Cxalanc::DOMSupportInit | |
Cxalanc::DoubleSupport | |
►CDTDHandlerType | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeContentHandler | |
Cxalanc::XalanHTMLElementsProperties::ElementProperties | This class acts as a proxy for an InternalElementProperties instance |
Cxalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext::ElementRecursionStackPusher | Class for keeping track of elements pushed on the element recursion stack |
Cxalanc::XalanTransformer::EnsureDestroyCompiledStylesheet | |
Cxalanc::XMLParserLiaison::EnsureDestroyDocument | |
Cxalanc::XalanTransformer::EnsureDestroyDocumentBuilder | |
Cxalanc::XalanTransformer::EnsureDestroyParsedSource | |
Cxalanc::XalanTransformer::EnsureFunctionsInstallation | |
Cxalanc::XMLParserLiaison::EnsureResetErrorHandler | |
Cxalanc::FormatterToHTML::Entity | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< Key, Value, KeyTraits, KeyConstructionTraits, ValueConstructionTraits >::Entry | |
Cxalanc::equal_null_terminated_arrays< T > | |
Cxalanc::DoubleSupport::equalFunction | |
Cxalanc::ExplicitMemoryManagedConstructionTraits< C > | |
►Cxalanc::ExtensionFunctionHandler | Class handling an extension namespace for XPath |
Cxalanc::ExtensionNSHandler | |
Cxalanc::FilesOnlyFilterPredicate | |
Cxalanc::XSLTEngineImpl::FindStringPointerFunctor | |
►Cxalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::FormatNumberFunctor | |
Cxalanc::ICUFormatNumberFunctor | |
►Cxalanc::Function | |
Cxalanc::FunctionConcat | XPath implementation of "concat" function |
Cxalanc::FunctionContains | XPath implementation of "contains" function |
Cxalanc::FunctionCurrent | |
►Cxalanc::FunctionDifference | XPath implementation of "difference" function |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionDifference | |
►Cxalanc::FunctionDistinct | XPath implementation of "difference" function |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionDistinct | |
Cxalanc::FunctionDocument | |
Cxalanc::FunctionElementAvailable | |
►Cxalanc::FunctionEvaluate | XPath implementation of "node-set" function |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionEvaluate | |
Cxalanc::FunctionFormatNumber | |
Cxalanc::FunctionFunctionAvailable | |
Cxalanc::FunctionGenerateID | |
Cxalanc::FunctionHasSameNodes | XPath implementation of "has-same-nodes" function for NodeSets |
Cxalanc::FunctionID | XPath implementation of "id" function |
►Cxalanc::FunctionIntersection | XPath implementation of "intersection" function for NodeSets |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionIntersection | |
Cxalanc::FunctionKey | |
Cxalanc::FunctionLang | XPath implementation of "lang" function |
Cxalanc::FunctionNamespaceURI | XPath implementation of "namespace-uri" function |
►Cxalanc::FunctionNodeSet | XPath implementation of "node-set" function |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionNodeSet | |
Cxalanc::FunctionNormalizeSpace | XPath implementation of "normalize-space" function |
Cxalanc::FunctionStartsWith | XPath implementation of "starts-with" function |
Cxalanc::FunctionString | XPath implementation of "string" function |
Cxalanc::FunctionSubstring | XPath implementation of "substring" function |
Cxalanc::FunctionSubstringAfter | XPath implementation of "substring-after" function |
Cxalanc::FunctionSubstringBefore | XPath implementation of "substring-before" function |
Cxalanc::FunctionSystemProperty | |
Cxalanc::FunctionTranslate | XPath implementation of "translate" function |
Cxalanc::FunctionUnparsedEntityURI | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionAbs | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionAcos | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionAlign | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionAsin | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionAtan | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionAtan2 | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionConcat | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionConstant | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionCos | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionDateTime | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionDecodeURI | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionEncodeURI | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionExp | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionHasSameNode | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionHighest | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionLeading | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionLog | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionLowest | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionMax | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionMin | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionObjectType | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionPadding | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionPower | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionRandom | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionSin | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionSqrt | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionTan | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTFunctionTrailing | |
Cxalanc::XPathFunctionTable::FunctionNameTableEntry | |
Cxalanc::XalanExtensionsInstaller::FunctionTableEntry | |
Cxalanc::GenerateEvent | This is the class for events generated by the XSL processor after it generates a new node in the result tree |
Cxalanc::XalanDOMStringCache::GetAndRelease | |
