Spark Session#
The entry point to programming Spark with the Dataset and DataFrame API.
To create a Spark session, you should use SparkSession.builder
See also SparkSession
Returns the active or default |
Sets a name for the application, which will be shown in the Spark web UI. |
Sets a config option. |
Enables Hive support, including connectivity to a persistent Hive metastore, support for Hive SerDes, and Hive user-defined functions. |
Gets an existing |
Sets the Spark master URL to connect to, such as "local" to run locally, "local[4]" to run locally with 4 cores, or "spark://master:7077" to run on a Spark standalone cluster. |
Sets the Spark remote URL to connect to, such as "sc://host:port" to run it via Spark Connect server. |
Add artifact(s) to the client session. |
Add artifact(s) to the client session. |
Add a tag to be assigned to all the operations started by this thread in this session. |
Interface through which the user may create, drop, alter or query underlying databases, tables, functions, etc. |
Clear the current thread's operation tags. |
Runtime configuration interface for Spark. |
Creates a |
Returns a |
Returns the active |
Get the tags that are currently set to be assigned to all the operations started by this thread. |
Interrupt all operations of this session currently running on the connected server. |
Interrupt an operation of this session with the given operationId. |
Interrupt all operations of this session with the given operation tag. |
Returns a new |
Returns a |
Remove a tag previously added to be assigned to all the operations started by this thread in this session. |
Create a |
Returns a |
Returns a |
Returns the underlying |
Returns a |
Stop the underlying |
Returns a |
Returns the specified table as a |
Returns a |
Returns a |
Returns a |
The version of Spark on which this application is running. |
Returns if the current running environment is for Spark Connect. |
Spark Connect Only#
Creates a new SparkSession. |
Clear all registered progress handlers. |
Gives access to the Spark Connect client. |
Copy file from local to cloud storage file system. |
Register a progress handler to be called when a progress update is received from the server. |
Remove a progress handler that was previously registered. |