Cxalanc::XPathExecutionContext::GetCachedNodeList | |
Cxalanc::XPathConstructionContext::GetCachedString | |
Cxalanc::XPathExecutionContext::GetCachedString | |
Cxalanc::DoubleSupport::greaterThanFunction | |
Cxalanc::DoubleSupport::greaterThanOrEqualFunction | |
Cxalanc::GuardCachedObject< XalanObjectCacheType > | |
Cxalanc::hash_non_terminated_array< T > | |
Cxalanc::hash_null_terminated_array< T > | |
Cxalanc::ICUBridge | |
Cxalanc::ICUBridgeCleanup | |
►CInputSourceType | |
Cxalanc::XSLTInputSource | |
Cxalanc::XalanHTMLElementsProperties::InternalAttributeProperties | |
Cxalanc::XalanHTMLElementsProperties::InternalElementProperties | |
Cxalanc::KeyDeclaration | Holds the attribute declarations for the "xsl:key" element |
Cxalanc::KeyTable | |
Cxalanc::less_no_case_ascii_wide_string | This functor is designed to compare 0-terminated wide strings in a case-insensitive manner |
Cxalanc::less_null_terminated_arrays< T > | This functor is designed to compare 0-terminated arrays |
Cxalanc::DoubleSupport::lessThanFunction | |
Cxalanc::DoubleSupport::lessThanOrEqualFunction | |
Cxalanc::XSLTEngineImpl::LessXalanDOMStringPointers | |
►CLexicalHandlerType | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeContentHandler | |
Cxalanc::XalanDiagnosticMemoryManager::LockException | |
Cxalanc::MapValueDeleteFunctor< T > | Functor to delete value objects in maps, used in STL iteration algorithms |
Cxalanc::XalanMemMgrAutoPtrArray< Type >::MemMgrAutoPtrArrayData | |
Cxalanc::MemoryManagedConstructionTraits< C > | |
Cxalanc::DoubleSupport::modulusFunction | |
Cxalanc::MsgFileOutputStream | |
Cxalanc::DoubleSupport::multiplyFunction | |
Cxalanc::XercesToXalanNodeMap::NameMapEqualsFunctor | |
Cxalanc::NameSpace | A representation of a namespace |
►Cxalanc::NamespacesHandler::Namespace | |
Cxalanc::NamespacesHandler::NamespaceExtended | |
Cxalanc::XPathEnvSupportDefault::NamespaceFunctionTableDeleteFunctor | |
Cxalanc::NamespacesHandler | |
Cxalanc::XercesDocumentBridge::BuildBridgeTreeWalker::NavigatorStackEntryType | |
Cxalanc::XercesDocumentWrapper::BuildWrapperTreeWalker::NavigatorStackEntryType | |
Cxalanc::DoubleSupport::negativeFunction | |
Cxalanc::XalanFormatterWriter::NewLineWriterFunctor< WriterType > | |
Cxalanc::ReusableArenaBlock< ObjectType, SizeType >::NextBlock | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< Type >::Node | |
►Cxalanc::NodeRefListBase | Local implementation of NodeRefList |
►Cxalanc::NodeRefList | Local implementation of NodeRefList |
Cxalanc::MutableNodeRefList | Local implementation of MutableNodeRefList |
Cxalanc::XalanDocumentFragmentNodeRefListBaseProxy | |
Cxalanc::XNodeSetNodeProxy::Proxy | |
Cxalanc::NodeSorter | This class can sort vectors of nodes according to a select pattern |
Cxalanc::NodeSortKey | Simple data structure class for use by the NodeSorter class |
Cxalanc::NodeSorter::NodeSortKeyCompare | Return the results of a compare of two nodes |
►Cxalanc::XPath::NodeTester | |
Cxalanc::XalanSpaceNodeTester | |
Cxalanc::DoubleSupport::notEqualFunction | |
Cxalanc::ElemNumber::NumberFormatStringTokenizer | This class returns tokens using non-alphanumberic characters as delimiters |
Cxalanc::DoubleSupport::NumberUnion | |
Cxalanc::MsgFileOutputStream::OpenException | |
Cxalanc::OutputContextStack::OutputContext | |
Cxalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext::OutputContextPushPop | |
Cxalanc::OutputContextStack | |
Cxalanc::VariablesStack::ParamsVectorEntry | |
Cxalanc::PlatformSupportInit | |
Cxalanc::pointer_equal< T > | |
Cxalanc::pointer_equals< T > | |
Cxalanc::pointer_equals_predicate< T > | |
Cxalanc::pointer_less< T > | |
Cxalanc::NamespacesHandler::PrefixChecker | |
►Cxalanc::PrefixResolver | This class defines an interface for classes that resolve namespace prefixes to their URIs |
Cxalanc::ElementPrefixResolverProxy | |
►Cxalanc::ElemTemplateElement | |
Cxalanc::ElemApplyImport | |
Cxalanc::ElemAttribute | |
Cxalanc::ElemCallTemplate | |
Cxalanc::ElemChoose | |
Cxalanc::ElemComment | |
Cxalanc::ElemCopyOf | |
Cxalanc::ElemDecimalFormat | |
Cxalanc::ElemEmpty | |
Cxalanc::ElemFallback | |
►Cxalanc::ElemForEach | |
Cxalanc::ElemApplyTemplates | |
Cxalanc::ElemForwardCompatible | |
Cxalanc::ElemIf | |
Cxalanc::ElemMessage | |
Cxalanc::ElemNumber | |
Cxalanc::ElemOtherwise | |
Cxalanc::ElemPI | |
Cxalanc::ElemSort | |
Cxalanc::ElemTemplate | |
Cxalanc::ElemText | This primarily acts as a marker on the element stack to signal that whitespace should be preserved |
Cxalanc::ElemTextLiteral | |
►Cxalanc::ElemUse | |
Cxalanc::ElemAttributeSet | |
Cxalanc::ElemCopy | |
Cxalanc::ElemElement | |
►Cxalanc::ElemLiteralResult | |
Cxalanc::ElemExtensionCall | |
Cxalanc::ElemValueOf | |
►Cxalanc::ElemVariable | |
Cxalanc::ElemParam | |
Cxalanc::ElemWhen | |
Cxalanc::ElemWithParam | |
►Cxalanc::Stylesheet | This class represents the base stylesheet or an "import" stylesheet |
Cxalanc::StylesheetRoot | This acts as the stylesheet root of the stylesheet tree, and holds values that are shared by all stylesheets in the tree |
Cxalanc::XalanDocumentPrefixResolver | |
Cxalanc::XalanNamespacesStack::PrefixResolverProxy | |
Cxalanc::XalanQName::PrefixResolverProxy | |
Cxalanc::XalanSimplePrefixResolver | |
Cxalanc::XSLTEngineImpl | It's the responsibility of the XSLTEngineImpl class, collaborating with the XML parser liaison, the DOM, and the XPath engine, to transform a source tree of nodes into a result tree according to instructions and templates specified by a stylesheet tree |
Cxalanc::XPathExecutionContext::PrefixResolverSetAndRestore | |
►Cxalanc::ProblemListenerBase | This is the abstract class that is used when reporting a problem some kind, that requires a message, an error or a warning |
►Cxalanc::ExecutionContext | |
►Cxalanc::XPathExecutionContext | |
►Cxalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext | |
Cxalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault | |
Cxalanc::XPathExecutionContextDefault | A basic implementation of the class XPathExecutionContext |
►Cxalanc::ProblemListener | This is the abstract class that the XSL processor uses when it has a problem of some kind, that requires a message, an error or a warning |
Cxalanc::ProblemListenerDefault | The implementation of the default error handling for Xalan |
Cxalanc::XalanTransformerProblemListener | |
►Cxalanc::XPathConstructionContext | |
►Cxalanc::StylesheetConstructionContext | |
Cxalanc::StylesheetConstructionContextDefault | An default implementation of an abtract class which provides support for constructing the internal representation of a stylesheet |
Cxalanc::XPathConstructionContextDefault | An default implementation of an abtract class which provides support for constructing the internal representation of an XPath |
►Cxalanc::XPathEnvSupport | |
Cxalanc::XPathEnvSupportDefault | |
►Cxalanc::XSLTProcessorEnvSupport | |
Cxalanc::XSLTProcessorEnvSupportDefault | |
►Cxalanc::XSLTProcessor | This is an interface for an XSLT Processor engine |
Cxalanc::XSLTEngineImpl | It's the responsibility of the XSLTEngineImpl class, collaborating with the XML parser liaison, the DOM, and the XPath engine, to transform a source tree of nodes into a result tree according to instructions and templates specified by a stylesheet tree |
Cxalanc::VariablesStack::PushParamFunctor | |
Cxalanc::XalanFileUtility::reportStruct | |
Cxalanc::ResultNamespacesStack | |
Cxalanc::SelectionEvent | |
Cxalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext::SetAndRestoreCopyTextNodesOnly | |
Cxalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext::SetAndRestoreCurrentStackFrameIndex | |
Cxalanc::VariablesStack::StackEntry | |
Cxalanc::StringTokenizer | |
CStrX | |
Cxalanc::DoubleSupport::subtractFunction | |
Cxalanc::XPath::TargetData | |
Cxalanc::XalanOtherEncodingWriter< Predicate, ConstantsType >::ThrowTranscodingException | |
Cxalanc::TopLevelArg | This class holds an instance of an argument on the stack |
►Cxalanc::TraceListener | |
Cxalanc::TraceListenerDefault | |
Cxalanc::TraceListener::TraceListenerGenerateFunctor | |
Cxalanc::TraceListener::TraceListenerSelectFunctor | |
Cxalanc::TraceListener::TraceListenerTraceFunctor | |
Cxalanc::TracerEvent | This is the parent class of events generated for tracing the progress of the XSL processor |
►Cxalanc::TreeWalker | |
Cxalanc::FormatterTreeWalker | |
Cxalanc::NodeNameTreeWalker | |
Cxalanc::XalanDocumentPrefixResolver::NamespaceNodesTreeWalker | A utility class to walk the XalanDocument instance and look for attribute nodes that declare namespaces |
Cxalanc::ICUFormatNumberFunctor::UnlocalizePatternFunctor | |
Cxalanc::URISupport | |
Cxalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext::UseAttributeSetIndexes | |
Cxalanc::XalanXMLSerializerBase::UTF16 | |
Cxalanc::XalanXMLSerializerBase::UTF8 | |
Cxalanc::VariablesStack | Defines a class to keep track of a stack for macro arguments |
Cxalanc::NodeSorter::VectorEntry | |
Cxalanc::XalanFormatterWriter::WhiteSpaceWriterFunctor< WriterType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanOtherEncodingWriter< Predicate, ConstantsType >::WriteCharRef | |
Cxalanc::MsgFileOutputStream::WriteException | |
►Cxalanc::Writer | |
►Cxalanc::PrintWriter | |
Cxalanc::DOMStringPrintWriter | |
Cxalanc::NullPrintWriter | |
Cxalanc::XalanOutputStreamPrintWriter | |
Cxalanc::XalanAllocationGuard | |
Cxalanc::XalanAllocator< Type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanAllocator< data_type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanAllocator< nodeset_type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanAllocator< number_type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanAllocator< object_type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanAllocator< ObjectType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanAllocator< string_type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanArrayAllocator< Type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanArrayAllocator< const void * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanArrayAllocator< XalanDOMChar > | |
Cxalanc::XalanArrayAllocator< XalanSourceTreeAttr * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanArrayAutoPtr< Type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanAutoPtr< Type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanAutoPtr< xalanc::XalanDOMImplementation > | |
Cxalanc::XalanAutoPtr< xalanc::XalanDOMStringPool > | |
Cxalanc::XalanAutoPtr< xalanc::XalanOutputTranscoder > | |
Cxalanc::XalanAVTAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanAVTPartSimpleAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanAVTPartXPathAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanBitmap | |
Cxalanc::XalanCollationServices | |
►Cxalanc::XalanCompiledStylesheet | This is an abstraction of the StylesheetRoot class |
Cxalanc::XalanCompiledStylesheetDefault | |
Cxalanc::XalanDecimalFormatSymbols | |
Cxalanc::XalanDeque< Type, ConstructionTraits > | Xalan implementation of deque |
Cxalanc::XalanDeque< OutputContext, ConstructWithMemoryManagerTraits< OutputContext > > | |
Cxalanc::XalanDeque< value_type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanDeque< value_type, ConstructWithMemoryManagerTraits< value_type > > | |
Cxalanc::XalanDeque< XalanNode * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanDeque< XercesBridgeNavigator > | |
Cxalanc::XalanDequeConstIteratorTraits< Value > | |
Cxalanc::XalanDequeIterator< Traits, XalanDeque > | |
Cxalanc::XalanDequeIteratorTraits< Value > | |
Cxalanc::XalanDestroyFunctor< Type > | |
►Cxalanc::XalanDOMException | |
Cxalanc::XalanDOMString::TranscodingError | |
Cxalanc::XercesDOMException | |
Cxalanc::XercesDOMWrapperException | |
►Cxalanc::XalanDOMImplementation | |
Cxalanc::XercesDOMImplementationBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesDOMImplementationWrapper | |
Cxalanc::XalanDOMInit | |
Cxalanc::XalanDOMString | |
Cxalanc::XalanDOMStringAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanDOMStringCache | |
Cxalanc::XalanDOMStringHashTable | |
►Cxalanc::XalanDOMStringPool | |
Cxalanc::XercesLiaisonXalanDOMStringPool | |
Cxalanc::XalanDOMStringReusableAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanDummyIndentWriter< WriteHandeler > | |
Cxalanc::XalanElemApplyTemplatesAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanElemAttributeAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanElemAttributeSetAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanElemCallTemplateAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanElemElementAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanElemEmptyAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanElemLiteralResultAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanElemTemplateAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanElemTextAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanElemTextLiteralAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanElemValueOfAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanElemVariableAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanEncodingPropertyCache | |
►Cxalanc::XalanExtensionsInstaller | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTCommonFunctionsInstaller | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTDateTimeFunctionsInstaller | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTDynamicFunctionsInstaller | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTMathFunctionsInstaller | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTSetFunctionsInstaller | |
Cxalanc::XalanEXSLTStringFunctionsInstaller | |
Cxalanc::XalanFileUtility | |
►Cxalanc::XalanFormatterWriter | |
Cxalanc::XalanOtherEncodingWriter< Predicate, ConstantsType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanUTF16Writer | |
Cxalanc::XalanUTF8Writer | |
Cxalanc::XalanHasher< Key > | |
Cxalanc::XalanHashMemberPointer< Key > | |
Cxalanc::XalanHashMemberReference< Key > | |
Cxalanc::XalanHTMLElementsProperties | |
Cxalanc::XalanIndentWriter< WhiteSpaceWriter, NewLineWriter > | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< Type > | Xalan implementation of a doubly linked list |
Cxalanc::XalanList< ArenaBlock< data_type > * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< ArenaBlock< object_type > * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< ArenaBlock< ObjectType > * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< CollationCacheStruct > | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< DecimalFormatCacheStruct > | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< Entry > | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< ListEntryType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< ReusableArenaBlock< data_type > * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< ReusableArenaBlock< nodeset_type > * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< ReusableArenaBlock< number_type > * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< ReusableArenaBlock< object_type > * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< ReusableArenaBlock< ObjectType > * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanList< ReusableArenaBlock< string_type > * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanListConstIteratorTraits< Value > | |
Cxalanc::XalanListIteratorBase< XalanListTraits, Node > | |
Cxalanc::XalanListIteratorTraits< Value > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< Key, Value, KeyTraits, KeyConstructionTraits, ValueConstructionTraits > | Xalan implementation of a hashtable |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< const DOMNodeType *, XalanNode * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< const XalanDocument *, DocumentEntry > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< const XalanDocument *, XalanSourceTreeDocument * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< const XalanDOMChar *, XalanSourceTreeElement * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< const XalanDOMString *, AttributeVectorType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< const XalanDOMString *, const XalanDOMString * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< const XalanQName *, AttributeSetVectorType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< value_type, bool > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< void *, Data > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< XalanDOMString, const XalanDOMString * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< XalanDOMString, ExtensionNSHandler * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< XalanDOMString, FunctionTableType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< XalanDOMString, PatternTableVectorType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< XalanDOMString, XalanDocument * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< XalanDOMString, XalanDOMString > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< XalanDOMString, XalanParamHolder > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< XalanDOMString, XPathCacheEntry > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< XalanQNameByReference, const ElemTemplate * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< XalanQNameByReference, NodeListMapType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMap< XalanQNameByValue, Function * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapConstIteratorTraits< Value > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapIterator< XalanMapTraits, BaseIterator > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapIteratorTraits< Value > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapKeyTraits< Key > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapKeyTraits< const DOMNodeType * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapKeyTraits< const XalanDocument * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapKeyTraits< const XalanDOMChar * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapKeyTraits< const XalanDOMString * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapKeyTraits< const XalanQName * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapKeyTraits< value_type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapKeyTraits< void * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapKeyTraits< XalanDOMString * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapKeyTraits< XalanDOMString > | |
►Cxalanc::XalanMapKeyTraits< XalanQName > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapKeyTraits< XalanQNameByReference > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMapKeyTraits< XalanQNameByValue > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMatchPatternData | This class contains information concerning a match pattern in a stylesheet |
Cxalanc::XalanMatchPatternDataAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanMemMgrAutoPtr< Type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMemMgrAutoPtr< xalanc::XalanDOMStringPool > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMemMgrAutoPtr< xalanc::XalanSourceTreeDocument > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMemMgrAutoPtr< xalanc::XObjectFactory > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMemMgrAutoPtr< xalanc::XPathConstructionContextDefault > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMemMgrAutoPtr< xalanc::XPathExecutionContextDefault > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMemMgrAutoPtr< xalanc::XPathFactoryDefault > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMemMgrAutoPtr< XPathProcessor > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMemMgrAutoPtrArray< Type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMemMgrs | |
►Cxalanc::XalanMessageLoader | |
Cxalanc::XalanInMemoryMessageLoader | |
Cxalanc::XalanMessageLoader::XalanMessageLoaderCreateFunct< Type > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMessageLoader::XalanMessageLoaderDestructFunct | |
Cxalanc::XalanMsgContainer | |
►Cxalanc::XalanNamedNodeMap | |
Cxalanc::XalanEmptyNamedNodeMap | |
►Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeElementA | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeElementANS | |
Cxalanc::XercesNamedNodeMapBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesNamedNodeMapWrapper | |
Cxalanc::XalanNamespace | |
Cxalanc::XalanNamespacesStack | |
Cxalanc::XalanNamespacesStack::XalanNamespacesStackEntry | |
►Cxalanc::XalanNode | |
►Cxalanc::XalanAttr | |
►Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeAttr | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeAttrNS | |
Cxalanc::XercesAttrBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesAttrWrapper | |
►Cxalanc::XalanCharacterData | |
►Cxalanc::XalanComment | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeComment | |
Cxalanc::XercesCommentBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesCommentWrapper | |
►Cxalanc::XalanText | |
►Cxalanc::XalanCDATASection | |
Cxalanc::XercesCDATASectionBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesCDATASectionWrapper | |
►Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeText | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeTextIWS | |
Cxalanc::XercesTextBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesTextWrapper | |
Cxalanc::XObjectResultTreeFragProxyText | |
►Cxalanc::XalanDocument | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeDocument | |
Cxalanc::XercesDocumentBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesDocumentWrapper | |
►Cxalanc::XalanDocumentFragment | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeDocumentFragment | |
Cxalanc::XercesDocumentFragmentBridge | This class is deprecated |
►Cxalanc::XObjectResultTreeFragProxyBase | |
Cxalanc::XNodeSetResultTreeFragProxy | |
Cxalanc::XObjectResultTreeFragProxy | |
►Cxalanc::XalanDocumentType | |
Cxalanc::XercesDocumentTypeBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesDocumentTypeWrapper | |
►Cxalanc::XalanElement | |
►Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeElement | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeElementA | |
►Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeElementNA | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeElementNANS | |
Cxalanc::XercesElementBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesElementWrapper | |
►Cxalanc::XalanEntity | |
Cxalanc::XercesEntityBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesEntityWrapper | |
►Cxalanc::XalanEntityReference | |
Cxalanc::XercesEntityReferenceBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesEntityReferenceWrapper | |
►Cxalanc::XalanNotation | |
Cxalanc::XercesNotationBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesNotationWrapper | |
►Cxalanc::XalanProcessingInstruction | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeProcessingInstruction | |
Cxalanc::XercesProcessingInstructionBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesProcessingInstructionWrapper | |
►Cxalanc::XalanNodeList | |
Cxalanc::XalanNodeListDummy | |
Cxalanc::XalanNodeListSurrogate | |
Cxalanc::XercesElementWrapper | |
Cxalanc::XercesNodeListBridge | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesNodeListWrapper | |
►Cxalanc::XalanNumberFormat | |
Cxalanc::ICUXalanNumberFormatProxy | |
►Cxalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::XalanNumberFormatFactory | |
Cxalanc::ICUXalanNumberFormatFactory | |
Cxalanc::XalanNumberingResourceBundle | |
Cxalanc::XalanObjectCache< ObjectType, CreateFunctorType, DeleteFunctorType, ResetFunctorType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanObjectCache< MutableNodeRefList, DefaultCacheCreateFunctorMemMgr< MutableNodeRefList >, DeleteFunctor< MutableNodeRefList >, ClearCacheResetFunctor< MutableNodeRefList > > | |
►Cxalanc::XalanObjectCache< ObjectType, DefaultCacheCreateFunctor< ObjectType >, DeleteFunctor< ObjectType >, DefaultCacheResetFunctor< ObjectType > > | |
Cxalanc::XalanObjectCacheDefault< ObjectType > | |
►Cxalanc::XalanObjectCache< ObjectType, DefaultCacheCreateFunctorMemMgr< ObjectType >, DeleteFunctor< ObjectType >, DefaultCacheResetFunctor< ObjectType > > | |
Cxalanc::XalanMemoryManagerObjectCacheDefault< ObjectType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanObjectStackCache< ObjectType, CreateFunctorType, DeleteFunctorType, ResetFunctorType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanObjectStackCache< FormatterToSourceTree, DefaultCacheCreateFunctorMemMgr< FormatterToSourceTree > > | |
Cxalanc::XalanObjectStackCache< FormatterToTextDOMString, DefaultCacheCreateFunctorMemMgr< FormatterToTextDOMString > > | |
Cxalanc::XalanObjectStackCache< MutableNodeRefList, DefaultCacheCreateFunctorMemMgr< MutableNodeRefList > > | |
►Cxalanc::XalanObjectStackCache< ObjectType, DefaultCacheCreateFunctor< ObjectType >, DeleteFunctor< ObjectType >, DefaultCacheResetFunctor< ObjectType > > | |
Cxalanc::XalanObjectStackCacheDefault< ObjectType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanObjectStackCache< XalanDOMString, DefaultCacheCreateFunctorMemMgr< XalanDOMString > > | |
►Cxalanc::XalanOutputStream | |
Cxalanc::XalanFileOutputStream | |
Cxalanc::XalanFStreamOutputStream | |
Cxalanc::XalanNullOutputStream | |
Cxalanc::XalanStdOutputStream | |
Cxalanc::XalanTransformerOutputStream | |
►Cxalanc::XalanOutputTranscoder | |
Cxalanc::XalanToXercesTranscoderWrapper | |
Cxalanc::XalanUTF16Transcoder | |
Cxalanc::XalanParamHolder | |
►Cxalanc::XalanParsedSource | This is abstract base class designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to reuse a parsed document |
Cxalanc::XalanDefaultParsedSource | This is designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to reuse a parsed document |
►Cxalanc::XalanDocumentBuilder | This is abstract base class designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to use a document that is build dynamically by a user |
Cxalanc::XalanDefaultDocumentBuilder | This is class is designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to use a document that is build dynamically by a user |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeWrapperParsedSource | This is designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to wrap a parsed Xerces document |
Cxalanc::XercesDOMParsedSource | This is designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to reuse a parsed document |
Cxalanc::XercesDOMWrapperParsedSource | This is designed to allow a XalanTranfomer object to wrap a parsed Xerces document |
►Cxalanc::XalanParsedSourceHelper | |
Cxalanc::XalanDefaultParsedSourceHelper | |
Cxalanc::XercesDOMParsedSourceHelper | |
Cxalanc::XalanParsedURI | URI handling (hopefully) according to RFC2396 |
►Cxalanc::XalanQName | Class to represent a qualified name |
Cxalanc::XalanQNameByReference | |
Cxalanc::XalanQNameByValue | |
Cxalanc::XalanQNameByValueAllocator | |
►Cxalanc::XalanReferenceCountedObject | Class to hold reference count information |
►Cxalanc::XObject | Class to hold XPath return types |
Cxalanc::XBoolean | |
►Cxalanc::XNodeSetBase | Class to hold XPath return types |
Cxalanc::XNodeSet | Class to hold XPath return types |
Cxalanc::XNodeSetNodeProxy | Class to hold XPath return types |
►Cxalanc::XNumberBase | |
Cxalanc::XNumber | |
Cxalanc::XTokenNumberAdapter | |
Cxalanc::XResultTreeFrag | |
►Cxalanc::XStringBase | |
Cxalanc::XString | |
Cxalanc::XStringAdapter | |
Cxalanc::XStringCached | |
Cxalanc::XStringReference | |
Cxalanc::XTokenStringAdapter | |
Cxalanc::XToken | |
Cxalanc::XUnknown | |
Cxalanc::XalanSet< Value > | Xalan set implementation |
Cxalanc::XalanSet< const XPath * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanSet< XalanDOMString > | |
Cxalanc::XalanSet< XalanQNameByReference > | |
Cxalanc::XalanSetIterator< Value, MapIterator > | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeAttributeAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeCommentAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeDocumentAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeDocumentFragmentAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeElementAAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeElementANSAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeElementNAAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeElementNANSAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeHelper | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeInit | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeProcessingInstructionAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeTextAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeTextIWSAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XalanTranscodingServices | |
Cxalanc::XalanTransformer | This is a simple C++ interface for some common usage patterns |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< Type, ConstructionTraits > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< AttributeVectorEntry * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< AttributeVectorEntryExtended * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< BlockType * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< bool > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< BucketType, ConstructionTraits > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< BucketType, ConstructWithMemoryManagerTraits< BucketType > > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< char > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< const ElemTemplate * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< const ElemTemplateElement * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< const ElemVariable * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< const Locator * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< const NodeRefListBase * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< const XalanCompiledStylesheet * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< const XalanDOMString * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< const XalanNode * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< const XalanParsedSource * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< const XalanQName * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< DOM_ElementType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< DOMElementType * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< double > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< ElemDecimalFormat * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< ElemSort * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< ElemTemplateElement * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< ElemVariable * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< FormatterListener * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< FormatterToSourceTree * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< FormatterToTextDOMString * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< int > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< KeyDeclaration > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< MutableNodeRefList * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< Namespace > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< NamespaceExtended > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< NavigatorStackEntryType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< NodeSortKey > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< NodesToTransform > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< NumberType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< ObjectType * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< ParamsVectorType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< PrintWriter * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< QNameSetType, ConstructWithMemoryManagerTraits< QNameSetType > > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< StackEntry > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< Stylesheet * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< StylesheetRoot * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< TraceListener * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< UnitType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< UseAttributeSetIndexes > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< VectorEntry > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< xalanc::XObjectPtr > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMChar > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMCharVectorType > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMString * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XalanDOMString > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XalanHTMLElementsProperties::ElementProperties > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XalanNode * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XalanOutputStream * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XalanSourceTreeElement * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XalanSpaceNodeTester > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XMLCh > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XNodeSet * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XNumber * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XObject * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XObjectPtr > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XString * > | |
Cxalanc::XalanVector< XToken > | |
Cxalanc::XalanXMLChar | |
Cxalanc::XalanXMLFileReporter | |
Cxalanc::XalanXMLSerializerFactory | A factory class for creating XML serializers |
Cxalanc::XercesAttributeBridgeAllocator | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesAttrWrapperAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XercesBridgeHelper | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesBridgeNavigator | This class is deprecated |
►Cxalanc::XercesDOMWalker | |
Cxalanc::XercesDocumentWrapper::BuildWrapperTreeWalker | |
Cxalanc::XercesDOMFormatterWalker | |
Cxalanc::XercesElementBridgeAllocator | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesElementWrapperAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XercesTextBridgeAllocator | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesTextWrapperAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XercesToXalanNodeMap | This class is deprecated |
►Cxalanc::XercesTreeWalker | This class is deprecated |
Cxalanc::XercesDocumentBridge::BuildBridgeTreeWalker | |
Cxalanc::XercesWrapperHelper | |
Cxalanc::XercesWrapperNavigator | |
Cxalanc::XercesWrapperNavigatorAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XercesWrapperToXalanNodeMap | |
►Cxalanc::XMLParserLiaison | |
Cxalanc::XalanSourceTreeParserLiaison | |
Cxalanc::XercesParserLiaison | |
Cxalanc::XMLSupportInit | |
Cxalanc::XNodeSetAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XNodeSetNodeProxyAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XNumberAllocator | |
►Cxalanc::XObjectFactory | This class handles the creation of XObjects and manages their lifetime |
Cxalanc::XObjectFactoryDefault | This class handles the creation of XObjects and manages their lifetime |
Cxalanc::XObjectPtr | Class to hold XObjectPtr return types |
Cxalanc::XObjectTypeCallback | The purpose of this class is to provide a way to get the "preferred" or closest matching type for XObject-derived classes |
Cxalanc::XPath | |
Cxalanc::XPathAllocator | |
Cxalanc::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::XPathCacheReturnFunctor | |
Cxalanc::XPathEvaluator | |
Cxalanc::XPathExpression | |
►Cxalanc::XPathFactory | |
Cxalanc::XPathFactoryBlock | |
Cxalanc::XPathFactoryDefault | |
Cxalanc::XPathFunctionTable | Class defines a table of functions that can be called in XPath expresions |
Cxalanc::XPathGuard | Manages the lifetime of an XPath instance |
Cxalanc::StylesheetExecutionContext::XPathGuard | |
Cxalanc::XPathInit | |
►Cxalanc::XPathProcessor | |
Cxalanc::XPathProcessorImpl | Responsibilities include tokenizing and parsing the XPath expression, and acting as a general interface to XPaths |
Cxalanc::XResultTreeFragAllocator | |
►Cxalanc::XSLException | |
Cxalanc::DOMSupportException | |
Cxalanc::URISupport::InvalidURIException | Normalizes the string passed in, replacing \ with / |
►Cxalanc::XalanOutputStream::XalanOutputStreamException | |
Cxalanc::XalanFileOutputStream::XalanFileOutputStreamOpenException | |
Cxalanc::XalanFileOutputStream::XalanFileOutputStreamWriteException | |
Cxalanc::XalanFStreamOutputStream::XalanFStreamOutputStreamWriteException | |
Cxalanc::XalanOutputStream::TranscoderInternalFailureException | |
Cxalanc::XalanOutputStream::TranscodingException | |
Cxalanc::XalanOutputStream::UnsupportedEncodingException | |
Cxalanc::XalanStdOutputStream::XalanStdOutputStreamWriteException | |
Cxalanc::XalanTranscodingServices::MakeTranscoderException | |
Cxalanc::XalanTranscodingServices::UnrepresentableCharacterException | |
►Cxalanc::XalanXPathException | |
Cxalanc::XalanQName::InvalidQNameException | |
►Cxalanc::XObject::XObjectException | |
Cxalanc::XObject::XObjectInvalidConversionException | |
Cxalanc::XPathExceptionFunctionNotAvailable | Exception class thrown when an unknown function is encountered |
Cxalanc::XPathExceptionFunctionNotSupported | Exception class thrown when an installFunction() is called with a function name that is not supported |
►Cxalanc::XPathExpression::XPathExpressionException | Exception class thrown when an invalid XPath expression is encountered |
Cxalanc::XPathExpression::InvalidArgumentCountException | Exception class thrown when an invalid number of XPath arguments is encountered |
Cxalanc::XPathExpression::InvalidArgumentException | Exception class thrown when an invalid XPath argument is encountered |
Cxalanc::XPathExpression::InvalidOpCodeException | Exception class thrown when an invalid XPath operation code is encountered |
Cxalanc::XPathParserException | Exception class thrown when a problem parsing an XPath is encountered |
Cxalanc::XMLSupportException | |
►Cxalanc::XSLTProcessorException | |
Cxalanc::ElemMessage::ElemMessageTerminateException | |
Cxalanc::VariablesStack::InvalidStackContextException | |
Cxalanc::XSLTInit | |
Cxalanc::XSLTResultTarget | |
Cxalanc::XStringAdapterAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XStringAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XStringCachedAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XStringReferenceAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XTokenNumberAdapterAllocator | |
Cxalanc::XTokenStringAdapterAllocator | |
►CErrorHandler | |
Cxalanc::XercesParserLiaison | |
►CLocator | |
►Cxalanc::XalanLocator | This class defines a base class for Locator derivations in Xalan |
Cxalanc::ElemTemplateElement::LocatorProxy | |
►CMemoryManager | |
►Cxalanc::XalanMemoryManager | |
Cxalanc::XalanDiagnosticMemoryManager | |
Cxalanc::XalanMemoryManagerDefault | |